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Author: Sephiroth

Sephiroth's Little Corner ... 3rd one.

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2017 12:06 PM | Show all posts
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Published on 26 Feb 2013
During the speech, he described the fundamentals of a economic models of West and India, viz a viz the Culture and Civilization.

He said that, although American economic model seems or projected to be the best model via world media and Indian media as well, has its fundamental flaws, which are both catastrophic and irreversible.

The American State has broken the backbone of its economy and its society at large, by a continuously attacking on their family, women and culture, under the Leftist-Marxists concepts of liberalism, modernism and contract system while downplaying the ethics, moral and value system.

This lecture is for those people, who thinks India has civilizational problems and for it to be a developed nation, its family and women must be targeted.

When one says "Indians", what they meant was the Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, atheists and secular.

But problem here is that even so Hindus makes up about 70% of the Indian community, the true power (since 1947) lies in the hands of non-hindus (the rest of the Indian society which makes up the other 30%).

Since 1947, the interest of Hinduism and Hindus have been pushed backward in a slow but steady procession, in order to give the "lesser" fortunate races a chance to move forward. You see, Hindus are too generous for their own good. Even before the Independence, Mahatma Gandhi was ready to hand over India to the Muslim minority so they could rule like they did before the Colonization.

This was one of the reasons why Mahatma was shoot by a hindu fundamentalist who believed that he could destroy India if he continued being too lenient toward non-Hindus. And the fundamentalists were right, India were "destroyed" by people such as him whom continued to be generous to non-hindus in exchange for "favors" and monetary gains.

However, things become very bad as the decades went on. Slowly the ideals of an independent and self-sufficient India which dreamt by Gandhi ji and others like him during the 1930s and 1940s have been shifted aside by Congress who exchange it to trying to mimic the Western society, namely the United State of America.

For nearly 40 years, they continued to poison the minds of the youngsters through educational system by implying that the reason why India was in such backwarded state was due to Hinduism, while suppressing the historical facts of what had been done by Christians and Muslims alike, fearing that if they were to teach youngsters on what really happened, it could lead to Hindu revivalist movement like what happened during the 1900s. In another word, the only way India can be maintained as a backward country, continuingly supplying workforce and intellectual force for Westerners was by ensuring that Hindu revivalists have no foothold in India, which is what happening to this day in India.

Furthermore, Congress had made severe mistake in allowing Socialism to enter India in 1970s by supporting the Soviet Union against Pakistan and Afghanistan. This cancer called Atheism enters India and continue to enrich the already corrupted Atheists' mindset that existed in India before to a new level, allowing them to take up arms against the government by using excuses such as race, caste and social inequity.

Therefore, IF India is to be saved, it must undergo a rapid and painful process of dying and reviving. The social structure we have today in India - where the non-hindus are in power, influence of socialism and the severe division among states in India must all be destroyed and replaced with better systems.

Hinduism must be given its rightful place as the dominant religion in the country and that can only be done by openly challenging Christianity and Islam. Hindu Kings in the past will have debate contests among scholars of various beliefs in midst of the People and the belief system which able to withstand the debate and prove its points are allowed to be spread to the People. It had been done before and it MUST be done now to erase all the false religions which already taking too much space in the minds of the People.

Socialism must be eradicated - first from political parties, then from written words and educational systems and finally through military actions. Social inequity must be address as soon as possible by enriching the lowest level of society - the farmers and merchants who are the backbone of any society. They must be given great amount of help to maintain their farms, their children must be given education and encouraged to take up agriculture in a modern perspective (like what happened in Japan where they commit agricultural revolutions through science and technology) and their products must be allowed to be sold according to standardized price and goes to the People who needs them instead of other products like cosmetics.

HIndus must study the mass amount of information left behind by their forefathers and understand that Hindu societies existed peacefully for thousands of years where war was something still existed (it always does) but the factor contributing to social changes were not war or any other strife, but the religion itself which allowed social equality, freedom and many more positive outcome. Yeah, sure Hinduism had its own problems but no Hindus have ever fought a religion war in India on who was right and who was not. Whatever problem Hinduism brought - like Caste problems which can be solved by our own hands without the need for war.

