salam, ctnak tanya, katakan sesuatu forum tak boleh masuk, contoh nya forum @ website A tak boleh masuk, tapi forum Cari, forum biasa2 yg lain boleh masuk/ access oleh forumer , kenapa ya? adakah relevan kalau alasan ini di berikan?
Dear Valued Customers,
Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to announce that there is adisruption of its Internet services due to circuit faults on the SMW3between Tuas, Singapore and Penang linking Malaysia to Hong Kong andAPCN2 near Chongming, China connecting Malaysia to the United States.As a result, customers using the Internet services may experience slowbrowsing while accessing websites hosted in the U.S. and Hong Kong.
In addition, customers using other IP services such as VirtualPrivate Network (VPN) and other critical business applications linkedto the U.S. and Hong Kong may also experience some service degradation.
To alleviate the problem, some of the links have been rerouted toalternate routes to ease the congestion.
Restoration works on the affected cables are already in progress.However, during the restoration process, traffic to Northern Americaand Hong Kong may experience degradation. However, traffic to othercountries will not be affected. TM expects complete recovery of itsservices by 5 April 2009 and will make further announcements on theprogress of the restoration works.
TM wishes to assure its customers that it is undertaking allnecessary measures to restore communications services for its customersas soon as possible.
Customers can call TM at 100 and select 揑nternet Services |