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Author: Pajeri_Nenas

[Dunia] Panama Papers (lebih besaq dari wikileaks)- tengok siapa yg kena

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Post time 7-4-2016 03:06 PM | Show all posts
dcruins replied at 7-4-2016 02:28 PM
Dah habis hujah nak membalas, konar ke WSJ pulak....

Satu dunia maki tax haven macam negar ...

You are the one who bring in the issue lee dynasty suing dari kecik sampai besor.....then I relate Najib & wsj you kata i konar pulak. topic related ma...sue to prove your innocent.

Tax haven....singapore does not give zero tax . Mungkin our tax are lower than other country. Its our perogatives....we dont have natural resources....we depend on our financial hub...kenape satu dunia maki kita? Kita tak ada musuh.....
Untok berhati2 .... (i ikan bilis aje...housewife. what can i do ) I leave to our govt. I believe they know better.....

30% or 90% against lee not the issue here.


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Post time 7-4-2016 03:16 PM | Show all posts
kak_sue replied at 7-4-2016 03:06 PM
You are the one who bring in the issue lee dynasty suing dari kecik sampai besor.....then I relate ...

Dah memang kena la citer dinasti Lee tu dengan blogger tu yang nak dibankrapkan tu, yang konar ke WSJ tu apa kena mengena dengan blogger yang dah nak bangkrap tu??

Masih tak sedar2 lagi??? Tengok artikel Aussies di page2 sebelah tu, setahun jer ratusan billion dollar mereka bawa lari ke temasek, tu baru Aussies.......

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Post time 7-4-2016 03:24 PM | Show all posts
nour2001 replied at 5-4-2016 12:56 PM
yelah...anak dgn 1st wife dulu...dgn bini baru dia kan cuma dua orang si assman dan najwa kawin dg ...

Bukan anak sulong la ngok!
Main belasah je kau kan?


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Post time 7-4-2016 03:34 PM | Show all posts
Edited by stania83 at 7-4-2016 03:58 PM

bukan accountant yg bijak boleh evade tax dengan cara yg legal ke?
apa yg diorang buat tu legal kan> cuma tak bermoral. sistem kewangan dunia sendiri ada banyak loopholes. in the first place kenapa wujud tax haven countries?

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Post time 7-4-2016 03:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kak_sue replied at 7-4-2016 02:15 PM
Minum air Newater lebih afdal dari minum air Rasuah....
Mereka yg makan rasuah, mereka yg makan ...

Kira halal la kan...terimakasih atas pencerahan mazhab anda.

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Post time 7-4-2016 04:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
stania83 replied at 7-4-2016 03:34 PM
bukan accountant yg bijak boleh evade tax dengan cara yg legal ke?
apa yg diorang buat tu legal kan ...

Tak haven dibuat mmg dlm niat derang nak attract yg tak legal la. Macam buat rumah urut banyak2 yg betul2 clean berapa ja sebab susah nak survive dgn saingan yg ada urut with benefits. Yg legal tu harap dapat tolong maintain inesen facade gitu. So bila org kata tak legal atau haram bolehla meka melenting cakap kami kangkang jer bukan kami yg dot dot dot. Gitula

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Post time 7-4-2016 04:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dcruins replied at 7-4-2016 03:16 PM
Dah memang kena la citer dinasti Lee tu dengan blogger tu yang nak dibankrapkan tu, yang konar ke  ...

You tak tahu ke...temasik syumul.
Kita ni hencap najib openly. Najib tahu pun takda la pulak cari forumer kena tangkap. Cuba buat ni di temasik...haha.
Org temasik mmg sensitif. Mereka ni product brainwash. Datang sini hencap pm kita sesama kita okay. Kita state the obvious kat sana kita la takde akal.
Ppl need to wake up. Tutup tv filter air baru otak tu jalan sikit. We arent against temasik. We are against hypocrisy. Tak kira la kat mana.

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Post time 7-4-2016 04:16 PM | Show all posts
mirzan anak apanama kalo nama org  meninggal mcm j.jarjis tak leh terkeluar dari senarai ye

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Post time 7-4-2016 04:19 PM | Show all posts
lipstickz replied at 7-4-2016 03:24 PM
Bukan anak sulong la ngok!
Main belasah je kau kan?

apsal bantai aku? yg kata anak sulung tu si changa..pi bantai dia sekali.. .aku tak tau sgt berapa anak si najib ni ada..campur dgn anak2 kak mah dgn bekas laki terdahulu...aku iyekan je lah sbb yg aku tau anak bijan dgn laki dia cuma 2 org je..

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Post time 7-4-2016 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dcruins at 7-4-2016 04:53 PM
cherub replied at 7-4-2016 04:01 PM
Tak haven dibuat mmg dlm niat derang nak attract yg tak legal la. Macam buat rumah urut banyak2 yg ...

Benda ni memang legal, sebab di legal kan tu kena tanya mereka & boss besar mereka British yang cipta benda2 ni semua, kebanyakan tax haven yang jenis pulau ni ciptaan British.