Lastly India requires a revolution if it is to be saved. It maybe already too late as many evil enemies are within their borders and inside India itself but nevertheless, unless Hindus themselves try and change their fate, nothing will change.

Long live the Freedom fighters.

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2017 12:30 PM | Show all posts
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Vijay’s Bairavaa is set to release for Pongal, eventually the actor has extended his support for Jallikattu (Eruthazhuvuthal), the true sport of Tamil people, which was banned a couple of years ago. Since there are only a few days for the festival of Pongal, there’s no positive sign from the government and it is uncertain for the traditional and cultural bull sport to happen.

For few months now, people down the south of Tamil Nadu have been preparing their bulls believing the ban on Jallikattu would be lifted, but considering the circumstances, it is not possible for the bulls to pitch out of Vaadivaasal. Protests broke out in the state urging the government to intervene in the matter and resolve it.

Film celebrities are extending their support to the traditional sport of Jallikattu.

While I do support any actions against animal cruelty but actions of PETA and the government in India in banning Jallikattu seems to be misplaced here.  If PETA was serious about banning actions which could lead to animal cruelity, why did not they ban eating of beef by Muslims?

For those who do not know what Jallikattu is, it is like Spanish's running with the bull event (which causes more injuries than Jallikattu) - and yet I do not see any PETA movement to ban those event. Bulls will be released and young men will try and wrestle the bull down in what appears to be a tradition of youth.

Furthermore, I do not see why South Indians have to rely on their government to lift the ban. This is their heritage and the Government supposed to be their "servants". I could recommend all the sponsors of Jallikattu to get together and restart the tradition back and if the Government do not like it, they can do whatever they want and the People WILL respond accordingly at the next election. Then we will see a true Jallikattu between the People and the Party members.

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2017 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Happy Thaipusam for all Hindu in Malaysia and everywhere else.

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Post time 15-2-2017 11:54 AM | Show all posts
asking question himself and self  replied..

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2017 03:52 PM | Show all posts
Date : 23/02/2017

Not a very good week this have been for me. Have been getting tremendous "disturbance" since Monday.

The air is tense and vibrating with energy around me and for the past few days, the ground seems to be shaking beneath my feet. Sign of Earthquake? Someone testing out powerful bombs somewhere in the region? Not sure but I will go with Earthquake.

No Tsunami warning though. I don't sense any disturbance from the water so whatever this is, it is coming from some land mass.

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Post time 23-2-2017 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 23-2-2017 05:55 PM
Not a very good week this have been for me. Have been getting tremendous "disturbance" since Monday.

Thats because my words is powerful now working on u...i did not cast spell but like I mentioned just my words, it tremble and warned when u talk to me child...remember my words on tornado , it happened - tsunami - kathamandu earth quake....just my words it shake and tremble..
many yrs back i cursed a women /or couples that they would not have child  for being rude,  till todate, they still not able to have was during 2008 till now she still childless....oh yes , I told her husband he can visit any holy places in india or anywhere or visit 100 or more temples for prayer to have child, but I told him my words is final...NO CHILD.....

The air is tense and vibrating with energy around me and for the past few days, the ground seems to be shaking beneath my feet. Sign of Earthquake? Someone testing out powerful bombs somewhere in the region? Not sure but I will go with Earthquake.

u do not have such gift ...u heart full of hatred.. by the way is not earthquake  as you says  but your brain might get slight lose...and indication my sayings coming true evenyou unable to provide duration time....I can spear this spell if you apologize to me...  the choice is urs


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 Author| Post time 24-2-2017 07:49 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Sephiroth at 24-2-2017 07:56 AM

by Snake.8

Thats because my words is powerful ...

Your word is $hit.
Only an idiot will entertain you and your mental retardness.

