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Post time 14-8-2009 08:03 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 5-10-2009 11:11

Post Last Edit by kirawang at 5-10-2009 11:10

part 6...

Bersambung disini....yang dulu..dah sampai melebihi seratus page....


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 Author| Post time 14-8-2009 08:16 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 14-8-2009 08:22

Berita motivasi untuk panduan kita semua...
Nak success dalam bidang apa jua pon,,,either education or business, perlu pengorbanan yang tinggi....

Rahsia kejayaan graduan buta

Ahmad Arif Kamarruddin, dicium oleh ibunya, Norhalina Abdul dan bapanya Kamarruddin Asri, pada satu Majlis Konvokesyen UM 2009 di Dewan Tunku Canselor UM, semalam.


KUALA LUMPUR 13 Ogos - Penat lelah terpaksa berusaha 10 kali ganda berbanding pelajar lain membolehkan graduan cacat penglihatan, Ahmad Arif Kamarruddin, 23, menggenggam segulung ijazah pada Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya (UM) di Dewan Tunku Canselor di sini hari ini.

Ahmad Arif yang terpaksa dibantu oleh sukarelawan ketika menerima ijazah daripada Pro-Canselor UM, Toh Puan Dr. Aishah Ong turut mendapat tepukan daripada graduan lain yang berada di dalam dewan itu.

Beliau yang merupakan graduan sarjana muda dalam jurusan Ekonomi dan Pentadbiran kini sedang melanjutkan pelajaran peringkat ijazah sarjana bagi jurusan sama berkata, usaha yang dilakukannya ialah membuat rakaman kuliah, meminta sukarelawan membacakan nota dan maklumat tambahan sebelum mengingati semula segala yang didengari.

"Bagi melakukan urusan berkenaan, saya terpaksa mengorbankan masa tidur dan masa rehat yang ada," katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Sesi Keenam dan Ketujuh konvokesyen hari ini menyaksikan seramai 959 graduan dari Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pentadbiran serta Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial menerima ijazah masing-masing.

Ahmad Arif menjelaskan, kekurangan itu juga menjadi kekuatan baginya untuk sentiasa berusaha sambil menerima bantuan daripada pensyarah, rakan-rakan serta sukarelawan.

"Saya sentiasa yakinkan diri dan sering menggandakan usaha sehingga 10 kali ganda berbanding pelajar lain walaupun kadang-kadang terasa letih.

"Yang penting saya tidak pernah berputus asa dan tabah dengan kekurangan ini (cacat penglihatan) kerana sokongan ibu bapa sentiasa mengiringi usaha saya," ujarnya.

Dalam pada itu, ibu graduan istimewa terbabit, Norhalina Abdul, 53, memberitahu, beliau dan suaminya, Kamarruddin Asri, 53, terharu dengan pencapaian anaknya.

Jelasnya, sikap berdikari yang diasuh kepada anaknya sejak kecil antara pendorong kejayaan Ahmad Arif hari ini.

"Kami sentiasa mengikuti perkembangannya, namun pada masa yang sama, kami membiarkan Ahmad Arif berdikari kerana tidak mahu dia bergantung kepada orang lain terutama selepas kami tiada," tambahnya.

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2009 09:36 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 5-10-2009 11:15


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 Author| Post time 17-8-2009 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Harga saham diramal meningkat
KUALA LUMPUR 16 Ogos - Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia dijangka meningkat pada minggu hadapan berikutan peningkatan penyertaan pelabur asing dan tempatan yang semakin merasa positif mengenai pemulihan ekonomi global, kata para peniaga.

Mereka berkata, bursa tempatan akan terus mencatatkan aliran peningkatan sejajar dengan pasaran lain di seluruh rantau ini kerana sentimen sangat kukuh selepas Rizab Persekutuan AS berkata kemelesetan sedang distabilkan.

Mesyuarat dasar monetari Jawatankuasa Pasaran Terbuka Persekutuan AS selama dua hari yang sangat ditunggu itu berakhir Khamis lepas dan membuat rumusan bahawa kemelesetan sedang berakhir serta berikrar untuk memastikan kadar faedah rendah.

