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Author: joe_qlate

Kes kehilangan 2 enjin pesawat pemintas F-5E

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Post time 22-12-2009 01:00 PM | Show all posts
RMAF possibly bought parts from jet engine stolen from Sungei Besi air base two years ago
Monday, December 21st, 2009 11:42:00

PETALING JAYA: The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) possibly ended up buying parts and components from a jet engine that went missing from its base two years ago and was subsequently sold abroad.

Local defence industry sources told The Malay Mail the General Electric J85-GE-21 engine had most likely been dismantled into smaller components when it was reportedly "sold" to a South American arms dealer.

These components, the sources added, could have been sold back to the RMAF by government-appointed panel companies.

"With up to six F5 jets still flying today, it is most likely that we could have purchased these components without knowing their origin," a source familiar with investigations into the case said.

The source said it would have been much easier to sell these components, such as fuel pump, case and vane, as the sellers only needed to produce certificates of worthiness, unlike a whole engine, which needed a full service documentation.

And it is almost impossible to trace such items to the original engine because the smaller components are interchangeable across the whole production line.

The source also said it was most likely the locals involved in stealing the engine would have been paid less than RM1 million for their trouble.

The source also claimed the engine would not have been worth more than RM10 million, even if it had been sold whole, a much lower figure than reported by local media.

This was because it was a used engine and it needed to be overhauled before it could be fitted to an aircraft.

On the RMAF personnel involved, the source said they would have knowledge of the parts most used by the 12th Squadron based at the Butterworth air base.

Such knowledge would have been useful when the arms dealer offered these components to local companies that supplied parts to the RMAF. The other parts may well have been sold to other F5 users in the region, which include Thailand and Indonesia, the source added.

Another industry source said it was most unlikely a foreign air force would purchase a whole engine without its full documentation, which would have to include approval documents from the US State Department.

The sale of US military items, including second-hand items like the J85 engine, needed approval from the US Congress, the source added.

Furthermore, the countries that still fly the Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter and its variants around the world are staunch US allies, which would very unlikely buy a whole engine from an unverified source and without the State Department approval certificate.

The source said only Iran, which is one of the biggest users of the F5 interceptor aircraft and its unlicensed indigenously developed variant, would be the only buyer of a whole engine.

The US has maintained an arms embargo on Iran since the Islamic revolution in 1979. The source said the US, which has been notified of the engine theft, would have found out about any delivery to Iran and would have imposed sanctions on Malaysia for violating the arms embargo.

The sources said as far as they knew, the US has not placed any restrictions on the sale of items, military or dual-purpose, on Malaysia.

The sources believe the scheme was hatched when the Defence Ministry offered part of its F5 fleet for sale "between 2005 and 2006". Although the sale did not go through, it  was believed that arms dealers who had bid for the planes had gained access to RMAF personnel.

The disappearance of the engine, one of two which powers the RMAF F5 fleet, was discovered in late 2007.

The engine was shipped from the Butterworth air base to Sungei Besi air base where it was supposed to be stored until it was sent for overhaul locally.

It was discovered missing when RMAF was informed by its service provider that it had not received the engine for a scheduled overhaul.

The Malay Mail was informed that initially RMAF personnel told investigators the engine was sent overseas for overhaul and it was quickly found out that the claim was just a ruse to cover for its disappearance.

Up to six F5 aircraft remain in the RMAF fleet, down from the 14 jets it used to operate a decade ago. Apart from two single-seat F-5E Tigers, RMAF also operates two RF-5E Tigereye  reconnaissance aircrafts and two F-5F twin-seaters that are used for training. The Tigereyes are the only photo-reconnaissance combat aircraft in service with RMAF.
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, when contacted yesterday, said the ministry was still investigating the matter and could not give details as it involved legal aspects.

"We hope legal action can be sped up. So far, it is learnt that police investigations have been completed and they are waiting for instructions from the Attorney-General's Chambers for further action."

He said action had been taken against several senior officers as well as junior personnel but declined to say what action was taken.

