ade sesape kat sini leh tlg pm kan contoh resume terkini??
PrincesCity Post at 9-5-2012 10:01 AM ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
kalo ada tlg pm saya gaks...saya pun nak...tq...![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
dexa posted on 29-5-2007 07:04 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
strike can try cari kat resume link -
contoh resume --
and try find out that specific job --
dexa...u pny tips kat cni sgt2 bergune kat saye..
saya fresh grad n de problem ngan english - boleh x tolong review my cover letter n resume and alter mane2 yang tak ok..sebab saya dah bnyak hantar resume..tap jarang2 sgt panggil interview..x tau lg nak mintk tolong sape..thanks..
intan20an posted on 26-2-2013 06:11 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
dexa...u pny tips kat cni sgt2 bergune kat saye..
saya fresh grad n de problem ngan english - bol ...
salam intan
maaf baru aje buka forum ni dan nampak reply -
saya boleh tolong tengokkan resume intan -
nanti pm saya -- saya bagi email addy -
regarding - jarang panggil interview lepas hantar resume ada few reasons:
1 - tak suitable dengan qualification
2 - resume tidak thorough
3 - cover letter tak ada - and even if there's a cover letter
probably tidak convincing
4 - terlalu ramai applicant - so they didnt read yours
etc.. etc..
now, how to mend those?
first thing - mesti dengan resume yang bagus - because it replaces us -
- cover letter yang padat and to the point -- tak bercelaru
- dan paling bagus - jika tempat itu kita boleh walk in --
kita HAND IN --- jangan post --
regarding english --
practice --- practice --- practice
speak the language; read english articles or books -- my suggestion - reader's digest for starters
converse in english with your friends, siblings or public -- whenever you can -
all the best, intan -
Last edited by dexa on 27-3-2013 02:15 PM
minah_ronggeng posted on 29-9-2010 02:32 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Question : selalunye resume brape page?..
My lecturer keep saying to do it in one page only. period ...
hi minah
actually kalau fresh grad - the best will be 2 pages
first page letak pic - juga personal particular
second page - educational background
(tak perlu tulis dapat berapa upsr pmr or subject ambil dalam upsr pmr spm semua tu -) -
kalau baru pernah kerja satu atau dua jobs
still 2 pages would be necessary -
actually if can fit in ONE PAGE - that would be excellent
tapi - kadang-kadang nampak too messy or too tight bila one page -
just a thought --
thanks -
yummy_yum posted on 25-9-2010 10:46 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
perlu ke binding resume? bayangkan kalau semua yang antar staple jerr...macamana panel tu nampak res ...
hi yummy
tak perlu bind resume tu
paper clip aje pun okay
masuk dalam sampul A4
the best is -- hand in resume personally kalau tempat tu
boleh pergi sendiri -
kalau post - chances company baca is very slim
unless the job is scarce -
just my thought
dexa posted on 27-3-2013 02:14 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
salam intan
maaf baru aje buka forum ni dan nampak reply -
salam, dexa
u boleh tolong cek cover letter n resume i? i xpernah dpt any feedback after submit both of that....hopefuly u leh tolong i...
thanks a lot...
dexa posted on 27-3-2013 02:28 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hi yummy
tak perlu bind resume tu
paper clip aje pun okay
HI Dexa,
Pista pun nak minta Dexa tlg gak nih.. tgk2 kan resume pista ni..
Pista dah Pm dexa bg email address.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif)
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