Lajakan Indeks Komposit FBM Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) masih kukuh dan dapat meneruskan aliran menaik yang bermula sejak Mac tahun ini, demikian menurut Penganalisis Teknikal MIMB Investment Bank, Mohd. Nazri Khan.

"Kami sangat mempercayai bahawa aliran menaik mempunyai keupayaan untuk meningkatkan indeks kepada 1,200 mata tetapi memerlukan sedikit ketenangan," katanya.

Mohd. Nazri berkata, para pelabur perlu berhati-hati mengenai potensi berlaku pembetulan terhadap keadaan terlebih jualan jangka pendek di dalam indeks utama.

"Sebarang pembetulan akan menyebabkan indeks turun semula kepada paras antara 1,100 dan 1,160," katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Penyelidikan Runcit Maybank Investment Bank Bhd., Lee Cheng Hooi menjangka paras sokongan akan bertahan kepada antara 1,700 dan 1,185 manakala rintangan antara 1,195 dan 1,185.

Katanya, pasaran sedang bergerak kepada 1,200 dan hala tuju akan datang dari pergerakan di Wall Street pada minggu depan.

Bagi minggu yang baru berakhir, pasaran menyaksikan sedikit aktiviti pengambilan untung, terutama sekali pada Khamis dan Jumaat tetapi dijangka tersekat berikutan lajakan pembelian pada saham berwajaran tinggi terpilih, saham bermodal sederhana dan saham murah.

Pasaran bergerak pada jajaran 1,182.45 dan 1,196.46 sepanjang minggu ini, di mana KNM menjadi kaunter paling aktif.

FBM KLCI menokok 3.69 mata untuk ditutup pada minggu ini pada paras 1,188.57 walaupun pasaran mengalami pengambilan untung.

Indeks Kewangan turun 38.84 kepada untuk ditutup minggu ini kepada 9,650.19, Indeks Perladangan meningkat 315.48 mata kepada 6,066.96 dan Indeks Perusahaan turun 1.8 mata kepada 2,609.05.

Indeks FBM Emas menokok 40.27 mata kepada 8,061.26, Indeks FBM Top 100 meningkat 22.79 mata kepada 7,812.54 dan Indeks FBM ACE yang baru diperkenalkan ditutup minggu ini kepada 4,306.47, meningkat 61.96 mata. Perolehan keseluruhan bagi minggu ini melonjak kepada 5.311 bilion saham bernilai RM7.903 bilion daripada 4.801 bilion saham bernilai RM7.702 bilion pada minggu sebelum itu.

Jumlah dagangan di Papan Utama meningkat kepada 4.818 bilion unit bernilai RM7.801 bilion daripada 4.197 bilion unit bernilai RM7.572 bilion.

Jumlah dagangan Pasaran ACE turun kepada 256.909 juta bernilai RM41.045 juta daripada 410.409 juta unit bernilai RM75.145 juta pada minggu lepas.

Jumlah dagangan waran panggilan meningkat kepada 238.831 juta unit bernilai RM48.925 juta daripada 167.581 juta unit bernilai RM42.159 juta pada minggu sebelum itu. - Bernama

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 Author| Post time 17-8-2009 09:22 AM | Show all posts
Is it a V, U or W? No, it's a recovery
Published: 2009/08/15
The real danger is that Malaysia becomes complacent about what it wants to do when the economy finally turns around  

THE world got a pleasant surprise a few days ago when Germany and France managed to grow their economies in the April to June quarter.

Around the same time, the Federal Reserve Board said the US economy is "levelling out", an indication that the recession is close to its end.

Sometimes, what is important is to look for what's not said and the Reuters newswire spotted this.

"It is the first time since August 2008 that the committee's statement has not characterised the economy as contracting, weakening, or slowing."

These are yet more evidence that the global recession, sparked by the collapse of the US property market in 2007, has reached its bottom. It's unlikely that economists will change their forecasts for the global economy this year. The International Monetary Fund thinks the world economy will shrink 1.4 per cent in 2009.

But it does lend credence to the expectation that the world will recover in 2010.

Some may argue that it's not growth that's important but sustainable growth. I agree but some growth is better than no growth at all.

