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Originally posted by nando at 31-12-2008 10:45 AM
If Hamas being view as terriost group in present time,
They are terrorists. They celebrate when they killed civilians, the Jews don't.
what do think / call " there was a group of Jews made its "landings" in palestin sometime after 2nd world war. This group of people being hailed as Hero in Isreal but "terrrioist" in arab world using present terms?
They were immigrants, not terrorists.
That aside, Hamas if continues fire rockets to Isreal if it did not win the legitimate election, then yes. they are the terriost group. BUT they are now a legitimate govt try to run a "country" yet being blockade by its neigbour. Made no mistake about it.
Just because they were elected does not mean they are not terrorists my fren.
The Gaza people chosed a terrorist govt, they are now suffering the consequences. They cannot blame anyone else. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 31-12-2008 11:17 AM
They are terrorists. They celebrate when they killed civilians, the Jews don't....
the jews celebrate too u know.... |
lahanat punya balaci jehud selatan nih...mmg kurang ajar...kalau pasal jehud, mmg lebih dari jehud lagi...mampus la kau jehud selatan dan jehud2 laknat sekalian.... |
Originally posted by Debmey at 30-12-2008 08:15 AM
The real solution is to destroy Hamas and its anti social ideology. then there will be peace for Palestinians.
Well U can destroy the organization, but u must think carefully why palestinian elected HAMAS as the goverment not FATAH. it is because the palestenian are sick of fatah who being too linear with the illegal regim of ISRAEL.So hamas is the saviour for the palestinian. The zionis is the true terrorist in this situation now. stop massacre the innoscene children and women. Even the rabai is quote to say that the jews have no land to govern. They must obey the order if they want to become a good jews.
Moral of the story, Zionis get out from palestinian land as it is no Israel country at the first place. |
Balas #103 windof\ catat
kalau marah-marah shj. ia hanya menambah keliruan kat dia dan mengukurkan pandangan dia "tak nampak kenapa hamas bukan terriost" . Perlu faham, ia banyak "dirasuk" berat sebelah propaganda.
sekadar tolong. |
whether or not an organisation is terrorist or not is very much depend on which side of the coin you are stiing on. For u Hamas is a menacing, ruthless terrriortis but for the palestin people, they are the savouir from fatah govt as corrupted.
Now, if u removed a popular elected govt via military (not like Iraq), what happen to the palestin people? How the oslo i & II to proceed? In fact, what happen to the arab peace initiative (where arab world finally recognise Isreal). These peace proposal will be collapse totally as the arab world would not forgive this incursion. At end of the day, Isreal is only making more enemies than friends in this global worlds. All the hate will pass down fr one generation to another just like the deep anger u might hv every time u come across najng masscre by japan (WW2).
My view is on this, Isreal should play smart move to counter the so call "terriorist". by military alone it won't achieve long lasting "victory" |
Balas #105 nando\ catat
tarak marah....dia tak paham pon cakap melayu, wa cuma menyumpah jer....mintak bagi cepat sikit hancur depa tuh...
lagipun lu tak kenal itu jehud, baik yg selatan atau yg kat tanah rampasan depa, nasihat kat depa macam tuang air ke daun keladi...
masuk telinga kanan keluaq kiri....no point, dah berbuih satu dunia menyeru depa hentikan serangan pun, depa tak mau dengaq...ubat dia, banzai aja bagi lahanat2 jehud tuh...
jehud selatan tuh mmg dari azali dah tunjuk bodoh sombong angkuh dia, dia takkan dengaq cakap hang, dan dia akan terus buat2 tak paham isu yg hang nak jelaskan kat dia, lagi dia putaq-belit bagi hang sakit hati ada la...baik tok sah layan....banzai jer...:victory:
[ Last edited by windof at 3-1-2009 12:19 AM ] |
Nak banzai pon tak guna, selain Iran & Syria, yg lain sumer tadak teloq.
Kutuk, kecam & buat resolusi bolehlah .... lain drp tu kirim salam jer laaaa .... |
Balas #108 robotech\ catat
takpa, 2 pahlawan sejati lebih baik dari 10 pak turut cabut lari. tunggu masa dan tika yg sesuai... |
Aku rasa la, dlm keadaan ekonomi dunia meleset nih, konflik Iran ngan dunia Barat & dunia Arab akan memuncak.
Lepas Amerika blah dari Iraq, musti Iran & Iraq kamceng punya, sbb depa Syiah. Tambah lak lagi ngan Syria, kawan sebantal sebusyuk Iran, kat Lubnan lak Hezbollah sudah kamcheng Iran .... perrgggghhhhh .... demam la keluarga Saud Arab Saudi & keluarga Hashim kat Jordan. Israel pon mao kena stroke!
Geng Arab Saudi lah yg dok supply insurgensi Sunnah kat Iraq tuh, takut Arab Saudi nih takleh terima kenyataan jer. Tambah pulak Amerika main cucuk jer .... Aku rasalah, Israel akan mengacaubilaukan lg Timur Tgh, kasik Amerika meneruskan ketakstabilan Iraq ... demi perluasan Israel ke atas wilayah Palestin.
Iraq adalah kunci bagi Iran utk menjadi superpower kat Timur Tgh, proksi dah ada (Syria, Hezbollah Lubnan) .... Slg mana Iraq terus terjajah minda, sori arrrrr .... |
Originally posted by robotech at 4-1-2009 12:45 PM
Aku rasa la, dlm keadaan ekonomi dunia meleset nih, konflik Iran ngan dunia Barat & dunia Arab akan memuncak.
Lepas Amerika blah dari Iraq, musti Iran & Iraq kamceng punya, sbb depa Syiah. Tam ...
