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Author: lealaurielle

What were you guys thinking when you held that HANDBAG!?!?!?!

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Post time 7-12-2008 11:27 AM | Show all posts
x suke tgk laki pegang henbeg. x macho langsung

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Post time 7-12-2008 12:36 PM | Show all posts
rasa biasa je.
apa salah nya tlg awek bawa kan?

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Post time 7-12-2008 05:26 PM | Show all posts
I pun selalu nampak pelik je tgk lelaki bawakkan handbag perempuan.

Selalu nampak rasanya bukan lelaki metrosexual yg akan bawakkan beg2 pempuan ni tapi lelaki yg style biasa2 or agak kurang dlm appearance..cos lelaki metrosexual selalunye akan ada men's handbag diorg sendiri..hehe

Rasanya kalo atas alasan takut diragut, i rather see the guy to be more like a body guard rather than tukang bawak handbag. Lagipun for a lady to be trusting a man who's not yet the husband on her personal important stuff cam kurang elok. Nanti senang2 plak lelaki tu bleh pegang duit pempuan tu. Walopun tak semestinye mcm tu, tapi secara ringkasnye gambaran mcm tu...

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Post time 7-12-2008 07:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by haarrmann at 7-12-2008 01:18 AM

hmmmm... rasa mcm kenal laaaaaa...
u ada suwoh i pegang handbag u ke?......


nope!!  unless.........

I need to go to the loo

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2008 09:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #103 neomorpheus's post

You said "cos lelaki metrosexual selalunye akan ada men's handbag diorg sendiri..hehe" - I AGREE! Suke lah suke lah! Hiks! Hidup SEEDS! PADDINI & CO. as well!!! HOYEH!

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Post time 9-12-2008 09:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #105 lealaurielle's post

i just recently bought CK's men's handbag sgt comel

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2008 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Wah wah - is it as big as my paddini and seeds bags yang dah bagaikan bag marry poppins + doraemon's wonder-pocket itiew yang can practically do loads of stuffs like cutting things even to humans into 16 chop chop pieces and stuff 'em in the bag like nobody's business? Owh, this one's good - is the bag like mine, yang telah digunakan oleh seoarang kawan semasa ingin mencopek 4 jag sebesar2 alam yang spoiled kat hotel tu? If it is sebesar itu then, baru nak tanya - how much? then, nak tanya, kat mane beli? Ade lagi tak will be my next q and after that - erm, tak der dah soalan. But if the first question jawapannye NO, then no need to answer all those other soalan2 tak perlu tu. Hehehe

Ni tak lari topic eh - tetap pasal issue BAG... hiks!

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Post time 9-12-2008 11:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #107 lealaurielle's post

it's huge n i love it...i fit my laptop in it but it's not designed for laptop but who  cares

how much - RM 899
kat mane bli - CK Pavilion level 2
ader lagi tak - tak sure kene tanyer sales asst kedai tuh...hehe

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2008 12:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #108 hunkzzz's post

*PITAM PENGSAN sambil pose pose terdampar atas katil (feeeling kan nak pengsan pitam bagai pun tetap la nak pilih tempat hahahaha!) Anyways, the reason so why I pitam al pengsan tu bukan sebab the fact that u're a guy (as i presume u are based on ur nickname HUNKZ as well as the avatar) and that u're in to bags, but itu, harga itiew - i swear to god, I'd be crying teresak2 for a bag that price... haiyoh! And kalau camtu,u ada awek, mesti awek u yang nak pegang bag u, kan? Kalau i pun i nak pegang gak! Huiyoh to that extend arrr pricingnye? *SAMBUNG PITAM PENGSAN AGAIN...

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2008 12:48 PM | Show all posts
But this brings me back to this issue lelaki pegang handbag pompuan nih...

Adakah selain dari apa yang kita dah bincang2kan ni, adakah pada pandangan anda sekalian semua (motif bahasa buku? HISH!) salah satu dalam banyak2 factors yang dorongkan these men to tolong or would want to pegang handbag pompuan/ bini/ aweks/ sape2 la kan itu, ada sedikit sebanyak berpuncanya dari bag tu bag class, hebats, mahal. and since si pakwe/ laki/ husbandnye nih memang pi mana2 pun kegilaan pompuan, tulen, tak tulen, laki, str8, confused, ape2 jer lah kan, semuanyaasik pandang2 and dia sukakan attensi, jadi, apalah salahnya kalau dipegang2 digendong2kan bag2 handbag mahal2 tu, kan? Secara tak langsung, dah depa2 dok pandang, baik pandang aku yang handsome macho dan tumpuan ramai nih memegangkan handbag bini/ awek aku yang mahal nih. at least orang akan cakap waaa laki tu dah la sporting pegangkan handbag bini, tgk la handbag tu pulak - branded gile. dia nih sure kaya sure pamper gile2 bini. aweks dia ni... kan?

Ade tak possibilities mende yang I said the atas nih (yeah yeah i know sounded/ readin' it tends to get confusing sikit but you trying doing multi-tasking and at the same time listening to the music and trying to concentrate on typing a simple anecdote and it became a White House speech -hehehe sorry) anyways, selama ni kite dok kata pompuan la yang asik2 dok bagi bag2 depa suruh laki jaga, or laki tu insisted nak tolong bawakkan , or for security sake - tapi perumpamaan/ contoh that I've said kat atas nih tadi, kes kes center of attraction leading to self -proudness segala bagai tadi tu, POSSIBLE KE TAK? Hurmmm *sambil garu2 dagu.....

