Iza dapat email nie pagi tadi... nak share dgn kengkawan kat sini.. kalau dah ada MOD buatlah apa-apa yang patut.. This journal is for me to write whatever I feel, which is necessary to be published here. The theme is very simple. You can call this 'light and easy' while I called it 'leisure'. So, take your time. If you feel like reading it, just enjoy yourself and make yourself comfortable with it. I will update my journal from time to time as where my digital camera accompanies me. Have fun! About Me Monday, August 20, 2007Kalimah 'Allah' In The Sky of Putrajaya [3 Photos] Assalamualaikum..
Hari tu, malam 18hb Ogos 2007, sempena Pertandingan Bunga Api Antarabangsa Putrajaya, aku ada shoots dalam 26 frame gambar.
Masa shoots yang ke 13, aku perasan akan pembentukan awan2 kumulus nipis sedang berarak di langit.. kemungkinan dihembus oleh angin sepoi2 bahasa di atas langit tu. Tapi, bila aku perhatikan betul2 ke dalam skrin LCD digital kamera aku, aku terperasan bahawa, awan2 yang berarak tersebut seolah-olah sedang membentuk satu corak yang sangat 'familiar'.. bila aku amat-amati, aku suspek.. awan2 tersebut sedang membentuk sebuah kalimah..
Tanpa berlengah, aku terus membetulkan keadaan kamera dan tripod aku. Seterusnya, aku ambik satu lagi shoot (frame ke 14). Kemudian setelah aku check balik gambar tu, aku decide utk ambik satu lagi shoot iaitu shoot yang ketiga (frame ke 15).. dan kali ni, bila aku tengok ke skrin LCD digital kamera aku.. gambar tu memang yang terbaik dari segi komposisinya... sequal bagi ketiga2 frame tersebut ialah selang seminit, maksudnya gambar2 di ambil pada pukul 8.57 pm, 8.58 pm dan 8.59 pm...
Aku dah cuba utk share perkara ni dengan Utusan dan Berita Harian, masa on the way ke lecture aku semalam.. tapi hari nie (20hb August 2007) nampaknya tak keluar pun.. tak kisahlah tu.. cuma aku rasa elok juga kalau aku boleh share gambar2 ni dengan korang... kerana pada pendapat aku, awan yang berarak itu telah membentuk kalimah 'Allah' dalam tulisan Arab..
Sesuai dgn pertunjukan bunga api tersebut, mungkin Allah hendakkan kita semua bersyukur ke atas nikmat-nikmat-Nya..
Kepada sesiapa yang tak nampak tu, anggaplah perkara ni sebagai satu kebetulan sahaja..
Perhatikanlah gambar2 yang aku attachkan ni.. " ) 13th-[url=http://bp2.blogger.com/_oACmVm2ksTM/RsuYj6AmmAI/AAAAAAAAAIY/5eSpZyVWxyU/s1600-h/P8180077-e.jpg]
Frame. 8.57 pm. I noticed a familiar shape of an Arabic wording, the word 'Allah' came across my mind. I was already prepared for the fireworks show. My compact digital camera was attached to a tripod and the camera mode was set into 'fireworks' mode. So, it was not difficult to instantly shoot this extraordinary clouds form. After looking into the photo result, I was dissatisfied with the composition. I thought it could be better if I adjust a bit of my camera position. As you could see above, the composition still need minor adjustment. So again, I made another minor move to get the 'very' best of composition result. 15th-Frame. 8.59pm.
Here it goes. This was the best composition that I had captured. The forming of this Kalimah happened within less than five minutes. It was then dissappeared as the clouds had freely, slowly move on and shifted by the blowing winds in the sky.