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Author: gjoy_chester

SURVIVOR:ALL STAR- by gjoy_chester&cocklea=Amber The Sole Survivor =

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Post time 15-1-2004 07:38 PM | Show all posts
hi dlm banyak2 peserta survivorlah si pompuan Jerri tue aku tak minat yg kononyer berangan dgn si colby tue..lagi satu yg lelakinyer dengan Jon yang mengong tahun lepas cakap nenek dier dah mati tue...samerlah 2 ekor nie...

la..apasal survivor all star yg nie elizabeth tak masuk...tue survivor feveret aku tuh...

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Post time 15-1-2004 07:50 PM | Show all posts
kali ni aku harap kathy menang sole survivor.......

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Post time 15-1-2004 08:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by c-mei at 2004-1-15 07:38 PM:
hi dlm banyak2 peserta survivorlah si pompuan Jerri tue aku tak minat yg kononyer berangan dgn si colby tue..lagi satu yg lelakinyer dengan Jon yang mengong tahun lepas cakap nenek dier dah mati tu ...

tapi masa tu si colby tu layan jugak minah ni...bercanda ditepian tasik..siap ade adegan dukung mendukung lagi...Jerri berbikini biru...fuhhh...ngancam...

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Post time 16-1-2004 04:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Don Henley at 15-1-2004 08:06 PM:
tapi masa tu si colby tu layan jugak minah ni...bercanda ditepian tasik..siap ade adegan dukung mendukung lagi...Jerri berbikini biru...fuhhh...ngancam...

Itu yang best tuh, ala2 rated R sikit. Tapi belum ada lagi Survivor yang ada XXXX kan?? Kalau ada musti seronoks!!

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Post time 16-1-2004 05:25 PM | Show all posts
teringat satu tajuk artikel dalam mag massa dulu yg berbunyi "Terbkti Jalang" dan ada gambar tunjuk si Jerri pegang mag playboy dengan dia pada cover....

Ha'ah...Jerry tuh perangai jalang leh tahan lagi...tapi tang dia memfitnah Kel, mamat tentera yg muka chinese look skit tuh yang tak boleh tahan tu....mungkin tak ramai yg ingat kel dari S2...dia terkeluar awal gara2 si Jerry....

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Post time 16-1-2004 08:03 PM | Show all posts
aku ingat si KEL....aku minat dia dr si colby tu. menyampah ngan colby sbb masa memula jadik pak turut pd jerry n sama2 singkirkan KEL yg tak bersalah... puas hati aku colby tak menang sole survivor.
sorang lagi yg aku benci si jenna morasca tu la...dia pon jalang gak. dah tu menang lagik...lagi la sakit hati aku dibuatnya. dia ni lak memburuk2kan christy dulu... kita tengok sapa lebih bitchy nanti...jerry VS jenna.

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Post time 16-1-2004 08:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayangidaku at 2004-1-16 08:03 PM:
aku ingat si KEL....aku minat dia dr si colby tu. menyampah ngan colby sbb masa memula jadik pak turut pd jerry n sama2 singkirkan KEL yg tak bersalah... puas hati aku colby tak menang sole survivo ...

walau bitchy camana pon...ia tetap menjadi pilihan aku...hehehe...

gempak...Jenna M and Jerri...
ntv7...bila mau tayang daaaa....

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Post time 17-1-2004 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayangidaku at 16-1-2004 08:03 PM:
aku ingat si KEL....aku minat dia dr si colby tu. menyampah ngan colby sbb masa memula jadik pak turut pd jerry n sama2 singkirkan KEL yg tak bersalah... puas hati aku colby tak menang sole survivo ...

aku ingat si KEL nie kesian die kena ngan si Jerri tua tak sedar diri tue...aku pun minat gak mula2 ngan dier nie...alah si colby tue sbenarnyer nak ngendeng gak ngan si elizabeth tue sbenarnyer tapi sebab separate group tue yg dier pergi ngan si jerry tue....Jenna VS. Jerry harap diorang nie ader fightlah yelah kan jenna tue cun lagi dari jerry aku raser jerry tue takleh tahan tengok org yg terer and lagi muda dan cantik dari dier ...kui..kui..

