Ular adalah makhluk luar biasa yang memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam menyeimbangkan alam. Terdapat lebih daripada 3000 spesies ular yang berbeza. Sebilangan ular besar, dan ada yang kecil. Berikut adalah senarai Ular Terbesar yang pernah ditangkap. (Subtitle b.melayu terdapat di dalam video ini)
Longest PythonIn 2016, the giant snake was found and captured at a construction site in Malaysia. The snake was a reticulated python, a species found in Southeast Asia typically regarded as the longest reptile. It was reported estimated to 8 metres long and weighed 250 kg, however, its has not been officially measured by record keepers. The python reportedly died 3 days later while laying an egg.