Siti mah kisah wang aku masih bicinta This is the story while I'm still in love
Dengan indi dayung samah binua With one girl from the same village
ami bijanggi ira masau mende bisindi We promise to marry and live together
so this is what she said to me one day
I,I, I, I love you very bageg I,I, I, I love you very strong
I, I, I, I kiss you bayuh sade I, I, I, I kiss you not enough
Why, why, why, why I miss you tiap ngare Why, why, why, why I miss you every night
My, my love is just for you
Aku pun geram so I went to Melaya I was furious so I went to Melaya
Ira ngumpul duit tinan bitunang Want to raise money for engage
wang aku meri I feel very very sad When I returned home I feel very very sad
Ngin my kampung love has got married Because my Kampung love has got married
Siti mah - This is
Kisah - Story
Wang - while/when
Aku - I
bicinta - In love
Dengan - with
Dayung - Girl/Women
Samah - same
Binua/kampung - Village
Ami - we
Bijanggi(Janggi) - Promise
Ira - Want
Masau - Marry a girl (menuh/bibanuh - Marry a men)
Mende - Live (other meaning is silent)
Bisindi - Together
Bageg - Strong
Bayuh - Not
Sede - Enough
Tiap - Every
Ngaru - Night
Pun - Even,Was,too
Geram - Furious
Ngumpul - Raise/collect
Tinan - Use
Bitunang - Engaged
meri - return
Ngin - Because