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promotion-money refunded!..sejauh mane ketelusan?..
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rasenyer xde lagi topic nie..kalu ade mod leh merge, TQ..
aku nk raise issue promotion, secare specific psl promotion goods yg ade tulis, kalu x berpuas ati leh return goods, money fully/partially refunded...telus ke promotion mcm nie?...
sbagai cnth, salu mcm barang "kedai bijak" salu ade term cmtuh...terkini, ads shampu "jelas" yg kate kalu stil ade kelemumur lps gune, contact diorg, money anda refunded...
ker nie sume marketing strategy, sbb diorg tau consumer x wat mende2 yg menyusahkan diorg ie dah beli x puas ati nk g anta balik barang tuh...rite?...
saper ade experience gune barang x puas ati anta balik duit korg bebetul dier refund?...ker korg ade experience kene tipu ngan terms cmtuh?... |
Reply #1 philipinoe2's post
tak pernah try lagi. cuma yg aku baca kat board beuaty pasal barang avon ke amway (certain products) that kalau ada prob u can return it back n u'll get be refunded... but tu dulu .. sekarang seems like dia tak refund duit but bg coupon untuk purchase barang lain.. perhaps org yg pernah beli barang avon/amway could explain better. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi