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Prosedur nak bawa masuk Superbike dr. oversea
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Abg Ipar saya kerja di Dubai dah setahuin lebih..dah dapat residence VISA..pastu dia ada rancangan nak bawa masuk superbike dr sana ke Malaysia..dia kata apa2 jenis superbike disana yg secondhand harga dlm 18K jer..murah dari disini...Ada sesiapa yang tahu mcmana presedur..?Dapat AP ker?dari segi cukai macamana pula? |
Reply #1 badai007's post
tu ko tanye la jpj
yang aku tawu AP memang kena ade laa...
Allocation of APs
For new franchise companies, annual allocation of APs is based on the number of distributors and dealers appointed.
Subsequent annual allocation is based on previous year抯 performance of import and sales.
Company to submit the import and sales performance report by the 10th of every month.
Docomeents to be submitted are copies of:
- Form JK69 (AP) |
Reply #2 jezz12's post
AP entitlement = satu bagi setiap rakyat mesia... jadi gunakan sebaiknya..
tak worth bawak balik moto wehhh... better bawak keta sbb untung lagi byk... moto tu beli kat sini aje lah... |
Ni pengalaman aku lah bawa balik kete dari UK. Aku bawa E200 Kompressor, rega keta kat UK dlm RM90k ++ and tax yg ditaksirkan ialah RM86K ++. Keta tu hanya leh ditukar hak milik selepas dua tahun. Tahun lepas aku jual kete tu coz aku ke nipon. Masalahnya, recently rasanya dulu no problem, buyer ada tapi bank tak bagi finance atas alasan AP individu, kalu AP company bank kata ok. So, aku kena cari buyer that to pay by cash, and finally aku dpt, tp harga kena slash byk maa. My advise, belilah kete yg tahan lama dah yg boleh pakai smpi reput. |
Reply #4 zzcbr's post
sdr zzcbr,
Saya nak tanyer skit sebab saya sekarang dalam usha utk bawak kereta balik ke Malaysia dari UK.
Saya dan isteri drive kerana kami berdua bekerja di UK but my wife dah resigned untok balik ke Malaysia pada awal tahun depan. Kami ada kontrak kerja yang berasingan. So kalu dia balik dulu, boleh kah dia dapat AP?.
Mengenai AP nie, saya tak berapa clear sangat.
Contohnya: Saya beli kereta yang ini tahun lepas. Untok bawak balik kereta nie, saya perlukan dokumen untok dapat AP. Antara yang MITI minta ialah:
1. Urusan jual beli kereta - resit resmi.
2. Certificate of ownership.
3. Lesen memandu.
4. Insurance kereta itu.
5. Prove of ownership melebihi 9 bulan.
Saya tahu AP kene apply diMalaysia dan mereka akan beri dalam masa seminggu.
Tetapi jika kita bekerja di UK, mereka juga perlukan dokumen resignation dari majikan for proof akan balik for good. Is this right?.
Yang lain lain diatas ( 1 - 5 ) saya boleh dapatkan. Tetapi saya tidak boleh dapatkan surat resignation kerana surat perletakan jawatan hanya boleh di keluarkan seminggu dua selepas resignation. Oleh itu boleh kah saya dapat AP dan tunjok surat pengesahani selepas saya berada di Malaysia?.
Dan boleh kah isteri saya bawak balik kereta berasingan?.
Kereta saya berumor setahun. Bagaimana import tax dia.
Model: Mercedez Benz C320 Cdi. Harga belian roughly RM 250, +++.
Your comment please.
Most appreciate it.... . |
Reply #5 doublemint's post
Masa aku bawa masuk dulu semua urusan aku buat sendiri. Dari dptkan AP smpilah register kete tu kat JPJ. The Proses is not very complicated.
Q: Saya tahu AP kene apply diMalaysia dan mereka akan beri dalam masa seminggu.Tetapi jika kita bekerja di UK, mereka juga perlukan dokumen resignation dari majikan for proof akan balik for good. Is this right?.
A: Yes. However, letter from your wife yg menyatakan dia pulang for good pun dah ok (depends on the officer lah..hehehe), tapi kalu dpt surat lapor diri at new company in Malaysia lagi bagus.
Q: Tetapi saya tidak boleh dapatkan surat resignation kerana surat perletakan jawatan hanya boleh di keluarkan seminggu dua selepas resignation. Oleh itu boleh kah saya dapat AP dan tunjok surat pengesahani selepas saya berada di Malaysia?.
A: Semasa interview to apply the AP u have to bring all the relevent documents together with you.
Q. Dan boleh kah isteri saya bawak balik kereta berasingan?.
A. Yang ni kau kena tanya kat MITI sebelum kau bawa balik utk jawapan yg lebih tepat. Setahu aku, kalu your wife ada contract keje, work there for more than one year, and the car was bought for not less than nine months, she is entittled to apply for AP.
Q. Kereta saya berumor setahun. Bagaimana import tax dia.
Model: Mercedez Benz C320 Cdi. Harga belian roughly RM 250, +++.
A. Yang ni kau boleh tanya kat kastam. Kau boleh faxkan log book kete tu kat kastam, and minta tolong dia bagi taksiran cukai yg perlu dibayar. Normally they will help you on this matter. Jumlah cukai yg perlu dibayar bergantung pada cc kete (lebih 2000cc tu manyak kena tax tu), umur kete (coz dia ambil kira depreciation). Kalu bawa kete baru2 ni mmg kurang beruntunglah...coz bila ambil kira semua costs, tak byk beza ngan harga Malaysia. |
other document needed is your BOARDING PASS.. yes, it's quite funny but i almost lost my AP because of that tiny piece of paper..
lucky me it was in my dustbin in the my room..
there's none stated about boarding pass in the MITI's website but the answer was "oo website tu tak up-to-date" .. *sigh* |
Reply #6 zzcbr's post
To zzcbr's and fais,
Thank you guys for your kind reply.
I do hope that both myself and my wife be allowed 2 APs. That remain to be seen. I am due to see MITI this year and l hope the Officers will not be so songeh.
Mind you, l know some old boys who are working in prominent positions there but l would rather obtain these APs the right way. The way it is supposed to be issed and not through help and favour from them.
Thanks again..  |
Originally posted by faizkj at 5-3-2008 09:09 PM 
other document needed is your BOARDING PASS.. yes, it's quite funny but i almost lost my AP because of that tiny piece of paper..
lucky me it was in my dustbin in the my room..
hai faiz... R1 sihat...??  |
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