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Post time 6-11-2006 11:26 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

Ariel Lin Yi Chen: Xiao Feng
Mike He Jun Xiang: Ah Ken
Phyllis Quek: Xiao Yun
Zhang Rui Jia: Ah Kai

Lai Zhi Wei: Xiao Bai
Lin Yi Hong: Mu Tou

"Love Contract" is a masterpiece of a drama that brings forth tears and laughter. Both touching and sweet, it leaves behind a beautiful set of tracks, like footprints in the sand. A pair of lovers that are attracted to each other from the start and lose themselves in a whirlwind romance that makes them forget all of their pain and troubles. The trouble ensues when dark secrets and hidden pasts turn up rearing their ugly heads.


Can love be a contract?

Two of Taiwan's hottest young actors star in this bittersweet ode to youth and love. Mike He (Devil Beside You) and Ariel Lin (It Started with a Kiss) share great on-screen chemistry as two lonely souls from broken families who find love through a curious arrangement in the hit drama Love Contract.

Xiao Feng (Ariel Lin) is a spunky and opinionated college student, who appears carefree but actually carries many unhappy experiences. In an effort to help her, Xiao Feng's friends draft a love contract and present it to their impassive classmate Ken (Mike He), who is trying to start a swimming team. The contract condition: be Xiao Feng's boyfriend and they will find him swimmers. Over time, Xiao Feng and Ken fall in love as they support each other through times of need. But what if Xiao Feng finds out that it all started out as a contract? It began as an innocent lie, but hearts and lives may be shattered when the truth comes out.

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Post time 6-11-2006 11:29 AM | Show all posts
mike he ....citer ni nampaknya menarik...bel...tambah la lagi info dio...

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 11:29 AM | Show all posts
okey Taiwan drama lovers...

thread ni sengaja bel bukak sbb byk kwn2 yg lain tgh demam gan Mike He dan skrg tgh demam gak gan tgk citer ni..:nerd:

since bel dah bukak thread ni harap semuanya discuss ler apa2 psl citer ni kat dlm thread ni aje...jgn mix up gi gan thread Devil Beside You tu...sbb nanti ada lak byk org kompius...

so everyone yg dah tgk dan bakal akan tgk dan x tgk gi....

Selamat Berforum...:hug:

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 11:29 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 6-11-2006 11:30 AM | Show all posts
citer ni dah ditayangkan ke kat taiwan...

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by errasazza at 6-11-2006 11:29 AM
mike he ....citer ni nampaknya menarik...bel...tambah la lagi info dio...

ni tgk carik...:nerd:

yg lain klu rajin tambah2 gak ler ye...

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 11:34 AM | Show all posts
heres the Jasmine Leong MV featuring Mike and Ariel

Ariel's Lonely Hemisphere featuring Mike

Ariel's Lonely Hemisphere with clips from Love Contract

credit to soompi

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 11:35 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 11:35 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 6-11-2006 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 6-11-2006 11:29 AM

wahhhh....bel sshi dah bukak umah baru.hehehe
nie yg tak sabor nak tengok nie....

omo...omo...nampak bulu ketiak mike he.:malu:lol

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Post time 6-11-2006 11:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 6-11-2006 11:29 AM gak..gambar2 mike he ni jgn lupa tempek ekk? bg gambo2 yg kaw2 sket...ini kan yg ending die ader 3 tu?

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by errasazza at 6-11-2006 11:30 AM
citer ni dah ditayangkan ke kat taiwan...

citer ni keluar tahun 2004...

dan citer ni cuma fames bila org dah tgk dia dlm DBU yg dikeluarkan tahun 2005...

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Post time 6-11-2006 11:54 AM | Show all posts
citer nie pun dah masuk dalam list aku..cume takde mase nak download je nie...

kak bel,citer nie boleh kasik berape bintang?

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 11:55 AM | Show all posts
Spoiler Alert


Xiao Fung (Ariel Lin)lives with her two parents and an older sister Xiao Yun. Although she appears close-mouthed and a bit indifferent to the going-ons around her, nobody, not even her group of loyal friends, knows how serious it actually is except for her family. It was because of a fight between her parents that Xiao Feng became hideously scarred and burned when her dad threw a candle at her mom and she jumped in the way. Xiao Feng has never loved in her life because she is too scared, always thinking that a relationship might turn out twisted and ugly like the tattered remains of her parents' marriage. But she does, she wants so badly to fall in love with a Prince Charming who doesn't care what she looks like, who will love her no matter what.