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Post time 18-1-2004 01:02 PM | Show all posts
idop colby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 18-1-2004 04:15 PM | Show all posts
aku pun nak sokong Kathy sampai ke titisan darah terkahir...dulu2 dia nyaris2 jer menang kan....tapi..iskk malang btol...

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Post time 19-1-2004 09:10 AM | Show all posts
pasal KEL tue, antara yg bersalah juga ialah Tina. Tina orang yg bertanggungjawab gelebah beg KEL. Jerri pulak bertanggungjawab accused KEL. Semua tue mesti part of strategy. Macam survivor Amazon, kan ada kena accused bawak ginola bar..apa ntah. Lepas tue kena vote out. Survivor Pearl Island laks tak pasal pasal Christy kena accused buang ikan padahal kerja Sandra.

p/s   Masa S2, tak tau pun yg Tina & Colby ada alliance. Viewers semua anggap Tina alliance ngan Keith padahal tak pernah pun. Kalau tunjuk alliance diorang awal awal mesti kita tau sapa final two. Ini semua bergantung pada EDITING. I guess Tina pun salah satu manipulator yg hebat.

[ Last edited by ColbyRaikkonen on 19-1-2004 at 09:14 AM ]

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Post time 19-1-2004 07:11 PM | Show all posts

pastu rupert, shi ann...dll.

corot sekali... jenna/jerry/amber/susan.

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Post time 20-1-2004 04:30 PM | Show all posts
yes, kathy memang layak menang s8 nih. dulu dia mmg hebat giler sbb dia berjuang sorang2 walaupun ada pkatan ngan nelah n pasqal. sian aku tgk dia.

then aku sokong amber sbb aku suka dia masa s2. heheheheheh

org cam jerry, rob m, rob, lex ngan shi ann tu leh menang ke???? org dah tau attitude depa kan???

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Post time 21-1-2004 01:21 AM | Show all posts
[font=Georgia][i][b][color=dodgerblue]Bila start? dekat sini Feb 2.

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Post time 21-1-2004 10:55 AM | Show all posts
rasanya 6feb kot coz mesti malam sabtu dah waktu tetapnya=----esy...tak sabar rasanya

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Nasihati_aku This user has been deleted
Post time 21-1-2004 04:54 PM | Show all posts

All Star criteria

Apa la korang nih, nama je peminat Survivor, tp...
Tengok lah Title dia "All-Star"
Bermaksud, survivor yg bertanding semuanya star2..
Star2 tu bermaksud survivor yg telah meraih populariti selepas show seasons masing2 ditayangkan..
Contohnya, si Amber tu dah jadi model iklan kat TV, malajah, buat roadshow utk charity, etc..
Jerry tu pulak, jadi actress,
jenny M pulak dah jadi model playboy, buat talkshow, etc
Ethan - foolballer, buat talkshow, jadi pengacara games show (akalu tak silap aku)
Bla bla blaaa...
Korang masuk la website survivor dan baca profiles setiap peserta...
Semua peserta sekarang nih dah jadi Star (Celebriti)...
Itulah criteria knp diorang dipilihhh...
Sebab konsep dia "All-Star" , so pilih yg mana survivor yg dah dah jd star/celebriti lahh...
tak kira lah survivor tu dah pernah menang 1 million ke tidak ke

takkan itu pun tak reti nak pikirr...

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Nasihati_aku This user has been deleted
Post time 21-1-2004 04:54 PM | Show all posts
Apa la korang nih, nama je peminat Survivor, tp...
Tengok lah Title dia "All-Star"
Bermaksud, survivor yg bertanding semuanya star2..
Star2 tu bermaksud survivor yg telah meraih populariti selepas show seasons masing2 ditayangkan..
Contohnya, si Amber tu dah jadi model iklan kat TV, malajah, buat roadshow utk charity, etc..
Jerry tu pulak, jadi actress,
jenny M pulak dah jadi model playboy, buat talkshow, etc
Ethan - foolballer, buat talkshow, jadi pengacara games show (akalu tak silap aku)
Bla bla blaaa...
Korang masuk la website survivor dan baca profiles setiap peserta...
Semua peserta sekarang nih dah jadi Star (Celebriti)...
Itulah criteria knp diorang dipilihhh...
Sebab konsep dia "All-Star" , so pilih yg mana survivor yg dah dah jd star/celebriti lahh...
tak kira lah survivor tu dah pernah menang 1 million ke tidak ke

takkan itu pun tak reti nak pikirr...

