Open Mic Nite adalah satu event yang outLOUD Stage anjurkan untuk mencari bakat2 baru. kire dia macam satu platform untuk sape2 je yang rase dia berbakat, dia boleh try perform depan audience. tiap2 bulan, tema berlainan. untuk bulan ni, tema dia adalah...
Attention to all Rockers, Live Bands, Pop Rock Singers, Ballad Rock Singers and Rock related talents! You are cordially invited to perform on the upcoming Rockers Open Mic Nite!
For the evening, spotlight and stage is ALL yours! Anything associated to rockers is welcome to the house! So people, rock on to this platform, put up a good showcase, thrilled the audience and get spotted!
Join the show and rock it!
*Kindly RSVP and confirm with Daniel Leong at 03 7728 4098 or [email protected] by 15th June 2009 (Monday) if you would like to attend or perform in this exciting event. Otherwise, no on-the-spot request to enter will be entertained during the event.
Jadi sape2 yang nak perform atau menonton sahaja, silalah PM saya atau balas saja kat thread ni.