The giant squid remains largely a mystery to scientists despite being the biggest invertebrate on Earth. They live in the deep ocean, which makes their natural habitat difficult to observe. In fact, no one had observed a live giant squid in the wild until 2004. Here are some facts about the Giant Squid.
They Have Massive EyesGiant squid have largest eyes of any living creature on the planet. At up to 10 inches in diameter, people often describe it as the size of a dinner plate . Having large eyes allows them to detect other objects in the deep depths of the ocean where other animals would see nothing.
They Are 40 Feet LongIts one of the largest animals on earth. While rumors of 60 foot long squid persist, the longest scientifically verified giant squid was 43 feet long. Most of that length is from the 2 feeding tentacles. The mantle, which includes the squid’s head and body, may be up to 7 feet long.
Feeding Ecology And DietThese squid feed on deep-sea fish and other types of squid. They are believed to have occasionally killed each other after fragments of other giant squid beaks were found in their stomachs. They get hold of their prey by gripping it tightly with two tentacles. These squid are thought to be solitary, because they are only captured in nets individually.