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Antara Burkini , Barat dan Islam - celaru si bebas nilai ?
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Edited by mbhcsf at 29-8-2016 05:38 AM
Larangan burkini cerminan konflik Barat-Islam
ZIN MAHMUD | 28 Ogos 2016 5:00 PM
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![](!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_650/image.jpg) Antara bikini (kiri) dengan burkini (kanan) kini menjadi polemik di negara barat.
PERISTIWA 11 September 2001 menajamkan hubungan antara Barat dan Islam yang dalam sejarahnya bertembung sejak zaman Perang Salib pada kurun ke-10. Sebelum itu, pertembungan berlaku apabila umat Islam meluaskan penguasaannya ke atas Syam meliputi Syria dan Palestin yang diambil alih daripada Empayar Rom. Perang Salib membawa kepada raja-raja Perancis menubuhkan kerajaan-kerajaan Kristian di Palestin dan Lebanon.
Pertembungan Barat dengan Islam sampai pada kemuncaknya dengan kejatuhan Constantinople ke tangan Kekhalifahan Uthmaniah yang menakluk sebahagian Eropah hingga ke gerbang Vienna, Austria. Kuasa Barat bangkit balik melalui Sepanyol dan Portugis yang menjatuhkan kerajaan-kerajaan Islam di Andalusia. Bukan itu saja, kedua-dua kuasa Katholik membahagi dua dunia ini. Perang Dunia Pertama menyaksikan keruntuhan Kekalifahan Uthmaniah dengan Perancis, British dan Rusia mengambil alih wilayah-wilayahnya di Afrika Utara dan Asia Barat. Turki sendiri nyaris dibahagi-bahagikan antara Greece, Britain, Perancis dan Rusia. Kejayaan tentera Kemal Attaturk dalam Perang Galipoli mengorbankan banyak tentera Australia akhirnya membawa kepada penubuhan Republik Turki yang sekular. Attaturk melarang pemakaian hijab. Selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, negara-negara Islam bangkit balik dengan mencapai kemerdekaan daripada penjajahan Barat. Perang Dingin berlaku yang mana penghujungnya menyaksikan perang proksi antara Soviet Union dan Amerika Syarikat di Afghanistan. Dari situ kemudiannya bertapak Al-Qaeda yang dipercayai melakukan serangan 11 September 2001 ke atas New York.
Selepas peristiwa itu, Amerika dengan sokongan kuasa Barat menakluk Afghanistan dan Iraq serta menggulingkan Taliban dan Baathis. Serangan, peperangan dan penaklukan ini menaikkan kemarahan banyak bahagian orang Islam. Selepas dua peperangan itu, Barat berusaha membina semula hubungan baik dengan umat Islam. Mereka tegaskan bahawa pihak yang diperangi hanyalah golongan pengganas dan bukannya umat Islam.
Maka tidak hairanlah pada satu hari tahun itu, penulis diundang oleh pihak Washington untuk berjumpa dengan seorang tokoh Islam warga Amerika yang datang ke Kuala Lumpur. Beliau yang menunjukkan hubungan rapatnya dengan Presiden George W Bush menceritakan tentang layanan baik Amerika terhadap orang Islam di sana sambil menegaskan bahawa Washington tidak memusuhi Islam walaupun mereka menakluk Afghanistan dan Iraq.
Pada tahun-tahun itu, penulis diundang menyertai satu program British Council untuk melawat Britain. Penekanannya adalah untuk menunjukkan bahawa negara itu memberi layanan baik kepada minoriti Islam. Penulis dibawa melawat masjid dan pusat Islam di sana. Juga ditunjukkan program kemanusiaan yang dilakukan oleh British Council di Afghanistan. Mesejnya ialah Britain tidak memusuhi umat Islam walaupun mengirim tentera ke Iraq dan Afghanistan.
Pada tahun 2004 ketika berlangsungnya pilihan raya presiden Amerika yang menyaksikan kemenangan kedua Presiden Bush, penulis juga dibawa ke negara itu antara lain untuk menyaksikan bahawa minoriti Islam di sana bebas, selamat dan dilayan saksama. Mesejnya juga adalah Washington tidak memusuhi umat Islam. Akhir sekali pada tahun 2007, penulis turut dihantar ke Australia dalam satu program yang bertemakan sukan. Rombongan penulis dibawa melawat tempat-tempat acara Sukan Olimpik di samping menyaksikan satu perlawanan ragbi cara Australia di Melbourne. Ragbi Australia berbeza dengan ragbi biasa. Dalam perlawanan itu kami ditemani dengan seorang tokoh masyarakat Islam.
