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Author: akula203

Wanita dan Membebel....:)

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Post time 12-2-2012 09:51 PM | Show all posts
Reply 42# cmf_king_kong

haha....lebih kurang sama cam ku kalu kena bebel ngan mak dulu2.....slalu jawab...ok...ok....ok....pastu try to buka citer lain kasi dia lupa hal yg dia bebelkan tu....haha....

Ku plak....tak suka nak bebel2 nie....ku ckp sekali, dua jer.....lepas tu ku diam jer....lantaklah...dah besar...bole fikir kalu lepas tu hal tu menyusahkanku....confirm ku hempuk jer...takde citer byk....

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Post time 12-2-2012 09:55 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_blingblings at 12-2-2012 21:58
As salam semua....err..mungkin topik nie tak ramai nak reply...tetapi sesapa yg reply tuh....terima  ...
akula203 Post at 19-1-2011 07:26
sejak aku kecil aku yg selalu kena bebel, mak bebel, kakak bebel, kakak ipar bebel...yg tak bebel abang, adik lelaki dan ayah
masa berboyfriend .....aku tak tahu bebel, tapi jejanz2 itulah yg kerap bebel, benda kecikpun nak bebel...pernah bf aku bebel sebab dia dgr aku bersembang dengan kawan pompuan, "Best gila!" ayat tu dia pantang sgt tambahan pula dr GF sendiri. Tensionlah....

Sebelum kahwin dgn En Somi, aku dah tahu dia kaki bebel dan cerewet, aku ni kampung mari, selekeh habih..Dia upper class gitu, tp aku buat dek jah, mcm2 dia bebel, kaki banyak bulu, gigi buruk, spek hodoh.......tapi ko nak nikah jugekkk..!!

Lepas kahwin aku masih kurang bebel, aku malas nak bebel...sbb tak dak benda nak di bebel.

AKU CUMA BEBEL pot pet pot pet, kat anak aku....sbb kalau aku tak bebel kat dia aku nak bebel kat siapa lagi....kucin semua buat dek jah dengan haku

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Post time 12-2-2012 10:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply 42# cmf_king_kong

Yg tak nak tulah selalunya yg kita dpt.... Hahaha So KK better berlatih awal2....

Bila gf membebel, maknanya dia sayang kat KK ler... Sbb dia cuma nak yg terbaik utk KK... Kalau tak, dia bagi 3 alphabets jer - GTH jer!

It's not nagging, it's a sign to show that she is concerned about your wellbeing... And also another way of expressing her love and affection. Apa yg auntie merapu ni? {:4_502:}

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Post time 12-2-2012 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply 43# midori888

Midori, u + KK ni mmg satu species....

Kalau dua2 tak membebel, siapa yg akan membebel nanti? Senyap sunyi ler rumah...

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Post time 12-2-2012 11:08 PM | Show all posts
... sbb kalau aku tak bebel kat dia aku nak bebel kat siapa lagi...  kucin semua buat dek jah dengan haku
cmf_blingblings Post at 12-2-2012 21:55


Auntie am not kidding if I tell you that my Kak Long talks/nags her cats mcm kucing2 tu manusia....  Cara dia treat kucing2 tu dan translate kucing tu punya body actions kat auntie, mcm yer yer oo jer..... Dia kata kucing2 dia faham apa yg dia cakapkan and bahasakan diri dia "mama" kat kucing2 tu.....

Siap marah kucing2 mcm kucing2 tu her babies/toddlers kalau they do not listen to her..... Chronic tul ler!

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Post time 12-2-2012 11:14 PM | Show all posts

Auntie am not kidding if I tell you that my Kak Long talks/nags her cats mcm ku ...
auntieagony Post at 12-2-2012 23:08
Dear my cats mmg faham kalau I gunakan sesuatu perkataan...nama dia org, panggilan untuk benda, contohnya, "Go" "Fish-fish"....Dia org lagi pandai, gunakan bahasa isyarat untuk beritahu sesuatu hal, nak keluar, nak makan, nak buang air..hanya mereka yg cintakan kucing aja yg faham....sorry OT jap ye TT

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Post time 12-2-2012 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by auntieagony at 12-2-2012 23:21
Dear my cats mmg faham kalau I gunakan sesuatu perkataan...nama dia org, panggilan untuk benda, cont ...
cmf_blingblings Post at 12-2-2012 23:14

I've met my sister's identical twin in the cyberworld. Hahaha....

