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Pertumbuhan manusia terhenti pada umur 40
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Scientists have recently discovered that growth doesn't end at the age of 21; the brain rather continues to grow until the age of forty. In other words, man's growth is completed only at the age of forty.
Scientists have recently discovered that growth doesn't end at the age of 21; the brain rather continues to grow until the age of forty. In other words, man's growth is completed only at the age of forty. The holy Qur’an has revealed this fact for Allah says:
“At length, when he reaches
The age of full strength
And attains forty years,
He says, "O my Lord!
Grant me that I may be
Grateful for Thy favour
Which Thou hast bestowed
Upon me.” Ahqaf or Winding Sand-tracts: 15 (ibid)
All glory to Allah; again we wonder who might have revealed this to Prophet Mohammad, PBUH. ... h/923-new-secrets-2 |
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Post time 30-10-2016 11:32 PM
From the mobile phone
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Ahli-ahli sains telah menemui bahawa pertumbuhan tidak berakhir pada usia 21; bahkan otak terus berkembang sehingga mencapai umur empat puluh. Dalam erti kata lain, pertumbuhan manusia selesai hanya pada usia empat puluh.
Ahli-ahli sains telah menemui bahawa pertumbuhan tidak berakhir pada usia 21; bahkan otak terus berkembang sehingga mencapai umur empat puluh. Dalam erti kata lain, pertumbuhan manusia selesai hanya pada usia empat puluh. Al-Quran telah mendedahkan hakikat ini kerana firman Allah SWT:
"Setelah ia besar sampai ke peringkat dewasa yang sempurna kekuatannya dan sampai ke peringkat umur empat puluh tahun, berdoalah ia dengan berkata: "Wahai Tuhanku, ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur akan nikmatmu yang engkau kurniakan kepadaku"
ahqaf 15 |
Itu otak. Bukan tulang. Choi |
Edited by mbhcsf at 31-10-2016 04:19 AM
badan kita ni pertumbuhan berbeza bagi sesuatu sistem macam tulang , otak
maksud yg i faham dalam sains ialah tulang rangka akan berhenti elongates atau memanjang - ni tulang sharft badan ye apabila seseorang manusia lelaki dan wanita tu mencapai baligh. kalau ladies kita yg dah ada haid ni akan tahu yg oestrogen ( sila double check ni sebab i tinggalkan physiology dah lama ) akan induce the fusion of bone epiphyseal plate / satu fusion dengan pangkal tulang da bhgn tulang yg memanjang tu dan akan terhentilah proses tumbersaran
ni tulang i think tulang kepala ; kranium
dan ada beza istilah perkembangan dan pertumbuhan
perkembangan ni lebih luas dan ia mencakupi aspek kognitif, emosi, sosial etc
pertumbuhan ia merujuk kepada aspek biologi , berat, tinggi, organ maturity - tulang etc
so different organ dalam badan ada age yg berbeza
Edited by mbhcsf at 31-10-2016 05:08 AM
pertumbuhan ape ye yg tak berakhir umur 21 tahun tu ...article tu menarik tapi tulah huraiannya pendek...sebab terlalu umum kot ye?
sebab perenggan penulisyg dlm blog tu terlalu pendek dan dia tulis ayat ayat umum kekadang kita tak pasti dia rujuk apa.
ayat quran tu tak salah.
bila penulis tu sendiri tak jelas
brain - nak tengok tumbuh ke developed?
pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ni bawa maksud lain lain...
tapi brain develops dan proses terhentinya tu ....
brain 's growth - volume and size ada graph dia...
so saya tak surelah penulis article tu maksudkan ape
zip yg kat tengkorak tu akan bercantum sepenuhnya pada usia ~ 40 thn. (x ingat tengok/baca kt mana) |
sutures 'zip' , ubun ubun dan pengerasan sutures
Edited by mbhcsf at 31-10-2016 05:01 AM
yup tulang kepala / cranium tu yg di'lekatkann oleh zip' = zip = sutures - sejenis sendi , tapi sendi allows little movement je/
ubun ubun lembut yg kita tengok berdenyut denyut kat kepala baby tu bila mana sutures tulang kepala / sendi tu tak bebetul join dan tulang kepala belum mengeras. ada kebaikannya , salah satu petanda bahawa Allah itu Maha Bijaksana - tulang kepala yg tak disambung lengkap tu actually penting dlaam proses kelahiran bayi . ketika melalui birth canal , tulang kepala baby akan overlapped/ tindan dan ini penting untuk memudahkan laluan kepala bayi yg mana ia bhgn yg paling besar berbanding badan bayi tu melalui birth passage dengan mudah. sebab tu second stage of labour tu penting , and of course 3rd stage of labour jugak pun..
