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kebenaran mengenai ajaran islam dari pada pandangan ex muslim

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Post time 5-12-2015 09:48 PM | Show all posts |Read mode ... gion-i-did-not-like

Ex-Muslim: Quran Revealed a Religion I Did Not Like                                               

                Former Muslim Mona Walter is speaking out against Islam. (CBN)

Mona Walter is on a mission. Her mission is for more Muslims to know what is in the Quran. She says if more Muslims knew what was in the Quran, more would leave Islam.
Walter came to Sweden from Somalia as a war refugee when she was 19. She says she was excited about joining a modern European nation with equal rights for women. But as a young Muslim woman, that was not the Sweden she encountered.

A Real Introduction to Islam

It was in Sweden that she first experienced radical Islam on a daily basis.
"I discovered Islam first in Sweden. In Somalia, you're just a Muslim, without knowing the Quran. But then you come to Sweden and you go to mosque and there is the Quran, so you have to cover yourself and you have to be a good Muslim."
Walter says she grew up in Somalia never having read the Quran.
"I didn't know what I was a part of. I didn't know who Muhammad was. I didn't know who Allah was. So, when I found out, I was upset. I was sad and I was disappointed," she recalled.
And it was in Sweden that Walters says she discovered Allah is a god who hates, and that Islam is not a religion of peace.
"It's about hating and killing those who disagree with Islam. It's about conquering. Muhammad, he was immoral. He was a bloodthirsty man. He was terrible man, and Muslims can read that in his biography—what he did to Jews, how he raped women, how he killed people. I mean, he killed everyone who didn't agree with him," she explained.
Discouraged, Walter left Islam and became an atheist, until one day a family member encouraged her to read the Bible. She still remembers the first time she read Matthew 5:44, where Jesus said to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

Christianity, a New Perspective

"It was very strange for me to 'love your enemy,' because in Islam it is 'kill your enemy.' 'Kill your enemy and anyone who refuses Islam.' But Jesus Christ was all about love and peace and forgiveness and tolerance, and for some reason, I needed that," she said.
She went to see Pastor Fouad Rasho of Angered Alliance Church, a Syrian immigrant who ministers to former Muslims in Sweden.
"She started to believe and she came to me. And that was the beginning of her trusting," he said.
                When she accepted Christ, Walter said she felt "so happy" and "filled with joy."
Walter says the Lord gave her a burden for Muslims who still do not know the truth about Islam.  And she began to study the Quran, and began copying verses from the Quran and handing them out on the street to Muslim women.

Rescuing Muslims with Truth

"Sometimes they listen and sometimes they become very upset, and I tell them, 'You know your husband has a right to beat you if you don't obey him?' And they say 'No, It does not say that.' 'Yes, it does say that.'  I thought if I tell them about Muhammed and about the Quran and about this god of Islam who hates, who kills, who discriminates against women, maybe they will have a choice and leave," she explained.
But in politically correct Sweden, Walter has come under attack for simply repeating what is in the Quran.
"I've been called an 'Islamophobe,' and yeah [they tell me], 'You've been bought,' 'You're a house (expletive),' and stuff like that, terrible things, " she said.
She has also been called a racist. Walter warns that Islamic radicalism is a serious threat in Sweden, and says Swedish society should care more about women trapped in Islam.
"[Swedes] will think, 'Oh, we're in Sweden; we have freedom of religion,' but Muslim women don't have freedom of religion. They live under the law of Allah, not under Swedish law. So they will suppose everyone has freedom of religion. We don't have freedom of religion. It's not for Muslim women. It's for everyone else," Walter argued.
Walter lives under death threats and sometimes travels with police protection.  She wanted to show us Muslim areas around Gothenburg, but had to first dress as a Muslim. She believes if she were to show her face, she would be attacked.
"I can never go to those areas just being me, flesh and blood Mona. I would never get out of there alive," she said.
"I mean, Muslims are normally good people like everyone else," she continued. "But then when they read the Quran, then they become a killing machine."
"This so-called ISIS or el Shabab or Boko Haram, they're not like extremists. They're not fanatical. They're just good Muslims, good Muslims who follow the teachings of Islam. The prophet Muhammad, he did that. They're doing what he did," she explained.
Walter now uses videos and speaking appearances to spread her message. And she says she won't stop, even though her life is in danger.


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 Author| Post time 5-12-2015 09:55 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 5-12-2015 10:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aikkk kenapa ta jadi atheist?

