Dekat http://www.miim.edu.my , tapi takda duit. Mahal sangat RM17.000. More over im Singaporean, lagi lah mahal. 
[ Last edited by lin_okinawa at 9-5-2007 09:47 PM ] |
lerk ... uitm kan ade? the best mass comm school in mesia lagik |
Originally posted by sLapshock at 18-9-2006 09:18 AM
Dekat http://www.miim.edu.my , tapi takda duit. Mahal sangat RM17.000. More over im Singaporean, lagi lah mahal.
bahagia??..ker bahagian??
mintak ah pinjaman ker..biasiswa ker.. |
Reply #2 FaRiShAsYaHaNaZ's post
ntah...broadcast itm ada..power oooo |
aku singaporean, leh ker? |
setahu aku singaporean boleh masuk uitm sebab time aku dulu ada sorang member amik broadcasting, dia singaporean walaupun famili dah hijrah menetap kat seremban. i/c tetap orang singapore. but i never asked how much she had to pay to be able studying there.
fyi, that was 10 years ago, when uitm is ITM. i'm not sure about it now.
why don't u go to uitm's website and look for information. i'm sure there's an enquiry slot which you can refer your query to.
good luck. |
ok let say untuk malaysian how much?
and what is the criteria to join broadcasting..?
english? maths? malay?
[ Last edited by sLapshock at 20-9-2006 08:49 AM ] |
Originally posted by sLapshock at 20-9-2006 08:46 AM
ok let say untuk malaysian how much?
and what is the criteria to join broadcasting..?
english? maths? malay?
dah cuba masuk website yang aku post tu ke? :hmm: kalau tak silap ada info pasal bayaran. as for the whole cost for 4 years, honestly aku tak tau. apa kata hang email the mass comm faculty to get all the details that u need. i'm sure they would be able to assist you, insyaAllah. |
basically kredits in yer exams must be ok la ... i think x silap ade slot for oversea students dkt IPTA in mesia ni ... u can query them ..mula2 surf website n tgk apa2 yg patut .. pastu call uitm n make enquiries ... email2 ni leceh ... hmmm ... besok aku pegi uitm ... kalo sempat/ingat aku tny ... camne overseas students nak apply ... tak promise ek dik ... tp kalo teringat insya Allah aku tanyakan |
thanks yer. mmg miant betul kat broadcasting (tapi belakang tabir lah) but now imnanyang poly student, dip in multimedia and infocomm tech..doing some programming..which i utterly hate but...wrong choice..what to do... i left 6 more months |
hmmm .. sori ... x sempat nak tny td ... masuk kampus uitm pon da nak dekat lunch break ... byk urusan .. anyway kalo u mmg da ade dip lg la senang .... guna result dip u tu utk mohon in advance ... cuma i x sure u still kena sit for MUET ke tak ... u fotostat segala exam result u dr skola sampai la yg skrg ni... buat enquiry n belik borang ... pastu hantar .. if depa nak apa2 i'm sure they'll contact u |
alah malu lah ngan result diploma..semua C + D,,, cuma 1 jer A .... multimedia.. haha
bukan apa, slap minat lah kerja belakagn tabir ni semua... |
aku rasa Singaporean tak boleh masuk UiTM, bole ker?
kalau IPTA lain mmg boleh masuk sebagai International Student. |
ive decided nak masuk MIIM ..
ada sesiapa leh kasi info?
kerja broadcasting best tak? |
huhuhu... ask me..
wei.. slapshock..
aku pure bekas budak broadcasting UiTM. Pergh.. baru je abis study bulan 6 hari tu. okay, honestly, Broadcasting UiTM memang yang terpower kat Malaysia nih.. aku dulu budak Diploma Masscomm gak. from same University. maser nak apply degree ko kena dapat more than 3.00 untuk masuk majoring Broadcasting dan Public Relation compared to Journalism, Advertising dan Publishing.
Most of newscaster at TV3, 8TV, RTM, Astro, NTV7 are my senior. besides, host, broadcst journalist mostly alumni broadcasting UiTM. hehehe.. tiap kali aku pegi mana2 stesen tv dan radio mesti jumpe senior aku!
Mase aku study hari tu, ada sorang budak, dier malay tapi from Indonesia. so i think there is no different antara Indonesia dan Singapura. Aku rase baik ko call UiTM tanya benda ni k. ko tak nyesal punya study sini sebab bebudak broadcasting memang outstanding.
Pasal yuran aku tak berani kata la since ko singaporean. tapi kami bumiputera just bayar RM350 satu semester. Yuran paling murah di dunia aku rase nih... sampaikan aku tak apply loan pun mase buat diploma dulu.
Tapi... hahahahaha... jangan tak tau walaupun aku bekas budak Broadcasting tapi sekarang aku keje as Executive Corporate Communication kat sebuahcompany engineering no.1 kat Mesia ni. Bayar banget bagusss maa.. just want to express dat, kekuatan budak Broadcasting bukan je terletak pada industri penyiaran semata-mata! tapi insyaALLAH, suatu hari nanti kalau diizinkan Allah, aku tetap akan masuk industri Penyiaran. Aku suka jadi pembaca berita..
All da best ya!!! |
bro.. aku ada pm kau baca ar... |
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