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Author: aisyah_alyssa

Sydney, Australia

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Post time 28-4-2014 08:28 PM | Show all posts
commot posted on 28-4-2014 10:15 AM
Saya rasa berbaloi beli MyMulti3 sebab dalam masa 5 hari sy just bayar $61 dan boleh cover semua t ...

maksud saya sebelum ni ialah kalau kita perlukan tiket sehari better guna day pass.

even kalau 5 hari pun MyMulti1 macam sudah cover semua sehingga ke Manly. Untuk ke BM beli return ticket sahaja.

tapi saya dah check kos MyMulti1 + 1 BM return ticket (yg sangat mahal) sudah sama dengan MyMulti3 so may as well tangkap MyMulti3 sajork. Obviously the transport operator had done their homework...


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Post time 28-4-2014 10:30 PM | Show all posts
kita nak tanya pasal Visa / ETA...mintak tolong otai2 bg pencerahan...
aritu kita nak renew ETA tapi bila travel agent watkan dia tulis masih valid dan tak bole proceed...
check expire sampai 13 May agent call embassy and embasy bgtau tak payah renew memandangkan valid...
bole je enter australia guna ETA tu...
my travel period from 11 may smp 19may...apa advise otai2 sebab tak confident la ngan jwpn dorg.. takut smp sana nnt kena tahan plak...
adakah jika selepas 13 may consider illegal masuk australia kalu tak renew?

pls advise kalu ada sapa2 penah ada pengalaman mcm ni... Last edited by myizi on 28-4-2014 10:35 PM


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Post time 29-4-2014 09:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
azhar201 posted on 8-4-2014 09:07 PM
salam to the mod and semua yang banyak memberi input dan review travel masing masing.
saya pergi de ...

Selain three sisters,apa lagi menarik kat blue mountain?cukup ke kalo spend sehari kat sana..musim apa yg plg best nk pi blue mountain ni..plan nk pi dlm sept ok x?masa spring..

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Post time 30-4-2014 07:18 AM | Show all posts
assalam...minta bantuan tentang bagasi...akk nk add on bagasi 20 kg...kt first page harga rm75 (sydney-kl) bila akk nk buat payment nape jadi RM89?? terima kasih atas pencerahan....

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Post time 30-4-2014 10:40 PM | Show all posts
myizi posted on 28-4-2014 10:30 PM
kita nak tanya pasal Visa / ETA...mintak tolong otai2 bg pencerahan...
aritu kita nak renew ETA tap ...

    The expiry date of the ETA is the latest date on which you may enter Australia with this ETA.

The period of stay is the longest time you may spend in Australia on any one visit.

The number of entries is the number of times you may enter Australia with this ETA.


Expiry date: 30 APR 2014Period of stay: 3 MonthsNumber of entries: Multiple


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Post time 1-5-2014 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Decaffeinated posted on 30-4-2014 10:40 PM

Expiry date: 30 APR 2014Period of stay: 3 MonthsNumber of entries: Multiple

makna nya betul la tu...kita masih bole guna ETA kita yg akan expired 13 may 2014 ya?
period of stay cuma 8 hari aja...jadi tak perlu la nak wat lg ETA? adakah betul pemahaman kita?
thanks en.decaffeinated sbb bagi pencerahan...appreciate sgt
Last edited by myizi on 1-5-2014 03:50 PM


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Post time 1-5-2014 06:21 PM | Show all posts
myizi posted on 1-5-2014 03:49 PM
makna nya betul la tu...kita masih bole guna ETA kita yg akan expired 13 may 2014 ya?
period of s ...

kalau tengok pada kenyataan tu macam tu lah.

apa pun if I were you, I would write an email to  to be sure and print their response. It can be useful if you have to show it to the airline staff just in case.


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Post time 1-5-2014 06:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Decaffeinated posted on 1-5-2014 06:21 PM
kalau tengok pada kenyataan tu macam tu lah.

apa pun if I were you, I would write an email to i ...

ok...i will email them...just to back up in case anything kan...

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Post time 2-5-2014 10:52 AM | Show all posts
actually iols dh booking MH dr bln  januari lg utk iols nye visit on 14-18 june.
tp after kwn iols share experience dia stay kt MH, yg sheols kata so-so aje.  
sheols kata lebih kurang je kos stay kt hostel yg kt area town dgn MH.
dia kata  kt area westfield tu melambak hostel yg boleh dpt lebih kureng sama dgn hrga per nite kt MH.
sheols kata MH tu  yg senang bab makan jek kot.

so iols rediscuss dgn ahli2 trip iols either nk stay MH or riki2 for other option.
iols pon dgn gegehnya meriki2 other hostel..
alhamdulillah iols dpt hostel yg kt area surry hill (domitory with private bathroom)- yg ni paling pnting.
iols x sanggup nk share2 bilik mandi ni...almaklumlah pompuan.
hostel ni provide breakfast jgk...
yg pnting great location; 5 minit je dri central station & 10 minit ke paddys, 15 minit to Circular Quay.
very strategic location.

yang kwn2 iols plak, suke je sbb katanya ms check in kos nye lgi murah dari ms check in kt MH.

bukan niat nk provoke ye, maafin iols.
its up to uols nk stay kt MH or riki2 for other option.


