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kebanyakan produk berasaskan soya akan menyebabkan cancer...,kicap,air soya,soy lecithin,tauhu,tau fu,vice versa. |
tempe???? |
same le...kicap paling famous..kalo ko ade email,ak emailkan knape.tapi dlam english,xtau member ak da translet ke lom.. |
Apa kata ko tepek email tu kat sini. Rata2 kat sini pun tau B. Inggeris lainlah bahasa Korea ke, bahasa Punjabi ke.. |
ak xtau leh fit ke x.pjg gak...tungguuuuuuuu........ |
dkt tangan aku skrg ada sekotak besar air soya..baru je minum..byk lagi nih..persoalan nya skrg perlukah aku terus minum setelah membaca post ko nih??tangan da gigil nih
aku nak baca gak email mmbr ko tuh.. |
ko bce "rayna_raynes" dulu. die de quote ak... |
Some lit on Soy and cancer.. just utk bacaan bersama
Does Soy Protect Against Cancer?
What about soy and cancer? Is there anything to the allegationscoming from the anti-soy camp that soy consumption causes cancer? Suchcharges are certainly incompatible with the findings of the prestigiousHealth Professionals Follow-up Study, which found a 70% reduction inprostate cancer for men who consume soymilk daily.
In 1997, the American Institute for Cancer Research, incollaboration with its international affiliate, the World CancerResearch Fund, issued a major international report, Food, Nutrition andthe Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective. This report analyzedmore than 4,500 research studies, and its production involved theparticipation of more than 120 contributors and peer reviewers,including participants from the World Health Organization, the Food andAgriculture Organization of the United Nations, the InternationalAgency on Research in Cancer, and the U.S. National Cancer Institute.In 2000, Riva Bitrum, the President of Research for the AmericanInstitute for Cancer Research, said that “Studies showing consistentlythat just one serving a day of soyfoods contributes to a reduction incancer risk are encouraging. Consuming one serving of soyfoods is astep most individuals would not find too difficult to take.”
Of course, any foods with such potent biological properties — evenhealthful ones — are bound to have some unwanted side effects in somepeople under some circumstances. Although soy consumption on the wholereduces cancer incidence, there are questions about its effect on womenwho have estrogen-positive (ER+) breast tumors. These tumors arestimulated by estrogen. Might they therefore be stimulated by the weakestrogenic activity of the isoflavones found in soy? There is someevidence this may be the case, though there is also evidence that soyconsumption favorably alters the metabolism of estrogen so that it isless likely to stimulate tumor growth. At this point, given theuncertainty, women with ER+ breast cancer should probably avoid eatingmore than three or four servings of soy a week. For healthy women,according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, “even two orthree servings a day of soyfoods should be fine as one part of a mostlyplant-based diet.”
Soy supplements are a different story. Soy pills and powders cancontain amounts of isoflavones (usually daidzein and genistein) far inexcess of the amounts possible to get through diet. Very littleresearch has been done on the effects of such mega-doses. Althoughthere is no firm evidence to demonstrate that ingestion of isoflavoneshas adverse effects on human beings, there is also no clear evidencethat large doses are safe. When manufacturers of soy protein isolatesand supplements recommend that people consume 100 grams of soy proteina day (the equivalent of 7 or 8 soyburgers), they are ignoring theunknown effects of overdosing on isoflavones. I believe it’s probablysafer, until more is learned, to avoid concentrated soy supplementsentirely |
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Beberapa menyala pada soya dan kanser .. hanya utk Bacaan Bersama
Apakah Kedelai Melindungi Melawan Kanser?
Bagaimana dengan soya dan kanser? Apakah ada sesuatu ke allegationscoming dari kem anti-soya bahawa pengambilan soya menyebabkan kanser? Suchcharges tentu tidak sesuai dengan penemuan prestigiousHealth Professionals Follow-up Study, yang menemukan kanser pengurangan inprostate 70% untuk laki-laki yang mengkonsumsi susu soya setiap hari.
