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kesan radiasi RF terhadap kandungan
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Saya baru disahkan hamil anak ke 3. Mmg gembira, tp ada perkara yg merisaukan saya..
Saya bekerja di institut penyelidikan, jadi mmg selalu buat pengujian yg melibatkan RF. Sebelum saya tahu saya mengandung ni...saya ada buat 2 kali pengujian yg melibatkan RF...pengujian yg pertama penggunaan frekuensi dlm 1.5GHz...power pula dlm -60dbm...saya pula berada dalam lingkungan 1m dr antenna...masa tu terasa jugak la pening semasa membuat pengujian...pengujian pertama ni lebih kurang dlm tempoh 11 hari dari masa saya bersama dgn suami (ni kes accident, tu yg tahu tarikh)... kemudian...semalam...saya terlibat dgn pengujian yg melibatkan RF lg...kali ni frekuensi dlm 2GHz...power dlm 13 saya duduk dalam 1m - 2m dari antenna dan membelakangkan antenna...x terasa la pening...sorry ye kalo agak teknikal sikit penerangan saya ni...
Nak minta pandangan kepada yg tahu pasal tahap radiasi RF ni. Ada kesan ke kepada kandungan saya? Ikutkan sekarang ni usia kandungan dalam 3 minggu...tolong ye ...saya risau sgt...terima kasih bnyk2... |
Sorry I tak boleh nak advise coz I tak fhm bidang2 technical ni. Tapi I rasa kalau you Ada kerisauan atau keraguan, better discuss dgn your dr.
Just to share my experience. Ketika I mengandung, I pernah buat chest x-ray utk medical check up kerja baru Dan ambil meningitis immunization jab for umrah trip. Xray tu masa kandungan berusia 5 weeks, jab pula awal sikit. Masa tu I tak tau I mengandung. Bila tau I cuak gilerrr.. Tapi my dr advised me jgn fikir lagi pasal tu coz benda tu dah berlaku, I tak boleh nak ubah dah melainkan dgn doa.
Alhamdulillah I gave birth to a healthy girl. She's 9 years old now. |
Reply 2# ziara
Tq ziara coz sudi share experience least ada juga yg doc pun advice mcm tu jugak...yg dah lepas tu...x payah fikir...doa bnyk2...masa jumpa doc tu...i rasa mcm nk meraung2 je...pas tu asyik memikir je....risau bile baca experience u...lega sikit...semuanya kuasa Allah...yg penting doa bnyk2...thanks ziara... |
RF tu apa? sorry sebab carly x kerja dalam bidang nie..... |
Reply 4# carly_lah
RF tu radio frequency wave....peralatan2 elektronik mcm tv, handphone, microwave, transmission line, pencawang telekomunikasi ada mengeluarkan RF radiation ni...RF ni non ionize radiation...beza dgn ionize radiation...ionize radiation ni mcm X ray, nuclear...which is lebih kt tmpt keje saya...kami selalu gunakan signal generator utk generate wave RF ni...utk pengujian tertentu...tu yg saya nk tanya RF radiation ni ada kesan x pada kandungan... |
Reply 5# eauclaire
ok, tq sebab bg pencerahan. tp carly nak advice pun, mmg carly x tau.. tp elok ler g tanya dgn doktor pasal nie.... kang salah advice kang bleh panic plak.... |
Reply 6# carly_lah
ok x pe...tq carly...saya dah tanya doktor dah ari die cakap doa bnyk2 la baby sihat...takut saya dgr...tu yg tanya pendapat kat sini...kot2 ada pengalaman sama ke... |
Reply 7# eauclaire
Salam TT,
Saja nak share pengalaman saya. Saya memang kerja dalam bidang high radio freq. Hari2 memang mengadap mesin-mesin tu. 2 kali dah pregnant, dalam keadaan memboyot pun masih kerja juga mengadap mesin2. Alhamdulillah dua2 anak saya sihat walafiat. Demam2 biasa tu ada la, adat budak2 kan.
Jangan fikir bukan2 ya. Kita berserah pada Allah. Yakin dan tawakkal |
Reply 8# sofeaki
Terima kasih sofeaki sbb sudi share pengalaman...betul cakap sofeaki...kene yakin dan tawakkal...harap2 semuanya ok...ikutkan sofeaki lagi la kene mengadap mesin2 tu tiap2 nk buat mcm mana kan...dah tugas kite...kalo blh elakkan...kite elakkan...alhamdulillah semuanya ok... tq ye sofeaki... |
Reply 9# eauclaire
Tu la. Masa first pregnancy, memang rasa takut sangat nak teruskan kerja. Taktau nak mintak pendapat sapa masa tu, sebab member kerja yang lain semuanya lelaki. Bukannya diorang ada pengalaman pregnant kan. Siap ada yang cakap, bila kerja under high freq wave ni, kebarangkalian nak dapat anak lelaki memang susah(ntah mana punya info dorang dapat tah). Memang berserah pada Allah masa tu. Alhamdulillah, anak2 saya sihat dan selamat, siap dah dapat sepasang dah pun.