Apa guna gomen temasek baru terhegeh-hegeh nak siasat bila benda Panama papers ni dah meletup, tax evaders tu semua dah puluh tahun bersarang Kat sana, ada tak mereka pi check background client offshore mereka sebelum diterima jadi client????ada account yang langsung tak bernama sebab mereka dah wakilkan pada lawyer sejenis macam Fonseca ni & Pak sanggup yang cuma jadi dormant account holder atau dormant company director bla bla bla jerrrr, nama pemilik sebenar tak derrrr....

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Post time 7-4-2016 04:40 PM | Show all posts
nour2001 replied at 7-4-2016 04:19 PM
apsal bantai aku? yg kata anak sulung tu si changa..pi bantai dia sekali.. .aku tak tau ...

Changa tu tanye soalan, kau pun iye kan aje. So bkn slh changa
Meh aku bg tau - anak bijan dgn ex-wife ada 3 org. Anak dia dgn kak mah ada 2 org.

So total anak2 bijan adalah 5 org. Tapi kalau dia ada anak2 yang lain aku tatau la...


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Post time 7-4-2016 05:22 PM | Show all posts
cherub replied at 7-4-2016 03:58 PM
Kira halal la kan...terimakasih atas pencerahan mazhab anda.

you are welcome.....


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Post time 7-4-2016 05:45 PM | Show all posts
Once a pea brain....always a pea brain....

Master of copy liner kpitiam analyst...


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Post time 7-4-2016 05:55 PM | Show all posts
kak_sue replied at 7-4-2016 07:35 AM
info leak tentu  dari orang dalam. Dorang tak ambek duit dari newspaper ....maybe cos some one els ...

yea, the whistleblower and the reason why he/she/they leaked the confidential documents are open to debate. namun hakikatnya sekarang, bukti dah ada menunjukkan golongan kaya raya dan berpengaruh diam2 simpan aset/duit di offshore... rakyat marhaen spt kita haruslah tertanya2 kenapa bagaimana etc, inquiring minds want to know.


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Post time 7-4-2016 06:09 PM | Show all posts
yang gigih mencari dalang yang membocorkan benda ni cuma client2,law firm si fonseca ni jerrrr, biar laaa mereka tuuuu terbakar marah2, law firm yang buat kerja sama macam si fonseca keparat ni pasti terketar-ketar lutut takut2 kalau database mereka pun dalam diam ada dalam simpanan orang2 tertentu ....

netizen seluruh dunia syukur jerrrr ada yang bongkar kan benda2 ni semua, bukan main lagi caci maki mereka semua, paling aku gelak tengok post2 dari india di social media media2 dunia, kesurupan macam cacing kena tuang air panas,ada yang siap backup gilerrr lagi bintang2 pujaan bollywood mereka...

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Post time 7-4-2016 06:11 PM | Show all posts
yg ni panama paper ni bukan messi pon kena jugak ke kan?

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Post time 7-4-2016 06:17 PM | Show all posts
zero tolerance konon nya terhadap tax crime kata negara kecik kaya raya tuuuu, ptuiihhhhhhh......

benda dah jadi lama daaaaahhhh, keluarga raja dadah myanmar pun selamberrr jerrr cuci duit nyerrr dengan business legit kat sana, pura2 tidur jerrrr dinasti tuuuu macam tak kenal.....saperrr tak kenal keluarga raja dadah cocaine king of asia tuuuu, sampai kena blacklist di amerika tak boleh masuk, tapi boleh masuk selamba jerrr kat negara kecik kaya raya tuuuu, cable baik punyerrrr.....

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Post time 7-4-2016 06:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 7-4-2016 06:31 PM


Malawian malnourished children from Chikwakwa, in Malawi, rest in their mothers' arms, October 2005. Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries, with half of its 16 million people living in poverty.GIANLUGI GUERCIA/GETTY

Updated | For as long as companies and individuals hide their wealth in offshore firms, developing countries will continue to lose money that could provide basic public services to help lift people out of poverty, experts say.

On Sunday night, 11.5 million secret documents, alleged to be connected to Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca, were leaked after an anonymous source passed them to the German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, which shared them with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).

The files show the myriad ways that the rich can exploit secretive offshore tax regimes.

A host of celebrities, British politicians and the global rich are implicated in the leak. Some of the most high-profile names include the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko; Ex-prime minister of Iraq, Ayad Allawi; and the former President of Sudan, Ahmad Ali al-Mirghani.

Some newspapers have called Sigmunder Gunlaugsson, the former Prime Minister of Iceland, who resigned today, the “first victim of the Panama papers.”

But experts and charities have warned that the game of tax avoidance and evasion does not only involve the elite. The true, unwitting victims are the people worldwide whose net worth amounts to less than $1 million and are categorised as part of the “Everyone Else” in the Tax Justice Network’s table of global wealth.