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Post time 9-12-2008 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by irmazirah at 7-12-2008 07:07 PM

nope!!  unless.........
I need to go to the loo

kalu jln sensorang tu.. handbag bagi sape ekk?...

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2008 01:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #111 haarrmann's post

sendirian berhad lor?

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Post time 9-12-2008 01:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #109 lealaurielle's post

i dont mind to spend as long as it's nice n quality i'm a big fan of shoes n bags....kat umah ader wardrobe especially for shoes n bags only besides, dpt bonus 7 bulan takkan tanak spend kot...hehe...RM 899 just a start more to come........jeng jeng jeng....but seriously that CK bag is god damn fantaboluoslutely nice kuar ngan awek malas bwk bag...nanti dier jeles bag i lagi cantek...heheh bag tuh mostly for work, travel n leisure (w/o awek)...of course la awek pon nak bag setaraf kan n of course la i nak awek i melaram gak

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Post time 9-12-2008 01:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #110 lealaurielle's post

a very big possibilities....sape tanak attraction akak oiii....kalo mampu limpahkan lah....kalo tak mampu buat la setakat yang mampu...

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Post time 9-12-2008 01:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #114 hunkzzz's post

oh sorry let me re-phrase...

kalo mampu limpahkanlah...kalo KURANG mampu buat la setakat yang mampu


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Post time 9-12-2008 02:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lealaurielle at 9-12-2008 12:48 PM
But this brings me back to this issue lelaki pegang handbag pompuan nih...

tgk la handbag tu pulak - branded gile. dia nih sure kaya sure pamper gile2 bini. aweks dia ni... kan?.

nope... no can do...

kalau nak tunjuk kaya, photostat je bank statement.. ke j form ke...
suwoh gf buat baju....

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2008 02:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #116 haarrmann's post

xleh kang nanti baju tu jadi cam kejap2 koyak kejap2 kedut sebab yer la - kertas kan... Ops! *lariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

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Post time 9-12-2008 02:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #117 lealaurielle's post

daiff sgt ker smpi nak buat baju pakai bank statement...hehe... *larikkkkkk jugak ngan lea*

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2008 03:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #118 hunkzzz's post

heheheheh *hi-five sikit* and jom gi shopping; i know u'd make a good shopping partner! HAHAHAHAH lets! *sambil lari2 dari haarrmann...

Tapi some stuffs, like bags, prolly some other stuffs too, like, maybe, i don't know, jam ke ape ke (but lets stick to the bag/ handbag issue here) can be considered as a tool to show how classy si pemilik or sipemegang bag tu. So takkan lah tak der secebis feeling2 yang bile time u pegangkan ur wife's latest edition only in paris jer ade LV bag while u aweks tgh sebok try kasut kat vincci (motif handbag LV latest edition only available in paris sudah dimilikki tapi pi beli heels kat vincci??? Eh - off topic), takkan that guy macam tak terasa kembang dan suka tgk other girls macam maybe u kow, wishing to be in the aweks shoes right now ke, or maybe, just maybe, GUYS pon akan tgk u yang tgh bawak beg tu. bukan, nothing to do with gay queer stuffs, but like... the dudes might just think "Wooohooo check out that bro la dudes. he got his girl an LV bag only available in paris and check that one, so gentlemen la he tolong angkut semua barang2 including the bag - plus check out the girlfriend la dudes... I tell u, that bro is sure lucky not only he could afford his girl that bag, but pergh, look at that girl, he's like, woiyooo - lucky brader la him... untung beb untung..."  walhal just maybe the bag tu memang betul one of a kind tapi bukan u yang beli pun. bini/ awek u tu yang beli sendiri. See - tau tau u get the credits for being a macho grandey guy. Tak syok ke? attention cam ni la, yang i tanye, possible ke tak berlaku and i guess and i hope after giving that brief drama which took place lets say maybe kat sg. wang - ops, tu tadi, we get to see what i meant, kan? Ke - still a nope jugak harrrrman oi? sebab if it is a no nope never from you, and u still nak tunjuk mewah dengan buat dress guna kerta A4 banyak2 lapis, I nak sambung lari dengan hunkkkzzz... hehehehe (e eh? suke2 ati jer nak lari ngan laki orang. silap hari bulan aweks hunnkkzz pulok yang kejar haku - LOL!)

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Post time 9-12-2008 04:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #119 lealaurielle's post

for me, before i get something for my gf, i'll make sure that i have mine 1st...for example, i just bought her a LV handbag (sabtu lepas...kopak abis) me myself already have that LV black label sling bag oh yes i LOVE bags...oh did i just mention it again n again...hehe sorry for that...

lea responding to your post yes sape yg tak suker dipuji...walaupun bukan kite yg blikan, dlm hati ye kan aje...and you will feel very good about it...really build up your spirits....daripada sanggup tgk awek pakai dress buat dr statement bank, baik blikan dier bags yg cantik2

*sambung lari sambil shopping ngan lea*

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