kemudian ubun ubun kemabali reduced in size dan by 31 months ubun ubun tu dah mengeras dah dan menjadi sutures
sutures ini sendiri
tapi kalau pengerasansendi tulang kepala, depa punya peringkat pengerasan tu dikatakan berakhir yups third decades or so.
sumber rujukan / lanjut : ... f-the-neuro-cranium
ni sumber ruuukan based on darwinism yg nak kaitkan human dengan apes so depa banyak buat atau kaji ' theorigins of man ' lah , penjelasan depa tang closure, fusion and pengerassan ossification tu menarik dan lebih terperinci.
Fontanelles are membranous areas that have not yet ossified in the developing cranial vault of neonatal and juvenile animals. Fontanelles allow for rapid stretching and deformation of the cranium as the brain expands faster than the surrounding bone can grow. Cranial sutures are fibrous joints (synarthroses) between the bones of the vault or face. Both fontanelles and sutures are important for cranial vault growth (and accordingly, brain growth), as once they fully ossify no further expansion of the braincase is possible. Immature humans and apes have six primary fontanelles – two along the midline of the top of the vault (the anterior or bregmatic and the posterior or lambdoid fontanelles) and two on each side of the lateral vault (right and left sphenoidal or anterolateral fontanelles and right and left mastoid or posterolateral fontanelles). The two midline fontanelles both participate in anteroposterior and medioateral brain growth. The fontanelles on the lateral vault permit superoinferior brain growth. Two additional fontanelles (metopic fontanelle and sagittal or third fontanelle) can also be present in humans. In monkeys the fontanelles are nearly or completely closed at the time of birth, in apes the fontanelles are small but still present at birth, whereas in humans the fontanelles are large in newborns. In humans, the sequence of fontanelle closure is as follows: 1) posterior fontanelle generally closes 2-3 months after birth, 2) sphenoidal fontanelle is the next to close around 6 months after birth, 3) mastoid fontanelle closes next from 6-18 months after birth, and 4) the anterior fontanelle is generally the last to close between 1-3 years of age (in one recent human sample, the anterior fontanelle was closed in most individuals by 31 months postnatally, in another sample most individuals older than 17 months exhibited closure of this fontanelle). If the sagittal fontanelle is present, it is usually located near the parietal notch and is present at birth in 50-80% of perinatal skulls. It is defined by the sixth prenatal month and is usually obliterated at birth or within a few months after birth. The sagittal fontanelle has been clinically associated with Down’s syndrome and other abnormalities. If the metopic fontanelle is present, it will obliterate between 2 to 4 years of age. In humans, all fontanelles are generally fused by the fifth year of life with 38% of fontanelles closed by the end of the first year and 96% of the fontanelles closed by the second year. In contrast, apes fuse the fontanelles soon after birth: in chimpanzees the anterior fontanelle is fully closed by 3 months of age. With respect to sutures, humans show a delayed pattern of ossification relative to other apes. In humans the sutures remain patent (and capable of growth) until early adulthood (late in the third decade of life), whereas in apes the sutures begin to fuse in childhood. Fusion of sutures in humans has been used as an age indicator, but fusion of the cranial sutures is highly variable and has been shown to be an unreliable indicator of age because of the range of variation in the timing of obliteration. The large fontanelles of humans allow the neonate’s skull to compress at the time of delivery, and are thus part of an adaptive solution to the problem of giving birth to large-brained babies through a relatively narrow and rigid birth canal (in a pelvis adapted for bipedal locomotion). Also, the late fusion of the fontanelles and sutures permits a greater degree of postnatal growth of cerebral volume. In human infants, the brain is only about 25% of its adult volume at birth, has only reached 50% of adult size by one year of age, and may continue growing until about 20 years of age. In chimpanzees, neonates have brain volumes that average about 40% of the adult volume, and have attained 80% of adult brain size by one year of age. Thus delayed fontanelle and suture closure is part of the human pattern of secondary altriciality.
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