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Post time 5-12-2015 10:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mungkin dia x habis kaji quran, sbb tu diansalah sangka..ataupn adakah dia baca translation yg salah?

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 Author| Post time 5-12-2015 10:04 PM | Show all posts
plasterhati replied at 5-12-2015 10:02 PM
Mungkin dia x habis kaji quran, sbb tu diansalah sangka..ataupn adakah dia baca translation yg salah ...

boleh terangkan apa yang salah?


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Post time 5-12-2015 10:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ladydutch replied at 5-12-2015 10:04 PM
boleh terangkan apa yang salah?

Dia cakap perempuan boleh kene pukul dgn suami, jawapan dia ya. Tapi kene sandar hadith jugak.

Mula2 marah pakai mulut, xjalan, pisah tempat tido, xjalan pukul. Xboleh terus pukul kalau xpuas hati.

Bila pukul isteri ada alat dia, xboleh pakai tangan, xboleh pakai rotan, tali pinggang dsb. Pakai hujung kain.

Pukul isteri ni bukan nak menyakiti, nak menunjukkan lvl marah. Bila cakap xpaham, asing tempat tido xpaham, pukullah..

Kalau pukul pakai hujung kain pun xjalan jugak. Jalan terakhirnya adalah cerai. Cerai tu benda yg xdisukai Allah, kalau boleh elak, elaklah..

Nak cerai plak ada step lagi, xboleh terus cerai, kene carik org ketiga cuba selesaikan dulu.

Sebab tu belajar al quran xboleh xpakai hadith, kene pakai hadith. Quran suruh solat, xberitau mcm mana, rujuk hadith. Sama mcm pukul. Orang kadang2 hapal 1-2 baris quran, xtau baris ke 3-4 ada penerangan lanjut.. Dalam 5-6 hadith ada huraian lagi, 2-3 buku ulama2 terangkan jugak hanya 2-3 baris ayat.

Mudahkan islam tu?

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 Author| Post time 5-12-2015 10:40 PM | Show all posts
JokesCop replied at 5-12-2015 10:32 PM
Dia cakap perempuan boleh kene pukul dgn suami, jawapan dia ya. Tapi kene sandar hadith jugak.


agama yang aman tidak akan membenarkan suami mengasari isterinya


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Post time 5-12-2015 10:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ladydutch replied at 5-12-2015 10:04 PM
boleh terangkan apa yang salah?

Lagi di ckp pasal ISIS dgn boko haram being good muslim, tu pun salah.

Dalam perang ada guide, dlm quran ada tulis, xboleh musnahkan pokok, xboleh guna serang hendap, xboleh bunuh civilian mcm kanak-kanak dan perempuan, xboleh bunuh org xde senjata, tawanan perang.

Dalam hadith dan sirah ada cakap xboleh seksa tawanan perang, xboleh paksa tawanan masuk islam, tawanan perang boleh dibebaskan tanpa ransom.

Xde dlm doktrin islam tulis tawanan perang automatik jadik hamba. Aku xjumpa lagi, kalau ada tulis or common sense aku xsure.

Daesh dgn boko haram langgar semua benda ni, mcm mana ckp derang good muslim kalau basic practice pun xbuat?

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Post time 5-12-2015 10:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ladydutch replied at 5-12-2015 10:40 PM
agama yang aman tidak akan membenarkan suami mengasari isterinya

Kan dah cakap kat comment aku, bukan tujuan menyakiti, tujuan tunjuk level marah. Pakai hujung kain. Sakit ke kene pukul pakai hujung kain?

Ko ade anak x? Pernah sakiti dia? Kasari dia kalau dia x disiplin? Ajaran agama ke bukan tu?

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Post time 5-12-2015 10:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ladydutch replied at 5-12-2015 10:04 PM
boleh terangkan apa yang salah?

Point 3 apa yg salah, dia cakap 19 tahun dia kat Somalia dia xbace quran tapi dia islam. Mcm mana tu? Xlogik, xde satu agama dalam dunia ni diajar tanpa guna kitabnya even pagan sekalipun.

Sampai sweeden dia cakap dia baca alquran terus tau Muhammad bloodthirsty, rapist dan sebagainya.

Dia sure dia baca quran ke tgk movie pasal muhammad yg pelik tu. Mana dia tau kitab dia baca tu quran? Sapa ajar dia baca quran? Bahasa arab? Dia belajar sendiri ke? Bace terjemahan je ke?

