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Lady Gaga - 'resigned' dari dunia ILLUMINATI & FREEMASON

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Post time 2-10-2017 06:37 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Lady Gaga percaya penyakitnya adalah manifestasi fizikal dari kuasa-kuasa gelap yang merampas kawalan badan dan jiwa selepas dia menyertai Illuminati pada awal kariernya, menurut kakitangan produksi dari dokumentari baru Gaga.

Netflix yang dihasilkan Gaga: Lima Kaki Dua adalah potret dokumentari kutil dari bintang bermasalah - atau sekurang-kurangnya kelihatan, dengan rakaman terbang terbang di atas meja, sesi studio, penampilan awam, perbualan malam, temu janji perubatan, dan pelbagai kerosakan air mata.

Menggambarkan pemandangan dari dokumentari yang ditinggalkan di lantai bilik pemotong, kakitangan pengeluaran mendedahkan bahawa Lady Gaga meminta nasihat dari seorang imam Katolik mengenai kemungkinan menjalani ektremisme untuk menghilangkan dirinya dari "kerohanian gelap" yang dia mengatakan dia "dijemput" kepada tubuhnya pada awal kariernya.

Menggambarkan masa yang dia "menyumbangkan jiwanya" kepada Illuminati - di luar sebuah kelab di Lower East Side di New York selepas mengadakan persembahan burlesque pada tahun 2006 - Gaga menggambarkan pengalaman itu sebagai "sangat nyata dan mendalam, tidak metafora sama sekali."

"Saya baru sahaja berada di atas pentas, ini persembahan yang baik, saya tinggi pada cinta dan tepukan dari orang ramai. Saya berada di luar lampu rokok, berfikir tentang menjaringkan lebih banyak kokain. Saya sakit untuk lebih. Lebih dari segalanya. Saya hanya mahu merasa baik. Rasa apa-apa. Kemudian lelaki ini, seorang lelaki yang tidak dikenali dalam baju, berbicara kepada saya. Dia bersandar di dinding, merokok, dan dia berkata kepada saya 'Saya fikir anda mempunyai apa yang diperlukan. Adakah anda mahu? 'Saya bertanya apa itu'. Saya fikir dia akan datang kepada saya. Tetapi dia tersenyum dan berkata 'Semuanya. Kejayaan. Kemasyhuran. Kekayaan. Kuasa. Adakah anda mahu semuanya? '

"Saya melihatnya dengan penuh semangat. Saya tidak dapat membantunya. Kemudian dia hanya berdiri di sana dan menyanyikan salah satu lagu dari rutin saya sebelum ini. Ia adalah dunia lain. Saya menatapnya seperti dia adalah permata gelap yang dikorek dari lautan yang paling dalam. Saya berlutut dan bertanya kepadanya siapa yang patut saya puji.

"Saya melihatnya tepat di mata dan memberitahunya bahawa saya mahukan semuanya.

"Saya beritahu dia saya akan buat apa-apa."

Sebagai seorang pelukis bergelut yang kebanyakannya bermain di bar menyelam, di kelab-kelab burlesque, dan pada larut malam, Gaga tidak mempunyai kejayaan komersil atau pengiktirafan awam sebelum bertemu lelaki yang digambarkannya sebagai "putera saya yang diterangi."

Sebagai pertukaran untuk jiwa beliau, Gaga mampu mencipta muzik yang dia menjadi terkenal.

Gaga telah bertempur dengan pasukan bersaing berjuang untuk ketuanan di dalam dirinya selama bertahun-tahun, dan dia sering berperang dengan dirinya dalam dokumentari - satu pihak yang dipandu untuk melakukan, yang lain diberikan untuk mengadu tentang perjanjian busuk dia telah diserahkan oleh "kuasa gelap. "

Gaga percaya penyakit fizikal, fibromyalgia, keadaan sakit kronik yang dikatakannya selama beberapa waktu, adalah manifestasi fizikal perjuangannya untuk keluar dari industri rekod Illuminati dan memecahkan kontraknya dengan "putera gelap."
Selepas "menyelesaikan kesepakatan" dengan putera di luar Mercury Lounge di New York City, Gaga mendapati "kejayaan adalah cinch." Sebagai pertukaran untuk jiwa beliau, Gaga mampu mencipta muzik yang dia menjadi terkenal. Tiba-tiba kolaborator peringkat tinggi, pengeluar dan pengiklan berbaris untuk bekerjasama dengan pelukis yang tidak dikenali.

Dalam masa satu tahun, dia adalah bintang pop multi-platinum, kerja beliau mencapai penonton berbilion di seluruh dunia.

"Janji-janjinya menjadi sangat cepat."

