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Author: Defcon2

[Dunia] Pengganas Kristian Tertekan: Negara Kristian Ungguli Carta Kes Rogol Paling Ting

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Post time 15-1-2018 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 14-1-2018 11:25 PM
Defcon2 replied at 14-1-2018 05:46 PM
Kot ye pun beriya-iya nak memburukkan Islam, carilah maklumat yang ada kredibiliti sikit. Ini anda ...

Kamu tengok 2 peta ni dan negara apa yang paling banyak warna merah dalam peta di bawah tu. Jangan salahkan saya. Kamu juga yang begitu BANGGGGGA DENGA WORDPRESS, masih ingat Wordpress?
1) 3.8 - 4.0
2) 4.1
3) 4.2 - 5.0


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Post time 15-1-2018 03:52 PM | Show all posts
iloveselangor replied at 11-1-2018 05:01 AM
Yg pasti Israel takda dlm.senarai dik.

Akak nak makan french fries kat McD sg besar jap....1  ...

jelmaan  sabbath_shalom ke?


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Post time 15-1-2018 04:04 PM | Show all posts
Edited by tripleid at 15-1-2018 04:09 PM
Defcon2 replied at 15-1-2018 10:13 AM
Mana kau lari? Apsal tak jawab persoalan aku di thread sebelah?

Kau dari dulu asik guna modal  ...

malu kan dekk..niat nak burukkan ummah ugama lain.ujong2 diri sendiri yg termalu

tp takpe try harder next time

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2018 12:39 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 15-1-2018 10:20 AM
yang penting dan issuenya apasal kes rogol banyak berlaku di harab saudik lah dol!

Ewah... soalan pertama yang aku tanya mengenai negara Krisitan juara carta rogol dunia kau tak jawab, tiba-tiba ko nak paksa aku jawab pasal kes rogol di saudi pulak. Dah la kes saudi ni hanya berasaskan andaian penulis saja.

Penyokong pengganas Kristian memang suka buat andaian la. Andaian teori amonra, andaian kes dadah sama dengan kes keganasan, andaian di saudi banyak kes rogol walhal senarai juara kes rogol adalah di negara-negara Kristian.

Aku pun sekadar tulis saja. Ada fakta dan soalan yang aku bentangkan. Kau aje yang tak mahu fokus pada isu, suka konar sana sini dan buat andaian merepek. Andaian kau paling legend adalah teori merepek amonra dan kes dadah sama dengan kes keganasan...  


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 Author| Post time 22-1-2018 12:42 PM | Show all posts
the_killer replied at 15-1-2018 01:39 PM
yang sorang dok salahkan white pastu yang sorang dok berjuang sucikan white

yang sorang dok salah ...

Tak sama. Dah jelas negara kristian mengungguli carta kes rogol per kapita paling tinggi di dunia. Itu hakikat yang perlu diterima oleh penyokong pengganas Kristian.

Mereka tak dapat terima hakikat ini dan buat teori merepek semata-mata untuk burukkan agama Islam. Padahal kelemahan tu dalam agama Kristian sendiri.


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 Author| Post time 22-1-2018 12:46 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 15-1-2018 03:11 PM
Kamu tengok 2 peta ni dan negara apa yang paling banyak warna merah dalam peta di bawah tu. Jangan ...

Tengok betapa jahatnya kau ni. Kau yang tepek sumber dari wordpress pastu kau tuduh aku yang bangga dengan wordpress. Aku hanya ulas berdasarkan apa yang kau sendiri tepek di sini. Kalau kau sendiri tak percaya dengan wordpress, kenapa kau tepek article tu kat sini. Nah kau kantoi lagi ni.


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 Author| Post time 22-1-2018 12:55 PM | Show all posts
tripleid replied at 15-1-2018 04:04 PM
malu kan dekk..niat nak burukkan ummah ugama lain.ujong2 diri sendiri yg termalu

tp ta ...

Sebab apa aku perlu malu? Kau tu yang patut malu sebab tak mampu nak jawab soalan utama yang aku bangkitkan iaitu negara Kristian jadi juara rogol di dunia. Sebaliknya kau konar sampai ke Sweden, maki hamun dan buat andaian ntah hapa-hapa. Ko bangga ke dengan perbuatan keji kau ni?  

Yang penting soalan utama masih tak terjawab. Bagaimana negara-negara Kristian boleh menjadi juara kes rogol per kapita paling tinggi di dunia?


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 Author| Post time 22-1-2018 01:06 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 14-1-2018 05:02 AM
memanggil @Defcon2 untuk members ulasan.

Dalam rencana yang aku bagi 3 negara Kristian direkodkan mempunyai kes rogol per kapita paling tinggi di dunia iaitu South Africa, Bostwana dan Lesotho. Ketiga-tiga negara ni tiada masalah migran. Mengapa kau sibuk nak tengok di Beligum dan Sweden yang bukan tertinggi atas carta?

p/s Nah penyokong pengganas Kristian bakal melopong lagi tak dapat jawab soalan di atas.     