Get lost. This is my space and you are not welcome here.

Anyway, UNRELATED to the stupid Snake above ...

Found out what was the vibration in the air supposed to be. Electrical storms.

Since Monday, we seems to be getting a large number of unusually charged electrical storms. Lightning and thunder seems to have charged the atmosphere at the tropics more than before. Yesterday was the worst I have experience in a long time. Driving down the Federal Highway yesterday evening, I could feel the electrified air around me. Electricity was flowing through my arms and legs as I sat in the car and I was pretty sure that if I was standing outside, I could have been struck by lightning (no, have NOTHING to do with the words of that damned Snake).

I will advice caution to all during this storms. It seems that energy from the Sun plus our own abused Planet have triggered massive electrical storm and I afraid that this could only become worst in the future. Please don't use your electronic telephones in wide open areas as this could draw lightning from above. Also don't stand under a tree as well.

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Post time 24-2-2017 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 24-2-2017 11:21 AM
Electricity was flowing through my arms and legs as I sat in the car and I was pretty sure that if I was standing outside, I could have been struck by lightning (no, have NOTHING to do with the words of that damned Snake).

Hmmm seem my words getting on you now....I noticed very long time ago since 1980's whenever I says thing it happened...I did not take seriously on this issue ...I taught it       might be coincidence... than somewhere 2004 I  wrote  the end times comes like flood 19-12-2004 (sunday) happened 26-12-2004 (sunday) great flood tsunami...since than I beings to realised something on mum always  says  try think positive ......mabe she awared  of my sayings...but she kept  silent.., I giving u 1 weeks to  apologize  to me.....otherwise things might turn ugly on u.... I do not need to cast spell...only my words  and intention, it happened..

by the way, snake or not snake, u know how powerful my words...


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 Author| Post time 16-5-2017 09:24 AM | Show all posts
New Cyber threat hit Asia

Source : ... sses-233300110.html

KUALA LUMPUR, May 16 — Several Malaysian businesses have been affected by the “WanaCryptor 2.0” cyberattack on Friday, says Kaspersky Lab SEA.

Its corporate communications manager, Sanjeev Nair, said Kaspersky was still investigating the cases and assisting in the recovery of the companies’ data.

On Saturday, the national cyber security specialist under the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, CyberSecurity Malaysia, released a statement warning users of the attack, also known as WannaCry.

“CyberSecurity Malaysia is monitoring the situation of the ransomware attack in Malaysia,” said its chief executive officer, Datuk Amirudin Abdul Wahab.

I still remember that last year, we had a similar incident like this where data from individuals and companies are held for ransom through ransomware. It was short-lived because the news about the ransomware spread through the Internet quickly and people were made aware of it, thus reducing the damage it could make otherwise.

To prevent this ransomware from being affected, please DO NOT open any attachment files send to you from anyone, especially by those who you do not know.

I have also read somewhere that computer systems still using older OS (like Windows XP, Vista and ME etc) - which stopped getting security updates - are most vulnerable to this ransomware. Installing anti-virus and anti-spam software and keeping them updated is important as well.

Lastly, it is highly recommended that you keep your important data separate and secure at all times. IF your computer is infected, DO NOT pay ransom to retrieve the data. Instead, reformat your PC and restore the information from your backup.

This is because even if you were to pay the ransom, there is NO GUARANTEE that those who are responsible for it will not repeat the process again. The IT-Criminals could target you again as potential target OR they could add potential "time-bomb" within your computers which could become active once a certain time (or date) have expired, thus causing the ransomware to be active again, and you will be forced to pay a new ransom, believing that you have been infected again. Do not take risk, just reformat your PC/laptop.


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 Author| Post time 14-6-2017 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... veen-232900088.html

GEORGE TOWN, June 14 — T. Nhaveen was no stranger to bullying.

The 19-year-old was beaten until he fell into coma and is now fighting for his life at Penang Hospital. Police said he was also sodomised.  

