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Saintis jumpa dua gunung 100 kali lebih tinggi daripada Everest
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Saintis jumpa dua gunung 100 kali lebih tinggi daripada Everest
- Oleh KOSMO!
- 24 Januari 2025, 10:39 am
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GAMBAR fail Gunung Everest. - Foto AFP
AMSTERDAM – Dua gunung rahsia ditemui oleh sekumpulan saintis disahkan melebihi 100 kali ganda tinggi Gunung Everest di Nepal yang memiliki ketinggian 8,800 meter, lapor laman berita MailOnline kelmarin
Penemuan itu dibuat oleh kumpulan saintis Universiti Utrecht di Belanda.
Mereka berkata, dua gunung setinggi 1,000 kilometer itu terletak di sempadan di antara teras dengan lapisan mantel Bumi di bawah Benua Afrika dan Lautan Pasifik Dua gunung itu dianggarkan berusia sekurang-kurangnya setengah bilion tahun dan dipercayai wujud selepas pembentukan Bumi, empat bilion tahun lalu.
Ketua kajian, Dr. Arwen Deuss berkata: “Tiada siapa yang tahu sama ada dua gunung ini hanya fenomena sementara atau jika ia telah wujud selama berjuta-juta atau mungkin berbilion-bilion tahun.”
Sebelum ini, saintis-saintis mengetahui bahawa terdapat struktur besar yang tersembunyi jauh di dalam mantel Bumi.
Maklumat itu diketahui mungkin kerana gelombang kejutan seismik yang berlaku akibat bencana gempa bumi yang kemudian merebak ke bahagian dalam planet ini. – AGENSI
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Aku bodoh ke tak paham ni? Tunjuk la diagram.. |
gunung tertanam sampai ke kerak bumi
Edited by capiloton at 25-1-2025 12:42 AM
Dua gunung rahsia ditemui oleh sekumpulan saintis disahkan melebihi 100 kali ganda tinggi Gunung Everest di Nepal yang memiliki ketinggian 8,800 meter, lapor laman berita kelmarin
100 kali ganda everest kat nepal, sekarang baru jumpa.
habis selama ni, semua org tak tahu eks?
kencheng kuat. scammer 
everest = 8849 meter, approx. 9000 meter, or 9km.
gunung QAF = blackrock = height 180 km
magnetic mountain, compass pointing to the north.
legendary emerald mountain,
with several thousand names in human history.
mount QAF, rupes nigra, mount meru, mount olympus, etc
Edited by capiloton at 25-1-2025 12:59 AM
fun fact.
Burj Khalifa = 828 meter, approx. 1 KM
Tower of Babel = 3 KM in heights.
Namrud bina menara untuk tiru Jabal QAF,
untuk cabar Tuhan, sebelum kena bala.
Namrud.. the very first, New World Order, NWO.
yg sebelum Namrud, semua manusia guna bahasa yg sama.
alala..masalahnya gunung tu dalam bumi, bukan atas bumi...benda tak nampak, aku pun blh claim...haishla.. |
Earth is made up of three layers – the crust, the mantle and the core, which was later separated into 'inner' and 'outer'. These mountains exist in the region where the outer core meets the mantle

Earth's 4 layers
Crust: To a depth of up to 44 miles, this is the outermost layer of the Earth, covering both ocean and land areas.
Mantle: Going down to 1,800 miles with the lower mantle, this is the planet's thickest layer and made of silicate rocks richer in iron and magnesium than the crust overhead.
Outer core: Running from a depth of 1,800 - 3,200 miles, this region is made of liquid iron and nickel with trace lighter elements.
Inner core: Going down to a depth of 3,960 miles at the very centre of planet Earth, this region has been thought to be made of solid iron and nickel. But this new study suggests that it contains both mushy and hard iron
Edited by plywood at 25-1-2025 12:23 PM
Scientists from Utrecht University have revealed that these gargantuan peaks are not found on our planet's surface.
Instead they are buried some 1,200 miles (2,000km) beneath our feet.
Lead researcher Dr Arwen Deuss says: 'Nobody knows what they are, and whether they are only a temporary phenomenon, or if they have been sitting there for millions or perhaps even billions of years.' |
Gunung dalam bumi ke? Kalau tak nampak kedudukan gunung tu atas bumi, toksah la cerita. Orang skang nak bukti benda nampak depan mata. Kalau kau sorang je gali, pastu tulis artikel tanpa bukti bergambar, sape nak percaya. |
These mountains (red) are hidden beneath the Earth on the boundary between the core and the mantle beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean

The two monstrous structures sit on the boundary between Earth's core and the mantle, the semi-solid area beneath the crust, beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean. |
Scientists have known for decades that there are vast structures hidden deep within the Earth's mantle.
This is possible thanks to the way that the seismic shockwaves from earthquakes spread through the planet's interior.
When a powerful earthquake happens, it rings Earth like a bell, sending waves rippling from one side of the planet to the other.
But when these waves pass through something dense or hot, they are slowed down, weakened, or reflected altogether.
So, by listening carefully to the 'tone' that arrives on the other side of the planet, scientists are able to build up a picture of what lies beneath.

The mountains are called Large Low Seismic Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) because they slow down passing seismic waves. They are located in an area called a 'slab graveyard' where pieces of the crust sink down towards the core. Since these slabs are colder, waves pass through them much faster
Over the years, studies have revealed that there are two enormous regions of the mantle where shockwaves dramatically slow down, dubbed the Large Low Seismic Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs).
Dr Deuss says: 'The waves slow down because the LLSVPs are hot, just like you can't run as fast in hot weather as you can when it's colder.'
When waves pass through a region that is much hotter, they need to expend a lot more energy to make their way through.
Co-author Dr Sujania Talavera-Soza says: 'Just like when the weather is hot outside and you go for a run, you don’t only slow down but you also get more tired than when it is cold outside.' |
That means you would expect the tone of a wave passing through the hot LLSVPs to be both out of tune and quieter than other areas, an effect scientists call damping.
However, when the researchers examined the data, they were surprised to find a very different picture.
'Against our expectations, we found little damping in the LLSVPs, which made the tones sound very loud there,' says Dr Talavera-Soza.
'But we did find a lot of damping in the cold slab graveyard, where the tones sounded very soft.'

Scientists used the shockwaves from earthquakes to make an image of the planet's interior. They found that waves passed slowly through the LLSVPs but weren't as quiet, or dampened, as they would expect. This suggests that the LLSVPs are both very hot and have a large grain structure which must have formed over billions of years
Berita ni jadi sensasi sebab dia panggil gunung. Cuba panggil gumpalan ker apa.. tak ada orang minat nak tau hahaha |
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