“It abuses human rights,” John Christensen, director and co-founder of the U.K.-based Tax Justice Network, tells Newsweek: “The victims are ordinary people, like you and I. It goes back to the simple rule of law—if the rich and powerful pay less tax, then the rest of us end up paying more. And there is evidence of that, look at what has happened in Britain. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, we see an increase in VAT and we lose much needed public services.”

Global efforts to help developing countries, such as Nigeria and Malawi, are also seriously hindered by tax avoidance. This occurs because tax avoiders often route money through countries that they know have unfair tax treaties—which also tend to be the poorest. They are left with little right to tax this money, meaning they have less to spend on education, healthcare and safe roads.

This “hemorrhage” of wealth seriously outweighs what they receive in foreign aid.

In its simplest form, this manipulation involves a corporation working in a developing country setting up a subsidiary to their company in a tax haven. Then, they sell their product at an low price to this subsidiary, which enables them to owe minimal tax to that country. Finally, their subsidiary in the tax haven sells the product at the market price, for comparatively huge profits coupled with a low tax rate—or none at all.

In other words, corporations manipulate prices to avoid paying taxes and the result sees the country with the unfair tax system plunging further into poverty because they are unable to feed their own economies. In the case of Africa, this practice is estimated to account for 60 per cent of the nation’s capital flight. A massive “hemorrhage.”

Last year, Oxfam launched a campaign in which it blasted tax dodging as “a corporate plague” and it has continued to fight the cause.

Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries, with half of its 16 million people living in poverty.

A spokesman tells Newsweek: “Tax revenue that should be helping to fund public services in Malawi and other poor countries is disappearing at an alarming rate.

“As much as 30 per cent of all African financial wealth is estimated to be held offshore in tax havens, costing an estimated $14billion in lost tax revenues every year.

“This is enough money to pay for healthcare for mothers and children that could save four million children's lives a year and employ enough teachers to get every African child into school.”

Raymond Baker, the Director of non-profit organization Global Financial Integrity, based in Washington, has called this exchange of money across borders the “ugliest chapter in global economic affairs since slavery.”

“Nigeria has probably experienced the greatest illegal outflow as a percentage of gross domestic product. Here we have an oil-rich country of 140 million people with 70 percent of its population— that’s 100 million people—living on $1 to $2 a day,” Baker said during a conference in Washington last year.

“Congo has had the longest rip-off of any country, going on for two centuries now. The best available estimate of incremental deaths in Congo, above normal mortality rates, since 2000 is 4.5 million. Illicit money flowing out of poor countries kills people.”

In short, for every major company that is not paying its fair share of tax, there are scores of teachers and nurses that cannot be employed, roads that cannot be repaired, schools that cannot be built, and hospitals without lifesaving equipment. And that is in the already wealthy countries.

The global nature of the tax avoidance game has even bigger consequences in developing nations where the missing tax dollars could be used to improve basic infrastructure needs such as roads, healthcare and education, allowing these countries to one day become self-sufficient and no longer dependent on international aid.

millionaire, billionaire, trillionaire takmo bayar cukai, rakyat marhaen mcm ko dan aku tolong coverkan gituh.
orang kaya makin kaya... org miskin makin miskin.
and yet tax evasion is 'harmless'


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Post time 7-4-2016 06:35 PM | Show all posts
Artikel baik punyerrr...tapi malangnya ada yang masih tak sedar2 lagi tentang kesan buruknya kepada negara2 membangun.....

Corruption era selepas ada tax haven jauh lebih gilerrr dari era sebelum ada benda2 ni semua, kenapa macam tu??? Sebab nya lebih Susah nak detect & banyak halangan2 dari segi undang2 ketat secrecy act tiap2 negara tax haven.

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Post time 9-4-2016 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Edited by dcruins at 9-4-2016 11:29 AM

law society singapore, payung kepada semua lawyer2 di temasek pun nak main sembunyi2 rupa nya, berlindung dan sembunyi bawah SINO TRINITY GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED, baikkkk punyerrr putar alam.....

Portcullis TrustNet Chambers P.O. Box 3444 Road Town, Tortola BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS
                        Offshore service provider                        Portcullis Trustnet
                        Jurisdiction                        British Virgin Islands
                        Company type                        Business Company Limited by Shares
                        Incorporation date                        3 Feb 2009


banyak gak yang main kat british virgin island(BVI) niii,orang kaya tamak malaysia & yindon pun banyak main kat sini,register kat temasek dan duit berakhir kat BVI,semua diuruskan oleh portcullis trustnet di temasek. financial centre laaa katakannn,fonseca versi temasek.....

untuk info semua "portcullis trustnet" satu species serupa laaa macam Fonseca yang heboh tu, cuma base nya bukan kat Panama, tapi Singapore untuk client2 Asia, sebelum panama papers, heboh gak firm dari temasek ni kena leak, yang status kat atas tu dari list  Portcullis Trustnet tahun 2013-2014 yang terbongkar satu ketika dulu....sampai ketika ni, gomen temasek macam pura2 tidur jerrr dengan pendedahan ni,macam tak derr bunyi jerrr siasatan.....

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