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The Science Of The Vagina: Why Females Don't Get "Looser" After Sex

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Post time 21-3-2015 11:14 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
                                                The Science Of The Vagina: Why Females Don't Get "Looser" After Sex               

                                        eve.dugal for Did you know?            

                                 There are a lot of myths out there surrounding female and male bodies.Perhaps the largest myth of its kind that continues to circulate is:Vaginas start off really tight and then become "looser," which males notice during heterosexual sex and don't care for. This "looseness" is stereo-typically associated with having sex, having multiple partners, giving birth and even pleasuring one's self. The "loose" myth reinforces the anxiety-producing idea that the vagina is something that needs to be controlled and"rejuvenated" in order to be desired. If you have zero idea what I'm talking about, remember that this myth goes beyond simply suggesting vaginas can get loose; it suggests males are only interested in those females who have somehow managed to keep theirs tight--presumably by staying a virgin.

This "looseness" myth has troubled young girls and women for too long; I'm here to share the facts and put this to rest once and for all.

via She Knows

Here are the major myths about vaginas becoming "loose":1. A virgin's vagina is very tight.

2. If you lose your virginity, you lose your vagina's tightness, too. Your partner(s) will notice.

3. Having a lot of sex, or sex with multiple partners, will really "stretch out" your vagina. Your partner(s) will notice.

4. Giving birth destroys your vagina, making having heterosexual sex thereafter feel, for the male, like "throwing a hot dog down a hallway." Your partner(s) will notice.

Before delving directly into why the above myths are incorrect, it's important to understand how the vagina works to begin with. This will make it much easier to understand the truth later.

via menstruation

Dr. Castleman gets us started by helping us to visualize the vagina in its entirety:

"Imagine a hand towel stuffed inside a thick sock squeezed by two hands. The sock is the vagina. The towel is folded muscle tissue of the vaginal wall. And the hands are the pelvic floor muscles that surround the vagina."  

The folded tissue of the vaginal wall is extremely elastic.
Dr. Castleman goes on to share an exercise that helps squash the "looseness" myth: "Pull the corners of your mouth out toward your ears and then let go. What happens? The mouth immediately snaps back to its pre-stretched state because the tissue is elastic."

He encourages readers to consider repeating the exercise 100 times over. You don't need to do this though; I can tell you in confidence that there would be no permanent stretching.

Are you starting to see the fallacy behind the "looseness" myth yet? Well then, let's go a little deeper, shall we?

On the next pages, I'll breakdown each myth.

1. Vagina "Looseness" Myth: A virgin's vagina is very tight.
via Goddess Gazette
Truth: Virginity plays zero role in a vagina's structure.Remember: vaginas are made from muscles that contract and relax and bounce back. While it's dead wrong that a virgin's vagina will inherently feel tighter than a non-virgin's, there is something to be said about a vagina's ability to relax just before sex. That is, vaginas relax--not "loosen"--when they are readying for pleasure. This relaxation is so penetration can occur easily. Afterwards, the vagina contracts again. There is no permanent change. I repeat: there is no permanent change.

2. Vagina "Looseness" Myth: If you lose your virginity, you lose your vagina's tightness, too. Your partner(s) will notice.
via Good Housekeeping | Getty / Angela Watt
Truth: not even your Gyno can tell. The reality of the situation is still that the vagina definitely "expands during sexual activity and excitement, but returns to normal tone afterwards," says Dr. Brightman.Why does it expand during sex? It's a biological responseto help facilitate reproduction.

3. Vagina "Looseness" Myth: Having a lot of sex, or sex with multiple partners, really "stretches out" your vagina. Your partner(s) will notice.
Truth: this myth is a scare tactic to curb promiscuity. Again, it's high-time we all gave our vaginas a little credit. They are capable of amazing things--even keeping their structure after lots and lots of sex with lots and lots of partners. For further reassurance, here is whatDr. Castlemansays: "Intercourse does NOT permanently stretch the vagina. The process, loosing during arousal and tightening afterward, happens no matter how often the woman has sex."

