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Author: putehkundor

[2015] THE MARTIAN-Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain

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Post time 11-10-2015 10:37 PM | Show all posts

goodnight MH XXX....



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Post time 11-10-2015 10:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah tgk ... I wud say cerita ni the best movie aku penah tgk tahun ni...
Compact... All the fact pon tersusun elok and tepat! As what been told by the other forummers, diorang dptkan consultation dr NASA...

Matt did it nicely.., lame gile xtgk lakonan dia yg best lepas departed.
Aku jenis payah nak tgk cerita2 serius and layan cerita kelakar... Lite n easy. Tapi crita ni aku suka wlaupon awal2 aku ngantuk sikit
  Tapi cerita ni pon ada klakar dia... How they deal wif conflict. Sbb tu bukan senang2 nk jd astronaut. Fit physical n mental. Emotional pon kene bijak. Bukan calang2... Hebat... Pengajaran pon ada... Wlau kita bijak, kita hebat dlm ilmu tp Ilmu dari Tuhan lah yg lebih dr segalanya... Jgn cepat takabbur dan riak.. Heheee.. Kan dah kene catu makanan...hahaha... Well done to the team... Aku terhibur...

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Post time 11-10-2015 10:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-10-2015 02:37 PM
goodnight MH XXX....


Aik apekah maksudnya itu? Hahahaa

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Post time 11-10-2015 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 12-10-2015 12:03 AM
manjalara_01 replied at 11-10-2015 10:16 AM
sebenarnye..i pun x brape nak recall...castaway ni...
but 1 thing that was interesting and made m ...

I see... aah now i undrstand you , u minat set set film yg depicting the emotional struggles ye....i guess you probably like to watch this film , Sidney POllack and Kidman was in it - The Interpreter  - for me i loveeeeeeeeee every bit and pieces of that film dari scripyt sampai  verbal and non - verbal acting gestures...very touching ....

oh you set set ni ye....hehehe

well ,  Gravity is a good movie though  , malah i think is a precursor to other space - mission like films - dan of course Cuaron is the best  director too...cumanya dalam gravity the actress is Bullock being given the task of expressing all the emotional loads that she was carrying on her shoulders - anak 5 tahun meninggal accident, dok teringat , then kekawan dia meningal traumatically semua tu dan depa floating around the  ISS....dia terlepas and afloat still around the earth.. though in this case ,  the oxygen level is critical and  how to k establish communication , a lot less demand in technicalities etc etc ...tapi best cara depa facilitate her thru ....good movie...itu  yg membuatkan penonton  engaged dalam film tu sebab pandai pengarah tu garapkan elemen emosi tu, he played up well...sama macam film dia lelain tu macam upside down...etc etc...sandra menangis, ingat dia nak mati bagai...nothing much to go on apart from establishing some form of communication back to earth ...

dari cabaran lain - tak banyak yg bullock kena buat pun tapi sarat dengan elemen ni...biasalah when spanish and bulloch ( german ) buat film hahaha elemen emosi memang sarat  ...i guess this is the plusses points about Gravity.

in The Martian - nah ko terdampar sensorang kat planet itu...dan being chosen as the astronaut to mars , among thousands of candidates - you dari beribu ribu candidate lain diuji secara psychometric, psychological endurance, attitude, aptitude , segala it is a given that  yg watney  won't be latching  on too much  on the emotional bit of things, memang lah kita tak nampak watney nangis nangis rengek rengek mengenang nasib  malang sepi seorang diri di marikh....sebab well he should know how to manage the siatuation to the best of his ability...dengan being pragmatic and realistic yg dia akann mati - mahu atau tidak , dia kena accept dia akan mati...sebab? bekalan makanan tak cukup semua akan habis....dngan there humble acceptance that dia akan mati...dia akan berusaha kerah segala kudrat yg ada pada dia untuk survive dengan the least to start off from ...kena pikiaq semua sebab tu ada screen tunjuk segala manual manual macam mana nak operate this and that...he needs to..

