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Author: tatod

PU Riz Bangga Neelofa Jadi Pilihan Jenama Antarabangsa Walau Berniqab

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Post time 14-5-2023 12:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
somaki replied at 14-5-2023 12:38 PM
Bodohla sekor porumen duk komen provoke porumer. Skip2 baca pun masih rasa bodoh. Macam mana nak blo ...

Aku pun tgh usaha nk block jgk ni cuols

Semak rasa

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Post time 14-5-2023 12:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Realpeople17 replied at 14-5-2023 12:39 PM
A'ah sabah tu. Adik jah yg ni pun kan brkelubong gak tp last2 melayang niqab dia sbb tgk dia ikut  ...

Asal ikut laki berkempen. Takut laki pasang skndal ke. Yela org politik mmg takleh caya

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Post time 14-5-2023 12:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bangganya iKon Islam tersohor mewakili brand ni yer, penempatan Haram yahudi yg dirampas di palestin pun jadi part of their product. Eh bukan pak cetat ada post pasal syubhah kan?

December 10, 2020

As Airbnb prepares to go public in a multi-billion-dollar Initial Public Offering (IPO) it must withdraw listings of rental properties built illegally on the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), Amnesty International said on 10 December 2020.

The San Francisco-based online accommodation company has around 200 properties for rent in the illegal Israeli settlements that are at the heart of systematic human rights violations faced by Palestinians.

These settlements are a war crime under international law. Airbnb needs to do right by future investors and stop benefiting from illegal settlements built on stolen Palestinian land in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Saleh Higazi

Two years ago, Airbnb said it would remove accommodation in the settlements from its listings, before reversing its decision.

Responding to reports that Airbnb is set to become a publicly-listed company after filing IPO documents in the US, Saleh Higazi, Deputy Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa, said:

“These settlements are a war crime under international law. Airbnb needs to do right by future investors and stop benefiting from illegal settlements built on stolen Palestinian land in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.  

Shamefully, Airbnb has been promoting and benefiting from a situation that is a root cause of the systematic human rights violations faced by millions of Palestinians on a daily basis.”

Lack of transparency in IPO documents

Earlier this year, Airbnb was one of more than 100 companies around the world listed in a UN database of firms whose business operations linked them to Israeli settlements in the OPT. These settlements are illegal under international law.

However, Airbnb’s Registration Statement with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ahead of the IPO makes no mention of business operations in the Israeli settlements or the fact that the company appears on the UN database. This information is missing from the “Risk Factor” section of the documents, which informs shareholders of a company’s legal, reputational and other risks.

Airbnb stock is expected to be purchased by investment and pension funds across the world, which could mean that a large number of people will indirectly hold investments in Airbnb without understanding the full ramifications.

Shamefully, Airbnb has been promoting and benefiting from a situation that is a root cause of the systematic human rights violations faced by millions of Palestinians on a daily basis.

Saleh Higazi

The major global banks that are underwriting Airbnb’s IPO, including Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley, also have a responsibility to ensure that material disclosure to shareholders is accurate.

Airbnb’s shameful change of heart

Though Airbnb claims to donate the profit it generates through these listings, allowing them to remain in place means that a wider tourist industry is being supported and allowed to flourish at the expense of Palestinian rights and livelihoods.

In January 2019, Amnesty published a major report called “Destination Occupation” showing how Airbnb, TripAdvisor, Expedia and were fuelling systematic human rights violations against Palestinians by listing hundreds of rooms and activities in Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land, including East Jerusalem.

The previous year, Airbnb had announced it would remove listings for 200 rental properties in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem, “at the core of the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians”. The company said one of the principles it applied when making the decision had been to “evaluate whether the existence of listings is contributing to existing human suffering”.

However, in April 2019, Airbnb shamefully reversed this decision following a number of lawsuits and said the company would allow the listings to remain but would “take no profits from this activity in this region”.

