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Author: mattzzx

Hrithik, Saba bakal berkahwin

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Post time 14-11-2022 12:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hidet replied at 14-11-2022 12:33 PM
Sebab tu ada  claim kata apaknya Kashmiri..tu pun xtau la betul ke tak..hihih..

Yup kasmiri muslim lagi
Klau apaknya jaga tentu kat n her siblings semua muslim
Taktaulah jenis laki ni beranak ramai2 tapi akhirnya ditinggalkan begitu je
Tapi tulah dlm ramai siblings dia kat je yg ada rupa indian yg lelain semua ikut belah mak dia
N depa kata semua satu bpak bukan mak kat kawen lain2

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Post time 14-11-2022 12:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hidet replied at 14-11-2022 12:43 PM
Iols pun suka Alia berlakon dari Kat.nampak lebih natural..tapi i tetap peminat Kat..hihi

Apa latest movie kat b.lakon?? Kot ada improvement
Si aliaa pandai menjiwai watak, first movie dia yg i suka ofcoz student of the year. She is bubbly n cute.
Kat mmg perasan drp mula mmg harap rupa, menari n pandai wat action je
Tapi deepika is complete package, luv her the most

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Post time 14-11-2022 02:20 PM | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 12:56 PM
Apa latest movie kat b.lakon?? Kot ada improvement
Si aliaa pandai menjiwai watak, first movie dia ...

phone bhoot... tak tengok lagi..baru sangat2 release 4th Nov..tunggu kot2 masuk netflix kew

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Post time 14-11-2022 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 12:56 PM
Apa latest movie kat b.lakon?? Kot ada improvement
Si aliaa pandai menjiwai watak, first movie dia ...

darah seni, apak producer/ director..mak pelakon,kakak pelakon... haruslah turun kat dia kan

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Post time 14-11-2022 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 12:48 PM
Yes yes the only queen aiswarya rai n sonam kapoor. I read somewhere about the bad relationship of ...

kenapa I tak berapa kenal Sonam sebelum ni..kenal sbb dia anak Anil je..dia banyak berlakon ke ? mcm taktahu sangat movie2 dia

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Post time 14-11-2022 02:30 PM | Show all posts
hidet replied at 14-11-2022 12:38 PM
Kagum kan sheol sanggup pregnant ...bilamana ramai org dah terbuka pasal surrogacy ni..bagusla dia ...

Betul, satu tindakan yang bijak daripada Alia disitu ...  Alia ni macam mak dia kot, Soni tu pun badan maintain gitu je sampai sekarang. Eh tapi zaman remaja, Alia ni pernah chubby jugak. Mungkin kalau tak jaga betul ada potensi jadi macam Shaheen. Tapi macam Shaheen tak payah risau, dia bukan artis yang jadi perhatian 24/7, enjoy je hidup, jangan kembali depress macam dulu... Kan uols, nampak dah proses penuaan yang berlaku pada PC.

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Post time 14-11-2022 03:11 PM | Show all posts
saaya replied at 14-11-2022 02:30 PM
Betul, satu tindakan yang bijak daripada Alia disitu ...  Alia ni macam mak dia kot, Soni tu pun ...

nape Shaheen tu depress you ? i taktau cerita ni

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Post time 14-11-2022 03:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 12:52 PM
Yup kasmiri muslim lagi
Klau apaknya jaga tentu kat n her siblings semua muslim

Ingatkan yg lain2 tu adik beradik tiri Kat hahaha
Langsung takde mix indian sikit pun
Surprise jgk rupanya seibu sebapa

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Post time 14-11-2022 03:51 PM | Show all posts
hidet replied at 14-11-2022 03:11 PM
nape Shaheen tu depress you ? i taktau cerita ni

I tak sure punca sebenar kenapa Shaheen depress, I ingat masa dia keluarkan buku dia ceritakan pasal depression yang dia hadapi lama. Mungkin banyak faktor yang memainkan peranan, family, orang sekeliling, kurang keyakinan diri (mungkin sbb dia sorang je adik beradik perempuan yang biasa2 rupa parasnya)... Lepas Shaheen keluarkan buku tu baru I nampak Soni baru bagi perhatian lebih dekat Shaheen sampailah sekarang ni, kalau tak I rasa manjang Soni asyik lebihkan Alia. Tapi Alia pulak, dia macam menyesal sebab tak tahu apa yang dihadapi oleh Shaheen, lepas dia tahu, Alia kerap habiskan masa dengan Shaheen, even masa Shaheen tengah sambung study dia dengan Ranbir keraplah jenguk Shaheen.