Aku tak fikir AS akan meninggalkan strategic bases yg sudah established dgn susah-payah...kepentingan AS sngat besar di Iraq, bukan sekadar atas faktor mintak tetapi juga utk memastikan keselamatan negara lahanat Jehud dan kuasa Arab sentiasa tunduk kpd lingkungan kuasa Pax Americana dn yg terpentng to check on rising Iranian power sphere di TImur Tengah....AS mungkin akan menarik keluar tentera mereka dan mengecilkan bilangan tenterea tetapi tetap mengekalkan pangkalan hadapan mereka for years.. |
AS mungkin akan menarik keluar tentera mereka dan mengecilkan bilangan tenterea tetapi tetap mengekalkan pangkalan hadapan mereka for years..
Tu lah pasal. Sekarang, Iran pon takleh buat apa2, apatah lg military will, depa dh tengok Iraq kena lanyak ngan Amerika.
Aku rasalah, Syria & terutamanya Hezbollah Lubnan dh bersedia utk sebrg kemungkinan. Kedua2nya dah merasa kena ganyang Israel, so kedua2nya musti tgh meningkatkan kerjasama bg menghadapi ancaman Yahudi tuh. Iran cuma blh hulur cash & hantar pegawai risik utk tujuan latihan & pembelian senjata, tp kira oklah. |
hehe nak destroy Hamas wat per..
hamas tu cuma satu badan jer..
kalau hamas habis pun jihad akan diteruskan gak oleh sesapa yang cintakan islam dan palestin |
artikel editior sin jit chew poh buat analysis beberapa hari lepas kata yg berarak ramai -ramai ke duta palestin utk kasih support dapat "shock" yg mana duta palestin bidas gambar pemimpin "Hamas " dibawa kumpulan. Gaduh kecil-kecil rtercetus antara duat dan kumpulan itu |
[quote]Israel's Gaza strategy 玔/url] [url=http://sandbox.blog-city.com/]H E 籟/url] [url=http://sandbox.blog-city.com/israels_gaza_strategy.htm#]email
posted Sunday, 4 January 2009
[img=140,150]http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:n4CS4swAtg12bM:[/img]Inthe fog of war, it isn't just the truth that falls casualty. So doescommon sense. Quite a few pundits seem to think that Israel lacks astrategy in Gaza. But unlike the Lebanon war of 2006, this war has beenplanned in advance, and every stage has been war-gamed. Here is my readof Israel's strategic plan, which lies behind "Operation Cast Lead."
Israel's long-term strategic goal is the elimination of Hamas controlof Gaza. This is especially the goal of the Kadima and Labor parties,which are distinguished by their commitment to a negotiated finalstatus agreement with the Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas.The Hamas takeover in Gaza reduced Abbas to a provincial governor, whono longer represents effective authority in all the areas destined fora future Palestinian state. Hamas rule in Gaza is a bone in the throatof the "peace process"梠ne Israel is determined to remove.
Struggle over Sanctions.But how? After the Hamas takeover in June 2007, Israel imposed a regimeof economic sanctions on Gaza, by constricting the flow of goods andmaterials into Gaza via its crossings to Israel. The idea was graduallyto undermine the popularity of Hamas in Gaza, while at the same timebolstering Abbas. Israel enjoyed considerable success in this approach.While the diplomatic "peace process" with Abbas didn't move very far,the West Bank enjoyed an economic boomlet, as Israel removedcheckpoints and facilitated the movement of capital, goods, workers,and foreign tourists. So while Gaza languished under sanctions, withzero growth, the West Bank visibly prospered梤einforcing the messagethat "Islamic resistance" is a dead end.
Hamas in power, fromthe outset, sought to break out of what it has called the Israeli"siege" by firing rockets into Israel. Its quid pro quo was an end toHamas rocket fire in exchange for a lifting of the Israeli "siege."When Israel and Hamas reached an agreement for "calm" last June, Hamashoped the sanctions would be lifted as well, and Israel did increasethe flow through the crossing points, by about 50 percent. Fuelsupplies were restored to previous levels. But Hamas was fully awarethat sanctions were slowly eroding its base and contradicting itsnarrative that 搑esistance |
HE ! HE ! HE ! Petikan dar Hadis..
...."kamu seumpama buih-buih di lautan .....jumlah kamu banyak tetapi tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa....."
nak lagi?....
tunggu....... |
jumlah banyak pun Allah Taala juga yg izinkan
semua org islam fertile jer
jumlah Yahudi sikit Allah Taala juga yg izinkan
lagipun islam & yahudi sembah tuhan yg sama, tapi memasing kata ugama dia yg benar
Yahudi kata ugama dia ori
Muslim kata Islam ugama penutup yg sempurna |
Balas #116 redlightchaser\ catat
tunggu....janji Allah pasti....
masa buih banyak tak boleh buat apa2 pasti (kalau hang nak kaitkan ngan keadaan buih banyak sekarang nih), dan masa buih banyak akan bangkit dan menghancurkan jehud juga pasti (akan datang, pasti....tunggu...)
batu n pokok yg bercakap kata ada jehud belakang depa pon pasti...kalau hang tengok sekarang dah berlaku pon, batu sempadan israel yg memberitahu ada jehud kat negeri tuh, menjemput seluruh umat Islam pi banzai depa), dan bendera pokok di seberang sempadan yg memberitahu di balik garisan bendera pokok tuh ada jehud...ada nampak? |
kawan-kawan, semua macam keluar tajuk, ini thread perang antara Iran & Isreal dan bukan Hamas/Palestin vs Isreal. |
deviate sikit je kot
luruskan barisan semua
untuk ke bulan
naik roket...... |
| |