"Prior to the events of BlazBlue, humanity was on the verge of extinction from the "Black Beast", a creature of Darkness. The world was saved by six heroes who wielded magic. They helped humanity create "Armagus", a fusion of magic and technology, to defeat the Beast.After the war, the Novus Orbis Librarium (the Library or NOL for short) was created to govern the world with the use of Armagus. A great deal of dissent was caused by the Library, partly due to Armagus' use in nearly every facet of society, and the widening socioeconomic gap between those who could and couldn't use Armagus. This dissent would eventually form years later into The Ikaruga Civil War, when the Ikaruga Union openly rebelled against the Library. After the war, the Library.imposed a harsher rule on the world, punishing any rebellion against the Library with the death penalty. In December A.D. 2199, several years after the Ikaruga Civil War, a branch of the Library was utterly destroyed by an SS-class rebel named "Ragna the Bloodedge" also known as the "Grim Reaper", in an attempt to destroy the entire Library. The Novus Orbis Librarium, hoping to stop him, immediately announced the largest bounty ever, available to anyone who could capture him. Interestingly, Ragna possesses a powerful form of Armagus known as the "Azure Grimoire" (Grimoire of the Blue in Japan), also known as the BlazBlue. This led the Librarium, as well as the Ikaruga Union and other fighters, to hunt Ragna not just for his bounty, but also his grimoire."-quote from wiki
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3200+
Memory: 1 Gb
Hard Drive: 10 Gb free
Video Memory: 256 Mb
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7900 / ATI Radeon X1900
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive
Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista/7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad @ 3.0 Ghz / AMD Phenom II X4 @ 3.0 GHz
Memory: 2 Gb
Hard Drive: 10 Gb free
Video Memory: 512 Mb
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3800
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive
assalam/good day people..
sape dah main game ni??
well,i've played Continuum Shift but too bad it's in Jap and it's a DIRECT port from the arcade...
i guess this game is pretty much the same except maybe bigger(space) + more modes + sharper sprites + in ENGLISH!!(dari apa yang aku baca la)
yang dah main CS will probably love this since it's much better than the direct port of CS(you could only play arcade mode)
so,sape2 yang dah main sila la komen ye...
Overall it looks the same as its arcade and console part graphic wise.Contains all the typical home users modes,arcade,story,training,online,etc.Language is customisable for subs and spoken.Install size is 7gb and iso size around 6gb