lain benar ye dak  dari castaway yg  hanks  hanya perlu pecah buah kelapa nak makan, oxygen wise ? ta payah etc etc nak pikiaq sangat cuma penekanan diberi dari aspek emosi dan rencam jiwa dia laa bila dia find out the reality of the other side of life ....

so different films  beza dari segi emphasis...hehehe ....of course you nak tengok mark watney played a cry baby tak ada kot , dalam banyak films pun..jason bourne pun...dia tak banyak pamer emotion...sebab tu the zoo tu i personally think not his cup of tea...

lagi satu Andy Weir ditanya - kenapa tak bagi watney ni dari segi wataklah ni  -  seorang yg ada kekasih lah , family lah etc like some sort of motivator for him to keep on living - jawapan Weir  dalam video clip yg i paste link dia kat sini tu.. ada - dia nak tengok atau skopkan how a human can stretch his limit under very extreme pressure and condition to survive - with little to live by  ( ni dia sendiri habaq ) , so dia ketepikan  untuk  kaitkan watney dengan lovey dovey part of things - like titanic tu...nope...

lagi satu dia pun habaq - a person being chosen as an astronaut needs to have the strongest psychological profile...mana boleh nangis nangis bebanyak sangat ....hehehe

dan - lagi satu kalau u tengok andy weir nyer pendapat - atau the common theme subconsciously yg dia mahu tonjolkan - ialah

dalam films banyak ada elemen antagonist and protagonist - the hero always win tapi the villain will lose , kan? so dia sedih lah dia tak nak itu hahaha
villain pun play a part jugak dalam citer dia kata kalau film tu memaparkan perjuangan manusia bertarung nyawa against nature / atau mengharungi rintangan alam  jarang dia habaq: rarely we would say we want the hero to drown drown die dieeee...nope , right ( ini apa yg dia cuba terangkan dalam one of the clip ) , we want him her to rise against all odds gitu...

dia lebih kenapa elemen kemanusiaan dalam hal hal yg fittrah manusia ni  baik actually...semua nak bantu kalau ada apa apa bencana...

he talks about 9-11 tu...menarik

tapi u have to  know  lah mamat Weir  ni  background pretty analytical dia programmer computer, bapak dia pun particle  physicist mak dia pun chemist fefeeling ? okaylah tu....



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Post time 11-10-2015 11:03 PM | Show all posts
MeetJoeFly replied at 11-10-2015 10:44 PM
Aik apekah maksudnya itu? Hahahaa

ignore it - just playful non meaningful phrase ...selingan hahaha


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Post time 11-10-2015 11:09 PM | Show all posts
MeetJoeFly replied at 11-10-2015 10:44 PM
Aik apekah maksudnya itu? Hahahaa

u cer tengok translvynia 2 - best giler  i memang geak from the start dah ta tau nak describe ape dah, memang best lah....kalau u tengok transylvania I memang akan lebih faham...
u know now the screen tengah main PAN, THE WALK, and REGRESSION

kalau u pilih ape?


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Post time 11-10-2015 11:58 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-10-2015 11:02 PM
I see... aah now i undrstand you , u minat set set film yg depicting the emotional struggles ye... ...

hhhmmm,...manja ni kurang tgk movies from european filmakers la......any suggestions?...

i x sure wether i pernah mention...yg usually movies based on true stories...tu..
yg byk menyentuh perasaan...& in many ways...kite bleh relate to sama ada the characters...
or what they have been through....if not its still easier to empathize with them..because..its an honest..approach
in representing..the watak2...& storyline...real people with real stories...

