Ni rekod last year, ranking d/l speed 1.
South Korea 16,765 kb/s
2. Japan 16,465 kb/s
3. Lithuania 11,240 kb/s
4. Sweden 11,081 kb/s
5. Romania 9,875 kb/s
6. Latvian 9,591 kb/s
7. Bulgaria 8,885 kb/s
8. Netherlands 8,586 kb/s
9. Germany 7,346 kb/s
10. Russian Federation 7,138 kb/s tapi skrg korg tengok berapa punya laju daa....
.....three US locations top the list before South Korea and Japan begin to dominate.
Those three spots areBerkeley (average speed: 18.7Mbps), Chapel Hill, North Carolina (average speed: 17.5Mbps), and Stanford, California (average speed: 17.0Mbps). The next US city on the list is Durham, North Carolina (average speed: 13.6Mbps) in eighth place, followed by Ithaca, New York; Ann Arbor, Michigan; College Station, Texas; Urbana, Illinois; Cambridge, Massachusetts; University Park, Pennsylvania; and East Lansing, Michigan.
Bila la aku nk dpt speed cmni.... |