Mcm aku ckp 19 tahun aku xpernah belajar mathematik tiba2 aku pindah sweeden aku hapal sifir 1-12 and jumpa satu theory yg dicipta sendiri yg qku namakan theory of ultimatum dimana sebenarnya nombor 1 tu adalah nombor 3 sebab 1 lebih besar dari 10..

Ko xrasa mathematician lain meroyan ke dgn finding aku? Or aku ni kene sawan?

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Post time 5-12-2015 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mona dpt hidayah bila g Sweden. Bila keluar agama tu, jgnlah pulak benci Islam dan agama2 lain. Love your enemy katakan.

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Post time 5-12-2015 10:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
oh aku ingat kn islam ada salah dari segi tauhid

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Post time 5-12-2015 11:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rupa2nya tiada....hmmmm penentang islam ni tak nak cabar ker salah dari segi kepercayaan kepada Allah konsep Allah itu sendiri...tu baru betul kalau ko betul2 ingonkan kebenaran

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Post time 5-12-2015 11:05 PM | Show all posts
perlu ke kutip pendapat entah siapa siapa ni.. penting ke?


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Post time 5-12-2015 11:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak padan dengan berkerak hatinya lagi berkerak..berkat usaha mona berkerak terangkan islam sebenar maka agama islam makin pesat berkembang

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Post time 5-12-2015 11:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mona xkaji abis2 alquran n hadith..

Mcm porumer kt atas tu ckp, 19thn idup xbaca quran pindahsweden bca quran n terjemahan amek yg direct je...xkan dia xtau ttg adanya hadis,??kesian, smuga dlm kajian dia dlm islam dia akan nmpk light of truth..

Smuga Allah bukak pintu hati dia sluas2nya...mengkaji dari pelbagai sudut & merujuk & berguru dangan pelbagai cendiakiawan islam sunni..smuga dia dot jwpn sebenar

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Post time 6-12-2015 02:10 AM | Show all posts
ladydutch replied at 5-12-2015 10:40 PM
agama yang aman tidak akan membenarkan suami mengasari isterinya

agama yang benar jugak takkan menyediakan cara hidup yang terlalu memanjakan kerna terlalu memanjakan hanya sedap di perasaan,
tapi memberi akibat yg buruk jugak....

islam ni in between....memanjakan pada masa yg tepat, dan pukul pada masa yg tepat...dan pukul itu bukanlah seganas yg dibayangkan....
tentulah Allah akan menghukum org yg melampaui batas....

sedangkan undang2 sekular pun ada hukum gantung wanita, takkan suami yg lebih rpat dgn wanita tak boleh nak hukum isteri sendiri...
malahan pihak wanita jugak terbukti mengasari lelaki...maka jangan tutup mata...malahan boleh jadi tamparan wanita itu lebih pedih kerana wanita yg gnas biasanya menyakitkan mental suami....

jgn lupa,
dan yg paling faham Quran adalah nabi.....

dan tidak dikenali oleh isteri2nya, bahawa nabi membuat isteri mereka terseksa menggunakan lesen pukul dari Quran...

jika kita nak kata para isteri nabi menyorokkannya, ada jugak hadis pergolakkan rumah tangga nabi.....

namun tidak dikenali nabi itu pemukul isteri guna ayat Quran....


kenapa ladyducth lain skrg, tidak seperti yg sy kenal dulu....dulu sentiasa menyokong islam...


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Post time 6-12-2015 02:21 AM | Show all posts
IMO everyone has phases in their life where they doubt what they believe in. Kemungkinan due to too many questions which are no adequately answered and which may lead to doubt.

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Post time 6-12-2015 02:26 AM | Show all posts
beliau mungkin hidup dalam negara islam yg x diajar quran tak diajar solat perang boleh rogol boleh bunuh boleh rompak diajar islam extrem taliban

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Post time 6-12-2015 02:27 AM | Show all posts
"I didn't know what I was a part of. I didn't know who Muhammad was. I didn't know who Allah was. So, when I found out, I was upset. I was sad and I was disappointed," she recalled.
And it was in Sweden that Walters says she discovered Allah is a god who hates, and that Islam is not a religion of peace.

Beza dgn kita yang lahir di Malaysia kita dpt ajaran pengetahuan ttg Islam from our parents, studying Ugama Islam at school,  reading buku buku Islam, dengar ceramah ugama dan banyak lagi. Kita dpt bleesing dari Yang Esa sbb ada ilmu dunia dan akhirat (tak banyak sikit).

Semoga Allah Yang Maha Esa accept our faith, ibaadah and grant us success in both the worlds. Amin.

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