More importantly, good news will have an effect on consumer confidence. When people are more confident of the economy, they tend to loosen their purse strings because they're not worried about losing their jobs.

I also think that because of technology like the Internet and mobile phones, consumers are better and, this is crucial, faster informed. This means that the world will probably get out of its funk much quicker.

If there is one thing that history has taught us, it is that recessions never last. Economists are now talking about recovery and much of that talk has turned alphabetical. Is the economic recovery shaped like a V, a U or a W?

A steep drop followed by an equally steep climb is a V-shaped recovery. U implies a quick fall to the bottom, followed by a slow and gradual rise. The worst of the lot is probably the W where the economy takes a roller-coaster ride to recovery.

Those vocal about the V, like Capital Dynamic's Tan Teng Boo, a fund manager, thinks China and India can hoist the world out of recession. He also thinks that stock markets are ready to run.

A rising stock market normally makes the investing public feel wealthier and this in turn boosts their confidence.

At the other end, those who warn us about the W, like Nobel laureate Paul Krugman, say recovery will be temporary because it will be driven by government spending. As governments cannot continue to spend more than what it earns, economies could slip back into recession.

I think the real danger is that we become complacent about what we want to do when the economy finally turns around.

Remember that much abused line, the crisis is also an opportunity? Remaking the economy will take time but Malaysia must stay the course.

We must encourage competition, improve the education system and cultivate and support creativity. We may have missed the boat as most of our manufacturers still cannot boast innovative products of their own but we probably have the edge in Islamic finance as the world leader.

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 Author| Post time 17-8-2009 09:24 AM | Show all posts
FBM KLCI ripe for correction
Published: 2009/08/17
Lower liner steel and construction-related stocks Sino Huaan, Kinsteel, Perwaja, MRCB, Ranhill and UEM Land remain top technical picks to out-perform the broader market.  

RESURGENT rotational buying of lower liners and better-than-expected economic data from US, Europe and Asia managed to lift the local stock market and the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI) for a fifth straight week of gains to track a 13-month high.

Plantation stocks led the way as investors increased their bet that commodities will see a revival in demand with the eurozone registering better-than-expected gross domestic product growth in the second quarter and China's resilient retail sales expansion of 15.2 per cent in July.

For the week, the FBM KLCI rose 3.69 points, or 0.3 per cent, to end at 1,188.57. Gains in IOI Corp (+3.42 points for the FBM KLCI), Sime Darby (+2.39), and KLK (+2.38) were offset by losses in Maybank (-4.23) and Genting Bhd (-1.47). Average daily traded volume and value recovered to 1.07 billion shares worth RM1.58 billion respectively, compared with 961.3 million shares and RM1.54 billion in the previous week.

Global market trends played a crucial role again in the FBM KLCI's movement last week. After reacting positively to the US market's performance on Monday, the FBM KLCI went into a sharper correction on Wednesday when worries about earnings surfaced after China warned about a slow recovery in its exports. Although the 23 per cent contraction in China's exports for July met consensus expectation, it was higher than June's contraction of 21.4 per cent,thus the worry that domestic expansion may not rise fast enough to absorb the impact of slower recovery in exports.

News of better-than-expected economic growth in Germany and France helped to breathe fresh life into the markets on Thursday that helped US equities to recoup early losses as an unexpected dip in the advance retail sales figure rekindled worries about the US economy. The Malaysian market reacted in tandem and rose close to the expected 1,200 resistance on Friday but closed lower ahead of the weekend.

From a fundamental viewpoint, trading at 16.4x CY10 PER, the FBM KLCI is more expensive than the benchmark indices of Singapore (14.8x), Indonesia (13x), Thailand (10.5x), South Korea (10.5x) and Hong Kong (15.1x), which explains in part the less vibrant foreign activities and more dominant participation of locals. Thus, the fact that the FBM KLCI has outperformed only the Nikkei and has underperformed the rest of the region in terms of year-to-date gain should not necessarily translate into an attraction unless earnings improve.

Until then, we should see more visible signs of a two-tier market where other big- and medium-cap plays playing catch-up with stocks listed in the benchmark index. While a minor setback in the benchmark index is expected this week, there are still buying opportunities.

