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Post time 30-7-2005 02:29 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
aper uth yek...aku slalu dgr ler org dok sebot...dier nih psiko...dier nih psiko...sbenarnyer psiko tuh aper....ia merangkumi aper....aper cabang cabang nyer....aku tak tau ler??????

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Mr.Forensics This user has been deleted
Post time 30-7-2005 09:48 PM | Show all posts
org sebut aku psiko gakkk.....sedey aku

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Post time 30-7-2005 10:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Mr.Forensics at 30-7-2005 09:48 PM:
org sebut aku psiko gakkk.....sedey aku


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Post time 30-7-2005 10:03 PM | Show all posts
saiko--org pelik kot?:stp:

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Mr.Forensics This user has been deleted
Post time 30-7-2005 10:09 PM | Show all posts
hanya kerana aku jalan dengan penuh angkuh dan tak tengok org...dan kalau aku bercakap ngan orang aku tapernah tengok muka orang tu...dan kalau aku cakap ngan orang tu dier raser tension sbb mcm bercakap ngan tunggul...erm satu lagik sebab aku tetiba jurrr ketawa sesorang.......psiko kah aku?

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Post time 30-7-2005 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Bolehlah tu porensik....:kant:

cuba tengok sat...ada tak sapa-sapa dok sengsorang depan komp pastu gelak terbahak-bahak atau sengih sengsorang.....ramai kan?

ramailah dah kena saiko atau jadik saiko....hahahaha

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Wilma This user has been deleted
Post time 30-7-2005 11:31 PM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum MOONkerBulan, Mr.Forensics dan Akak_Siti.

Mereka yg selalu menyakiti insan lain dan binatang, merekalah yg berpenyakit begini, dan terbaik untuk mereka menjalani rawatan. Saya paste artikel dibawah ini ciri2 psycho.  


"Are You Involved With A Psychopath?"

Stop The Madness

For most of us the idea of a psychopath conjures up images from movies like "Silence of The Lambs" and characters with names like "Hannibal Lector." Fortunately characters like Hannibal don抰 really exist. Serial killers and people involved in ritual torture are rare, but psychopathic behavior is more common than you might think.

I have known several psychopaths in my life. The clearest case involved an older teen who had no sense of guilt. He could learn the rules, but he had no sense of conscience. The only thing that saved him was a mother who loved him, took him to counseling for years and spent a great deal of time patiently teaching him right from wrong. I remember a conversation where he told me, "People know when something is wrong because it feels wrong. I have to remember or be reminded that stealing from someone is wrong. I don抰 feel bad if I take something."

Meeting this young boy changed my opinion of a psychopathic personality. Why? Because children with this condition are "emotionally blind." And while I do not excuse cruelty or criminal behavior, I have sympathy and appreciate how hard it is for some people to learn how to act responsibly. Without help, potentially psychopathic children will become adults who never remain attached to anyone or anything for long. They may end up living a "predatory" lifestyle, feeling little or no regret, and having little or no remorse - except when they are caught or about to be locked up. A psychopath is not necessarily a bad person. But they are prone to have problems with society, rules, expectations and relationships.

A psychopath will use people for excitement, entertainment, to build their self-esteem and they invariably value people in terms of their material value (e.g. money, property, comfort, etc..). They can involve and get other people into trouble quickly and they seem to have no regret for their actions. To date there is no checklist of behavior and symptoms that will tell you with certainty whether or not a person is a psychopath. But there are warning signs. The following warning signs are based on my experience but primarily research conducted by Robert Hare, Ph.D - the leading expert on the Psychopathic Personality.

Characteristics of a Psychopath

superficial charm

self-centered & self-important

need for stimulation & prone to boredom

deceptive behavior & lying

conning & manipulative

little remorse or guilt

shallow emotional response

callous with a lack of empathy

living off others or predatory attitude

poor self-control

promiscuous sexual behavior

early behavioral problems

lack of realistic long term goals

impulsive lifestyle

irresponsible behavior

blaming others for their actions

short term relationships

juvenile delinquency

breaking parole or probation

varied criminal activity

The idea that psychopaths eat people is a myth. In reality, a person with a psychopathic personality can lead what appears to be an ordinary life. They can have jobs, get married and they can break the law like anyone else. But their jobs and marriages usually don抰 last and their life is usually on the verge of personal chaos. They are almost always in some kind of trouble or they are not far from it.