4. Vaginal "Looseness" Myth: Giving birth destroys your vagina, making having heterosexual sex thereafter feel, for the male, like "throwing a hot dog down a hallway."
via the bump

Truth: The vagina does stretch considerably during childbirth, but within six months, it typically returns to the structure it was before. There are a few exceptions, but again, none of them lead to the "hot dog down a hallway" feeling women tend to worry about after giving birth. The exceptions come with age.Dr. Castleman explains:

"Today, many women delay childbearing until after 30, and some have children after 40. Combine the rigors of childbearing with the effects of aging on the vaginal muscles, and many women complain of looseness."

Scientifically speaking, muscles do lose elasticity over time and the vagina is no exception. However, all the talk about "looseness," is just that--talk. Even with the exceptions, "many partners won't be able to notice."

Nonetheless, if you find yourself in the category of exceptions, you can do kegels. They will not tighten your vagina's muscles, but will strengthen your pelvic floor muscles that surround the vagina (the hands that hold the stuffed sock from the opening example).

So that's it: the truth about your vagina revealed. Rest assured "looseness" is a major myth.
Main/Collage Image Source:She Knows   



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Post time 22-3-2015 04:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Senam selalu la xde longgar nnt..hihi

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Post time 22-3-2015 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Omputih punya ayat panjang sgt.. "throwing a hot dog down a hallway"

Kalau kita punya ayat "lobos" atau "lohong". Ringkas dan padat...

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Post time 22-3-2015 11:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Amalkan memakan jamu jamu,
Petua petua tradisi nenek moyang kite,
Jaga pemakanan, Jaga kebersihan die,
Cermati die, Sbb dia aset kite yg tidak ternilai kn.

Ok lhh.. Xde lh masaalah lobos & bolos.

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Post time 22-3-2015 11:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Amalkan memakan jamu jamu,
Petua petua tradisi nenek moyang kite,
Jaga pemakanan, Jaga kebersihan die,
Cermati die, Sbb dia aset kite yg tidak ternilai kn.

Ok lhh.. Xde lh masaalah lobos & bolos.

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Post time 22-3-2015 03:34 PM | Show all posts
Felycya replied at 22-3-2015 11:07 AM
Amalkan memakan jamu jamu,
Petua petua tradisi nenek moyang kite,
Jaga pemakanan, Jaga kebersihan  ...

share la petua2 nok

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Post time 22-3-2015 06:17 PM | Show all posts
selalu la senaman kegel..
laki n pompuan bole buat..

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Post time 22-3-2015 07:47 PM | Show all posts
tungkai replied at 22-3-2015 10:36 AM
Omputih punya ayat panjang sgt.. "throwing a hot dog down a hallway"

Kalau kita punya ayat "lobos ...

Rabak, lunyai, barai

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Post time 22-3-2015 11:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Adakah sekadar alasan ntuk mnggalakkan penerobosan scara haram?spaya xdtg rasa risau atau takut dikalangan gadis?

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Post time 24-3-2015 06:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kita bolos sajaaaa dinding ituuuuu!!!!!

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Post time 25-3-2015 01:08 PM | Show all posts
miabebe replied at 22-3-2015 04:20 AM
Senam selalu la xde longgar nnt..hihi

senaman berupa kemut..amat bagus untuk mengetatkan faraj.Kemutan otot ni senang jer kan miabebe..?bila2 pun leh buat...kan..kan..

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Post time 25-3-2015 01:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Crystal_Apple replied at 25-3-2015 01:08 PM
senaman berupa kemut..amat bagus untuk mengetatkan faraj.Kemutan otot ni senang jer kan miabebe..? ...

Nk2 bila nk tahan tekencing maka terkemot lah dia...hihihi

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Post time 25-3-2015 01:11 PM | Show all posts
Ini dia sharing2 tuk korang...copy paste for uoalls!

Amal Senaman Kegel (Senaman Kemutan)
Senaman adalah untuk kecergasan tubuh badan, baik lelaki mahu pun perempuan. Apabila kita melakukan senaman, otot kita bergerak cergas dan membina protin dalam otot berkenaan.Gerakkan otot melancarkan darah dan meningkatkan degupan jantung serta pernafasan selain membebaskan kimia seperti beta endorfin untuk memberi kesegaran.