Ahmad Zahid said there was a strong demand for components and spare parts for first generation supersonic fighter aircraft, especially among countries that were still using it.

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Post time 22-12-2009 01:06 PM | Show all posts
112# asher

Dia orang dah budget yang F5 ni akan dimuseumkan dan lembaga pelupusan akan write off enjin2 tu.

Malaysian semakin canggih, dulu setakat beli barang black market jer, tapi skang dah boleh jual...

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Post time 22-12-2009 01:12 PM | Show all posts
111# gede-bab

mahkamah tentera ada limitasi dlm penjatuhan hukuman, kes nih melibatkan jenayah komersial so undang2 civil lagi better... diberhentikan secara cela tuh pun salah satu hukuman mahkamah tentera...

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Post time 22-12-2009 01:13 PM | Show all posts
113# kelana36

masing2 nak create duit untuk poket sendiri bro...

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Post time 22-12-2009 01:18 PM | Show all posts
111# gede-bab

mahkamah tentera ada limitasi dlm penjatuhan hukuman, kes nih melibatkan jenayah komersial so undang2 civil lagi better... diberhentikan secara cela tuh pun salah satu hukuman mahka ...
venez Post at 22-12-2009 13:12

Diberhentikan secara cela selalunya ditulis dlm rekod sebagai "DIBUANG DENGAN KEJI DARI PERKHIDMATAN SERI PADUKA BAGINDA"

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Post time 22-12-2009 01:20 PM | Show all posts
112# asher

Dia orang dah budget yang F5 ni akan dimuseumkan dan lembaga pelupusan akan write off enjin2 tu.

Malaysian semakin canggih, dulu setakat beli barang black market jer, tapi sk ...
kelana36 Post at 22-12-2009 12:06

Apa betul 1 enjin dijual seharga RM 50 M atau USD 14.5 M?   Jika betul dapat dijual semahal itu, maka lebih baik jual saja semua enjin F5E yang ada kemudian uangnya digunakan untuk membeli tambahan SU 30 MKM ..... Hehehehehe

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Post time 22-12-2009 01:29 PM | Show all posts
cuma satu muaranya dari pasal hilangnya enjin F-5E ini iaitu wang...dan pangkal masalahnya bisa gaji tentera yg minim atau karena tamak dari oknum tenteranya sehingga terjadi tindakan korupsi...

gw jadi penasaran bagaimana benda sebesar itu bisa hilang dan lolos keluar dari markas militer....dan sedikit saran sebaiknya investigation kes ini jgn sama BPR dulu, lebih baik investigation dari kalangan internal militer dulu takutnya efeknya akan merembet ke mana-mana atau membuka borok militer yg lain, tahu sendiri la dunia militer beda dgn dunia civil penuh dengan sensitifitas dan kerahsiaan

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Post time 22-12-2009 01:54 PM | Show all posts
118# advark

internal investigation udah dibuat tahun lepas sebelum kertas siasatan diserahkan kepada pihak civil...

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Post time 22-12-2009 02:03 PM | Show all posts
119# venez

oh begitu....trims bro venez...

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Post time 22-12-2009 02:12 PM | Show all posts
120# advark

no prob... hopefully this matter will end ASAP... this thing will effect daily operation...

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Post time 22-12-2009 02:30 PM | Show all posts
agak mustahil seketul enjin F-5E nih berharga 50 juta. oleh kerana wartawan kita nih kalo bab2 ketenteraan nih kebanyakannya tak tau ujung dan pangkal, wa rasa depa sudah silap reporting. kemungkinan beso reganya kurang drp 5 juta sahaja.

wa rasa kes nih ditimbulkan oleh pihak tertentu dengan agenda tersendiri. mmg bagi org awam, seketul dua enjin jet pejuang boleh ilang tu mcm melambangkan ketidakcekapan TUDM. tapi depa lupa ada berapa ramai yg hilang keta sebab kena curi. apa perasaan lu kalo keta ilang dicuri pastuh insurans salahkan lu walopon lu dah kunci keta, hidupkan alarm system dan sebagainya. the fact is, no matter how good man made systems, there will always be loopholes whether seen or unseen that can be taken advantage of.