Integrasi Walaupun lawatan itu bertemakan sukan, tetapi penekanannya adalah untuk menunjukkan bahawa Australia tidak memusuhi orang Islam. Minoriti Islam dilayan baik dan usaha dibuat untuk integrasikan orang Islam ke dalam masyarakat Barat. Antara jalannya ialah melalui sukan. Penulis dibawa berjumpa ahli-ahli sukan yang beragama Islam, antaranya menjadi bintang dalam bidang mereka. Bidang sukan yang banyak ditekankan di Australia ialah sukan air. Maka penulis dibawa ke kolam renang. Maka dinyatakan bahawa umat Islam seperti minoriti lain digalakkan menyertai bidang sukan khususnya dalam acara renang. Ini kerana hubungan dalam permainan dan sukan boleh membawa kepada integrasi dalam masyarakat.
Maka para wanita Islam juga digalakkan menyertai kegiatan air sama ada di kolam renang atau laut. Namun bagi seseorang wanita Islam yang mengambil berat mengenai hijab, menyertai kegiatan air di tengah-tengah awam menjadi masalah. Seperti di Malaysia banyak antaranya memakai track suit, t-shirt dan bertudung apabila pergi ke pantai. Tentu ia tidak sesuai malah membahayakan untuk berenang. Di kolam renang, peraturannya adalah seseorang tidak boleh memasukinya tanpa pakaian renang.
Untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini seorang ahli fesyen Australia, Aheda Zanetti telah mereka pakaian renang yang menutup aurat, selamat dan diperbuat daripada bahan yang sesuai untuk berenang. Maka ketika di Australia itu, penulis dibawa melawat butik pakaian ini yang dinamakan burkini, iaitu campuran perkataan burqa dan bikini. Kedai kecil beliau berada tidak jauh dari pantai. Masa itu pakaian dijahit di situ dan dijual secara langsung. Dengan jenama Ahiida ia belum lagi dijual pada pasaran dunia. Kisah mengenai burkini ini penulis hantar pada majalah Al-Islam.
Usaha itu merupakan fardu kifayah bagi seseorang pereka fesyen untuk membolehkan para wanita Islam di seluruh dunia menyertai kegiatan air di pantai atau kolam renang. Aheda berasal dari Lebanon dan berhijrah ke Australia bersama keluarganya ketika berusia dua tahun. Beliau mencipta burkini ini pada tahun 2004 dan kini sudah ada pelbagai jenama dikeluarkan dan direka bentuk oleh pereka fesyen lain. Sedikit demi sedikit ia mula luas digunakan dan kini ia bertambah popular apabila minggu lalu beberapa pihak berkuasa tempatan Perancis yang mempunyai pantai mengharamkan pemakaian burkini. Bagi mereka mana-mana wanita yang mahu ke pantai mesti pakai bikini dan bukannya burkini.
Pengharaman burkini adalah sebahagian daripada usaha beberapa negara Eropah seperti Perancis, Austria dan Switzerland untuk menolak multikulturalisme atau kepelbagaian budaya. Bagi mereka integrasi para pendatang ke dalam masyarakat penduduk tempatan bermaksud mereka mesti mengamalkan budaya serta menerap nilai-nilai Eropah dan meninggalkan warisan keturunan asal mereka. Oleh itu, mereka perlu tinggalkan burkini dan memakai bikini ketika pergi ke pantai.
- See more at: ... thash.on7IMR8X.dpuf
Edited by mbhcsf at 29-8-2016 05:36 AM
Sejak 2-3 hari lepas , pada musim panas kali ini , kita dipaparkan isu sekumpulan penguatkuasa di Perancis yg mendekati seorang wanita yg sedang bersantai di pantai yang juga kebetulannya memakai pakaian mandi yg sopan, lalu penguatkuasa tersebut menyuruh wanita tesebut menanggalkan pakaian bertutup itu , dengan cara yg mengaibkan sekali.
sebenarnya, peristiwa ini menimbulkan satu polemik yg menarik apabila kita lihat dari aspek konflik, tembung nilai ...hahaha...
kenapa menarik sebab ia berkisar dengan sistem nilai dan konflik nilai pada si pincang , si bebas nilai .