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Post time 22-1-2004 03:32 AM | Show all posts

Survivor" Survives Again

There's a whole lot more outwitting, outplaying and outlasting coming your way.

CBS has announced that Survivor will enjoy at least two more seasons on the Eye network, meaning viewers are guaranteed their fill of the standard tribal alliance and immunity challenge fare through May 2005.

The decision to continue the show for a ninth and 10th season was reportedly made as executive producer Mark Burnett and network boss Les Moonves shared an escalator ride at the Television Critics Association winter press tour in Los Angeles.

Though it came as no surprise that CBS was amenable to keeping the highly rated series around for a while longer, the timing of the announcement was unexpected, as Burnett and the network have apparently worked out few details for the upcoming editions--including where they will take place.

However, Moonves has faith in Burnett's proven skill at crafting the Survivor series.

"Mark does a great job," Moonves told the New York Times. "We love him."

Currently up on the CBS roster is the much touted Survivor: All-Stars edition, which will pit contestants from the past seven seasons against one another to find the ultimate sole survivor.

Survivor: All Stars kicks off February 1, immediately following CBS' telecast of Super Bowl XXXVIII.

CBS also ordered full seasons of six of its new fall shows, including Joan of Arcadia and Cold Case. Not so lucky was The Handler, which was CBS' only fall freshman show that was not yet renewed.

"It's not officially dead, but it's not looking good, let's put it that way," Moonves told reporters.

Also revealed were plans for a second spin-off of the network's hit forensic crime drama CSI. The latest edition will be set in Manhattan.

Moonves additionally announced plans for a new reality series that will center on following Amish teens through Los Angeles as they first encounter many of life's modern conveniences.

The premise of the series is based on the Amish period of "rumspringa," the Pennsylvania Dutch term for "running around." At age 16, Amish youths are allowed to run free from the strict code of their religion and experience more "normal" teen activities, such as dating and driving while they decide if they want to be baptized into their sect as adults. Most eventually make the choice to return to their religion.

Given the working title, Amish in the City, the series is billed as a reverse version of Fox's hit show The Simple Life, in which socialites Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie lived on an Arkansas farm.

Moonves denied that the series would be exploitative and said that it would focus primarily on culture shock.

The show is tentatively scheduled to begin airing on CBS' network cousin, UPN, sometime this summer.

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Post time 22-1-2004 11:47 AM | Show all posts

Probst: I'd Be a Great 'Survivor' Contestant

LOS ANGELES ( - "Survivor" executive producer Mark Burnett describes his show as one of the last great adventures for thrill-seekers who want more than a lazy Hawaiian beach vacation.
It's a challenge that the show's host Jeff Probst wishes he could take.

"How would I do in the game?" He ponders. "I really don't know. I would love to try it now that I've seen how it changes people's lives, because you just don't get that opportunity to test yourself like that."

Probst, who has hosted the show since its domestic inception, has often taken an active role in the proceedings. He's never made any attempt to cover up his distaste for players like "Survivor: Pearl Island's" Jon, nor could he contain his contempt for "Pearl Island's" burly quitter Osten.
Talking to reporters at the semiannual Television Critics Association press tour, Probst suggests that this "strong point of view" is what would make him a good contestant. He also promises that he wouldn't be afraid to start trouble with his fellow castaways.

"I do have buttons and if you figure them out, I light up like a pinball machine," he says.

Probst knows, though, that audiences would never accept him as a player in a normal round of the game.

"I could never play it," he sighs. "No matter what, first off or winner, it would never be real."

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Post time 22-1-2004 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 21-1-2004 01:21 AM:
Bila start? dekat sini Feb 2.

samalar, tv singapore pon premiere 2 February nanti. Malam nih American Idol 3 start, tak sabar nak tengok.

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