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Author: marypoppins

Istana Bawang 5 (Kate vs Meghan): The Arrival of Sussex Baby

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Post time 12-5-2019 08:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 12-5-2019 05:45 PM
Nah utk newbie2. Benda ni dah dibincangkan kat thread 2-3. But just so u know, agreement tu penned m ...

Laki lama engelson.. Anak harrison..

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Post time 12-5-2019 08:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
judicata replied at 12-5-2019 07:31 PM
Iols setuju kate beranak lagi tp kesian dia kena hypermensis gravidarium tu. Kesian kot. Lembik mu ...

Demi masa depan brf, dia kena berkorban ngandung lagi. I baca ramai jah hope she's pregnant again. Sorang je lagi
Ala 6bulan je, pastu ok balik.


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Post time 12-5-2019 09:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 12-5-2019 09:17 PM
joy_ah replied at 12-5-2019 06:26 PM
Harry memang diakui lembam dan a bit spoilt berbanding william.

Lepas MM masuk brf, ummah Brit ...

ate, mana x syukurnya yong..william bijak, tinggi, rambut jarang, penyayang, bini pandai bw diri, anak semua comey dan out from Kate body.. dan of course monarchs.. haaas...  sekurangnya x la dia berjodoh dgn pompuan yachting.  

ummah twitter jahat tau.. dorg kata meggot x mo brf cek V dia sbb takut jumpa mcm2 kekdahnya.. takut nnt jumpa bukti pernah beranak, pernah gugurkan anak dan paling x tahan tu depa kata dihinggapi pelbagai problems akibat menyachting

haaa.. depa kata besar secret tuuu hahhaa

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Post time 12-5-2019 09:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 12-5-2019 05:42 PM
See how queen keeping it classy tak join the circus. She’s a very firm and stoic person. Penat je P ...

mmg bijak QE..mmg betul cucu dia 8 orang hahaha

anak anak

PC : William, Harry

Princess Anne : Peter Philip, Zara Tindall

P.Andrew,: P.Beatrice, P.Eugene

P.Edward : Lady Louise, Viscount James.

putar mcmana pun grandchildren QE mmg 8 org

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Post time 12-5-2019 09:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 12-5-2019 09:37 PM
fazamania replied at 12-5-2019 08:35 PM
Kalau ikut kepada kes meghan ni rasa mcm QE redha jer cucu di si harry buat mcm ni.
Ni dah beranak  ...

takut sis sbb ada kes kat UK dlu kisah zmn dlu dlu spy vs pengedar dadah. Spy ni syak pengedar dadah tu bw dadah, so dia tahan dan cek pengedar dadah tu.. cam ala buat tangkapan terus. lawyer pengedar tu lawan balik kat court, mana boleh nak tangkap atau sentuh org based on assumption.mesti ada bukti jelas org tu bw dadah cthnya bukti bergambar, baru boleh buat tangkapan. Walhal mmg dlm beg yg dibw pengedar tu mmg ada dadah. Sudahnya Bebas pengedar dadah tu sbb x cukup bukti kukuh.

kes ni dorg kat twitter kata jd precedent kat UK.. x boleh suka ati kita tangkap org based on assumption.. apatah lagi melibatkan touching/sentuh bagai. boleh jatuh jd harrasment pun boleh sis.

I dlu ms kerja, kami diajar kalau dealing with people esp minor pls no touching, dorg boleh report kita harras dorg.. bygkan tu haaa.. mcm tu mcm tu pun harrasment.

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Post time 12-5-2019 09:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I rasa meggot pun akan buat report juga kakau ada yg cuba2 sentuh perutnya

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Post time 12-5-2019 09:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ok bawangrians semua.. br singgah sat kat tumblr land..

this is what I found about certificate tu... jeng jeng..

Anonymous asked:

Another thing about birth certificates is they list any previous children born from the parents. Any previous children Meghan might have had should be listed under siblings as well as their d.o.b

Oh my!  Details..she never thinks of them!

ah sudah..semua adik beradik pula kena listkan hahahah..

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Post time 12-5-2019 09:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yuhuu.. si Neol Rassumen ka nama anak sedara aka anak dia sendiri tu pun terpaksa la jugak masuk list dlm birth cert si Aci

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:01 PM | Show all posts
sugars buat inappropriate names utk budak2 kecik takpa, jgn kau dan aku buat berani2 persoalkan minah yachter. siap kau kena report dgn Scotland Yard


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Post time 12-5-2019 10:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fazamania replied at 12-5-2019 08:35 PM
Kalau ikut kepada kes meghan ni rasa mcm QE redha jer cucu di si harry buat mcm ni.
Ni dah beranak  ...

Lord Geidt org yg plg dekat bersalam dgn perut M dgn muke M mcm teragak

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-5-2019 10:01 PM
sugars buat inappropriate names utk budak2 kecik takpa, jgn kau dan aku buat berani2 persoalkan mina ...

account ni i report and IG reply tak langgar pape so takde la tindakan lain..siap same kan Kate dgn donkey

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-5-2019 10:01 PM
sugars buat inappropriate names utk budak2 kecik takpa, jgn kau dan aku buat berani2 persoalkan mina ...

DJ uk bukan ke kena tindakan sbb troll baby Archie samakan dengan ape. Yang ni pun kena repot jugak.