Menarik sebabnya perbuatan di atas mengundang kemarahan golongan wanita di Barat yang sebenarnya amat tidak senang dengan kod etika aurat yg dianjurkan oleh Islam ( dan depa pun tak menyenangi konsep pakaian yg menutupi atas dasar agama , opressive katanya) dan pada kali ini , berdasarkan hal di atas , merek ajuga menyifatkan perbuatan / insiden itu sebagai melanggari hak kebebasan berpakaian.
ni yg menariknya - dalam satu kontinuum satu pihak kelihatan tidak bersetuju dalam apa jua anjuran berpakaian untuk memelihara modesty atas nama gama tapi dalam pada masa yg sama selepas insiden ini berlaku, kelihatan mereka tak kira dari golongan feminist dan pejuang hak asasi menempelak pula peraturan ini.
Datuk Bandar London pun - oleh sadiq khan ( dia ni pun liberalist ) pun menempelak peraturan ini dan satu demonstrasi yang dah diadakan depan keduataan perancis di London. dan golongan feminist pulak ( yups) pun buat demo juga agar pihak tertentu tidak menggunakan 'label- feminism' mereka untuk menegah pemakaian burkini.
ni link - ... ear-Paris-trip.html
Ini adalah tulisan Sarah Vine - dia tidak bersetuju tentang religious wear ( ni bias barat ) tapi tang konteks ni dia marah.
SARAH VINE: Outrage at the beach: Bullying modest women into removing modest beachwear plays straight into the hands of fanatics
The world reacted with outrage to pictures of a woman on the beach in France yesterday being forced by police to remove her 'burkini'
Sarah Vine writes that such an act simply plays into the hands of terrorists
The ban has made it illegal for women to wear full-body swimwear
PUBLISHED: 23:13, 24 August 2016 | UPDATED: 11:21, 25 August 2016
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Frankly, I have never been a fan of religious dress and I am especially not keen on burkas and hijabs; I find it hard to communicate with a blank piece of cloth, and I like to see a person's smile.
I strongly suspect that these garments make it harder for immigrant communities to find acceptance in their adoptive countries and they certainly act as a barrier to integration.
I also think that sometimes — not always — they are used as an instrument of oppression by men within the communities from which the women hail.
Sarah Vine is feeling furious on behalf of the middle-aged Muslim woman pictured yesterday being forced to undress in front of policemen on a beach in Nice in the South of France
Sarah Vine is feeling furious on behalf of the middle-aged Muslim woman pictured yesterday being forced to undress in front of policemen on a beach in Nice in the South of France
But none of that stopped me feeling furious on behalf of the middle-aged Muslim woman pictured yesterday being forced to undress in front of policemen on a beach in Nice in the South of France. It was, to put it bluntly, an outrage. The poor woman was not even in breach of the so-called 'burkini ban' imposed by authorities in 15 French regions since the beginning of the summer.
The ban made it illegal for women to wear swimwear that covers their whole body and, as such, is popular with Muslim women whose religion dictates that they dress modestly. In France, however, burkinis are said to 'ostentatiously show religious affiliation'.
The ban, sanctioned by French law, has been seen by many as an understandable, but totally over the top, knee-jerk reaction to the spate of atrocities carried out by religious fanatics across the Channel over the past 18 months.
The most recent was the Bastille Day massacre, in which 83 people were murdered as crazed Tunisian-born Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel ploughed his lorry into crowds celebrating on Nice's seafront, a stone's throw from where the female Muslim was made to strip this week.
Read more: ... .html#ixzz4IQJSjXpz
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Protesters strip down outside French Embassy in burkini ban row as London mayor Sadiq Khan says 'Don't tell women what to wear' before Paris trip
Sadiq Khan made comments ahead of meeting Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo
Khan, London's first Muslim mayor, said he did not think the ban was 'right'
Women set up make-shift beach outside French Embassy in Knightsbridge
Beaches in South of France have banned burkini's after Nice terror attack
PUBLISHED: 13:25, 25 August 2016 | UPDATED: 18:22, 25 August 2016
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Women in bikinis took to the streets outside the French Embassy as London mayor Sadiq Khan slammed France's burkini ban.
While Khan, London's first Muslim mayor, dragged himself into the burkini debate, Muslim women emptied bags of sand outside the embassy in Knightsbridge and made their own make-shift beach.
The crowd, with young children in toe, were seen holding placards, chanting and posing in various states of undress as they made their voices heard.
