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9 Things You Should Never Say When Asking for a Raise (Salary Increament)
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Edited by samperit at 30-8-2015 11:49 PM
Every boss, worker, and company is different. But when it comes to asking for a raise, there are some universal "no-nos" you have to avoid at all costs. Here are the nine most common.
1. "If I don't get a raise I'm outta here..."
Do you like getting ultimatums? Didn't think so.
Look, we know this tactic works sometimes and different experts might advocate for a bold approach. But we believe the other, better methods listed in this article are much more preferable and effective than going in guns blazing and laying down the gauntlet. If you do choose this route, all we can advise is don't bluff. If you threaten to walk out the door if you don't get a raise, be prepared to follow through on that threat. Otherwise your boss will know you're a liar, and any future negotiating leverage is all but lost.
2. "I just found Sally makes more than I do..."
Never, ever, ever compare yourself to another co-worker.
It can't be stressed enough how horrible an idea this is. First of all, it makes you look like a busybody and gossip hound for finding out a co-worker's salary. Second, it makes you look petty and whiny, especially because it's possible Sally has more education than you, was a better negotiator during the interview process, or has proven herself more than you have. But lastly, this is YOUR raise request and performance review, so it should focus on you and not anyone else. Instead of complaining about someone else, focus on your strengths and the value you bring to the company.
3. "I want 100 BILLION dollars..."
Don't ask for a ridiculous amount of money.
The first thing you should do is use salary review to look up your job title, plug in your location and see what your job is worth. Depending on where you fall in the bell curve, you'll want to tailor your raise request accordingly. So if you're already well paid and you ask for a 30% increase, be prepared for some puzzling looks and the possibility of being laughed out of the room.
In short, do your research and then exercise common sense and good judgment.
4. "I need a raise because I'm having personal problems..."
Having a baby? Taking care of a sick relative? Just bought a house and need to make the mortgage payment? These things are a huge deal and they're justifiably at the forefront of your mind, but they don't factor into whether or not you deserve a bump in pay.
Again, when trying to convince your boss to invest more money in you, you need solid reasons. Bosses can be sympathetic and I'm sure many of them are aware of your troubles and feel for you, especially if you have a good enough relationship that you've discussed what's happening in the past. But that sympathy does not -- and should not -- translate into a higher salary.
5. "I've done everything I was supposed to do..."
Keep in mind you're asking your employer to break from the negotiated agreement in order to give you something more. Undoubtedly when you ask for more money, your boss will ask you why you think you deserve it. If you have no better explanation to offer than "Well, I do what I'm supposed to," then you're in huge trouble.
Raises are about what you've done, but they have more to do with what you'll do in the future. So if you've only proven to be a mediocre asset to the company, your boss will be hard pressed to give you anything other than what you've earned.
6. "I've been here for a year now..."
Chances are your boss has a calendar. If not on the desk or wall, surely it's in a cell phone, tablet, or laptop. So why are you bringing up arbitrary dates that really mean nothing in the end?
Unless you negotiated a performance review or raise after a certain amount of time, being in your position one year or two years means nothing. Zip. Nada. Just because you've managed to occupy the same space for a certain amount of time doesn't mean you deserve a raise, and it has no bearing on your performance.
Prove yourself, not how long you've been there.
7. "I'm doing the work of three people..."
Again, you're not telling your employer anything he/she doesn't already know.
It's not that what you're saying is necessarily wrong. There's a very good possibility you are doing the work of multiple people, seeing that layoffs were rampant when the economy tanked and hiring has only recently picked back up again. But what you're forgetting is you aren't the only one who has been impacted, as your co-workers are likely in the same boat -- both the overburdened ones still at the company and the ones who lost their jobs.
Highlighting your accomplishments and hard work without coming across as whiny means you'll have a much better chance of a few extra bucks in your paycheck.
8. "I haven't had a raise since..."
When you're trying to convince someone to invest you, it's best to avoid complaining right off the bat.
Look, we get it. You haven't had a raise in three years despite being an above average employee, and you're ticked off. It's understandable. But you have to understand that unless you were working at a recession-proof company, times were tough all around. If you're going to focus on yourself, make it about your strengths and what makes you valuable as an employee.
9. "I know the timing isn't great but..."
If your company is enjoying fat profit margins, record-breaking sales numbers, and unprecedented expansion then by all means -- walk in there and ask for a raise. Things are obviously coming up roses and you need to strike while the iron is hot.
But, on the other hand, if the people on each side of your cubicle have been let go in the last few months and employees are getting e-mails on a daily basis asking if anyone has ideas on how to cut costs, that's usually a red flag. Especially considering the down economy as of late, it's important to know where your company stands financially before you ask for a raise.
Full article --->
P/S: Mod kalau I salah Bod, silalah pindahkan tred ni Bod yg sepatutnya ye..
kalau semua pun tak boleh dah tu nak cakap apa?
tak membantu langsung. |
baca slow2 lah kasik paham |
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