"castaway"...based on true story...
"we bought a zoo" also based on true storiy......I like!!...for reasons stated above...
who knew after all the arguing...Matt & Scarlett..had a thing for each other...
but no..i don't expect the dude to pull my heart strings..

thanx 4 sharing bout kisah Sandra Bullock...tu....
i didn't know about that..i kena tgk gravity lagi skali..because i just saw the free online version..
rugi sgt x tgk kat cinema....

teringat Angie in 1 of her interviews..utk Gia..
at 1st..die menolak..2 kali x silap..sbb x nak berlakon as Gia..
because Angie herself..was addicted to it was hard for her...
but last2...thank goodness..she took the role...


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Post time 12-10-2015 12:05 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 11-10-2015 11:58 PM
hhhmmm,...manja ni kurang tgk movies from european filmakers la......any suggestions?...

that is something about  Luciana Barrosso  , kan?

masa dia  describe Luciana tu at the bar.....tu ...hahaha interesting jodoh Matt Damon, bertuah Luciana...


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Post time 12-10-2015 12:05 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 12-10-2015 12:07 AM

lagi satu Andy Weir ditanya - kenapa tak bagi watney ni dari segi watak seorang yg ada kekasih lah , family lah etc - jawapan Weir  dalam video clip yg i paste link dia kat sini tu.. ada - dia nak tengok atau skopkan how a human can stretch his limit under very extreme pressure and ocndition to survive - with little to live by for a start - dia tak nak ( ni dia sendiri habaq ) nak kaitkan watney dengan lovey dovey part of things - like titanic tu...nope...

lagi satu dia pun habaq - a person being chosen as an astronaut needs to have the strongest psychological profile...mana boleh nangis nangis bebanyak sangat ....hehehe

same idea..for Gravity...its about the human a person who has nothing else to live for or hope for..
still have the courage and strength to keep fighting and surviving...?..

p/s: susah la kan..kalau astronaut...jenis..emotional...eheheheh...

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Post time 12-10-2015 12:07 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-10-2015 10:36 PM
i oh part tu...

i guess part yg mana ada seorang wanita dan seorang lelaki tua oriental looking ...

yes yess that part! Thanks ya for explaining in details

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Post time 12-10-2015 12:13 AM | Show all posts
hyie replied at 12-10-2015 12:07 AM
yes yess that part! Thanks ya for explaining in details

macam mane that person boleh tido yeeee?


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Post time 12-10-2015 12:15 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 12-10-2015 12:05 AM
that is something about  Luciana Barrosso  , kan?

masa dia  describe Luciana tu at the bar..... ...

bukan2..kat dlm "we bought a zoo"...
ade 1 scene tu..die org berdua..tgh duduk kat poarch..
then ttiber..sambil2 berbual..they all pegang tangan...


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Post time 12-10-2015 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 12-10-2015 12:21 AM
manjalara_01 replied at 12-10-2015 12:05 AM
lagi satu Andy Weir ditanya - kenapa tak bagi watney ni dari segi watak seorang yg ada kekasih lah , ...

dalam Gravity , she has flashes back... ada juga the element of hopes  tu sebab dia cuma afloat kat sekitar earth , dia nyer cabaran  get a shuttle down and establish communication with little oxygen. bab emosi tu well Cuaron being spanish i guess hahaha expressive sungguh...nangis pun ada.

the martian lain...different planet and he is surviving....with little supplies.

kalau u nak emphasise on the profile - bullock tak ada sesiapa tapi ada past history. ini macam motivator
in the martian, watney only have his parents and very limited basic supplies...dia akan mati kalau dia tak terima hakikat yg help is 140 million km aways. his call.
he needs to be pragmatic.ini di mana semuanya bermula ...ini emphasis  in the martian.