Scroll down for video
A woman wearing a birkini protests against the ban, on a fake beach outside the French Embassy in London
A woman wearing a birkini protests against the ban, on a fake beach outside the French Embassy in London
Women pose in burkinis and swimsuits as they protest against France's ban outside the French Embassy in London today
Women pose in burkinis and swimsuits as they protest against France's ban outside the French Embassy in London today
Khan was another unafraid to speak out against the controversial move by French officials.
Prior to his trip to Paris to meet mayor Anne Hidalgo this morning, he told the Evening Standard: 'I don't think anyone should tell women what they can and can't wear. Full stop. It's as simple as that.
'I don't think it's right. I'm not saying we're perfect yet, but one of the joys of London is that we don't simply tolerate difference, we respect it, we embrace it, and we celebrate it.'
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Edited by mbhcsf at 29-8-2016 05:27 AM
French mayors refuse to lift burkini ban despite court ruling
Government faces dilemma over whether to enforce ruling that banning burkinis violates ‘fundamental freedoms’
A woman wears a burkini on the beach in Marseille, France.
A woman wears a burkini on the beach in Marseille, France. Photograph: Reuters
Angelique Chrisafis in Paris
Sunday 28 August 2016 18.14 BST Last modified on Sunday 28 August 2016 22.00 BST
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A majority of mayors who have banned burkinis in about 30 French coastal resorts are refusing to lift the restrictions despite the country’s highest administrative court ruling that the bans are illegal, leaving the state facing a dilemma about how to react.
More than 20 mayors have defiantly kept in place decrees under which municipal police can stop and fine any women in full-body swimsuits at the beach despite the ruling from the state council that the burkini bans are a “serious and manifestly illegal violation of fundamental freedoms”.
In a test case expected to set legal precedent, the court suspended the burkini ban in one French Riviera town, Villeneuve-Loubet, which was obliged to immediately scrap its decree. But the ruling was dismissed by many other mayors.
The interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, who has called for calm and warned against stigmatising Muslims in France, is expected to make an announcement on the issue on Monday. The Green housing minister, Emmanuelle Cosse, said mayors who refused to take the court ruling into account were playing with fire.
Most of the bans are still in place along the French Riviera, including in Nice and a swath of resorts along the Côte d’Azur. The mayor of Cannes, David Lisnard, from Nicolas Sarkozy’s Les Républicains party, was the first mayor to ban burkinis this summer and said he would not budge. He said the ruling “does not in any way change my conviction that ostentatious dress, whatever the religion, is a problem in the current context”. He said burkinis were “Islamist” and a sign of the “salafisation of our society”.
Only two mayors lifted their bans in the wake of the Villeneuve-Loubet ruling: the Socialist mayor of Oye-Plages near Calais and the centrist mayor of Eze in the Alpes-Maritimes. Mayors from the rightwing Les Républicains party and from the far-right Front National are keeping their bans in place, insisting that the Villeneuve-Loubet case does not apply to them.
The burkini bans – which are now seen as illegal – pose a major problem to the French state, which is responsible for making sure the rule of law is respected. In theory, the state could now instruct local prefects to take action to force mayors to withdraw the bans. Human rights groups have also said they will pursue the towns through courts.
The Socialist prime minister, Manuel Valls, who had caused divisions in his party by supporting the mayors’ bans, insisted that the political debate on burkinis must continue. In a written statement on Facebook, he said the burkini was “the affirmation of political Islam in the public space”.
sambungan ....
The issue of the burkini and Islam in France has been pushed to the top of the political agenda in the run-up to next year’s presidential and parliamentary elections by Sarkozy, who is running a hardline campaign on French national identity in a bid to win his party’s nomination to run again for president. Sarkozy reiterated that he wants a nationwide law to ban burkinis and also wants to ban Muslim headscarves from universities and private companies.
Alain Juppé, the mayor of Bordeaux, who remains favourite to be chosen as the right’s candidate, launched his campaign against Sarkozy this weekend, striking a conciliatory tone. He is against a nationwide law against burkinis, saying it would be illegal and anti-constitutional, and that it was pointless to push for a new law “amid media agitation”. He told Europe 1 radio that politicians should stop using inflammatory rhetoric to “throw oil on the fire”.
Holding a rally west of Paris on Saturday, Juppé nonetheless proposed creating a special accord between the state and Muslim leaders to lay out clear rules for respecting French secularism.
“It is legitimate to ask them to have a knowledge of the principles of the organisation of the republican state, especially French-style secularism,” he said.