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Post time 14-11-2022 03:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hidet replied at 14-11-2022 12:39 PM
If not mistaken..adik kakak

again.....sorang muka indian sorang kokesen habis
Awat lagu tu? Hahaha

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Post time 14-11-2022 03:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hidet replied at 14-11-2022 12:34 PM
Yee..mak dia..gambar masa muda ada la nampak mix..nenek Alia tu british

Baru tau nenek alia brits. Kuat betul gene indian diorang ek. Alia n shaheen takde muka kokesen langsung.

*ramai rupanya ummah kokesen kawen indian.. mcm mana diorang cross path agaknya..

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Post time 14-11-2022 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 12:48 PM
Yes yes the only queen aiswarya rai n sonam kapoor. I read somewhere about the bad relationship of ...

Aiswarya Rai gossip???? Okay. Here goes. The beef with Sonam Kapoor & Aiswarya Rai started as always by Sonam Kapoor. As Sonam Kapoor called Aiswarya Rai "Aunty", just because Aiswarya Rai acted with Anil Kapoor. Sonam told in the Indian media that, "anyone who acts with her father, she thinks & calls them, "aunty"" (in another word, "old"). So, this was seen as disrespectful, so Maybelline  upon the request of Aiswarya Rai, immediately dropped Sonam Kapoor as the face of their company because Aiswarya Rai told the CEO, "that if Sonam Kapoor is in the company, working for the company, then Aiswarya Rai wants out permanently." The CEO of Maybelline did not want Aiswarya Rai to leave because she brings in millions to the company & the company has a huge steady good footing & sales in India (which for any international market is too hard to get). Sonam Kapoor was shocked when she got dropped & ever since then, Sonam Kapoor has blamed Aiswarya Rai for ruining her life (as Maybelline) is seen as a very profitable & honourable brand to be associated with in Bollywood & India.

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Post time 14-11-2022 05:20 PM | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 12:48 PM
Yes yes the only queen aiswarya rai n sonam kapoor. I read somewhere about the bad relationship of ...

Ever since the fight between Sonam Kapoor & Aiswarya Rai, Sonam Kapoor has constantly been trying to "up herself" against Aiswarya Rai. Now, this is why you will see Sonam at Cannes, working with International brands & trying to "beat" Aiswarya Rai at every given chance at everything that Aiswarya Rai is doing.  This cold war is forever on going but every time Aiswarya Rai is winning. Sonam Kapoor is playing the victim in this whole entire "coldwar" because she is very bitter that she lost out on the "Maybelline" contract. As per say, it is reported that each celebrity if the product is sold, they get a 30% (more or less) cut of the sales. Something that Sonam Kapoor wanted so much of.   


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Post time 14-11-2022 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 12:48 PM
Yes yes the only queen aiswarya rai n sonam kapoor. I read somewhere about the bad relationship of ...

Another reason why Sonam Kapoor married Anand Ahuja is solely because he is worth more than USD$650 Million dollars. Sonam Kapoor knew that she could never get to the level of money that Aiswarya Rai makes on her own, so the only way to beat Aiswarya Rai was & is to marry a very wealthy man. Sonam Kapoor loves to keeps tabs on Aiswarya Rai & Kareena Kapoor helps her with that also, because as well know, Kareena Kapoor is a number one gossiper of Bollywood. She knows everyone's business before news spreads out to the media.  


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Post time 14-11-2022 05:34 PM | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 12:48 PM
Yes yes the only queen aiswarya rai n sonam kapoor. I read somewhere about the bad relationship of ...