It is heartening to see that big-cap plays like Commerce, AMMB and Air Asia reported better-than-expected earnings in the ongoing second-quarter 2009 results season. While Commerce is a "sell" as the share price has already fully factored in the earnings surprise, AMMB (Buy, Target Price: RM5.00) and Air Asia (Buy, RM2.20) are undervalued and worth buying.

AMMB not only has registered healthy loan growth and gained market share in deposits, it also has shown a steady improvement in containing costs after its solid partnership with ANZ Bank.

Despite a gloomy outlook for the airline industry caused by the spread of the influenza A H1N1virus, Air Asia has shown a strong load factor of 72 per cent as it steals customers from full-service airlines with its attractive promotions. Valuation wise, it is trading at a single digit FY10 PER of 4.6x only and appears attractive compared to rivals like Virgin Blue, Ryan Air and EasyJet.

Talking about A H1N1, expect this to be the single largest risk factor in the immediate term. The disruptions it causes to business will be great as the number multiplies and the private sector seems oblivious to the fact. Traders and pharmacies are seizing the opportunity to rake huge profits as face masks are in short supply. Some are even selling a piece for RM7 in Klang Valley claiming it to be of superior quality. The government has to ensure adequate supply of such items and take stern action against suppliers who hoard them. Corporations can view it as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility to supply free face masks to their employees.

Technical outlook

Shares on Bursa Malaysia managed to extend mild gains on Monday, helped by the less severe US jobless rate and a surge in Hong Kong stocks to an 11-month high. On the next day, as blue chips extended their profit-taking consolidation, cheap lower liners staged a strong comeback on resurgent rotational buying interest, highlighted by sharp rallies in lower liner rubber glove makers given the deteriorating health situation due to the H1N1 virus.

On Wednesday, stocks suffered a profit-taking correction triggered by sharp falls in the region led by Hong Kong and Shanghai after the mainland's ministry of commerce said efforts to boost domestic demand could not offset a huge export slump. The FBM KLCI subsequently fell to intra-week low of 1,178.51

However, stocks rebounded the next day in line with regional equities after the US central bank kept interest rates at record lows and said the recession is easing. The profit-taking consolidation extended ahead of the weekend, but the KLCI managed to rise to a 13-month high of 1,196.46 before settling last Friday at 1,188.57.

The daily slow stochastics indicator for the KLCI has dipped to the neutral region following last week's sell signal at the overbought region (Chart 1), but the weekly indicator continued to claw higher into the overbought zone. The 14-day and 14-week Relative Strength Index (RSI) momentum indicators remained in overbought territory with a reading of 74.58 and 76.63 respectively.

Meantime, the daily Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) trend indicator is in bearish mode following last Monday's sell signal, but the weekly MACD indicator continued its upward expansion. The 14-day Directional Movement Index (DMI) trend indicator is still in bullish trending mode, with a higher reading on the ADX line of 56.54 as of last Friday.


The lower-than-expected US consumer confidence data and sharp fall in commodity prices last Friday due to concern the steep five-month recovery since March has lifted share prices to become overpriced should spark profit-taking correction in the region early this week. Nonetheless, expect the profit-taking correction to be shallow given that most investors would have sold on rally the previous few weeks, and are looking to buy back upon a more significant correction. Core blue chips are expected to consolidate while buying interest shifts towards lower liners on active rotational plays.

On blue chips, investors should buy on dip defensive gaming stocks Genting Bhd and Genting Malaysia given that the H1N1 virus scare has pressured share prices down to more bargain levels. Lower liner steel and construction-related stocks Sino Huaan, Kinsteel, Perwaja, MRCB, Ranhill and UEM Land remain top technical picks to out-perform the broader market. Also buy on dip Kencana and Wah Seong, while buy DNP, Hovid, Leader and RCE Capital on any profit-taking dips.

As for the KLCI, immediate support upon correction is set at 1,180, with 1,171, then 1,164 and 1,156 acting as stronger support platforms. On the upside, the significant upside hurdle will be at the 1,200 psychological level, which requires a bullish breakout to aid further upside towards 1,220, and then 1,248, which represents the 61.8 per cent FR of the fall from 1,525 all-time high to 801 pivot low, acting as a major resistance.