The short-term burkini bans, which began to be issued by mayors at the end of July, have sparked a heated political row about the French principle of laïcité – secularism built on the strict separation of church and state – amid accusations by rights groups that politicians are twisting and distorting the principle for political gain, and using it to deliberately target Muslims following a series of terrorist attacks.
Following reports of some women being stopped by police for simply wearing a headscarf and loose clothing while standing on the beach, controversy has grown.
Benoît Hamon, a former Socialist government minister seeking the left’s presidential nomination, said on Sunday that the burkini debate was “targeting Muslims once again” and criticised Valls for supporting bans. ... ni-ban-court-ruling
menarik betul sebab pada satu segi : ini melibatkan hal asasi dan dalam satu esgi undang undang itu berasaskan prejudice , persepsi mereka terhadap Islam ( dan kita memahaminya ) tetapi ni yg saya anggap galau si bebas nilai...
hahaha |
kalau ada permintaan untuk trasnlate , boleh sila copy paste bhgn yg nak diterjemah tu
saya summarisekan je... |
Edited by Abangcute at 29-8-2016 09:33 PM
If we want to understand the full picture:
1 ) When Burkini not allowed to wear, then think about the bikini sales increase. It refers to business and politics
2 ) Fear is also a contributor to a threat of unauthorized Burkini agenda
3 ) society coupled with Islamophobia through media such internet, broadcast, news and etc.
There will be kinda jokes with lots of ideas that brought something regarding this burkini. Thus variety of intelectual thinking to stand against this agenda mean nothing for those who believe "Allah is nothing"
Thank you for your kinda joy of this story. Hope that, Allah blessing us with Taqwa.
mbhcsf replied at 29-8-2016 05:19 AM
Sejak 2-3 hari lepas , pada musim panas kali ini , kita dipaparkan isu sekumpu ...
Waalaikumsalam . |
Opinions regarding the ban are numerous and varied . Some view it as an Islamophobic , racist and vote mongering act , while others defend it as a preventative measure against the expansion of Muslim integration and a defense of secular society . The conversation has exploded on social networks . Opinion pages that are fighting against these integrated bathing suits immediately follow ones that defend them , or at least don’t pretend to hide the real motivations behind its detractors .
![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
yeah , the motivation behind the ban is kind of interesting, the reason for lifting up the ban is also equally interesting. For sure, hahaha , i am enjoying the clashes of two values- fundamental freedom / freedom of expression versus their very own prejudice on certain custom or rules imposed by certain value systems ...the feminists are saying one thing , the law is saying another , the one who imposed the ban is thinking about something in the end , the oucome is a total chaos...
that is why i said galau si bebas nilai , sampai celaru nilai , satu spektrum - oh pakaian yg preserve modesty ni seen as oppresive kononnya , then boleh pulak aibkan wanita nak pakai apa kat beach, dictate apa yg boleh tak leh at the beach ? then ade pulak yg juanhkan kekebasan dan jgn hide under feminist ( from the feministcamp ) then ...hahaha lawak
kalau ikut islam lebih mudah , pakai yg preserve modesty , sopan dan selamat ...tapi bila segala nilai dihumban akibat humanisme maka produknya inilah...
mbhcsf replied at 29-8-2016 05:27 PM
yeah , the motivation behind the ban is kind of interesting, the reason for lifting up the ban is ...
Banyaknya typo . Taip pakai kaki jiran ke ? |
are u beetle juice? or stinger ?
Perumpamaan : Melihat apa yg ada di atas, berbeza dgn apa yg ada dibawah air.
Tiap perspektif itu ada bahagian luar dan dalamnya. Kita sekadar diduga utk memuas hawa nafsu dan bukannya ingat utk kembalikan semuanya kpd Allah |
Soalan : Apa untungnya perbincangan ini jika kita hanya tahu luaran sesuatu isu akan tetapi kita tak nampak flow chart yg bakal berlaku? Kita ni ibarat buih2 di atas lautan aje. Kita nampak diatas, tapi dibawahnya kita tidak nampak.
Berdoalah, semoga dgn bantuanNya, iman terpelihara. |
mbhcsf replied at 29-8-2016 09:00 PM
are u beetle juice? or stinger ?
Apa tu sis ? Tak paham . |
kalau nak memilih utk berbungkus sbb takut terdedah aurat, apasal tak duduk diam2 kat rumah baca al kitab? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
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