On her birthday, Xiao Feng and friends congregate at the beach where they build a small fire and talk about old times. "What is your birthday wish, Xiao Feng?" they ask her. Of course, it is to fall in love. To find love and fall in love, what she's wanted since forever. Her friends, ever loyal and helpful to her (two of the guys are even in love with her), decide that they MUST help her. Of course, if they fix her up with someone, then she can be happy and they will approve of whoever she ends up dating.

The perfect opportunity comes up when Ah Ken (Mike He) comes to town. Right away, he sets up a swimming team at the school, but no one wants to join because he trains like a slave driver. The guys devise a Love Contract and promises Ah Ken that if he agrees to take Xiao Feng to see a movie, they will supply him with a team of swimmers that are both hardworking and talented. He agrees, and the Love Contract is underway.........

Only, of course, Xiao Feng doesn't like Ah Ken at all. To tell the truth, he wouldn't be pursuing her at all if it hadn't been for the Contract, because she's not exactly his type. Feisty and hardheaded make for bad girlfriends, says he. Everytime the two set a date, Xiao Feng finds a way to avoid the movies altogether. She either gets hungry (and the two go off to a bakery to sample everything in stock) or drags him to the dentist (where his wisdom teeth are removed.) But somewhere in between sweets and root canals, Xiao Feng seems to be warming up to him, and Ah Ken starts to see the real person behind this facade.

Okay, you say. So what's so bad? Well, everything would be smooth sailing, if it weren't for the fact that both Xiao Feng and Ah Ken grew up with bad parents. More specifically, bad fathers. Both have scars, both mental and physical, that they try to hide from the other because to show their ugliness would be to lose the one person that they have ever loved. Love can only take you so far, and the two find out the hard way. Skip about 6 episodes later, and Xiao Feng ends up in a coma from which she has little chance of waking up. Ah Ken blames himself (and has perfect reason to, which we won't delve into) and feels he must make it up to her. He thinks that she hasn't forgiven him yet, although she has. She so desperately wants to tell him, but cannot wake up.

During the last episode, during which I would advise you get your tissues ready, the group visits the grave of a beloved friend, and then head to Xiao Feng's house to visit her mother and her. Ah Ken asks that he spend the day with Xiao Feng, revisiting some of their happiest moments. Halfway through, a friend tells him, why not do the things you never got the do instead of things already gone by? Ah Ken takes her to a performance put on especially for her by their friends (very funny and touching) and then he takes her to his house where he cooks for her. She doesn't eat, of course, but he tries to make the best out of a bad situation by pretending to be both her AND himself. As Xiao Feng, he compliments the great cooking, and replies to "her" as Ah Ken, inducing both tears and laughter. He sits her outside to enjoy the night and sings for her, which was just so touching that I nearly became dehydrated because of crying so much.

The ending, it is up to you to decide whether or not it is happy. We find out that Ah Ken and Xiao Feng were originally a god and goddess up in heaven, sent down to earth to find the Love Contract as punishment for being too rowdy and unloving. Ah Ken decides that if they cannot be together in life, it is better to die together, and he brings her to the ocean that had brought the two of them together so long ago and, carrying her bridal style in his arms, walks bravely into the crashing waves. (This is the part where my tears, which had been streaming down in two continous rivulets, blind me so badly that I had to pause the video to find another tissue box.) The ocean once again brings the two together. As they have finally understood the meaning of love, the two are allowed to resurrect as immortal beings again. The lovers are reunited and they run around the beach and laugh and play before continuing on their way, presumably to heaven. Then, time goes on (and a hermit crab scuttles across the camera) and Xiao Feng and Ah Ken return to earth to do something that they never got to do. Get married. Dressed in their wedding glory, they speak of how much they miss their friends. Suddenly, all of their friends run toward them (we're presuming that their friends have also died) and congratulate them. "It's been too long since we last saw each other!" they say. Everyone is very happy to see each other. Even Xiao Bai, who had died so much earlier than everyone else, is able to join them. The drama is over, and after so much tears and pain for everyone, they are finally able to indulge in something that is 100% happiness!

Reviewer's Comments:

I swear, the only reason why I write these reviews (they take FOREVER!!) is because of this one small section devoted all to myself. Well, sort of. This is where I get to talk about what I thought of the story and critique all of the actors and such.