Five suspects believed to have assaulted him have been placed under extended remand yesterday.

Police said Nhaveen, from Taman Tun Sardon, Bukit Gelugor, was allegedly attacked when he and his friend T. Previnn, 19, ran into two former school bullies at a burger stall in the neighbourhood on Friday.

They were eventually cornered by a group of six, who attacked them with crash helmets, sticks and shoes. Previnn managed to escape and inform Nhaveen’s family members.

The victim’s supermarket co-workers told Malay Mail yesterday Nhaveen often told them about being intimidated by his former school bullies. Threats, intimidation and sometimes abusive language was used on him and this continued into his working life.

“There were even intimidating messages on his handphone from these bullies,” Nhaveen’s colleague, who declined to be named, said.

Nhaveen made mistake of not taking the threat seriously. He probably thought that if he did, it could become problematic for him and his mother but now, he is in a hospital bed with uncertain future.

Those who are being bullied by others, PLEASE TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS to prevent this from happening. If it happens in school, inform the teachers. IF it happens outside (in working environment), please make police complains and protect yourself.

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2017 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Is this a Test from God for me?
Date : 20/06/2017

I was like a normal person once - with desires and dreams of settling down and having a family. That was over twenty years ago (and Yes, I too was in a relationship with my opposite sex). It was long time ago and I have accepted that it was over. Now my heart is cold and beats for no one in particular. I have accepted my duties for God and the Society (in general) and have been at peace with my decisions for nearly 15 years now.

A few days ago, I was having breakfast at one of the shops near where I work. It was peaceful Friday morning, nothing out of usual. I have finished my breakfast and it was ten minutes before 9:00 o'clock in the morning. I got up and went to the cashier to pay. I paid and was putting my changes into my wallet when a person came to my side and called out "Excuse me." I turn to look at the person, expecting someone to ask for donation or something. To my surprise, it was the person who I cared for nearly two decades ago. My heart skipped a beat. The person introduced, believing that I had forgotten the person. I sighed and told that I still remember. The person took me to see the people who were with the person at the time - the aunty and some bald guy. We shake hand and the person asked all sort of questions, which I did answer. After a few moment, I told the person it is getting late for my work, and we exchanged phone numbers and facebook addresses before I left.

Now old memories are flooding in, making me wonder if I should make contact with the person. It seems some of the old residue of the feeling I had is still in my heart. I know that it is very high possibility that the person is married. It have been 15 years and not everyone is like me.

So, is this God's trial for me? To see whether if I could follow the path of mortals, clinging to possibilities and emotional drama? Clinging to the past which not going to repeat itself? Or maybe this is God's way to bring out the old residue and force myself to completely eradicate whether emotions I do have left, so I could serve better in the future? Or maybe He had another plans for me? Or maybe this is just another trial which I have to overcome before something to happen?

I do not know but I will try my best. If the person is married, I will not bother about the person anymore. I could remember well the lessons learned from Ravana, the Demon King of Ramayana. No matter how Spiritual you evolved to be (or how successfully you are as a human being), everything will collapse if you do something stupid (as desiring another person's spouse - male or female).


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 Author| Post time 7-8-2017 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Sephiroth at 8-8-2017 11:06 AM

Malaysian Economy is an Abnormal (Economy). Part 1

Date : 07/08/2017

The year 2017 is proving to be a hectic year for many (including myself). I remember back in February when I had wrote a post here stating that one should prepare for drastic changes to occur this year (2017) but little did I notice just how much and how fast the changes actually happening around me (and others as well as the country).

For the past few month, it have been a hectic and awful time as I have been running around trying to get things done. Hardly any time for posting things here in Cari, however I do come and read often. Last month, I was asked by my nephew and neice to go house/apartment hunting for him so off we go looking for a new accommodation for him. What I found was very disturbing.