Pada tahun 1997, American Institute for Cancer Research, incollaboration dengan sekutu antarabangsa, World CancerResearch Fund, menerbitkan sebuah laporan antarabangsa utama, Makanan, Nutrisi andthe Pencegahan Kanser: Sebuah Perspektif Global. Ini analyzedmore Laporan dari 4.500 kajian penyelidikan, dan pengeluaran yang terlibat theparticipation lebih dari 120 penyumbang dan peer reviewer, termasuk peserta dari Pertubuhan Kesihatan Dunia, para andAgriculture Pertubuhan Makanan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, yang InternationalAgency pada Penyelidikan di Kanser, dan US National Kanser Institute.In 2000, Riva Bitrum, Presiden Penyelidikan untuk AmericanInstitute for Cancer Research, mengatakan bahawa "Studi menunjukkan consistentlythat hanya satu hidangan hari soyfoods memberikan sumbangan pada pengurangan risiko incancer menggembirakan. Mengkonsumsi satu porsi soyfoods adalah astep kebanyakan orang tidak akan menemukan terlalu sukar untuk mengambil. "
Tentu saja, setiap makanan dengan sifat seperti biologi kuat - yang evenhealthful - terikat untuk mempunyai beberapa kesan sampingan yang tidak diingini di somepeople dalam keadaan tertentu. Walaupun pengambilan soya pada kejadian kanser wholereduces, ada pertanyaan tentang kesannya pada womenwho mempunyai estrogen-positif (ER +) tumor payudara. Tumor ini arestimulated oleh estrogen. Mungkin kerana itu mereka dirangsang oleh kegiatan weakestrogenic dari isoflavon yang ditemui di soya? Ada someevidence ini mungkin terjadi, walaupun ada juga bukti bahawa baik soyconsumption menukar metabolisme estrogen sehingga kemungkinan isless untuk merangsang pertumbuhan tumor. Pada titik ini, diberikan theuncertainty, wanita pesakit kanser ER + payudara mungkin perlu mengelakkan eatingmore daripada tiga atau empat hidangan soya seminggu. Bagi wanita sihat, menurut American Institute for Cancer Research, "porsi orthree bahkan dua hari soyfoods harus baik-baik sebagai salah satu bahagian daripada diet mostlyplant berasaskan."
suplemen soya cerita yang berbeza. pil soya dan bilangan cancontain serbuk isoflavon (biasanya daidzein dan genistein) jauh inexcess dari nilai mungkin untuk mendapatkan melalui diet. Sangat littleresearch telah dilakukan pada kesan dos-mega tersebut. Althoughthere ada bukti kuat untuk menunjukkan bahawa pengambilan isoflavoneshas kesan buruk pada diri manusia, juga tidak ada yang jelas evidencethat besar dosis aman. Ketika pengeluar suplemen protein soya isolatesand mengesyorkan bahawa orang mengambil 100 gram soya Proteina hari (setara dengan 7 atau 8 soyburgers), mereka mengabaikan kesan theunknown dari kelebihan dosis isoflavon. Saya percaya itu probablysafer, sampai lebih dipelajari, untuk mengelakkan soya tertumpu supplementsentirely
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tak bagus tak bermaksud bahaya kan? |
kan da ckap die menyebabkan cancer...tu tak cukup bahaya ke? soya akan mengeluarkan oksigen yang maksimum,so die akan support setiap tumor terutamanya kalau perempuan akan dapat breast cancer la... |
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Beberapa menyala pada soya dan kanser ...
genchi Post at 8-12-2010 09:51
huh...makin payah membacanya.....
aku penah terdgr dulu...soya nie tak bgs di minum time peknen kalo bby boy....merendahkan sperm bby nanti....biarla bby aku tak putih..janji dapat cucu nanti..heheh |
What’s wrong with Soy?
Over the years, we have been told of the health benefits of soy. Only recently, we have
been informed of the harms of soy. If you are like me, you will want to know why? I’ve
discovered that soy is not as healthy as I once thought. Let’s review the how the Asian
community used soy:
Soy was first used as a food during the late Chou dynasty (1134-246 BC). Apparently
the soy plant was initially used as a method of fixing nitrogen in their soil. Soybean did
not serve as a food until the discovery of fermentation techniques to make foods like
tempeh, natto and tamari. Asians consume soy foods in small amounts (about 2
teaspoons) per day as a condiment, and not as a replacement for animal foods.
Have you notice that soy is in most products you buy? From protein shakes to bakery
products to energy bars. But what’s wrong with soy?
1. Most modern soy foods are not fermented to neutralize toxins in soybeans, and
are processed in a way that denatures proteins and increases levels of
carcinogens. A British government report concluded that there is little evidence
that soy foods protect against breast cancer or any other forms of cancer. In fact,
soy foods may result in an increased risk of cancer. CANCER patients are being
warned to avoid foods rich in soy because they can accelerate the growth of
tumours. The Cancer Council NSW will issue guidelines in January 2007,
warning about the dangers of high-soy diets and soy supplements for cancer
patients and those people in remission from cancer. “The Cancer Council does not
support the use of health claims on food labels that suggest soy foods or phytooestrogens
protect against the development of cancer.”
2. Soy isoflavones are phyto-endocrine disrupters. At dietary levels, they can
prevent ovulation and stimulate the growth of cancer cells.
3. Soy foods can stimulate the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors and cause
thyroid problems. Low thyroid function is associated with difficulties in
menopause. Soy will destroy your thyroid. Many foods are goitrogenic (thyroid
suppressing), but soy is king of them all. Goitrogens work by preventing your
thyroid from getting the necessary amount of iodine. Eating as little as 30 grams
(about 4 tablespoons) of soy per day can result in hypothyroidism with symptoms
of lethargy, constipation, weight gain and fatigue.
