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[Tempatan] Tuan Shafiee Pernah Kata "Semua Orang Berhak Tonton Prosiding Mahkamah Sebagaimana Wartawan Menyaksikan Secara Langsung Di Bilik Sebelah"

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Post time 23-8-2022 12:25 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by tumpanglalu74 at 23-8-2022 01:02 PM
Lead defence counsel Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, however, responded that everyone have as much right to view the proceedings as those "who are watching this live proceeding next door" — referring to the media who are following the trial in a separate video link room.

Memetik sumber berita tersebut:

KUALA LUMPUR (April 22): The High Court has barred any uploading of court recordings on social media, following a clip of Datuk Seri Najib Razak's SRC International Sdn Bhd trial that was uploaded by an ex-aide of the former premier last week.
High Court judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali, however, stopped short of ruling that Isham Jalil, who on April 19 and 20 uploaded two clips of the proceedings, was in contempt of court over the incident.
"Any form of recording is not permitted, not only live streaming, and this includes the CRT (court recording transcription). The CRT is supplied on the express purpose of transcribing and not to upload.
"I hope both the defence and prosecution who are officers of the court to abide by this. I would like to remind everyone to refrain from making comments that may prejudice to the trial that may constitute as contempt of court," said Justice Nazlan.
The matter was raised in court today by prosecution lawyer Datuk V Sithambaram, who pointed out that while CRT can be issued to lawyers for reference, they have undertaken not to distribute the copy.
"They (lawyers) have undertaken not to distribute. We want the court order so that no third parties can upload the court proceedings," said Sithambaram.
Lead defence counsel Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, however, responded that everyone have as much right to view the proceedings as those "who are watching this live proceeding next door" — referring to the media who are following the trial in a separate video link room.
"I am surprised. We were the one who started this trial with a [media] gag order and they objected. If this had been given, the problem would not occur," Shafee added.
The trial, which is on its sixth day today, has unveiled four new witnesses who have all received cheques from Najib's AmBank Islamic account in 2015.
Najib is currently facing seven charges for the alleged siphoning of RM42 million from 1MDB former subsidiary SRC into his personal bank accounts. The trial will resume at 2pm.


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Post time 23-8-2022 12:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aikkk..  boleh pulak kata dia.

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 Author| Post time 23-8-2022 01:00 PM | Show all posts

Bila Geng Dia Kene Tegur

borne replied at 23-8-2022 12:37 PM
Aikkk..  boleh pulak kata dia.

Dia boley je cakap macam itu..

Dabel stended la kalo nak salahkan somi Ketua Hakim tu merekod.  Kah2..


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Post time 23-8-2022 02:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 23-8-2022 01:00 PM
Dia boley je cakap macam itu..

Dabel stended la kalo nak salahkan somi Ketua Hakim tu merekod.  K ...

Dia ada hati nak sabitkan suami ketua hakim tu ye..

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Post time 23-8-2022 02:10 PM | Show all posts
shafiee memang cadangkan, tapi mahkamah tak benarkan

jadi sekarang orang awam boleh ke tak tonton dan rakam perjalanan kes?

kalau ak boleh, kenapa suami CJ boleh rakam? dia siapa?

penghasut memang sengaja tak faham benda simple ni

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 Author| Post time 23-8-2022 02:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 23-8-2022 02:10 PM
shafiee memang cadangkan, tapi mahkamah tak benarkan

jadi sekarang orang awam boleh ke tak tonton d ...

Suke sangat seru nama Kevin Morais kat merate bod ni kan..  Jangan jelez ye:

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Post time 23-8-2022 02:26 PM | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 23-8-2022 02:19 PM
Suke sangat seru nama Kevin Morais kat merate bod ni kan..  Jangan jelez ye:

yang bunuh kevin morais dah lama dah dijatuhkan bersalah

cer google nama Dr R Kunaseegaran

tak tahu pulak si Dr Kuna ni sanggup mati demi bossku

kesian ko ni masih di fitnah takuk lama ... -ke-tali-gantung-2/

Doktor, lima lelaki ke tali gantung

KUALA LUMPUR – Seorang doktor patologi dan lima lelaki dihukum gantung sampai mati oleh Mahkamah Tinggi di sini semalam selepas didapati bersalah membunuh Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Datuk Anthony Kevin Morais pada 2015.

Hakim Datuk Azman Abdullah membuat keputusan itu selepas mendapati pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie terhadap keenam-enam tertuduh.

Mereka ialah pakar patologi, Kolonel Dr. R. Kunaseegaran, 57, selaku tertuduh pertama; pemberi pinjaman wang, S. Ravichandran, 49, dan empat penganggur iaitu R. Dinishwaran, 28; A. K Thinesh Kumar, 27, M. Vishwanath, 30, dan S. Nimalan, 27.

Kesemua tertuduh didakwa membunuh Kevin ketika dalam perjalanan dari Jalan Dutamas Raya di sini ke Nombor 1, Jalan USJ1/6D, Subang Jaya, Selangor di antara pukul 7 pagi dan 8 malam, 4 September 2015.

Pendakwaan dibuat mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan yang memperuntukkan hukuman mati mandatori.

Pendakwaan dikendalikan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Saiful Edris Zainuddin dan Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin.

Enam tertuduh diwakili peguam Datuk N. Sivananthan, Jay Moy Wei Jiun, Dhanyaa Shreeya Sukmar, Datuk Sheelan Arjunan dan R. Ryshinah.

Sepanjang perbicaraan yang bermula pada 6 April 2016, pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan 70 saksi, manakala pembelaan memanggil 14 saksi bagi memberi keterangan.

Pada 28 September 2015, seramai tujuh tertuduh terma­suk Kunaseegaran didakwa di Mahkamah Majistret di sini atas pertuduhan membunuh dan bersubahat membunuh Kevin.

Tertuduh kedua, G Gunasekaran kemudiannya dilepas dan dibebaskan daripada pertuduhan membunuh mendiang selepas mengaku bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen di sini atas tuduhan menyembunyikan mayat dan melupuskan kereta Kevin.

Gunasekaran dijatuhi hukuman penjara dua tahun.

Mendiang Kevin dilaporkan hilang sebelum mayatnya ditemui di dalam guni dan disimen di dalam sebuah tong di sebuah paya di Subang Jaya pada 4 September 2015.


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Post time 23-8-2022 02:30 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 23-8-2022 02:26 PM
yang bunuh kevin morais dah lama dah dijatuhkan bersalah

cer google nama Dr R Kunaseegaran

kesian yg buat fitnah......lama betul nak hilang kesan fitnah, ramai lagi yg masih percaya dan masih terus diperdaya...

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Post time 23-8-2022 02:39 PM | Show all posts
rashiman replied at 23-8-2022 02:30 PM
kesian yg buat fitnah......lama betul nak hilang kesan fitnah, ramai lagi yg masih percaya dan mas ...

yang bahayanya, walaupon fitnah tu dah sah2 kantoi, yang termakan fitnah akan tetap membenci orang yang pernah difitnah

malah akan cari fitnah lain lagi untuk justify kebencian terhadap najib dan kemaluan sebab kebodohan termakan hasutan

sehinggalah hal kecil contohnya najib lupa nak salam pon dorang akan jadikan modal

hal kecik je pon, tapi kebencian tetap sama maacam najib bunuh kevin morais

ini yang ketua penghasut/pemfitnah nak

kebencian yang terpatri di hati

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