Well, of course I loved it. Maybe not to pieces, and maybe I might not be able to watch this drama again for a long time for fear of getting all choked up, but I loved it all the same. If someone said, "Do you love 'Love Contract'?" I would say yes. Of course I would. It was beautiful. Sure there was so much sadness, but what was more important was how much Xiao Feng and Ah Ken loved each other. They were a couple that were completely and totally in love. Not the fake, cute love that a lot of dramas have, but the "look deep into her eyes" love that brings tears to your face.

Ariel Lin and Mike He did wonderful jobs. Ariel was so good at being Xiao Feng, who was someone completely different from her usual playful roles. Here was someone who, although only about 20 or so, seemed like she had lived through an entire lifetime already. Ariel played her with sugh vigor and completeness that it's hard to tell whether Xiao Feng was Ariel, or Ariel was Xiao Feng. Mike He, as always, was a wonderful actor (wonderful kisser too). He was able to act in his first "serious role" and did exceptionally well. He was a great crier, great with arranging his features to show pain and sadness. Mike He is such a charismatic actor that it's hard to take your eyes away from him when he walks into the screen. Great job!

Xiao Feng's friends could have gone through a couple more acting classes, to tell the truth. The two guys, Xiao Bai and Ah Kai were supposed to be completely different people, but I found that the actors playing them were so stoic that it was hard to tell who was who. I mean, the guys were obviously not very into their roles at all!

Phyllis Kwok was a wonderful, although small character. She played older sister Xiao Yun who was having an affair with a married singer. Of course, Xiao Feng gave her a long "talking to" and she "realized the error of her ways." But Phyllis Kwok, although not very popular, is a very serious and successful actor. If it weren't for her plain Jane (although still very pretty) looks, she would have been leading lady in a lot of dramas by now. Which shows that the entertainment life is usually 70% beauty and 30% talent, something very unfair.

The rating for the drama is a full 5 stars out of 5. It was a great drama, and I'm not shallow enough to give it 4 stars just because it might have made me cry one too many times. No sirree. If it deserves 5 stars, heck yes I will give it 5 stars! Mike He and Ariel Lin are a must-see, and I think their chemistry is just dazzling. Lots of memorable scenes are in the drama, and I'm not just talking about the cute parts. Even the sad parts are hard to forget. The soundtrack is awesome. Lots of deep, meaningful songs, and the themesong is just splendid! Ariel Lin herself sings the ending theme song, and her voice is like an angel. I never knew she had it in her! Anyone interested in watching this won't be making a mistake at all. I mean, unless you're too chicken to shed a few tears, but there's no one in HERE that's like that, right?

all credit to

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by skuter_buruk146 at 6-11-2006 11:54 AM
citer nie pun dah masuk dalam list aku..cume takde mase nak download je nie...

kak bel,citer nie boleh kasik berape bintang?

x tau ler nak bagi brapa bintang...klu nak bagi 10 pun boleh klu ikut review bel ler...

bel rasa antara kesemua drama dia x termsk ler Marry Me tu...
citer ni dia mmg outstanding sekali...

watak dia terlalu kasian...terlalu baik hati..terlalu cintakan Ariel...berkorban apa saja...
bel sampai nangis2 tgk watak Ah Ken menangis...

ending dia ada tiga dan biarpun ending kedua dan ketiga adalah happy ending tapi bel prefer ending kedua...
much2 more reality...

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Post time 6-11-2006 12:40 PM | Show all posts
wah ada thread love contractlah.....

sukanya aku.....aku pun tengah nak tunggu cite nie....

demam mike he lagilah jawabnya

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Post time 6-11-2006 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 6-11-2006 12:20 PM

x tau ler nak bagi brapa bintang...klu nak bagi 10 pun boleh klu ikut review bel ler...

bel rasa antara kesemua drama dia x termsk ler Marry Me tu...
citer ni dia mmg outstanding s ...

tak kisah la ending dio camana sekali pun...aku tetap gak suka mike he....

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Post time 6-11-2006 01:36 PM | Show all posts
amboi.... ada thread love contract

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Post time 6-11-2006 02:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 6-11-2006 11:29 AM

waaa...rambut devil..:love:
ending citer ni maner satu yg betul...sampai 3 skali..:hmm: :stp:

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Post time 6-11-2006 03:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #20 moondance's post

rambut devil, tapi die tak devil kan kat drama nih? ske tgk rambut die cenggini..buh sepit2 sket..kekekeke

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