During my previous attempt to bela kucing, kucing auntie pun berak kat tandas gak.... Tapi bila the wheezing started, my mum banned me from hvg cats at home (padahal dah kawin pun masa tu!).... Tapi mmg betul pun nasihat mak auntie.... So kira mak auntie bebelkan auntie ler (in my attempt to still keep this discussion relevant to the topic! )

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Post time 12-2-2012 11:22 PM | Show all posts
Reply 46# auntieagony

    Saya suka umah senyap sunyi auntie....

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Post time 12-2-2012 11:23 PM | Show all posts
I've met my sister's identical twin in the cyberworld. Hahaha....

During my previous attem ...
auntieagony Post at 12-2-2012 23:20
salah satu benda yg my mom selalu bebel.....Kucing!! She hates cats. My dad loves faham-fahamlah I ikut sapa

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Post time 12-2-2012 11:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply 50# midori888

Lorr, sapa yg nak bebelkan anak2 nanti... Takkan nak bagi memo, sms or email them on their wrongdoings?

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Post time 12-2-2012 11:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 51# cmf_blingblings

I'm also my arwah abah's girl....{:4_227:} Hah... dah start dah mata ni.....

So u can also start to bebel your cats as well..... Atau your cats pretended they don't understand so that you won't nag them? Hmm.... thoughts to ponder...I agree with you now that the kucings are intelligent beings..... {:4_237:}

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Post time 12-2-2012 11:59 PM | Show all posts
Reply 52# auntieagony

    Apa susah....htr diorg gi umah my sis, dia suka bebel2 nie....takpun htr gi umah auntie..auntie pun suka bebel gak kan? Hahaha

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Post time 13-2-2012 12:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply 54# midori888

Acceptable alternatives.... Tapi your children will adapt to your sister's set of principles/values instead of yours.... R u okay with that?

Kalau hantar kat auntie, gamaknya your children punya lifestyles tak ikut the norms ler.....

En suami pernah mengajar "ajaran songsang" to our nephew. Dia ajar warna traffic light - hijau utk stop, yellow utk pecut dan merah utk jalan. Bila my sis found out, first puzzled siapa punya angkara. When she found out, dia gelak sambil membebel kat auntie... Nasib baik she has a sense of humour.... Ada brani?

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Post time 13-2-2012 07:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply 55# auntieagony

i think my sis will make a good mother...I hope she'll have one haritu dia ada ckp, if she have a baby....i have to help to take care of the baby sometimes...and i said ok lah....but now that I'm thinkin bout it....oh no! waking up in the middle of the nights changing diaper, clean up after a baby, baby vomit, mix milk....oh! my life can be over....ok takper2...sekali skala jer...

Haha...auntie....dulu2 i ajar my sis ajaran songsang biggie psl tu....

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Post time 13-2-2012 08:40 AM | Show all posts
Reply 56# midori888

Insyallah when the time comes, you'll enjoy and treasure the moments of being a mum.... Apart from all the "inconveniences" experienced, the feeling of being a "mama" is priceless... Walaupun anak2 hated the "membebel"@rehabilitation moments!

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Post time 13-2-2012 11:52 AM | Show all posts
jawapan ku adalah:

1) Bila korang sedar korang ni ada bakat membebel....?? adakah masa kecik2 lg..bebel kat abang ker...??
masa tingkatan 2,aku membebel kat adik aku sebab depa malas solat..salah satu sebab ku bebel mereka ialah mak aku sih aku tegur depa solat jadi alang2 tegur terus bebel campur ngn ceramah sekali

2) Masa bercinta korang dah mula membebel kat bf tak..?? ke korang kontrol jek...
tak bebel tapi heols je yg bebel kat haku orang laki ni suka membebel kan..penat nak dengar
3) Dah kawin dan ada anak sure takkan dapat lari dr membebel....err...besa bab apa yg korang paling kuat membebel..??

belum kawin lagi..tapi bab yg akan pasti dibebelkan ialah kemas rumah seperti mop lantai dan cuci kete,jaga anak masa ku nak masak n lipat baju kalo suamiku malas nk bantu aku wat keje rumah
4) Korang membebel dgn fakta dan disertakan dgn solution atau cuma ...bebelan kosong..? cth..kalau nak soh anak2 jgn sepah brg mainan diorg...korang...bgtau..sebab apa tak leh sepah2...pas tuh bgtau..apa yg kena buat..kat mana nak simpan...dan kemas..pas tuh...wat law...sepah lg kena hukum....atauuuu.....korang just membebel2...pas tuh korang jugak yg kemas kan segala2nya...
pasti dengan fakta
5) Berapa lama  rekod korang dalam membebel nie....1/2 jam....1 jam....??
10 minit jek..tu pon rasa kebas mulut cakap lama2

6) lepas membebel..akan lega kah emosi korang atau...tetap angin jek....
xperasan pulak

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