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Penduduk Nilai - License for Cats

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Post time 2-2-2009 12:32 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Now, Nilai council may impose licensing for cats                                       
SEREMBAN : Cat owners living in parts of Seremban and eight other sub-districtswill be required to license them if authorities continue to getcomplaints that the felines are becoming a nuisance to neighbours.

NilaiMunicipal Council (MPN) president Datuk Abd Halim Abd Latif saidalthough there were no laws stating how many cats a person could own,it would have no qualms in formulating new legislation for it.

“We know some families keep too many cats and this has become a nuisance to their neighbours,” he said.

“Ifwe get more complaints on this, we will not hesitate to introduce newprovisions in our by-laws requiring them to license their cats.”

If implemented, the MPN would be the first local council in the country to have such a provision in their by-laws.

AbdHalim was commenting on complaints from residents on a new lawrequiring dog owners to get their neighbours’ written permission beforethey were allowed to keep them.

MPN had gazetted the new law – Dog Licensing By-laws 2008 – which came into force last month.

Thoseliving in areas under the jurisdiction of the council such as parts ofRasah, Ampangan, Mantin, Nilai, Lenggeng, Pantai, Rantau, Labu andSenawang were affected by the move.

The MPN said those caughtcontravening provisions under the by-law can be fined up to RM1,000 orimprisoned for not more than six months or both.

Severalresidents’ associations had voiced displeasure over the new ruling asit was discriminatory because it only targeted dog owners.

Many felt there were residents who had up to 10 cats which caused them misery.

Askedhow were neighbours who wished to own dogs were to get theirneighbours’ written permission when they were not on talking terms, AbdLatif said they could always ap- proach the council and it would act asan intermediary to get the approval.

Asked whether the ruling ondog ownership would be extended to those living in the SerembanMunicipal Council (MPS), Abd Latif said this would be possible after amerger between MPN and MPS takes place.

[ Last edited by  Syd at 2-2-2009 01:42 PM ]

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Post time 4-2-2009 05:59 PM | Show all posts
nak bolo kucing pon kono ado lesen ko?

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Post time 5-2-2009 08:38 AM | Show all posts
tapi cam ne dgn kucing yg org buang.. terbior je kat belakang umah aku...

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Post time 6-2-2009 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Biar boto beghito ni, lesen eh kono bayar ko x.. bukan apo, kucing parsi eh tu dah la argo mahal, nak plak berlesen2 segalo.. ilang minat oghang nak bolo binatang kesayangan nabi tu, dah macam taraf anjing plak eh tu..

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Post time 6-2-2009 10:25 PM | Show all posts
Kalu hanjeng tobia patuit bona dikughangkan, sobab mondtgkan bahayo buek oghang ghamai ...

Tp sojak bilo lak kuceng jadik ancaman buat oghang awam eh? Ghimau yo setau den yg mombahayokan nyawo oghang .....

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Post time 8-2-2009 02:50 AM | Show all posts
mengarut la halim ni...ado ko nak bolo kucing kono ado lesen

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2009 09:34 AM | Show all posts
elok laa kucing berlesen apo

ko kono jago kebajikan kucing2 tu

kang kucing ekau ilang, ko jugak yang meroyan carik

kang kalau ko buang kucing merato2,mano ko nak lari kan? sonang jo nak carik


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Post time 15-2-2009 04:42 PM | Show all posts
kat umah kroit nih, dah brape kalik orang buang tuceng, latest, 4 ekor anak kucing dijumpai dalam kotak, sekarang ni 3 ekor tido dalam pasu..   lagi sekor merayau..

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 Author| Post time 27-2-2009 07:41 PM | Show all posts
Kes abai kucing ditentukan 2 April

KUALA LUMPUR 26 Feb. - Selepas empat tahun perbicaraan, kes pemilik dan pembiak kucing yang didakwa atas empat tuduhan mengabaikan empat ekor kucing sehingga menyebabkan kesengsaraan terhadap haiwan itu akan diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Majistret di sini pada 2 April depan.

Majistret Sazlinidayu Kamal Bahrain menetapkan tarikh tersebut selepas kedua-dua pihak selesai menggulung hujah masing-masing di akhir kes pendakwaan hari ini.

Dalam kes ini, Abdul Rashid Othman (gambar), 53, didakwa mengabaikan anak-anak kucing jenis Parsi miliknya di rumah No. 65, Jalan Wan Malini 1, Sri Petaling di sini pada kira-kira pukul 12 tengah hari, 21 September 2005.

Dia didakwa mengabaikan seekor kucing betina berwarna hitam dan putih, seekor kucing jantan warna kuning dan putih, seekor kucing betina campuran warna kelabu, putih dan kuning serta seekor kucing jantan berwarna putih dan hitam.

Abdul Rashid didakwa mengikut Seksyen 44(1)(d) Ordinan Binatang 1953 yang memperuntukkan hukuman denda maksimum RM200 atau penjara enam bulan atau kedua-dua sekali.

Kes ini merupakan kejadian pertama seorang pemilik kucing didakwa di mahkamah kerana mengabaikan penjagaan haiwan peliharaannya.

Terdahulu, Penolong Pendakwa Raya, Suhaima Mohd. Noor berhujah bahawa pengabaian jelas berlaku kerana badan keempat-empat ekor kucing diambil dari rumah Abdul Rashid mengalami sakit kulit, sakit mata dan selesema.

Katanya, selain badan yang kotor, muka comot dan tapak kaki yang penuh dengan najis, kesemua kucing-kucing itu juga kurus dan tidak terbela semasa di bawah jagaan Abdul Rashid.

''Kegagalan Abdul Rashid memberi rawatan awal kepada keempat-empat ekor kucing itu menyebabkan penyakit tidak dapat disembuhkan yang mana seekor daripadanya mati pada 4 Oktober 2005 dan seekor lagi pada 18 Februari 2006.

''Sekiranya Abdul Rashid memberikan rawatan dan tidak mengabaikan kucing-kucing itu, Jabatan Haiwan tidak perlu keluarkan kos sebanyak RM38,612 sehingga Januari lalu untuk penjagaan dan rawatan,'' hujahnya.

Sementara peguam Robert Devan pula berhujah bahawa tiada sebarang pengabaian berlaku berdasarkan ubat-ubatan, syampu dan makanan yang disediakan oleh anak guamnya untuk kucing-kucing tersebut.

Katanya, timbul keraguan terhadap identiti empat ekor kucing tersebut memandangkan anak guamnya tidak pernah membuat pengecaman selepas ia diambil dari rumahnya selain tidak dimaklumkan apabila dua daripadanya mati di dalam jagaan Jabatan Haiwan.

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Post time 1-3-2009 10:58 PM | Show all posts
pbt kekurangan fulus kot:@

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Post time 16-3-2009 05:37 PM | Show all posts

Balas #9 Syd\ catat

Kes ni dah lamo dah, dulu kecoh kat dia jual harga dah la mahal, dah tu kucingnye x pernah nak jaga..

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Post time 16-3-2009 09:37 PM | Show all posts
nak bolo kucing pon susah

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