We have came across a few houses (20 feet by 40/70 feet) and it had a price tag around 350K and above. At one place, we found a similar double-storey house (went into a sample house to look) and it was no different that a single storey house but the price was around 500K. I asked the developer why the price was almost double to that of a single storey house even so the size of the house was same as the single storey I had visited earlier and the answer was some of the most stupid ones I have ever heard. He (the developer) claimed that even so the square feet of the house is 20 X 70, it is actually 40 X 140 when they count the upper floor (the ground floor plus the first storey) and the house was near a shopping complex (two miles away) as well as near a bus stand and a police headquarters.

I really do not see the relevance of a public shopping complex or a police headquarters or a bus stand have to do with price of a house. Furthermore, I always had impression that we were buying the land on which the house was build and NOT the sky above the house (1st storey) as well. It took all my humanity to mustered patience not to stab the widely grinning developer in the chest. And that is why I'm writing this post today. The Malaysian economy is very abnormal.

I remember a time when there was a price lists for houses. Around 1990s, we could get a single storey house between 250 to 300K and I don't mean a house that is so small, you can kick a ball from the front door and it will go out of the backdoor easily. For 350K to close to 500K, we could get a large double-storey house where the whole family could live comfortably without much problem. As for apartment, we could get a decent on around 200K to 300K because the price list was similar to that of a single-storey house. Extra facilities like swimming pool, gym, parks etc were not counted into the package as it was PUBLIC PROPERTY and belongs to everyone.

But what happening today is opposite of that. The apartment and housing package comes with all these facilities included and that influence the price tag, as if each occupants going to have their own swimming pools. Even facilities like parking lots are included into the price package. Things that are unrelated to the house/apartment like police stations, bus station, clinics, hospitals, schools etc are also included into the package and influence the price tags and I do not see the logic behind this. And what is worse, the price of house and apartment are increasing blindly for the past decade to the point that an average Malaysia with a salary between 3,000RM to 4,000RM cannot even afford most of the houses in the market today. So who are these developers and why are they building houses that an average Malaysian cannot even afford?

If you look carefully, we could know that most of these developers are from China. Could it possible that these house development projects are just another front for the Chinese government to bring their own people into Malaysia and then create a separate society (which doesn't follow Malaysian laws) within our country? Many could laugh at my statement but think carefully what was happening in Nepal and Tibet. This tactic is being deployed there as we speak. Nepal was originally a democratic Hindu nation and Chinese have been pushing their people into the borders of Nepal since 1970s and today, Nepal is a Communist country which have close ties to Beijing than its own people.

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 Author| Post time 7-8-2017 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Sephiroth at 7-8-2017 11:14 AM

Malaysian Economy is Abnormal (Part 2)

Date : 07/08/2017

If one were to ask what is the status of Malaysia and its political situation, one could answer that Malaysia is a house of cards, just waiting for a strong wind to collapse. What is worse is that Malaysian politicians (especially BN) have already established a dangerous situation where a collapse in the society could lead to Malaysia being cease to exist and a new foreign force could likely to occupy Malaysia in the near future. Yes, that is how dangerous close Malaysia is to losing its own independant.

I don't know whether anyone noticed or not the changes that is occuring within society in Malaysia for the past five years (since the last general election). Surely many could have seen the "For Sale" or "For Rent" signs popping out everywhere nowadays, from high-rise apartment buildings, to terrace (single and double storey) houses as well as shoplots. It seems that many have give up trying to stay afloat in business sector (especially among Chinese) and even sectors which once considered to be unchallengable like Education have seen changes which are disturbing and worrying.