Aiswarya Rai does not get along with her mother-in-law or sister-in-law. They all hate each other. Aiswarya Rai is angry that she is not the "head" of the family but Jaya Bachchan is still the "head" of the family & everything goes according to her (Jaya's) wishes. Aiswarya Rai is also very possessive & protective or  Abishek Bachchan. So, she always has someone on the lookout to make sure no actress of affairs. But Abhishek being the darling that he is, is not a womanizer & he truly loves Aiswarya Rai & their daughter Aradhya. By the way, in a way, Aiswarya Rai still can never get rid of Sonam Kapoor because Shweta Bachchan married into the Kapoor Family. Shweta Bachchan's husband is Nikhil Nanda. She has since divorced him because he was rumoured to have cheated on her.   


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Post time 14-11-2022 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 12:48 PM
Yes yes the only queen aiswarya rai n sonam kapoor. I read somewhere about the bad relationship of ...

Aiswarya Rai is said to genuinely hate Jaya Bachchan because that woman has control issues (Jaya Bachchan is a control freak). Even her husband Amitabh Bachchan prefers to work rather than stay at home & be with Jaya. Jaya is one horrible person. In reality, Jaya Bachchan was thinking that Aiswarya Rai would be a "homely" girl & obey her mother-in-law. A huge reason why Abhishek & Aiswarya Rai moved out was only because of Jaya Bachchan. There was no space for the couple as Jaya would object to so many things & this naturally pissed off Aiswarya Rai. Aiswarya Rai was tired of fighting with Jaya(as we see on the internet, Jaya Bachchan is a HORRIBLE WOMAN), it takes a lot out of Aiswarya Rai to want to be in the same house with Jaya & at one point of time, even Abhishek got fed up of the constant fighting (this daily fighting news was leaked out to the media by the servants).


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Post time 14-11-2022 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 12:48 PM
Yes yes the only queen aiswarya rai n sonam kapoor. I read somewhere about the bad relationship of ...

Sonam Kapoor has a sh*t mouth. What I mean by that is that, Sonam Kapoor will say something mean about other actresses or actors but always be playing the damn bloody victim. Sonam Kapoor will not keep her mouth shut. This has gotten Sonam Kapoor into so much trouble with so many people & Sonam's mouth is the reason why many people call her stupid & an idiot. Apart from this, this ia also a huge reason as to why Sonam Kapoor has lost a lot of advertisements (which cost millions). Companies in India are scared that Sonam Kapoor will make them lose money instead of gain money. In the past, Sonam was supposed to do an Ad with Ranbir Kapoor but was replaced by Shruthi Hassan. Sonam in her bitterness, said Shruthi Hassan acted "horribly" in that ad. Pure jealousy.


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Post time 14-11-2022 07:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hidet replied at 14-11-2022 02:22 PM
kenapa I tak berapa kenal Sonam sebelum ni..kenal sbb dia anak Anil je..dia banyak berlakon ke ? m ...

Memang takde apa nak tahu sangat pun psal si sonam ni....ajet2 popular je as fashionista n anak anil kapoor
Movie she banyak flop even satu je kot yg boleh dipuji filem Neerja coz of storyline n watak the real neerja banat
N satu lagi sheols ni sangat mendiva cam kareena thats why boleh kamceng sbb perangai sama n obvious la psal nama keluarga sama

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Post time 14-11-2022 07:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Page88 replied at 14-11-2022 05:56 PM
Sonam Kapoor has a sh*t mouth. What I mean by that is that, Sonam Kapoor will say something mean a ...

What a spoil bratt sonam is
I disliked her since the war with aishu n mostly bcoz she is just famous because of so called  as a fashionista but no one knowing her so much (many movies flops)
She is just lucky bcoz of her father n mother (designer)and got married with millionaires
As i know she is also one of ranbir exes( got dumped  before) and her boyfriend before got married is a white man right, correct me if i'm wrong

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Post time 14-11-2022 09:02 PM | Show all posts
Aikiko replied at 14-11-2022 07:15 PM
Memang takde apa nak tahu sangat pun psal si sonam ni....ajet2 popular je as fashionista n anak an ...

Sonam & Kareena are best of best friends. There is a video of Sonam & Kareena talking sh*t & nonsense & it was uploaded onto Youtube. You have to search for it. The only reason why Sonam's movie failed is because of her horrible acting, choosing the wrong scripts & over Diva behaviour even on screen.

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