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Post Last Edit by theobserver at 2-3-2011 22:03
Is this an appropriate advert for your Ministry of Information and Orientation to approve??? shame on them... Dont you realize there are Africans in your country??. The person who has this dress style and hairstyle is an African American actor and movie star called " Mr T" ...Malaysia you claim you want to be a first world country with your vision 2020 "dream" but to me it seems far from a reality when you cannot even differentiate right from wrong choice with something as simple as a billboard advert..the reasons why you still make all these mistakes is because there is so much ignorance in your society. To be disrespectful, patronizing and racially INSENSITIVE to other races seems to be a Normal thing to you...this is equivalent to dressing up a Borneo Gorilla in a Jackie Chan traditional chinese clothing or similar and making an advert out of would you feel if we did this??? or what if i dress up Siti Nurhaliza to look like a Gorilla how would you feel??....I am an African in Malaysia i am sure you are surprised and shocked at my Post, But the day we keep silent about something important is the day we start to die, don't think people are not looking at you and your every word and actions, we are watching closely and scruitinizing..we are not immigrant workers who come here to earn a pittance as security or factory workers, nor are we Pariah(Interlok) , we Africans have our own national PRIDE just like you have your own "Malaysia Boleh" pride. You got your Independence from the British in 1957 and we got our Independence from the British in 1960.. always remember this and keep this in mind , respect is are a great country BUT Malaysia your orientation needs to change!!!!
IKLAN PANASONIC EVOLTA PETALING JAYA- Patutkah iklan ini diluluskan oleh pihak kementerian? Sedarkah mereka akan wujudnya orang Afrika di negara ini? Jika dilihat daripada cara pemakaian dan stail rambut pada iklan ini, ianya adalah cara pemakaian dan stail yang sama dengan "Mr T" iaitu seorang pelakon Amerika keturunan Afrika..Layakkah Malaysia menjadi bakal 'negara pertama' dan mencapai Wawasan 2020 jika masyarakat masih tidak tahu sama ada wajar atau tidak menyamakan seseorang dari bangsa lain dengan binatang..ini berpunca dari sikap 'tidak ambil pusing' dalam masyarakat, tiada sikap 'saling hormat-menghormati' dan tidak sensitif terhadap bangsa lain. Ini sudah seperti satu perkara biasa dalam masyarakat Malaysia..Bagaimana rasanya sekira beruk dipakai dengan pakaian kaum cina seperti yang biasa dipakai oleh bintang cina Jackie Chan?? Adakah kamu suka dengan tindakan tersebut? Atau patutkah gorilla dipakaikan pakaian seakan pakaian Siti Nurhaliza?Apakah perasaan anda? Saya adalah seorang warga Afrika di tanah Malaysia, tentunya ramai yang terkejut dengan posting saya. Jangan fikir tiada siapa yang peduli dan tidak memerhati semua tindakan anda. Kami memerhati dan menilai apa yang anda lakukan. Kami bukannya pekerja asing yang datang ke negara ini untuk 'menumpang' mencari rezeki di negara orang lain seperti kebanyakan pekerja asing dari negara lain yang bekerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan, pekerja kilang dan sebagainya, dan kami juga bukan pariah (seperti yang dibangkitkan dalam Interlok) atau hamba abdi. Kami juga ada maruah dan harga diri dan keyakinan seperti cogan negara anda "Malaysia Boleh"..Anda telah mencapai kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957, dan kami (tanah Afrika) mencapai kemerdekaan pada tahun 1960. Sedarlah bahawa saling hormat-menghormati adalah sesuatu yang mutual..Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang ulung tetapi orientasi anda patut diubah!!! |
Ada gambar billboard tu? |
yg tulis ni mamat negro ker?
bgus la, sekurang2 nyer billboard tu cm sindiran skit kt kaum2 itam legam ni supaya jaga adab dn perangai bila dtg kt malaysia ni,
nk ajar kite sal ksedaran sivik supaya hormat org lain konon,...... |
respect is MUTUAL
tak leh blah lngsung ngan ayat ni..... |
mr T tu bile letak gorila apearance ala2 mr T...impliedly gorilaa=negro...
penaakulan mantik... |
Reply 4# oni313
You are missing the point...even if you want foreigners to behave in your country, thats the job of the police , not the job of racist billboards, you must have a very kampung orientation and metality...the billboard is a representation of a real person..can i make an advert with a monkey wearing a tudong with the face of Siti Nurhalizah???..will you like that?? you must be a racist yourself...but thanks to the blogger " philipinoe2 " she understands and responded appropriately..please go back to school and get an education...its people like you that cause all the problems of hate, genocide , world wars and nuclear wars..with your hate mentality |
Reply 6# philipinoe2
Thank you very much for your understanding, i can see you are educated and well learned..that oni313 is a Kampung....clearly you understand how Africans feel to see such a bill board...2 wrongs can never make a right,however you do have a point that Africans can be sometimes disrespectful towards Malaysians ,but If i were to go into the would be very long..Thank you for your response once again..i am glad you even posted a pic of Mr T and you understand this |
Hmm, I guess the new generation can't even remember who was Mr T. Can't recall that he representing the style of African American. If they purposely want to humiliate someone, Mr T is the one that they are targeting at and not the whole nation of Africa.
However, when I saw the advert, seriously I cant interpret the real connection between panasonic & gorilla.. I guess you can ask the advice from your embassy and alert them about the situation. Panasonic is a Japanese company and am sure they understand thoroughly about culture |
So, it was you who wrote the details?
Why don't you forward those to Panasonic Malaysia and express your concern on those billboards. Panasonic is a huge organization and I believe they do have some reason why they use the gorilla to promote their product.
There's no point putting up here as most of the forummers just read, comment & go. No serious action taken. |
Reply oni313
You are missing the point...even if you want foreigners to behave in your co ...
theobserver Post at 3-3-2011 00:28
ok, i get it, as a foreigner i have to behave in the country where I stay, personally I also condemn the billboard bcoz the picture itself is unappropriate.... but I wonder why the africans are angry with the billboard? did the african are trully a gorilla? I didnt think so
yes,thats true, but have you known the attitude of the african in malaysia? did they behave well?
who are they to tell and reminds us as a Malaysian to behave as a civilised people?
'a picture speaks a thousand words......."
emm ak nengok kiut je |
gorilla tu sikit tak rupa cam african dan african pun tak rupa cam gorilla..
so cam mana dikatakan racist.. |
They used gorilla as a symbol of evolution since EVOLTA = Evolution + Voltage!
I don't think it has anything to do with Mr T or Africans
Post Last Edit by tungkai at 3-3-2011 11:37
Reply 14# oni313
Kat area rumah aku ramai set2 diorg ni. Memang paham sangat perangai diorg...Nak maki pun tak larat lagi dah..Yg pasti...hazzabbb....!!!
Simple analogi...ko masuk rumah org pastu ko suruh org rumah tu dgr ckp ko..Amacam..kellas tak..?? Hahaha.. |
Setiap kali ada masalah afrika ke, pelacur China ke.. PATi Indon ke.. aku duk terbayang muka nyonya ni.. dialah punca sesenang je penyagak pelacur masuk ke Msia dgn VOA..
Xpe maaa.. itu untuk tourism.. WTF lu nyonya.. |
Reply 10# mnaa
yes you also make a good point i dont see the realtionship between a battery and a Gorilla...i dont have a problem with Panasonic using a Gorilla but just dont use a Gorilla who is dressed up like a Specific African in particular..its an i have been saying , how will you like if someone made advert of siti Nurhalizah looking like a chimpanzee..will she like it and will you her asian fans like it |
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Category: Belia & Informasi