Furthermore, what is more surprising is the change of Chinese attitude toward other races as well. Chinese always being a proud people due to the wealth and power which comes along with it. Because of the economic control Chinese had in Malaysia for the past 60 years (and before, due to their close ties with the British before independance), the Chinese have grown proud and arrogant to the point that they could challenge the Malays for political power whille other non-Malay races like Indians and the Aboriginines chooses to ride the storm out with patience. But what happening now is that Chinese are starting to lose their grips on the economy. Their businesses are going down, their buy-and-selling properties business are going down (no one wants to buy) and economy are too slow for them to make a profit. Many of the youngsters choosing to stay overseas and the trend in education have shifted from studying from the best overseas to studying to live overseas. This economic and social changes can be seen now, even if you sit in an Indian restaurant and take notice of the increasing Chinese customers (and their arrogant attitudes) coming to Indian restaurant (especially Indian restaurants as it is cheaper than Malay restaurants especially the Nasi Kandar Indian Muslim restaurants which charges you a limp just for a Kari Kepala Ikan (which I have no idea what so great about ... I hate fish curries)).

It is possible for us to summarize that the reason for Malaysian economy to be in such abnormal state is because Malays have been too lazy to improve themselves in term of economy and too afraid to allow other races (especially Indians) to participate activily in economic sector. Malays may think that an Ali-baba scheme could be sufficient for them in the long run. Ali-baba scheme is an old scheme (nothing to do with where a Malay (Ali) could get license for business from the government, and then "sell" it to a Chinese (Baba) who could then start a business and provide a small profit to the Malay (Ali) in return for him being a silent partner (in name only). Situation today is occuring because Baba (Chinese) unable to hold the business properly and in order to prevent both Ali and Baba from collapsing, Ali (Malays) are doing everything they can - including jacking up the prices abnormally and making changes to loan policies and such just to keep the Baba afloat.

Question here is - how long can Ali keep Baba afloat before both of them sink into the depth of the economic abyss?


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 Author| Post time 7-8-2017 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Malaysian Economy is Abnormal (Part 2)

Date : 07/08/2017

If one were to ask what is the status of Malaysia and its political situation, one could answer that Malaysia is a house of cards, just waiting for a strong wind to collapse. What is worse is that Malaysian politicians (especially BN) have already established a dangerous situation where a collapse in the society could lead to Malaysia being cease to exist and a new foreign force could likely to occupy Malaysia in the near future. Yes, that is how dangerous close Malaysia is to losing its own independant.

I don't know whether anyone noticed or not the changes that is occuring within society in Malaysia for the past five years (since the last general election). Surely many could have seen the "For Sale" or "For Rent" signs popping out everywhere nowadays, from high-rise apartment buildings, to terrace (single and double storey) houses as well as shoplots. It seems that many have give up trying to stay afloat in business sector (especially among Chinese) and even sectors which once considered to be unchallengable like Education have seen changes which are disturbing and worrying.

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Post time 2-7-2018 06:04 PM | Show all posts
so, I giving u 1 weeks to  apologize  to me.....otherwise things might turn ugly on u.... I do not need to cast spell...only my words  and intention, it happened..

hmmm  madam sepi missing....could be my words that vanished madam

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2018 07:53 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 2-7-2018 06:04 PM
hmmm  madam sepi missing....could be my words that vanished madam

Deh ... I didn't vanish. I just don't feel like writing here much. Moderators are lazy p!gs, the forumers are stupid as $hit and I'm very busy with works and personal things.


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Post time 10-9-2018 12:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wa... sephiroth. Bergasao lagi ka dgn truth 8

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Post time 13-9-2018 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 2-9-2018 07:53 PM
Deh ... I didn't vanish. I just don't feel like writing here much. Moderators are lazy p!gs, the f ...

oh really? i sense you failure

truth.8  : when we fail we are in right path to be on top...please ponder


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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 13-9-2018 10:51 AM
oh really? i sense you failure

truth.8  : when we fail we are in right path to be on top...plea ...

I don't attend to think about anything that is written in BAD ENGLISH.

Go and learn to write English before you talk to me. Stupid p!g.

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Post time 18-9-2018 01:24 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 18-9-2018 01:13 PM
I don't attend to think about anything that is written in BAD ENGLISH.

Go and learn to write En ...

...but all the while you have attend me with bad english. why now different tune?
unless you afraid to debate what I wrote


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