Take care ya TT |
saya pun risau gak ni... sbab keja melibatkan chemical2 dlm lab.... wlupun lom pregnant lg tp langkah berjaga2 kena ambil dari awal.... |
sy pnah buat x-ray masa 8 weeks tu x-ray sbb nk wat operation clear kan kandungan anggur.....
doc scan ckp mengandung anggur , sbb perut besar sgt, pdhal bru few weeks gitu..
pastu doc pakar re-scan balik sblom nk wat operation tu, bila re-scan tu , doc find out that tu bukan kandungan anggur, tp cyst!!! n nmpk heart beat....
uwaaaaa....sibaik x smpt operation.....
ms tu cuak jgk sbb dh kena xray kan, ckp kt doc, docs ckp jgn riso...
ms weeks ke 12 gitu i buat operation buang cyst...sibaik xde paper kt baby...
n she's growing very healhty now...dh 11 bulan pon... |
ni bab RF.. kalau ibu mengandung heavy smoker cam no lak ekkk... huhuhu... (aku ternampak amoi perot da boyot isap rokok kat parking tadi...) |
eh nak tanya gak alang2 ...naik flight time mengandung dlm 5 bulan ok ke...hari tu cuak gak pasal lalu bawah scanner tu...risau la baby dlm perut ... |
Reply 11# sue_0586
sue...masa saya tanya doc ari tu...die ada cakap jugak pasal chemical ni...nnt kalo sue dah pregnant...kalo blh elakkan la atau limitkan terdedah kpd chemical ni...kawan saya ada masa mengandung dulu die penah keje kat kilang yg deal ngan chemical...die cakap pas bersalin..anak die mcm ada masalah kulit...ape pun nnt kalo sue pregnant...better tanya doc... |
Reply 12# kiyudi
sib baik x operate awal2 ye kiyudi...alhamdulillah x de apa2...dah besar dah pun baby... |
Reply 13# Samsung1.3mega
alamak samsung...pasal merokok ni saya x tau la ada rasanye kesan kt baby... |
Post Last Edit by eauclaire at 3-4-2012 09:15
Reply 14# newyork
newyork...masa saya cari info kat internet pasal radiasi RF ni...ada jugak terbaca pasal scanner kt airport..saya paste bawah ni pasal pregnancy and security screening...
Q : I am pregnant and operate an x-ray machine at a courthouse—the type that scans items people carry in with them. Should I have any concerns? Should I continue working?
A: Baggage x-ray machines emit x rays just like medical x-ray machines except at much, much lower levels. The location of the operator is very well shielded and, really, exposes no one. It is safe to continue working while you're pregnant.
Q: As a pregnant woman, does passing through airport security pose a risk to my baby?
A: Passing through an airport security portal does not pose a risk to a pregnant woman or her unborn child. The metal detector is not known to pose any health risk to individuals. The devices used to scan your carry-ons are very well shielded so there is no risk from passing by those, either.
Q: I reached into an airport x-ray screener that is used to see in to our carry-on items. How much radiation exposure did I get?
A: There is nothing for you to worry about. Airport x-ray machines and similar x-ray machines used by federal and state agencies to screen briefcases and packages give much lower doses than x-ray machines in hospitals and medical clinics-almost immeasurable. They are designed this way because they do not have to see as much detail, are not designed for looking into very large objects, and are usually looking for things that really "stand out" on images (like metal).
In all likelihood, your hand was not in the actual beam, which would have made your exposure much lower. Furthermore, the hands and feet are very radiation tolerant relative to the rest of the body.
Q: Does radiation from a security screening device, like those used in airports, affect the items that pass through them such as baby bottles, food items, plants, electronic devices (cell phone), or drug products (like injectable nitroglycerin for a heart condition)?
A: The radiation exposure from these devices is too low to affect any items passing through (other than certain types of camera film which can darken), even from repeated exposures. Additionally, in case you were wondering, there isn't any residual radiation in exposed materials after the exposure is complete either.
Q: I travel a lot (at least once or twice a week) and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Obviously, I have to go through the metal detector at least twicefor each trip. What effect does this radiation exposure have on me in the long run?
A: The metal detector does not expose you to ionizing radiation, e.g., x rays; neither do the wands that are used for individual screening. Metal detectors operate by generating a low-intensity magnetic field that passes from one side of the detector to the other. If metal objects pass through that field, the magnetic field will induce a second field in the metal object. Since that second field is a disruption of the first field, the detector senses the change and sets off an alarm. Magnetic fields are a form of radiation, but they are called "nonionizing" radiation. This means that magnetic fields do not generate additional, damaging radiation the way that ionizing radiation (such as x rays) does. Magnetic fields below a certain intensity are considered to be safe in that they will not cause any biological damage to an individual. As a reference, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is considered safe and uses much higher magnetic field intensity than a metal detector. In summary, because of its nonionizing properties, the magnetic field generated in a metal detector will not cause harm to persons even with routine and/or repeated scanning. |
ok..thanks for the info..lega la jugak baca.....harap semuanya berjalan lancar..insyaAllah |
dulu pernah ade kes ckp pasal radiasi dari pencawang letrik. tapi realitinyer pencawang gedabak besar tu kalo dah lebih 1meter radiasi tu dah jadi rendah dan tak membahayakan. lagik tinggi radiasi kat stesen komuter tuh sbb dia pakai kabel letrik tu.. ader EMF sekelilingnyer. org mana tauuuu...
anyway.. hari2 aku kena lalu bawah scanner tu sbb opis kat klcc nun. huhu.. insyaAllah okey.. tawakkal jer. |
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