Senaman juga dapat membantu memantapkan otot yang menjadi benteng anggota sulit lelaki dan perempuan seperti senaman Kegel atau senaman kemutan.Senaman kemutan membabitkan gerakan mencengkam otot pembukaan lubang najis dan lubang kencing atau mencengkam otot lantai pelvis, seolah-olah mahu menahan kencing atau tahan membuang air besar dan ia dilakukan secara serentak.

Senaman ini jarang dilakukan secara sengaja dan jika dilakukan, biasanya dalam keadaan tertentu seperti menahan kencing apabila tandas penuh.Jadi jika senaman kemutan ini dilakukan oleh mana-mana individu, baik lelaki atau perempuan, perasaan kurang selesa akan berlaku.Lelaki akan terasa lubang najis tersempal dan jika buang air besar rasa sembelit. Jika ada buasir, akan jadi ketara dan menyakitkan!

Untuk wanita pula jika senaman kemutan itu dilakukan, dia akan rasa terangsang, lebih lagi jika kedua-dua paha itu dirapatkan. Jika paha direnggangkan sedikit mungkin perasaan terangsang itu kurang.

Cara melakukan senaman kemut ini untuk lelaki ialah seperti berikut, rapatkan kedua-dua paha dan mencengkam lubang najis dan lubang kencing sekali gus dengan padat dan tahan nafas seketika antara tiga hingga lima saat, legakan kemutan dan ulangi sehingga 10 kali.Lakukannya lima kali sehari dan setiap kali cengkam 10 kali. Ketika melakukan senaman kemut, lelaki itu perlu dalam keadaan selesa iaitu sudah buang air besar dan kecil, baru lakukannya.Amalan mengemut ini mempunyai khasiatnya tersendiri.

Bagi lelaki, kemutan dapat membina otot benteng pangkal zakar yang mana jika zakar erek, mengemut dapat memadatkan pangkal zakar dan menolak serta memerah darah hala ke depan dan menjadikan penghujung zakar lebih padat dan kembang, seolah-olah zakar kelihatan besar bahagian depan!Untuk wanita, amalan kemutan dapat melangsingkan corong faraj yang lega dan menyempitkan pembukaan faraj yang renggang itu.

Dengan corong faraj yang sempit dan kemas, angin tidak mudah masuk ketika wanita bergerak dan hubungan kelamin tidak akan berbunyi seperti angin keluar-masuk!Amalan mengemut dapat membantu melangsingkan otot kemutan dan membantu mengintimkan hubungan silaturrahim dengan pasangan. Hubungan seksual menjadi lebih seronok dan lebih memberangsangkan.

Senaman kemutan tidak akan dapat membina zakar menjadi panjang atau besar seperti mana yang dipaparkan oleh maklumat dalam internet yang menjual kaedah membesarkan zakar dengan cara senaman kemutan yang kononnya amalan orang Arab.Bagaimanapun, senaman kemut dapat memberi tenaga dan kekuatan kepada ereksi dan ketika zakar yang erek itu dikemutkan ketika melakukan penetrasi faraj, maka mudah untuk menyalurkan ereksi dalam faraj dan mudah untuk bergerak lancar jika gerakkan zakar dilakukan dalam keadaan kemut.

Malahan mengemut ketika erek dapat mengekalkan ereksi dan dapat bergerak dan mengubah posisi dan merendahkan kemungkinan darah tercicir keluar daripada otot zakar.Jika gerakkan zakar dilakukan dalam faraj dengan lelaki itu mengemut, pasangan akan dapat rasa nikmat yang lebih dan mudah mencapai klimaks.

Gerakkan zakar dapat dikawal apabila gerakkan zakar dilakukan dalam keadaan berkemut. Jadi amalan kemut dan melakukan senaman kemut dapat menjaga kekuatan ereksi.

Dr Ismail Tambi
Pakar Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Seksual
Pakar Sakit Tuan


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Post time 10-9-2015 04:03 PM | Show all posts
ice98 replied at 24-3-2015 06:34 PM
Kita bolos sajaaaa dinding ituuuuu!!!!!


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