camner satu enjin jet pejuang yg sikit punya gedabak boleh ilang? sebenarnya enjin F-5E nih takde la gedabak. tapi tang camno boleh ilang tuh sebenarnya senang jer kalo taww caranya. cuma main documentation sket, kapal tangki pon boleh ilang taww. jgnkan david blaine, david copperfield pon kalah. david beckham lagi laa... senang cakap, menda2 nih kalo kat luar negara, biasa terjadi. sedangkan orang pon boleh hilang, apa tah lagi enjin jet...



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Post time 22-12-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by yaminz at 22-12-2009 15:08

Post Last Edit by yaminz at 22-12-2009 15:07

122# cmf_tin

Yup betul, nei da bole beli paling kurang sbiji MiG-29...

Gila errr kalo injin sbiji rm50 juta, ingat pakai injin ferrari versi injin jet k... Msia punyer reporter mmg hampeh, langsung xda ksedaran dlm ilmu2 pertahanan smua pakai tangkap muat tangkap sensasi...

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Post time 22-12-2009 03:15 PM | Show all posts
agak mustahil seketul enjin F-5E nih berharga 50 juta. oleh kerana wartawan kita nih kalo bab2 ketenteraan nih kebanyakannya tak tau ujung dan pangkal, wa rasa depa sudah silap reporting. kemungkinan  ...
cmf_tin Post at 22-12-2009 14:30

wartawannya bodrek kali bro......

kalau kes F-5E sepertinya ga mungkin la ditimbulkan pihak tertentu seperti parti pembangkang  apalagi ditambah dgn stigma ada agenda tersendiri, kalau menurut gw karena kelalai saja dari pihak tentara atau jawatan yg mengurus aset2 militer yg jelas kelihatan sih faktor keamanan markas kurang ketat/rapat sehingga sistemnya mudah di kelabui siapa saja..tetapi jangan bersedih dulu jangankan mesia negara pengeluar senjata seperti usa saja bisa khiaf atau kebobolan dalam militernya seperti kes mata2 israel yg menyusup pentagon, kes syarikat pertahanan USA yg menjual teknologi sensitif ke iran, kes kesalahan pengiriman teknologi nuklir ke korea selatan dan masih banyak lagi..

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Post time 22-12-2009 03:46 PM | Show all posts
Hello Chief: Where are the Skyhawks!

1. My conversation with a retired Air Force General about the missing F5E jet engine led to me to an interesting story. I was intrigue when he cajole told me that there is nothing to be shocked about a missing engine when an entire fleet of aircraft went missing from the TUDM inventory. Entire fleet of aircraft! What was he talking about? I thought he was kidding and making his usual jokes about aircraft missing from the radar screen but when he said that it was missing from the TUDM inventory that led me to place few more calls.

2. It appears that via a special G to G arrangement, the Malaysian government bought 80 (actually it's 88) A4 Skyhawks from the USAF in the 80’s. It was delivered to us at the beginning of 1984. These are working aircraft with plenty of mileage to go. Thirty five aircraft was brought back to Malaysia and was used in the service. A few dropped from the sky, one went missing over South China Sea (Lt. Wahi) and the rest was used until it could not be used again. Some became spare parts. The balance (45 jets) was left in the California dessert parked under the scorching sun. It was never brought back.

3. The 45 aircraft that was left in the Californian dessert was never brought back. It was place under the management of a company in the US. This company ends paying the parking chargers for years. Sometime between the years 2000 to 2003, RMAF decided to take back the aircraft and sell them off. Our TUDM officers from KL were sent to look for the aircraft in the dessert. They found it but the shocking part is that they no longer legally own the aircrafts.

4. As it turns out, the paperwork involving the purchase went missing and the Air Force were not able to show proof of ownership. Therefore they could not take out the Skyhawks from the open air parking area. The haggling and tussle over the ownership continued for several years until it became clear that the aircraft ownership cannot be ascertained. The Malaysian government paid for it but did not kept the receipt.