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Post time 23-1-2018 03:48 PM | Show all posts
Defcon2 replied at 22-1-2018 12:55 PM
Sebab apa aku perlu malu? Kau tu yang patut malu sebab tak mampu nak jawab soalan utama yang aku b ...

tebal betul muka lobai bangang sekor ni..asyik kantoi kat thread sendirik jah.kahkah

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2018 10:50 AM | Show all posts
tripleid replied at 23-1-2018 03:48 PM
tebal betul muka lobai bangang sekor ni..asyik kantoi kat thread sendirik jah.kahkah

Ok nampaknya penyokong pengganas Kristian ketandusan idea lagi nak menyangkal fakta bahawa negara-negara Kristian mengungguli carta kes rogol per kapita paling tinggi di dunia.

Kalau kenyataan ni terlalu berat untuk kau jawab bagitahu. Boleh aku adjust sikit kenyataan aku supaya kau boleh keluarkan pandangan-pandangan yang bernas.

Takdelah kau asik sebut perkataan 'kantoi kantoi kantoi' je untuk menyedapkan hati sendiri kan.

p/s errrrr.... bandar dengan negara sama ke?  


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Post time 24-1-2018 11:00 AM | Show all posts
the_killer replied at 15-1-2018 01:39 PM
yang sorang dok salahkan white pastu yang sorang dok berjuang sucikan white

yang sorang dok salah ...

kita bc sambil mkn popcorn je lahhhh


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Post time 24-1-2018 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 23-1-2018 09:08 PM
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 13-1-2018 12:39 PM
Ye mari kita bogel kan lagi Defcon2 dengan article yang Defcon2 sendiri bagi kat link tu.

1)  B ...

Muslim countries have highest rates of suicide, murder, rape and mental health problems.

A lost generation and grim future awaits if the Middle East is not stabilised, according to 25-year study of countries stretching from Morocco to Pakistan.  

The countries studied are: Afghanistan, Egypt, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and the UAE.
Taimur Khan
August 8, 2017
Updated: August 8, 2017 10:36 PM



A Yemeni boy sprinkles water in a cemetery in Sanaa, Yemen on August 8, 2017, near the grave of a child allegedly killed in the ongoing conflict. Yahya Arhab / EPA
Suicide, murder, rape and mental health conditions are skyrocketing in a stretch of Muslim-majority countries from Morocco to Pakistan, many of which have been wracked by violence and conflict.

A major study covering data from the last 25 years shows soaring rates of death by suicide or at the hands of others. In 2015 alone, the last year for which data was used, around 30,000 people committed suicide, while 35,000 were murdered. The figures do not include deaths in places which are at war, such as Syria and Iraq, and represent increases of 100 per cent and 152 per cent respectively since 1990.
The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).
"In other parts of the world during the same period, the number of deaths from suicide increased 19 percent and interpersonal violence by 12 percent,” stated one of the 15 reports published this week in the International Journal of Public Health.

The researchers also found a “sharp increase” in mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. “Depression and anxiety disorders were the most common mental conditions,” according to the study.
“Intractable and endemic violence is creating a lost generation of children and young adults,” said Dr Ali Mokdad, the study’s lead author and the Director for Middle Eastern Initiatives at IHME. “The future of the Middle East is grim unless we can find a way to bring stability to the region.”
The research showed that the wars in Yemen, Iraq and Syria in particular are taking a severe toll on the health of the population in those countries. Not only are the effects immediate in terms of death and injury, but “these events will lead to increased health burden in the future as the next generation…is being raised under the harsh conditions of malnutrition and lack of preventive health services.”
Yemen has the highest proportion of its population suffering from food insecurity,at 36 per cent.

Despite the fast increasing need for mental health professionals to address the psychological fallout of conflict and poverty, the region has very few psychiatrists and psychologists. Many of the countries have only 0.5 psychiatrists for every 100,000 people. By comparison, Europe has more than 40 per 100,000.

The study was conducted using estimates from the annual Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors study and focused on the 600 million people of the “Eastern Mediterranean”, which includes 22 countries from the Maghreb, Horn of Africa, the Middle East — including the GCC — and Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The geographical area has endured, to varying degrees, conflict for decades.An estimated 208,179 people were estimated to have been killed by war, suicide and murder in 2015, of which 144,000 died in war. Such estimates are almost always below the true figures due to the difficulties of collecting reliable data in war zones.

But violence and the associated psychological disorders are not the only alarming findings about the region’s health trends.
“In recent years, many of the health gains for some countries have slowed and several health conditions that were under control are re-emerging," Dr Mokdad said. “This study clearly indicates that the future health of the region is in danger.”

Even the wealthiest per capita countries of the GCC will be affected directly or indirectly by the impact of global warming and climate change. Some of the countries “face significant environmental challenges due to lack of water, rising temperatures, and sandstorms,” the study found. Air pollution also needs to be addressed.