The subject expressed above is based purely on technical analysis and opinions of the writer. It is not a solicitation to buy or sell.

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Post time 17-8-2009 02:38 PM | Show all posts
kelas malam esok ada makan2 ye...sila2 hadirkan diri hehe

cadangan: wat bacaan doa sikit before maghrib and makan2 afterward...setat kul 7 gituk

ok ke tak?

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 Author| Post time 18-8-2009 08:31 AM | Show all posts
kelas malam esok ada makan2 ye...sila2 hadirkan diri hehe

cadangan: wat bacaan doa sikit before maghrib and makan2 afterward...setat kul 7 gituk

ok ke tak?
Jelita Post at 17-8-2009 14:38

ok lah jel...

cadangan untuk pembaca doa ...

1. tauke..
2. Tam..

so, kita buat undian....

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 Author| Post time 18-8-2009 08:32 AM | Show all posts
correction time...

Wall Street dives amid recovery worries
Published: 2009/08/18

US stocks dived Monday on investor concerns that the market had climbed too rapidly ahead of the economy, handing the key US share indices their worst single-session percentage loss in six weeks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 186.06 points (2.00 percent) to end at 9,135.34, its worst single-day loss since July 2 and extending losses from Friday.

The Nasdaq composite sank 54.68 points (2.75 percent) to 1,930.84 while the broad-market Standard & Poor’s 500 index dropped 24.36 points (2.43 percent) to 979.73, below the psychologically critical 1,000 level.

Stocks came under heavy pressure right from the opening bell following a sell-off in Asia and weakness in Europe amid uncertainty over the sustainability of recent economic improvements, analysts said.

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Post time 18-8-2009 09:18 AM | Show all posts
perghh... mlm ni ada makan ke jel? menu apa? slurrrppppsss

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 Author| Post time 18-8-2009 11:05 AM | Show all posts
perghh... mlm ni ada makan ke jel? menu apa? slurrrppppsss
whomyd Post at 18-8-2009 09:18

kalau kau lambat...
menu yang best best mesti habis ...

siapa yang akan bakal habiskan...?

jel dan tauke....
saya pon...

alasan je....lapar...

alasan tauke...sedap lah bila makan ramai ramai ramai..
padahal dia bab makang sedap sokmo..

jel..jangan lupa menu yang kurang lemak, calesterol..untuk sahabat baik mu, tam...

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 18-8-2009 11:09 AM | Show all posts
semalam kena pukul habis ..dengan correction..

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Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 18-8-2009 11:21 AM | Show all posts
ermm...adakah online service PM tidak mendapat sambutan..?

may be yes kot...


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Post time 19-8-2009 03:48 PM | Show all posts
sorry tak bukak forum dah berapa hari sebab tak sihat.. tak perasan lak thread ni dah ada yang baru.. elle dah stick kan k...

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2009 05:55 PM | Show all posts
sorry tak bukak forum dah berapa hari sebab tak sihat.. tak perasan lak thread ni dah ada yang baru.. elle dah stick kan k...
elle_gogo Post at 19-8-2009 15:48

Tq elle..selamat menyambut Ramadan...

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2009 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Jel..kanapa saya makanan nasi kuning malam tadi,,malam tadi rasa luga teramaat sangat dan sakit perut..?

saya sorang je kena..?

hari ni sampai demam demam.....

Use magic Report


 Author| Post time 19-8-2009 05:57 PM | Show all posts
Untuk whowyd...tahniah...


RM 700, 000

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 19-8-2009 05:59 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 19-8-2009 18:00

correction lagi.....

Use magic Report

Post time 19-8-2009 10:18 PM | Show all posts
Untuk whowyd...tahniah...


RM 700, 000 cash,,,,,,,,
kirawang Post at 19-8-2009 17:57

thanks bos... rezeki nak kawin...

Use magic Report

Post time 19-8-2009 11:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pojikun85 at 19-8-2009 23:40

tahniah bro womyd....
cmne ye nak dpt cash smpi 700k...???.........

alhamdulillah dpt 20k cash ptg tdi..rezeki.....pelan2 kayuh..........

p/s: kerdil lak rasenya 20 cash dgn 700 000 cash...

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