"Pada mulanya saya fikir kami membuat pasukan yang baik. Tetapi tidak lama sebelum saya mula menderita. "

Mereka boleh memberi anda kuasa istimewa, keindahan luaran, bakat, dan kekayaan untuk sementara waktu ... tetapi ia tidak akan kekal, "kata Gaga. "Inilah sebabnya mengapa begitu banyak orang yang bermain-main dalam seni gelap begitu tidak berpuas hati. Mereka berkelip cerah seperti bintang pagi dan kemudian membuat bunuh diri atau memusnahkan diri mereka dengan penyalahgunaan bahan. "

Lady Gaga menjadualkan semula jelajah Eropah Joanne World Tour, dengan menyebut "sakit teruk" yang memberi kesan "keupayaannya untuk melakukan." Dalam sebuah catatan Instagram, memaparkan gambar penyanyi berdoa dengan tangannya memegang salib, katanya. dia telah "sentiasa jujur" tentang keadaan kesihatan fizikal dan rohaniya, dan telah "mencari bertahun-tahun untuk sampai ke bahagian bawah mereka."

I have always been honest about my physical and mental health struggles. Searching for years to get to the bottom of them. It is complicated and difficult to explain, and we are trying to figure it out. As I get stronger and when I feel ready, I will tell my story in more depth, and plan to take this on strongly so I can not only raise awareness, but expand research for others who suffer as I do, so I can help make a difference. I use the word "suffer" not for pity, or attention, and have been disappointed to see people online suggest that I'm being dramatic, making this up, or playing the victim to get out of touring. If you knew me, you would know this couldn't be further from the truth. I'm a fighter. I use the word suffer not only because trauma and chronic pain have changed my life, but because they are keeping me from living a normal life. They are also keeping me from what I love the most in the world: performing for my fans. I am looking forward to touring again soon, but I have to be with my doctors right now so I can be strong and perform for you all for the next 60 years or more. I love you so much.


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Post time 2-10-2017 06:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Babinya artikel kau TT.. nak kata google translate pun bukan.. nak bukak thread tu, rajin-rajin la research..

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Post time 2-10-2017 07:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kahkahkahkahkah, ayat punnnn. .

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Post time 2-10-2017 07:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pening baca... cinch?? Ape tu?

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Post time 2-10-2017 07:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Use magic Report

Post time 2-10-2017 08:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I ingat I sorang ja yang rasa pening baca artikel ni.

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Post time 3-10-2017 01:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iols mengalami kekejangan sebentar tadi membaca artikel ni..
hanya mampu smpi ke perenggan 8, iols da x sanggup teruskan lagi

Use magic Report

Post time 3-10-2017 06:51 AM | Show all posts
Kalau yer pun nak google translate, ubah la sikit ayat tu bagi orang paham. Ini tak, "saya tinggi pada cinta". WTH?

Use magic Report


Post time 3-10-2017 08:53 AM | Show all posts

Use magic Report

Post time 3-10-2017 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Artikel ciplak dari indo kah? Lebih baik baca english je, tak serabut

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Post time 4-10-2017 09:33 PM | Show all posts
tak pepasal TT kene carut. bertabahlah  

Use magic Report

Post time 4-10-2017 09:57 PM | Show all posts
kejang otak aku baca... gugel translate kan. Artist jadi pelukis!!!!! babun la

Use magic Report

Post time 4-10-2017 11:56 PM | Show all posts
english sajala, urang malaysia pandai english, indon bodoh english semua mau bergantung kepada traslet

Use magic Report

Post time 5-10-2017 09:30 AM | Show all posts
Seriusly...sampah sangat translation macam ni. Xpayah laa translate kalau xtahu...tepek je artikel asal.

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Post time 5-10-2017 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Jangan baca artikel tu sebenarnya jampi Illuminati. Sapa baca sampai habis akan bertukar kambing itam bertanduk satu.

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Post time 6-10-2017 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Lady Gaga: ‘I Regret Selling My Soul to Illuminati Dark Forces’

Lady Gaga says ‘Illuminati dark forces’ have made her ill
Pop star Lady Gaga has spoken openly about her membership of the Illuminati for the first time to say that she regrets joining the secret society.
Gaga, a sufferer of the painful fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), says she believes her longterm illness is the result of her allowing “dark forces” to manifest themselves in her body when she “sold her soul” to “the Illuminati” early on in her career.The singer spoke candidly in her upcoming Netflix produced Gaga: Five Foot Two documentary which is meant to be a warts-and-all portrait of the troubled star.However, the final cut appears to be more of a fly-on-the-wall footage montage of rehearsals, studio sessions, public appearances, private late-night conversations, medical appointments, and multiple tearful breakdowns.According to production staff, many of the interview scenes were left on the cutting room floor due to “orders from above”.
When describing some of the more interesting scenes that were cut from the final edit, production staff revealed that Gaga recalled meeting with a Catholic priest to discuss undergoing an exorcism to rid her body of the “dark spirituality” that she invited into her body during “Satanic rituals” early on in her career.She described how she was first inducted into the Illuminati by “donating her soul” which she says took place at a club in New York’s Lower East Side after performing a burlesque show in 2006.Gaga described the experience as “very real and visceral, not metaphorical at all.”