Settlement expansions feared

There is now concern that Israeli settlements on Palestinian land are expanding, with thousands of new housing units announced in 2020. The surge in settlement-building is widely believed to reflect the broad political support the Israeli authorities have received under the US presidency of Donald Trump.

In November, Mike Pompeo visited a winery in the Israeli settlement of Psagot, the first time a serving US Secretary of State has ever visited an Israeli settlement. This follows his announcement in November 2019 that the US no longer considers Israeli settlements to be illegal under international law.

No company should be party to human rights abuse and until Airbnb ends its business relationship with the Israeli settlements it will be deeply compromised.

Saleh Higazi
The expansion proposals come after more than a half century of Israeli military occupation in the OPT, during which more than 50,000 Palestinian homes and structures have been demolished. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been forcibly removed.

In their place, more than 600,000 Israelis have been allowed to move into around 250 mostly purpose-built settlements, many serviced by settler-only roads and guarded by military checkpoints.

Approximately 1,000 square kilometres of Palestinian land has been expropriated by Israeli settlers in the past 50 years.

This has had a devastating impact on Palestinians’ rights to an adequate standard of living, to work, to housing, to health, and to education and has progressively crippled the Palestinian economy.

“No company should be party to human rights abuse and until Airbnb ends its business relationship with the Israeli settlements it will be deeply compromised,” said Saleh Higazi.


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Post time 14-5-2023 12:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by stingergrumpy at 14-5-2023 12:46 PM
Diamondmoney replied at 14-5-2023 12:41 PM
Aku pun tgh usaha nk block jgk ni cuols

Semak rasa

Ko masih belum nak beritahu apa yg dihina oleh nick tunan terhadap kematian anak ko kheunz? Ataunmemang teda ada yg dihinanyer kecuali ko meng ada adakheyn cerita yg tidak ada...

Ko memang dasar se kimarkk kimarrkkk manusia.....

Ingat setiap kali ko mengutukz menseyallkheun diri ko pada org lain...begituler jua ko harus terima hakikat ketidakmustahilan zuriat ko diambil dari ko atas kifarah ko selama ini.... yg seolah teda menunjukkheun keinsafan utk ko berlaku dan bersangka baik pada org lain....


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Post time 14-5-2023 12:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Note: Thread has been banned by manager

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Post time 14-5-2023 12:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Diamondmoney replied at 14-5-2023 12:38 PM
Kan. Over sgt maki hamun org yg takde kena mgena dgn dia. Demi jah sanggup buat dosa hamun fazura

And relation ko to seteru?

Skg ko tahu kenapa anak ko mati kheunz?

Tak mustahil sebab kifarah mulut chee bye bye ko?


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Post time 14-5-2023 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Diamondmoney replied at 14-5-2023 12:41 PM
Asal ikut laki berkempen. Takut laki pasang skndal ke. Yela org politik mmg takleh caya

Entah le. Kalo aku semaknya bini pun menyebok. yg nk brtanding laki tp bini pun sebok juai muka brkempen.

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Post time 14-5-2023 12:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MatDeghem replied at 14-5-2023 11:34 AM
Macam ini eh bhai ?

Stinger bingai ke ni

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Post time 14-5-2023 12:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
matjerk replied at 14-5-2023 03:35 AM
Bukan takat kata nak laki yg lebih tua..
Siap menyindir erin.. yg pada ketika itu ex bf erin kapel ...

Sebenarnya idolat benak tu memang suka mengata diri sendiri kan?
Jalauborgvlain buat dia sakit hati...kalaubdia buat takpe pulak...byak makan semut hahahaha

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Pak.dolla at 14-5-2023 05:05 AM
matjerk replied at 14-5-2023 03:39 AM
Mcm mana lah kan.. terseksanya lopak utk pura2 gembira dan terhibur dgn lawak childish laki dia ni ...

Idilat tak terseksa dan idolat sangat bangga berlakikan puberd tu...bole tgk dari mata idolat dan bahasa badan idolat...

