tetiba lak beberapa hari ini aku berminat untuk membuat sedikit kaji selidik mengenai gangsterism dan gang warfares especially di US. Bukan apa, sebab ari tu aku ada menonton national geog tentang dokumentari yang mereka buat tentang salah satu street gang yang diikitiraf paling ditakuti disana, iaitu Mara Salvatrucha atau MS 13. Maka aku pun membuka lah wiki seperti biasa.
gangsters memang dah lama wujud even kat malaysia. cuma buat masa skang ni aku lebih nak sahare info yang aku dapat dari wiki mengenai gangsters dan gang warfare kat US.
antara gangster yang paling famous adalah BLOODS dan CRIPS. pasal diorang ni aku dah lama tahu cuma tak pernah menggali lebih dalam tentang organisasi diorang. kenapa aku kata organisasi? diorang memang bukan persatuan berdaftar tapi diorang ada struktur didalam kumpulan mereka berdasarkan senioriti atau kekananan dalam kumpulan. sama juga seperti gang gang dalam FOLKS NATION dan PEOPLES NATION. semua ada struktur mereka sendiri.
aku citer serba sedikit tentang beberapa gang yang femes kat US berdasar apa yang aku dapat dari wiki dan beberapa website yang mengkhususkan kepada gangsterism ini. Actually memang ada website yang dibina khas untuk gang gang ini mempromosikan diri mereka dan wilayah wilayah mereka. |
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pada tahun 2005, FBI declare gang ni adalah diantara gang yang paling merbahaya bukan saja di US tapi seluruh dunia. Malah national geog menggelarkan diorang sebagai the new mafia. ditubuhkan oleh pelarian dari elsalvador yang bermula sebagai satu kumpulan kecil budak sekitar 13-14 tahun kini menjadi antara gang yang sangat berkuasa di US. Mexico dan ElSalvador.
cara nak masuk gang ni adalah dengan kena jumped in. iaitu kena belasah dek anggota anggota lain selama 13 saat. memang aku tengok kat TV ari tu ahli baru diorang memang kena beduk habis la.. even ada anggota yang nak masuk semua 8 tahun. kalau yang pompuan lak akan digang bang oleh beberapa ahli senior kumpulan tu.
badan diorang ni penuh bertatu dari kaki sampai ke kepala. even kat US certain certain penjara tu memang dikhaskan untuk menempatkan pesalah pesalah dari MS 13 kerana kalau campur ngan geng geng lain, diornag ni asyik nak membeduk je. terlalu gangster.
turf turf atau wilayah mereka selalunya akan ada graffiti MS 13 yang menandakan blok tersebut adalah wilayah diorang. |
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18th street gang
dari wiki, gang ni dikatakan sebagai gang yang terbesar kat US. dan gang ini adalah diantara musuh ketat MS 13. Gang ni lahir apabila hasrat pelopor pelopor terawal diorang yang terdiri dari hispanic dan mexican punya immigran nak masuk satu gang yang memang dah well established, Clanton Street Gang tapi kena reject. maka lahir gang ni.. |
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macam yang aku kata tadi, antara yang paling femes adalah BLOOD and CRIPS..diorang ni memang femes sebab sering sangat bertempur diantara satu sama lain selain daripada kod kod warna diorang. Blood dan Crips ni actually gabungan banyak gang... sama gak FOLKS dan PEOPLE... gabungan banyak gang ni mebentuk satu organisasi gangster yang besar..
Blood ni asalnya macam sejenis pertubuhan untuk protect turf turf dan black nye neighbourhood. tak kurang dari 70 buah gang gang kecil yang bergabung sebagai Blood. mengikut sumber lain, Blood ni tertubuh apabila beberapa gang dari crips telah bergabung sesama mereka dan asyik dok serang non crips nye gang... sebagai tindak balas, beberapa gang non crips ni bergabung maka terhasil la blood. warna blood nye gang adalah merah.
Crips ni plak asalnya adalah satu gang je tapi menjadi semakin besar dengan ahli ahlinya berhijrah dan menubuhkan gang mereka sendiri dengan franchise crips.. semakin lama semakin besar. dan warna mereka ada biru. |
The PEOPLE ngan the FOLK ni plak, lebih kurang sama cam Blood ngan crips.. cam the folk ni terbahagi kepada beberapa family macam the almighty, the maniacs, the disciples dan insane... dan setiap dari family family ada beberapa gang gang yang bergabung.. antara simbol simbol diorang adalah bintang berbucu 6. dan selalunya diorang pakai topi senget ke kanan manakala lawan mereka the people pakai senget ke kiri. antara gang gang yang sangat terkenal dalam folks ni adalah the black gangster dischiples, spanish cobras dll.