4. A recent study found that women with the highest levels of estrogen in their blood
had the lowest levels of cognitive function; In Japanese Americans tofu
consumption in mid-life is associated with the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease
in later life.
5. Numerous animal studies show that soy foods cause infertility in animals.
6. The soybean also contains hemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance that causes
red blood cells to clump together.
7. Soy contains protease inhibitors, which as the name suggests, inhibit the action
of proteases (including trypsin). Proteases are enzymes that are involved in the
process of dismantling proteins for use by the body. Studies show that soy
contains trypsin inhibitors that inhibit protein digestion and affect pancreatic
8. Soybeans contain very high levels of phytate and there are numerous reports of
reduced bioavailability of various metals such as calcium, copper, iron,
manganese and zinc. This has particular significance for vegetarians and infants
fed soy-formulas. Soy foods can cause deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D.
9. The soybean plant has the ability to absorb manganese from the soil and
concentrate it to an extent that soy-based infant formulas can contain as much as
200 times the level of manganese found in natural breast milk. In babies,
excess manganese that cannot be metabolised is stored in body organs. Around
eight percent of the excess manganese in the diet is stored in the brain in close
proximity to the dopamine-bearing neurons responsible, in part, for adolescent
neurological development.
10. The implications are that the one in eight infants raised on soy formula during the
first six months of life may be at risk of brain and behavioural disorders that do
not become evident until adolescence.
11. Vitamin B 12 deficiency has been recognised as a serious result of soy
consumption for many years.
12. Soy is deficient in Vitamin B1.
13. Numerous artificial flavorings, particularly MSG, are added to TVP products to
mask their strong “beany” taste, and impart the flavor of meat.MSG, (also called
free glutamic acid), a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food
processing. Many soy products have extra MSG added as well.
14. Fragile soy proteins are exposed to high temperatures during processing in order
to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein, making them
unsuitable for human digestion.
15. Soy foods contain elevated levels of toxic aluminum, which negatively affects the
nervous system the kidneys and has been implicated in the onset of Alzheimer’s.
16. Babies fed exclusively on infant soy formula are receiving the estrogenic
equivalent (based on body weight) of at least four or five birth control pills
per day! You read that right. Four or five birth control pills per day!
17. Phytoestrogens are chemical compounds found in some plants that mimic the
estrogen hormone. Soy products are particularly rich in isoflavone phytoestrogens
which are capable of significantly disrupting human hormonal balance,
particularly in men. A study conducted by Harvard University revealed a definitive
correlation between soy consumption and low sperm counts in men, indicating
that high soy consumption can instigate reproductive harm and suppress
testosterone levels.
18. The GMO Compass database records that as of 2008, 92% of soy crops in the U.S.
are genetically modified varieties. GMOs are continually shown in independent
studies to cause serious harm in the human body, a frightening prospect when
considering that soy derivatives are found in virtually every processed food
Compiled by a Registered Nurse with over 30 years of experience. |
soya memang tak bagus makan KECUALI tempe. tempe ok, boleh consume banyak2. |
soya memang tak bagus makan KECUALI tempe. tempe ok, boleh consume banyak2.
batricia Post at 10-12-2010 11:45
aik,tempe tu kan dari soya jgak....????? |
ye ker x caya jer..bukan ker soya tu banyak khasiat...selama 9 bulan mengandung ..saya ambik soya...alhamdulillah..anak comel jer...arap2 x de pape masalah |
Adik aku yang keje bahagian chemical engineer pun cakap begitu.
tapi favourite aku mmg produk2 yang berasaskan soya.
aku still makan cuma pengambilannya aku kurangkan.
seminggu 1 - 2 kali.
makan banyak pun tak boleh, banyak uric acid. |
tak pe kot...ari lain saya x minum pon..saya x suka soya atau susu....tapi masa mengandung leh minom plak walaupon kna tutup idung |
ye ker x caya jer..bukan ker soya tu banyak khasiat...selama 9 bulan mengandung ..saya ambik ...
ekin_mache Post at 12-5-2011 12:09
ekin, anak pas lahir kena jaundis x??.. sebab kawan citer, masa dia pregnant pun, dia suke minum soya. pastu fil dia x bagi, sebab fil dia kata, bila baby lahir nti kena jaundis.. pas bersalin, memang anak dia kena jaundis, smpai dia sewa katil baby yang ada lampu tu kat klinik.. |
masa pregnant anak 1st mmg byk minum soya
seminggu smpi 2,3 kali
kali ni pregnant kurang minum soya
cuma terfikir nak minum susu kambing bila start 7/8 bulan
sbb anak yg 1st kena jaundis dkt 2minggu |
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