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Realpeople17 replied at 14-5-2023 12:37 PM
Bukan kata dia bwk lari duit kutu kwn2 dia. Sbb tu kwn2 seangkatan pun da buang dia. Tu yg dia smp ...

May you rot in hell je laa boleh diucapkan sbb jahat lain machiammm..

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Diamondmoney replied at 14-5-2023 11:07 AM
Dia takde life ke bang mat. Sibuk dgn cite kematian ank aku yg belas2 thn dulu.  Berbelas thn dah. ...

X payah layan dia tu. Itu la tujuan dia. Supaya semua org pay attention kat komen dia. Dulu buat lawak x menjadi "anak jiran aku umur 3 thn" dia dok ulang2. Kalau semua org x layan nanti tenggelam la dia

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ini sume DUNYAaaaaaa

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sr10 replied at 14-5-2023 04:42 AM
Bangganya iKon Islam tersohor mewakili brand ni yer, penempatan Haram yahudi yg dirampas di palestin ...

berdoa la siapa yg bersekongkol dgn yahud ni mendapat pembalasan dari Allah s.w.t..

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Masukkeluar replied at 13-5-2023 10:37 PM
mcm ni ke sorg suami niqabis yg dlu di puja puja level internasional?

Seriousssss??? Ustazzzz??? adehhh...

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
katak hijau replied at 14-5-2023 01:07 PM
X payah layan dia tu. Itu la tujuan dia. Supaya semua org pay attention kat komen dia. Dulu buat l ...

Aku skip je komen dia lepas ni. Tq

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Realpeople17 replied at 14-5-2023 12:30 PM
Lemak mmg mnumpang sungguh. Mne mak dia pi mmg heret dia skali. Tula untunga kn. Tak yah keje pena ...

Rasanye lemak dah pergi dulu Dubai...Paris....nanti dia patah balik ke Dubai jumpa mak dia kut. Ada nampak dia komen tadi.
Mamatut kerap betul pi jalan2 tanpa atok rebonding skrg kan...tak rasa atok rebonding jenis suami yg akan  letgo wife pergi camtu. Jenis yg wife kena ada makan sekali. Dulu2 kan mamatut citer bfast keluar sama2 ...lunch pun sama2....dinner pun... anak2 semua impress sbb diaorang mcm seolah2 masa muda bercinta. Skrg hmmmm....lantak ko lah kata masing2....

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:38 PM | Show all posts
Masukkeluar replied at 14-5-2023 01:24 AM
kalau compare suami niqabis ni dgn suami artis lain/seteru..mmg jauh betul level suami niqabis.
cth  ...

Jahkepam nak up toklaki dengan imej agama tapi malangnya tak sampai ya imej agama tu walau hari-hari nunggang agama.

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:41 PM | Show all posts
emera replied at 14-5-2023 01:04 PM
May you rot in hell je laa boleh diucapkan sbb jahat lain machiammm..

Malang sungguh laki dia ada bini jahat camni. Dan brjuta kali malang ank dia ada mak mulut puaka satu malaysia tau. Rupanya serba serbi jahat. Penyamun dan penyangak.

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Post time 14-5-2023 01:45 PM | Show all posts
Rogue98 replied at 14-5-2023 01:32 PM
Rasanye lemak dah pergi dulu Dubai...Paris....nanti dia patah balik ke Dubai jumpa mak dia kut. Ad ...

Tula kn umur2 camtu kn biasanya mmg nk melekat laki bini. Umur pencen org panggil. Nk mengeteh brdua je ngan bini. Ikutkn tok rebond tu bleh je ikut skali sbb byk duit, bukan keje msuk office hari2. Maleh kot. Lg senang dok umah relax2 je tak penat bdn. Ke jenis laki set2 bangsa ni mmg tak suka brjalan. Mcm piyu la. Tp tringat gosip porumer kata mamazat ada bau2 nk dpt adik bru. Dibawa angin lalu je

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