In the UAE, Qatar and Oman, transport-related accidents were the second highest cause of death in 2015, at 14 per cent, 20 per cent and 16 per cent respectively. While such deaths are falling in all the countries except Libya, Pakistan and Egypt, they were doing so at a slower rate than elsewhere in the world.

The overall level of obesity in the Eastern Mediterranean has increased by 37 per cent since 1980, the study, but obesity is most prevalent in Qatar and Kuwait.
Child mortality also fell more slowly than the global rate in many of the 22 countries. Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan are all in the top ten countries with the highest child mortality rates. Eighty per cent of all child deaths occurred in those three countries along with Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen.

The study also found that most of the cases responsible for a tenfold increase in HIV and Aids-related deaths in the last 25 years occurred in three Horn of Africa countries — Djibouti, Somalia and Sudan.
"In this region, individuals infected with HIV are dying faster than the rest of the world,"said Charbel El Bcheraoui, assistant professor at IHME. ”This is a sign that HIV patients are not receiving proper treatment in an era where HIV can be well controlled with the appropriate treatment regimens."

The countries studied are: Afghanistan, Egypt, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and the UAE.


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Post time 24-1-2018 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Defcon2 replied at 24-1-2018 10:50 AM
Ok nampaknya penyokong pengganas Kristian ketandusan idea lagi nak menyangkal fakta bahawa negara- ...

malu kan dekk bila dimalukan sebegini.kat thread sendiri plak tusenyum sinis jah aku lehat lobai teroris muka tembok sekor ni asyik kena kantoi lepas satu-satu oleh ummah ci mcm pyro dgn FM


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 Author| Post time 24-1-2018 04:56 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 24-1-2018 12:54 PM
Muslim countries have highest rates of suicide, murder, rape and mental health problems.

A lost ...

Ini kes penyokong pengganas Kristian membuka pekung sendiri ni.

Dah sah-sah rencana tu tulis punca utama masalah ni berlaku adalah sebab konflik yang tercetus di negara Islam. Siapa yang mencetusnya? Siapa lagi kalau bukan pengganas Kristian. Malah diakui sendiri oleh mantan Perdana Menteri Britian (Pengganas Kristian) Tony Blair:

Former British PM admits ‘mistakes’ and conflict’s role in rise of Islamic State but defends armed intervention in 2003

Rujuk: ... ole-in-rise-of-isis

p/s Aiseyman penyokong pengganas Kristian kantoi lagi. Siap bagi fakta kejahatan pengganas Kristian. Lebih mudah kerja aku...Keh keh keh...  cc @Tripleid @katowjo   

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Post time 25-1-2018 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 24-1-2018 08:22 AM
Defcon2 replied at 24-1-2018 12:56 AM
Ini kes penyokong pengganas Kristian membuka pekung sendiri ni.

Dah sah-sah rencana tu tulis p ...

Jadi semua ni The countries studied are: Afghanistan, Egypt, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and the UAE negara dalam peperangan ke dol?

Haha..janji reply sahaja kan? Kalau tak reply terasa muka jatuh longkang! Dasar lobai!

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Post time 26-1-2018 08:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Defcon2 replied at 24-1-2018 10:50 AM
Ok nampaknya penyokong pengganas Kristian ketandusan idea lagi nak menyangkal fakta bahawa negara- ...

Memang ko kantoi, sebab buat perbandingan buta tanpa lihat konteksnya, contoh buat perbandingan data antara negara free press dengan negara yg sembunyikan segalanya ...

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Post time 26-1-2018 10:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by pyropura at 26-1-2018 10:01 PM
Defcon2 replied at 24-1-2018 04:56 PM
Ini kes penyokong pengganas Kristian membuka pekung sendiri ni.

Dah sah-sah rencana tu tulis p ...

.. sekali lagi ko main quote buta aje... Guardian tu sokabar leftwing liberal ateis komunis, pasti dia sapot puak dia si Blair, so dibuat tajuk macam Blair regret dan ngaku salah semua bende, padahal Blair tak cakap buat mistakes dalam soal policy, cuma sebahagian dari perlaksanaan aje... try again, bro...
“I also apologise for some of the mistakes in planning and, certainly, our mistake in our understanding of what would happen once you removed the regime.”

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Post time 27-1-2018 03:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Defcon2 replied at 22-1-2018 01:06 PM
Dalam rencana yang aku bagi 3 negara Kristian direkodkan mempunyai kes rogol per kapita paling tin ...

SA, Botswana tak banyak imigran?? KANTOI lagi kau ....

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Post time 27-1-2018 03:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Anti Islam bukan bermaksud pro kristian atau pr0 agama mana mana.

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Post time 28-1-2018 08:55 AM | Show all posts
muraicomey replied at 10-1-2018 10:26 PM
Terduduk anti islam masuk thread ni dekk..terkedu seribu bahasa

akhirnya tuan tanah yang terduduk yach baru ada akai

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