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Post time 12-10-2015 12:22 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 12-10-2015 12:13 AM
macam mane that person boleh tido yeeee?

hahaaa...aku rasa dia macam budak form 1 ker form2 macam tu la...dia pegi ngan adik dia (sek rendah kot) ikut bapak dia tengok movie ni. Dari awal lagi aku dapat rasa dia x minat citer ni sebab genre berat kan...lainla kalau dia adi putra budak genius maths yang suka berfikir masa awal movie, dia dok sebok main wechat...aku hangin betul kalau time tengah layan movie orang dok main henpon tablet or whatever yang bagi silau mata ni, so aku ala2 buat dagger look kat dia and maybe dia perasan kot...ekceli ada 1gap between our seats. Di sepanjang tempoh tayangan movie ni, sia siskit2 pusing badan ke kanan ke kiri, nampak dia x fokus pon. Then bila sampai part dua chinese tu cakap pasal nak tolong nasa, dia mula berdengkur kuat...sialan sangat Aku pon pegila cuit2 lengan dia kuat2 tapi nan hado...pastu adik dia senggol bahu dia kot terus dia terbangun...adoi celaka sangat laaa...aku suka tengok midnite movie sebab nak menjauhi kehadiran bebudak kecik/bbnu sebab diorang tak tahu/tak alert etika ketika menonton wayang. Ni tetiba ramai plak bbnu..adoilaaaa..tapi sebelah kiri aku bbnu india ngan parents dia, ok je x buat hal...fuhhhhh luahan hati sangat,,sorry

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Post time 12-10-2015 12:28 AM | Show all posts
hyie replied at 12-10-2015 12:22 AM
hahaaa...aku rasa dia macam budak form 1 ker form2 macam tu la...dia pegi ngan adik dia (sek renda ...

if i were you u know, dan i would ( knowing myself ) say this: adik , boleh jgn main we chat tak , ganggu. 1st time.

second time : please switch off , you are disturbing the audience . kuat kuat.

kalau tak u get out and inform je pihak pengurusan.

your right.


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Post time 12-10-2015 12:32 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 12-10-2015 12:28 AM
if i were you u know, dan i would ( knowing myself ) say this: adik , boleh jgn main we chat tak , ...

taknak sebab nanti hilang mood...sebab iols x suka marah2 orang kot hahaa...cuma meroyan sesikit jah thanks for your concern, sis!

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Post time 12-10-2015 12:38 AM | Show all posts
hyie replied at 12-10-2015 12:32 AM
taknak sebab nanti hilang mood...sebab iols x suka marah2 orang kot hahaa...cuma meroyan sesikit j ...

kesian kat you lah , you paid to be entertain tetiba ada parents tak tahu nak disiplinkan atau nak ajaq anak anak depa to be civilised , you namopak sendiri kan ? parents pun tak didik anak anak kata : in the ciema jgn main games, we chat etc sebab ganggu focus org lain, tak baik?

u see?malaysian parents lagu ni? shame la. sebab tak tahu ajaq anak.


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Post time 12-10-2015 12:59 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 12-10-2015 12:15 AM
bukan2..kat dlm "we bought a zoo"...
ade 1 scene tu..die org berdua..tgh duduk kat poarch..
then ...


i  *THINK* you would love to watch The Intepreter - Kidman And Sean Penn

have a watch ..... u want to see the emotional side of things...this film is nice, very nice potraying of emotion between 2 adults with difficult histories, ada very sentimental scenes. nice sweet ones.

pi tengok kalau ada masa

script wise? intelligently  written.


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Post time 12-10-2015 12:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-10-2015 10:28 PM
hahahahahahahahahahah  ouch .....hahahaha

lawak aaahh....

apa yg lawaknye?

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Post time 12-10-2015 02:21 PM | Show all posts
My review

This is a feel good movie. Worth the money ? yes..definitely
in terms of satisfaction ? not so much. I was expecting more drama or action masa diorang nak selamatkan Matt Damon. Like meteor langgar dorg ke ? hahaha

I like Gravity yang Sandra Bullock berlakon tu dari The Martian. Rasa more adventure and nervous watching that movie compared to the Martian.

Matt Damon IMHO is superb.. was shocked to see he lost weight so much.

Overall, I will not watch it again.

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