Iols pelik kenapa bawah mata baby nampak hitam? Takkan shading kot?

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:12 PM | Show all posts
The Telegraph bukan tabloid ya tuan2 dan puan2

Harry and Meghan will not release Archie's birth certificate to ensure baby's privacy

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will not make their newborn son’s birth certificate public, in a break with Royal Family custom, as they draw a red line on privacy from his very first days.

The certificate, which will have to list the place of birth for Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, will be submitted as usual with a local registrar but not made available by the palace.

The decision, made in line with the Sussex’s strong views on privacy, is in contrast to the approach of the Cambridges, who permitted the birth certificates of each of their three children to be released for the benefit of the historic record.

The Susssexes, on the other hand, will seek to mask the details of where Archie was born for as long as possible, declining to confirm the medical team responsible.

Notably, a declaration of Archie’s birth on an easel on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace on Monday was signed personally by the Queen instead of doctors.

The Queen chose to personally sign the easel bulletin in "recognition of global interest in the birth", a royal source said last night.

The decision gives a telling insight into how the Sussex family will navigate Archie’s early years.

The baby, who is six days old today on Sunday, has been settling in to life as the seventh-in-line to the throne at Frogmore Cottage this week, with his grandmother Doria Ragland and family visitors including the sister of Diana, Princess of Wales.

Lady Jane Fellowes, Prince Harry’s aunt on his mother’s side, was among the first to meet Archie, keeping the memory of his late mother at the centre of family life.

The Duke and Duchess chose to specifically mention the Spencer family in their birth announcement, listing them along with Prince Harry’s paternal family in a message sharing their “delight”.

It followed the engagement interview of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, in which the former actress said that meeting his maternal aunts had been “so important” in keeping Diana as part of their lives.

The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh were introduced to Archie on Wednesday, with a photograph of the occasion released, with other senior members of the Royal Family booked in for the coming days.

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, who have been on tour in Germany since Tuesday, have been inundated with well-wishes to convey home, and are said to be planning a visit to Windsor in the next few days.

The Cambridges, who have been in touch with the Sussexes to share their excitement about their new nephew, will also pop round to Frogmore Cottage bearing gifts and wise parenting words early this week.

Tomorrow, the Duchess will celebrate her first American mother’s day at home with a child of her own, with Ms Ragland by her side to make three generations of her family.

The close family set-up allowed the Duke to last night attend the Royal Windsor Horse pageant with his grandmother, accompanying her to one of her favourite events in the royal calendar.

The unexpected outing is understood to have been planned during the Duke and Duchess’ short visit to introduce Archie to his great-grandparents, with the Queen having been to the Windsor Horse Show that morning.

She has been regular guest at the show all week, photographed driving to and from it to watch horses, riders and carriage drivers including her grandddaughter Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor perform.

This week will see the Duke take a day off parenting duties for a day of work in Oxford.

It will not, however, see the release of Archie’s birth certificate as fans had hoped. Instead, the couple will take up to the legal 42 day limit to register the birth.

The document, like all other birth certificates in the UK, must eventually become a public document available on request.

Followers of the Royal Family, historians and biographers had been particularly interested in its publication, which would confirm the mystery details of where Archie was born after widespread reports that a home birth plan eventually ended up in a private central London hospital.

It is understood that the medical team did not wish their names to be made public.

Others were curious to know how the Duchess’ occupation was listed, with the Duchess of Cambridge assigned the role of “Princess of the United Kingdom” in documents relating to her children.

kalau limit setahun register kelahiran baby, ai yakin MM dan PH akan ambik masa sethn tu gak. Cobalah apa saja taktik... lambat laun, birth certificate tu akan keluar jua.

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:13 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-5-2019 10:01 PM
sugars buat inappropriate names utk budak2 kecik takpa, jgn kau dan aku buat berani2 persoalkan mina ...

Bodoh sugars serang bdk2 shaming small children.

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:14 PM | Show all posts
namieamuro replied at 12-5-2019 10:06 PM
account ni i report and IG reply tak langgar pape so takde la tindakan lain..siap same kan Kate dg ...

acik2 LSA pun report gak tp mcm takda efek pun

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-5-2019 09:09 PM
ate, mana x syukurnya yong..william bijak, tinggi, rambut jarang, penyayang, bini pandai bw diri ...

Dengan gosip down under dia berbau

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by namieamuro at 12-5-2019 10:19 PM
dani-rox replied at 12-5-2019 10:14 PM
acik2 LSA pun report gak tp mcm takda efek pun

gambar tu dh takde

1 lagi account ni LOSER gile sbb compare jumlah likes? itu je mampu lawan? as if likes tu penting utk future king? pffffttt

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:19 PM | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 12-5-2019 10:12 PM
DJ uk bukan ke kena tindakan sbb troll baby Archie samakan dengan ape. Yang ni pun kena repot juga ...

maka, gusip baby silikon tumbuh dgn subur

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols gi tanya Gok Wan, Do you like MM? Dia tak jawab2 lagi

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Post time 12-5-2019 10:22 PM | Show all posts

kekadang ai rasa sugars MM nih sama ada BBNU atau org dewasa terbantut perkembangan otak. Siapa naik jd raja England berdasarkan populariti dan pengundian parlimen dan negara2 komanwel katanya

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