the people ni plak terdiri daripada terdiri daripada tidak kurang dari 20 puluh gang dengan simbol bintang berbucu lima. antara yang fames adalah the gaylords, vice lords dan latin kings |
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selain tu... yang besar juga adalah gangster SURENOS dan NORTENOS.. itu nanti citer lain kali |
aku minat citer gangs n triads n segala macam geng2 ni.. mafia/yakuza/ape2 jer r..
pada aku, diorang ni memang dsar organize gle..
memang r kejam/melanggar undang2/tak berhati perut punyer manusia..
tapi, organize is organize kan..
cumer tu r,
cam dalam dokumentari tuh..
once you r in, there's no way out.. |
dekat malaysia ni takde geng2 triad yang famous ke?
kalau leh bukak satu lai thread bincang pasal ni kan best |
bila gang crips ni besar maka berlakulah perbalahan sesama sendiri.. salah satu dari perbalahan itu adalah dengan piru street boys yang sebelum ni memang antara gang bawah crips.. tapi bila ada gang gang crips dari turf lain yang kacau neighborhood diorang, maka gaduhlah.. maka piru street boys ni kuar dri crips and membiak menjadi Bloods yang menjadi musuh utama kepada crips.
diorang set satu pertubuhan nama dia UBN. United Blood Nation..
aku pernah baca gak diorang punya constitution and bahasa rahsia diorang... panjang sangat untuk ditepek disini. |

The MS-13 gang, aka Mara Salvatrucha 13, is one of the most violently dangerous gangs in the United States - and one of the most organized. The MS-13 gang has cliques, or factions, located throughout the United States and is unique in that it retains is ties to its El Salvador counterparts. With cliques in Washington DC, Oregon, Alaska, Arkansas, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Oklahoma, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Canada, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, and several other South American countries, the MS-13 gang is truly "international" and on the verge of becoming the first gang to be categorized as an "organized crime" entity.
MS-13 Gang member shows his tattoos.Gang members, who sport numerous tattoos on their bodies and faces, wear blue and white colors taken from the El Salvadoran flag. Their membership is estimated to total over 36,000 in the Honduras alone. Members typically range in age from 11 to 40 years old. Their progressive increase in violent activities and careless disregard for the law (threats and attacks against law enforcement officials is common), has made them the most feared gang in the United States. MS-13 criminal activities include drug smuggling, gun running, people smuggling, hits for hire, theft, drug sales, arson, and of course, strong arming the locals. Their wide-ranging activities and elevated status has even caught the eye of the FBI who recently initiated wide-scale raids against known and suspected gang members netting hundreds of arrests across the country.

Their penchant for violence is renowned. Members often arrive in the United States with fighting skills gained in military training and are particularly adept with machetes. In March 2004, the Maldon Institute, a Washington DC based think tank, released a report detailing the violent methods MS-13 used, including their increasingly typical (and disturbing) calling card. MS-13 often leaves behind dismembered corpses, complete with the decapitated head, at the scene of their murders. Often a grim note is attached to the body.
In a recent Texas incident, a MS-13 gang member admitted that he had led the gang rape of a 24 year-old woman and then kicked her in the neck with such force that it killed her. During questioning, the MS-13 member further acknowledged robbing and beating a small child in Houston and to stabbing an Alexander, Texas man three times in an attempt to kill him. When asked if he though murdering someone elevated his status within the gang he replied:
Hell Yeah. The crazier you are known to be, the more respect the gang gives you. In my gang, my street name is "psycho".

The Growth of MS-13
MS-13 Gang members arrestedLike many gangs, MS-13 was named after "La Mara", a street in El Salvador and "13th Street" in Los Angeles. The gang originated in El Salvador and initially consisted of violent guerillas who fought in El Salvador's civil war. As the war neared its end, the gang moved operations into the nearby Honduras. In the Honduras, where membership topped 36,000, the gang rose to such power that the Honduran government instigated a crackdown on all gangs and even passed a law aimed specifically at busting up gangs and organized crime. Code named "Strong Arm", the Honduran government arrested more than 4,000 gang members in 2003, often solely because they wore tattoos or colors of known gangs. Under Honduran law, gang members can receive up to 12 years in prison if they are a leader of a local clique and up to 9 years for simply being a member of a gang.
The recent Honduran gang law amendments enraged the MS-13 group. They carried out their revenge in 2002 in the form of a slaughter that took place on the outskirts of the city of Tegucigalpa. A car carrying two men armed with AK-47s and M-16 automatic weapons, cut off a public bus forcing it to stop. The men quickly boarded the bus and opened fire on the passengers killing 28 people including 7 small children. They left a slang-ridden message, written on a red poster board and weighted down with rocks, on the hood of the bus. When MS-13 subsequently felt excessive pressure in Honduras, they promptly migrated to Mexico.