A psychopath is usually a subtle manipulator. They do this by playing to the emotions of others. They typically have high verbal intelligence, but they lack what is commonly referred to as "emotional intelligence". There is always a shallow quality to the emotional aspect of their stories. In particular they have difficulty describing how they felt, why they felt that way, or how others may feel and why. In many cases you almost have to explain it to them. Close friends and parents will often end up explaining to the psychopath how they feel and how others feel who have been hurt by him or her. They can do this over and over with no significant change in the person's choices and behavior. They don't understand or appreciate the impact that their behavior has on others. They do appreciate what it means when they are caught breaking rules or the law even though they seem to end up in trouble again. They desperately avoid incarceration and loss of freedom but continue to act as if they can get away with breaking the rules. They don't learn from these consequences. They seem to react with feelings and regret when they are caught. But their regret is not so much for other people as it is for the consequences that their behavior has had on them, their freedom, their resources and their so called "friends."  They can be very sad for their self. A psychopath is always in it for their self even when it seems like they are caring for and helping others. The definition of their "friends" are people who support the psychopath and protect them from the consequence of their own antisocial behavior. Shallow friendships, low emotional intelligence, using people, antisocial attitudes and  failure to learn from the repeated consequences of their choices and actions help identify the psychopath.

Psychopaths with low intelligence or a poor education seem to end up in jail more than ones with a higher education. The lack of emotional insight is the first good sign you may be involved with a psychopath. The second best sign is a history of criminal behavior in which a person does not seem to learn from their experience, but merely thinks about ways to not get caught.

So what happens to these poor kids if they don抰 learn right from wrong? Parents with a child like this usually end up angry and frustrated. They will often shield their child from the consequences of their decisions and take the role of continuously trying to educate their child as to right and wrong. The child is always in trouble and doesn抰 seem to learn. Their parents may begin to excuse their child's behavior believing their child will eventually "get it." When they don't, many parents resort to punishment. But what these children need is intensive guidance, instruction, training, choices, consequences and supervision. Severe and repeated punishment alone is the worst thing you can do. Letting a child like this run around unsupervised with violent and antisocial children is almost as bad. And child abuse is a sure way to create a social misfit or a monster.

There is a growing discussion among researchers to suggest there may be a genetic influence that creates a psychopathic personality. The psychopath may lack the ability to physically feel what others identify as the physical sensation of guilt. They can feel fear, anger, sadness in the moment but not guilt for what they did or what they are about to do. Some sociologists believe that a sexually promiscuous psychopath who can live off others is a survivor and may represent one of many genes for survival in the human species. Even more surprising has been the observation that many adult psychopaths do not seem to benefit from support, counseling or therapy and may in fact commit crimes again and sooner because of it. Research using brain scanning technology has revealed that the brain of a psychopath functions and processes information differently. One famous brain imaging study showed that psychopaths can remain calm looking photos of dead bodies in automobile accidents where as other people were clearly upset. They don't use their brain they way others do. This suggests that they may be physically different from normal people.

Are you involved with a psychopath? You may not know because they can be very charming and friendly until you get close and disappoint them. Don抰 assume anyone is a psychopath based on their behavior alone. It is the pattern of their life and many other factors. Please don抰 go around assuming or calling someone a psychopath just because they may have some of the warning signs. Get a professional opinion from a qualified mental health professional if you think you are involved with a psychopath.



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Mr.Forensics This user has been deleted
Post time 31-7-2005 02:46 AM | Show all posts
now i do think that i am a psychoooooo....:sad:

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Post time 31-7-2005 02:49 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2005 08:05 AM | Show all posts
mcm maner plak ngan psikologi.....aper tuh????

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Post time 31-7-2005 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Selalunya mrk yg mengalami pengalaman pahit dlm hidup, dlm rumahtangga, kerjaya dsbnya, adakalanya mrk terbawa2 dlm kehidupan seharian termasuk bila berkumpul dgn kawan2 & sanak-saudara, dgn rakan2 sekerja. Kadang2 mrk blurting, cakap meleret2 & bila kita yg waras dengar pun rasa pelik & hairan. Bercakap mcm org kena rasuk, mcm org tak siuman. Maybe tanda2 stress or sedang menuju tahap psycho. Eloklah belajar mengawal diri, tegas dgn diri sendiri, respect diri sendiri & refrain ourselves from blurting so that people will have more respect. Kalau suka blurting, babbling, mumbling - org tengok pun pelik, mcm tak siuman. Hidup ni kena relax, doesn't mean when we take things lightly, we're taking it for granted.



