hii..aku xtau korang ade discuz psl MPV ni ke blum.. but for me MPV ni makin mendapat tempat dikalangan ahli2 korporat n ahli keluarge yg ramai.. rekebentuk die pun ade ciri-ciri kerete mewah... minat betol aku tgk kerete ni.. dgn harge yg berpatutan mmg berbaloi..ape pendapat korang.. megah gile bile berada di atas jalan.. |
hajat hati nak beli utk parent aku tp smpai skg xmampu lg.. tgh usaha.. sabar jela.. |
korang ade pic die x..maksud aku yg sporty punye.. expecialy warna hitam.. mcm VVIP.. post la kat sini..aku ade tp xtau nak ltk cme.. |
mcm juara cuma besar sikit jer rekabentuknya..estima baru pon cun gak |
err.. Nissan Elgrand korang tak minat ke? |
Originally posted by arep at 17-1-2008 10:26 PM 
hii..aku xtau korang ade discuz psl MPV ni ke blum.. but for me MPV ni makin mendapat tempat dikalangan ahli2 korporat n ahli keluarge yg ramai.. rekebentuk die pun ade ciri-ciri kerete mewah... ...
Apa harganya bagi yang brand new? |
Originally posted by Szasza at 17-1-2008 10:46 PM 
mcm juara cuma besar sikit jer rekabentuknya..estima baru pon cun gak
tu lah pasal.... luar nya biasa aja... dlm superb la...
all models by toyota tetap suma sanjung.....
sbb...... kita da set mind brand toyota bole d percayai...
~~~~~~~klu juara pon upgrade mcm tu..... sora apa pulak kita denga~~~~~~~ |
ni bru second :
3.0 - 05/06 RM 260k onwards
2.4 - 02/03 RM 170k onwards
kalo baru maybe dkt RM 300k - 2.4/3.0cc
mampu samba je..
sebab toyota skg tgh perform dah tentu2 alphard ni meletup2..
nissan elgrand panjang ckt dri alphard..
besau gile..mcm robocorp lak.. |
aku xreti tempek pic..sape reti wat la.. tempek yg sporty nye..geram je aku tgk..  |
harge berpatutan?...erkkk |
aku suka gak tengok menatang ni...meleleh air liur wa cakap!!! |
ha ade pun..ni baru standard lum tambah skirt lg..black colour.. memang cun abih.. |
TOYOTA - MOVING FORWARDTOYOTA We carry avariety of new and used imported Toyota vehicles namely the Estima,Harrier, Wish and Alphard. If you are looking for something which isout of the ordinary, we are more then happy to provide you with ourservice to source the vehicle for you.
- The Management -
New Toyota Estima - Touch it, Feel it, Own it
Thebrand new Toyota Estima debut in Japan a few months back, will behitting the Malaysia market soon as production line on this model hasstarted . The new futuristic look comes with many new gadgets andimprove engine capacity from its predecessor. Some of the new featuresincludes the new keyless go system which enable you to start the carwith a touch of a button. In addition the rear seats are now moveableusing the control pads as compare to the manual adjustment which wasneeded on the previous models and the boot could now be close with atouch of a button.
The Estima comes in 8 differentcolours and 3 different packages namely the Aeras, G and X package. TheAeras package is further broken down into Aeras G, Aeras S and Aeras.Each category is different in terms of styling and finishing. As such,stay tuned for more information or contact us on our [email protected] or call us at 92845643 , 92845663.
Amulti purpose vehicle that comes in different package to suit differentneeds. The Estima has enough room to fit up to 8 passenger as it comesin a 7 seater or 8 seater mode. It's spacious and stylish, the perfectvehicles for family outing.
Stay tuned for the update on the New Toyota Estima Debut.
Asport utility vehicle that gives the owner the feeling of owning a 4WDwhich handles exceptionally well on our roads. The Harrier fits up to 5passenger and comes with a generous boot space that could fit the muchneeded space for the golf sets! It's spacious and stylish, the perfectvehicles for executives who needs to spend much time on the road as itis gear to handle most terrain.
Not too worry too muchabout minor flash flood! as the height of the Harrier gives you theability to look much further ahead on what is coming.
Amulti purpose vehicle that comes in different package to suit differentneeds. The Wish comes in 2 different engine capacity which is 1.8 and2.0 . The 1.8 comes in a 7 seater mode and the 2.0 (ANE11) comes in a 6seater mode. The 6 seater mode allowed for easy access to the back rowfor everyday use.
It is one of our best selling multi purpose vehicles for 2005. The perfect vehicles for a small family.
Classifiedas a multi purpose vehicle, but we often think of it as a van!. Its nosuprise as the Alphard is on a league of its own, offering tremendousinterior space that allows you to fit a family of 7 to 8 withoutcompromising comfort!.
The Alphard might look big onthe road, but it handles just like a passenger cars. There are manygadgets that comes as optional which allows the driver to view the rearand the side of the vehicles while parking. Furthermore the powerassist doors aloweds the driver to open or close the doors with a touchof a button, stylish and convenient while picking up someone or eventhe groceries!.
For those who travel alot, the Alphardalso comes with a Home Theater System as option which allows you towatch your favourite DVDs on the move, |
mawi pakai keta nih sebijik......... |
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