This pattern continued in Mexico and in early 2004, the Mexican government began a campaign to eradicate MS-13. Authorities arrested 300 gang members in response to what they called "a threat to National security". Arrestees were charged with drug trafficking and smuggling of firearms across Mexico and Central America.
MS13 Tags on wallThe Mara Salvatrucha gang moved into the Los Angeles area in the late 1980's as immigrants from El Salvador began arriving in the city. The early Los Angeles MS-13 gangs sought to protect El Salvadorian immigrants from the ruthless LA gangs. As with many gangs who's original intent was to protect others, the gang soon came to prey upon the Salvadorian community themselves. Once profits were recognized, Mara Salvatrucha cliques began to spread across the United States at an alarming rate. By the 1990's, MS-13's reach had spread across the country and had planted its roots deep on the East Coast. The early cliques located on the eastern coast were independent and not well organized. In the early 2000's, the gang hierarchy changed radically when leadership for these newly unified units, came from as far away as California and El Salvador. Cells continued popping up all over the country.
In Texas and the Rio Grande area, MS-13 has become particularly profitable. U.S. and Mexican authorities acknowledge that MS-13 has been heavily involved in drug smuggling and human trafficking operations. They estimate that there are over 200 active cells (cells are groups of at least 20 members) operating in the states that border Mexico. Rumors abound concerning high-profile terrorist organizations contacting MS-13 for assistance in crossing borders in these areas.
Membership in MS-13 has grown rapidly. In Charlotte, North Carolina, membership is estimated to be 200+. Police have implicated MS-13 in at least 11 murders in the Charlotte area in 2000 alone. In northern Virginia and southern Maryland, around the Washington DC area, local authorities estimate MS-13 membership to be between 5,000 and 6,000 members - by far the largest gang in the area. In July of 2003, the Washington DC area encountered three murders attributed to MS-13. The first was the murder of a federal informant. The second was the shooting death of a 17 year old boy. The third was the death of a 16 year old boy who had both of his hands completely chopped off.
[ Last edited by benign at 27-4-2007 11:47 PM ] |
Members is MS-13 cells are often initiated by being "jumped in". In one Washington DC event, witnessed by a reporter, the inductee was an 11-year old boy - he sought membership in MS-13 so they would protect him from bullies in his neighborhood. The rights of passage included placing the boy in a circle of gang members. The five strongest members stepped inside the circle with the 11-year old boy. As members began counting slowly to 13, the boy was beaten and kicked repeatedly until he reached the point of unconsciousness. If he had been a girl, the rights of passage would have included being gang raped by six gang members.
While most gangs offer simple initiation rights, such as being "jumped in", where you are beaten or punched for several minutes in order to prove your worth, for many MS-13 cells, initiations are a little more stringent. In these cells, in order to join MS-13 you must first commit a violent act against someone else - either a beating, a rape, or a murder.
The MS-13 tell-tale body markings will typically include numerous body and facial tattoos containing the texts "MS", "13", or "18". Various symbols are used including dice, crossbones, or daggers. Often the symbols signify the members area of specialization. For instance, if a member has a tattoo of a grenade on his back it means that particular person specializes in explosives.
One of the defining factors of MS-13 is their absolute intolerance for anyone who informs the police of their activities. Court papers in Nassau County detail recorded telephone conversations where a MS-13 member bragged how he had put a stop to a informant - "I put one in the chest and three in the head."
MS-13 Gang membersOnce a member is brought in to the gang, they are in for life. They cannot act without the boss's consent - they cannot kill without reason, cannot talk to the police, cannot skip gang meetings, nor can they leave the gang. MS-13 has no tolerance for gang members who drop out. In March of 2004, 16-year old Edgar Guzman, was brought before the US Bureau of Immigration and Customers Enforcement in Colorado. He had entered the United States illegally, traveling from Guatemala on foot. In Guatemala he had been a member of the MS-13 gang. His sole reason for leaving his native country was to escape the gang life, live with his Aunt in Georgia, and begin school. He begged authorities not to deport him
If I had stayed in Guatemala, members of the Salvatrucha gang would have killed me. I've seen them hit people with baseball bats and shoot them. I know they kill people. I know that if I go back to Guatemala they will torture me. They will kill me if I go back to Guatemala. They will kill me because I left the gang.
On March 10, 2004, Edgar was released from jail and deported. On March 20, 2004, 10 days after he was deported, Edgar was found dead from multiple gunshot wounds. He had hidden in his home for 10 days and eventually left the confines of his house when his grandmother had unexpectedly died. He barely made it 5 blocks from his home before members found him and delivered the punishment that was deemed appropriate for his deserting the gang. Death is almost always the only means of escaping the clutches of MS-13.
One of the reasons for MS-13's success is their flexibility. When they enter a new area where they are not known, they will wear their colors in a flashy display in order to promote intimidation. Once the authorities catch wind of their presence, they will change their colors, carry their bandanas in their pocket, and change their markings to say, 76 or 67 (which total up to 13).