“I had just been on stage, it was a good show, I was high on the love and applause from the crowd. “I was outside lighting a cigarette, thinking about scoring some more cocaine. “I was aching for more. More of everything. I just wanted to feel good. Feel anything. “Then this man, a strangely ageless man in a suit, spoke to me. “He was leaning against the wall, smoking, and he said to me ‘I think you’ve got what it takes. Do you want it?’ “I asked what ‘it’ was. I thought he was coming on to me. “But he smiled and said ‘Everything. Success. Fame. Riches. Power. Do you want it all?
’”I looked at him curiously. I couldn’t work him out. “Then he just stood there and sang one of the songs from my routine earlier. “It was otherworldly. “I stared at him like he was a dark jewel dredged up from the deepest ocean. “I got down on my knees and asked him who I should praise.”I looked him right in the eye and told him I wanted it all. “I told him I’d do anything.”

Before meeting the man she describes as “my illuminated prince,” Gaga had little commercial success or public recognition, as a struggling performer who mostly played in dive bars, in burlesque clubs, and at late night revues,
Gaga was able to create the music and achieve everything she had ever dreamed of, in exchange for one thing: Her “soul”.Outside the Mercury Lounge in New York City that night, Gaga “concluded a deal” with the prince and instantly found that “success was a cinch”.In exchange for her soul,
Gaga was able to create the music for which she became famous with the most well-respected collaborators, producers, and promoters in the business queuing up to work with the unknown club singer.

Within one year she was one of the biggest selling artists on the planet. “His promises came true very quickly.””At the start, I thought we made a good team. But it wasn’t long before I began to suffer.”Gaga has fought with conflicting forces battling for supremacy inside herself for years, and she’s frequently at war with herself in the documentary.One side is driven to perform, whistle the other seems to be struggling with “dark forces”.Gaga has suffered from the physical illness, fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition, for years, which she is the physical manifestation of her fight to get out of the Illuminati-controlled record industry and break her contract with the “dark prince”.

”They may give you special powers, outer beauty, talent, and wealth for a while… but it doesn’t last,” Gaga said. “This is the reason why so many people who dabble in the dark arts are so unhappy. They flicker bright like a morning star and then wind up committing suicide or destroying themselves with substance abuse.”They flicker bright like a morning star and then wind up committing suicide or destroying themselves with substance abuse.”Lady Gaga has recently announced that she is rescheduling the European leg of her Joanne World Tour, citing the “severe pain” that is impacting “her ability to perform”.In a post from her official Instagram page, featuring a photograph of herself holding a crucifix and praying, she said she had “always been honest” about her physical and spiritual health conditions, and has been “searching for years to get to the bottom of them.”

“As I get stronger and when I feel ready, I will tell my story in more depth and plan to take this on strongly so I can not only raise awareness but expand research for others who suffer as I do, so I can help make a difference,” wrote Gaga.


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Post time 6-10-2017 11:28 AM | Show all posts
aku igt aku sorg je pening baca artikel ni

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Post time 6-10-2017 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Chesire_Epilog replied at 6-10-2017 11:13 AM
Lady Gaga: ‘I Regret Selling My Soul to Illuminati Dark Forces’

Lady Gaga says ‘Illuminati da ...

thank you sis..

Use magic Report

Post time 6-10-2017 02:49 PM | Show all posts

Welcome sis.

Ni versi bm plak untuk mudah difahami, kalo bahasa indo tu i pon tak paham

Lady Gaga Menyesal Sertai Iluminati ?? Sesuatu Terjadi Kepadanya Kerana Ingin Keluar Dari Illuminati.
Suatu ketika dahulu, Lady Gaga atau nama sebenarnya Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta sentiasa menjadi sebutan kerana lagunya yang popular dan fesyen yang digayakannya sangat unik dan melambangkan sesuatu.

Setiap lagu dan gaya yang dibawakannya sering kali dikaitkan dengan pertubuhan rahsia Illuminati namun Gaga hanya berdiam diri mengenai isu tersebut dan tampil memberi kelainan.

Terbaru, sebuah portal antarabangsa telah melaporkan penyanyi ini membuat pengakuan bahawa beliau sememangnya sudah lama menyertai pertubuhan tersebut dan menyesal akan keputusannya itu sebelum ini.

Gaga telah membuat pengakuan tersebut di dalam sebuah dokumentari khas mengenai perjalanan seni beliau. Lady Gaga kini dikhabarkan sedang menghidapi fibromyalgia pain syndrome dan turut menjejaskan aktiviti seni beliau.

Tambah pihak produksi yang menjalani penggambaran dokumentari Gaga, terdapat beberapa perkara pelik yang harus dipatuhi mereka termasuklah meninggalkan Gaga sendirian buat seketika.

Ini kerana menurut penyanyi berkenaan, ini adalah arahan dari ‘atas’ yang mesti dipatuhinya. Sesuatu yang misteri bukan?

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Post time 7-10-2017 02:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hmm.. tak lama dah akak ni

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