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Post time 1-8-2005 08:14 AM | Show all posts
psychology tu ialah subject untuk 'memahami pemikiran, perasaan dan berbuatan/tingkahlaku' (understanding pf human mind, thought and behavior)- tak semestinya manusia saja, binatang pun dipelajari juga.

kalau kat mesia ni, di lihat sebagai subjek 'sastera' tapi kalau kat ovc byk universiti dan lihat psychology ni sebagai subjek sains. sbb mereka xplain bagaimana badan fizikal ni mempengaruhi emosi (contohnya) dan emosi mempengaruhi fizikal.

so, kalau orang kata dia belajar psikologi, bukan laa maksud dia 'boleh baca orang' ke apa... tapi dia belajar ttg bagaimana proses manusia/binatang berfikir, melahirkan emosi dan perbuatan. ni tiga perkara yg tidak boleh dipisahkan ...

kalau org kata kita 'psiko' pulak tu sbb mental setting kita selalu kaitkan psycho ni dgn orang giler.. walhal tak laaa seteruk cam tuh pun....

its just a study about human mind though dan behavior.

yang giler tu psycho-path ada perkataan 'path/disorder/problem/ilness' etc yg negatif.. kalau setakat psycho / psikologi tu tak de apa apa nyer pun...

well, over all, kalau kat negara kita nih, masih byk lagi nak di educate kan ttg maksud sebenar aspek dan subjek psikologi nih.. so tak ler kalau anak anak kita yg nak amik psikologi kita kata masa depan dia hanya di hospital tanjung rambutan je.... byk bende dia leh buat... bukan keje kat situ je..



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Post time 7-8-2005 07:13 PM | Show all posts
makna sebenar psycho ialah mind ,bukanlah merujuk kepada orang yang masalah mental spt psychosis...

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Post time 12-8-2005 08:31 PM | Show all posts
Do we still use the term psychopath?
I tot the correct term is Antisocial Personality Disorder



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Post time 5-10-2005 06:05 AM | Show all posts
psiko tu mentalll tak pon blur...depress

psikologi tu ade link ngan sosiologi and antopologi

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Post time 10-10-2005 07:51 AM | Show all posts
eheheh memacam definition ada

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Post time 23-11-2005 12:57 AM | Show all posts



Psycho (psyche: Greek tua) = jiwa / roh
Logy = kajian sesuatu perkara

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Post time 27-1-2006 09:44 AM | Show all posts
psycho ni ada unsur-unsur kecelaruan dan ketakstabilan fikiran dan jiwa rasanya..... kalau tak silap, berbanding dengan penyakit mental psycho ni jarang nampak secara fizikal...

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Post time 29-1-2006 12:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 puterikhaleeda's post

yup..agree...dualism - the notion that our mind and body are two different entities and independent off each other...

this was way before psychology and sociology are applied to, they agree that dualism is wrong, and we've to use psychology to improve our physiological health...



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Post time 30-1-2006 05:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Mr.Forensics at 30-7-2005 10:09 PM
hanya kerana aku jalan dengan penuh angkuh dan tak tengok org...dan kalau aku bercakap ngan orang aku tapernah tengok muka orang tu...dan kalau aku cakap ngan orang tu dier raser tension sbb mcm be ...

Aku ada terbaca satu artikel, ada sikit-sikit macam kes kau lah forensic,

By Rebecca Marina

Hi Gary,

Here is a great use of EFT to help a teen who had a fear of showing his face.

My daughter Alyssa had some friends over one day and there was one particular young man who stuck out in my mind. He had an unconscious habit of covering his face with his hair anytime anyone even glanced his way. He visited on several occasions and every time he displayed this same odd behavior. He literally grabbed his hair and pulled it over his face when he thought someone might be looking at him.

Finally, one day he was visiting and we were both in the kitchen at the same time. I put my hand lightly on his shoulder and said gently, "You know dear, you have such a handsome face, why do you hide it?"

Poor fellow, I could feel his thin shoulder trembling beneath my hand and when he did look at me, there was sheer panic in his eyes. I could tell it was all he could do not to bolt out the door.

"I don't know, he replied, I don't like the way I look and I cannot stand for anyone to look at my face, I have been like this a long time and I just can't help it".

"Well, dear," I asked him," Would you like to get rid of this feeling that no one can look at your face?"

He was eager to hear that there was something that could be done. I briefly explained about EFT and asked if he was ready to begin. I made sure he understood I was not a therapist but simply working with the body's natural energy.

I asked him to give me an intensity rating on "I can't stand for people to look at my face" and he said it was only about a 5. I then asked how high the intensity was of panic when someone looked at his face and he said it was an 8.

So we began.

Even though I don't like the way I look, and I panic when people look at me, I deeply love and accept myself.

A round of this brought him down to a 5 on the panic. I could sense there were much deeper issue here. So I asked, 揥hat is the worst thing that could happen to you if people look at your face.



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