Flexible, organized, and highly violent - Mara Salvatrucha 13 has carved a niche in our society and dug in their heels, refusing to back down even from high profile authorities such as the Federal Police.
(1) The Brownsville Herald, 2004
(2) The Washington Post, August 12, 2002
(3) The Washington Post, December 10, 2004
(4) The Washington Times, September 28, 2004
diambik dari www.altereddimensions.net |
dulu aku selalu suka usha virtualtourist.com ...ade pernah terbaca tips of danger places/zone/people utk mana2 states or country. so aku paste sini tips dari local people, amik contoh di kawasan San Francisco (bukan je di SF ade puak2 geng ni, malah kat state/daerah lain kat US pun ada).
Antara tips dari local people utk pelancong yg dtg ke SF ialah:
Okay people.... Lovely San Francisco's Missiondistrict.... It has the biggest Latino population in the city so if arelooking for good Mexican food and what not this is the place to go...but as said before this isn't the greatest area... Nortenos andSurenos, the two Hispanic gangs that are in The Mission... Nortenosclaim red and the number 14, X4 and also seen as XIV, and Surenos claimblue and the number 13, X3 or XIII... through out the Mission there isgang violence but I believe that certain streets are more heavy withcertain gangs, from what I've seen and heard Surenos gravitate moretowards the lower streets... for example 10-19... where as the Nortenosgravitate towards the higher numbers for example 20-25... 16th and______ is heavily populated with Surenos... 22nd and 24th are Nortenoterritory especially 24th... Whenever going into the mission no matteryour race do not wear any clothing or such that is red or blue becausethere is a chance violence may be directed towards you in many wayssuch as drive bys etc... Be careful! Remember San Francisco is a LovelyCity and this is not to scare you away... it is just to inform peopleso that you can stay safe... |
pernah baca gak tentang surenos ngan nortenos ni.. geng geng hispanic.. satu southerners satu northerners.. jap aku cari info bergambar |
ade lagi tips dari local SF (dari link yg aku paste tadi):
Please listen to this advice, what ever you dobeware of the gangs in San francisco!! If you can, stay out of theMission District!!! there are several hispanic gangs there who haveknown to shoot or stab people for wearing the wrong color!! this is notpropaganda I had a freind who was visiting for a week, and ended up inthe hospital for a month because he got stabbed in the Mission district(only for being hispanic and wearing the wrong shirt) If you arehispanic try not to wear anything that is red or blue, there are twoMexican gangs who are constantly fighting with each other and you dontwant to be mistakin for either of them!! One gang is the Nortenos andthey wear red, the other are Surenos and they wear blue. Nortenosusually are hispanic and have longer hair or pony tails, and Surenosusually have shaved heads, this is not a joke! San Francisco is a veryliberal city which means that they are not big on harsh punishment forcriminals, Judges there let gangmembers out of jail for serious crimes,so many of these thugs are walking the streets, I am not trying toscare you San Fran is a great place to visit, just use common sense!!
sori benign awal2 lagi gi taruk pasal nortenos/surenos...kaco daun ko lak..kekeke...btw..aku 'teruja' pasal gang2 ni especially nortenos/surenos nye kes ...as muka malaysian (malay la senang citer) lebih kurang sama dgn mexican..bila dah sama...beware kalo nak melancong ke US! (in case kalo citer yg aku paste ni adalah betul seperti yg di advise oleh local SF).
[ Last edited by cz at 28-4-2007 12:14 AM ] |
Originally posted by benign at 27-4-2007 11:50 PM
pernah baca gak tentang surenos ngan nortenos ni.. geng geng hispanic.. satu southerners satu northerners.. jap aku cari info bergambar
ok cun! |
Sombra Negra atau Black Shadow ni vigilante group memang kerja hunt down MS13, SN ni terdiri dari police/military yang tak mau pegi court utk deliver justice pada penjenayah, kira cam The Punisher  |
Originally posted by cz at 28-4-2007 12:11 AM
ade lagi tips dari local SF (dari link yg aku paste tadi):
sori benign awal2 lagi gi taruk pasal nortenos/surenos...kaco daun ko lak..kekeke...btw..aku 'teruja' pasal gang2 ni especially n ...
takdehal la bro.. takdenye kacau daun.. kongsi arr.. info aku pun sekadar bahan bacaan tenet je.. tampal sini sekadar nak kongsi. tapi kalau nak close encounter leh la masuk forum gangsters gangsters ni... |
kasik up sket...
mana taw ada yang nak tambah info... |
simpur This user has been deleted
Reply #12 benign's post
I watched a documentary about MS-13 yesterday di channel discovery this group ni is growing faster. Very interesting documentary. |
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