5. I remember the matter was raised in parliament several years back and unverified reports indicates that the aircraft was sold to an American company for pittance. Maybe our MP’s should revisit this matter again. My friend was right when he said entire fleet of 45 aircraft disappeared from TUDM Inventory. In actual fact it was not even recorded in the TUDM inventory. Since it did not go into our books despite paying for it and having no receipt to show proof of payment, then no aircraft actually went missing. The only thing missing is the money for the 55 aircraft!

6. Coming back to the missing RM50 mill engine which is fixed on a USD 2 mill aircraft, I am perplex to read in the papers today that a Brigadier General and his 40 man was asked to leave service early. (Sounds like Ali Baba and the 40 thieves).They was not charged. There was no court martial. It appears the General and several others lose their pension but upon appeals got it back. What the heck is wrong with the system? No one even realized that the General was asked to leave until the story came to limelight in today’s news. I am sure we all can predict on why the story was released to the MSM today. It wanted to show that the government did something.

7. I am not sure whether taking administrative action is sufficient in this case. We are talking about CBT. We are talking about a missing RM50 mill jet engine that was supposed to be fitted on a USD 2 mill aircraft. Knowing the Malaysian way of wanting to settle problems, it was managed quietly the wrong way. In the meantime, everyone had forgot about the 55 aircraft that Malaysian Government paid but not admitted into TUDM inventory. Maybe they went into the army or navy inventory. Who knows mixed up can happen.

Citer ni kesahihan dia tak dijamin. Aku pun cilok dari blog. Pandai2 ahli utk menilai...

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Post time 22-12-2009 04:19 PM | Show all posts
mod tin kalo kat C.I tu explain mcm maner pon dorang xleh terima..mcm2 la pendapat yg kuar..yg mengarut2 pon ader gak..tapi pengkhianat negara mcm nie patut dihukum dgn seberat2nya..supaya jadi co ...
asher Post at 22-12-2009 11:49

Sokong 99.87%

Bukan soal engine tu 'besi buruk' or usang bla bla bla bla bla (seperti ulasan soghang menteri 1Malaysia)

TETAPI yang di persoalkan ialah PERBUATAN KHIANAT tersebut!!!
HUKUMAN sebagai seorang PENGKHIANAT or PENDERHAKA patut di kenakan.
Tidak ada belas kasihan.

Ari ini mungkin engine usang/buruk..............
Esok lusa entah haper lagi mereka akan jual............

Time tu baru nak HUKUM deme??

Sayang semuer nyer.............SUDAH TERLAMBAT.

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Post time 22-12-2009 04:39 PM | Show all posts
125# escortburuk

some are true n some false fact... lagi dikorek, lagi byk keluar...

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Post time 22-12-2009 05:20 PM | Show all posts
125# escortburuk

aku pon tertanye2...kalo x silap m'sia ade 88 dlm inventory...bila di phase out (coz nak ganti ngn MiG) mane sume skyhawk??? macamane proses pelupusannye adakah:

1. bukak tender jual pada pihak lain
2. send back to manufacturer

ade sesape blh jawab???

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Post time 22-12-2009 06:07 PM | Show all posts
100# venez

yep, i know. i'm referring to some post saying 50M can buy a fighter plane. 50M is too cheap.

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Post time 22-12-2009 06:09 PM | Show all posts
Skyhawk pun satu hal.....

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Post time 22-12-2009 06:17 PM | Show all posts
A4 Skyhawk

1) skrg just tggal 4 operator je, brazil, argentina, singapore dengan israel. nak jual kat israel mmg sah2 tak leh. jual kat singapore mmg cari pasal la meramai kan jet2 pejuang diorang. brazil ngan argentina bleh jual ke?

2) kalo modify sket jadi AJT ok gak.

3) tak pun sedekah sebijik satu kat sume universiti kat malaysia.

4) tak pun letak kat pintu2 masuk felda kat malaysia.

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