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Post time 2-5-2014 11:12 AM | Show all posts
MH tu mmg kat luar town, around 25mnt la naik bas..
Surry Hill tu mmg dekat town, tp area berbukit
nak ke circular quay mmg dekat tp bukit dia, mak aiii
just be careful sbb area town byk bar, matsalleh ni suke mabuk2
i rase surry hill is ok, jgn smpai oxford st dahla, situ mmg tpt gay & mabuk2 area

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Post time 2-5-2014 11:28 AM | Show all posts
kucingpia posted on 2-5-2014 11:12 AM
MH tu mmg kat luar town, around 25mnt la naik bas..
Surry Hill tu mmg dekat town, tp area berbukit

berbukit? la kalau turun sedap la..
x po la kot mls nnt weols naik bas je nnt.
nak naik free bus to circular quay pon tunggu kt dpn hostel je.
noted & tq for the advise kucingpia.
insyaallah akan lebih berhati2.
ms riki2 hostel  tu dh try avoid area King Cross...
katanya kt situ red light area?
btol kah?

Last edited by sakura2503 on 2-5-2014 11:29 AM


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Post time 2-5-2014 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Hujung bulan ni gi Sydney,
4 hari je pun, malas nak duduk lama2
berat hati nak pergi pun ada sbb dh prnah pergi
xpe la, pergi je la ... actually xtau kenapa nak gi
ni trip teramat budget dan ciput ok

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Post time 2-5-2014 02:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maafff...tumpang tanye kat rumah jiran bole..,rumah perth senyap sunyi...saya nak mencari contact utk kete sewe kat perth 30mei - 4 jun....thankssss kawan2

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Post time 2-5-2014 07:37 PM | Show all posts

dah dpt reply email dari Visa Office Australia...ini email dia...
Dear Applicant,

Dear Mr/Mrs,

Thank you for contacting VFS Australian Information Service Centre for Malaysia.

Please feel free to get in touch with us in case of further information on your Australian Visa Application. You may choose to contact us via email on and we will get back to you as soon as we can. You may also call our Australian Visa Information Helpline on 03-21666550 between 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday.

You can travel to Australia before your ETA expired. You will get 90 days of stay once you arrived in Australia.

Best regards,


VFS Australian Visa Information Service Center - Malaysia Last edited by myizi on 2-5-2014 07:38 PM


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Post time 2-5-2014 08:24 PM | Show all posts
kucingpia posted on 2-5-2014 11:12 AM
MH tu mmg kat luar town, around 25mnt la naik bas..
Surry Hill tu mmg dekat town, tp area berbukit

Erk... Oxford Street merbahaya agak tidak tepat.

True, ia lokasi Mardi Gras parade and you may spot some gay couples walking tapi frankly saya tak nampak how does that make Oxford Street any more 'dangerous' than any place in Sydney....

kalau pasal drinking tu, it is OZ's greatest pastime mcm melayu makan durian so... a bit 'busuk', maybe! but I won't worry....


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Post time 2-5-2014 08:33 PM | Show all posts
sakura2503 posted on 2-5-2014 11:28 AM
berbukit? la kalau turun sedap la..
x po la kot mls nnt weols naik bas je nnt.
nak naik free bus ...

Red Light sebab banyak sex themed entertainment establishment, bukan bermakna tidak selamat. Besides, it's not the only thing there. Banyak juga restaurants & bistro and tempat jalan2 cuci tangan. Since they are all legal, orang yang pergi just ordinary guy & girl next doors having a night out and of course tourists like us. Unless you are under age, I would certainly count Kings Cross as one of a must see place in Sydney....


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Post time 2-5-2014 08:35 PM | Show all posts
myizi posted on 2-5-2014 07:37 PM
dah dpt reply email dari Visa Office Australia...ini email dia...
Dear Applicant ...


enjoy your trip....


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Post time 2-5-2014 10:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Decaffeinated posted on 2-5-2014 08:24 PM
Erk... Oxford Street merbahaya agak tidak tepat.

True, ia lokasi Mardi Gras parade and you may  ...

Tq for the view..mmg pon nk visit area king cross..dh masuk dlm itinerary. .lg pon dekat dgn area hostel yg I stay.  Oxford street ni ade Paddington market kan?? Boleh singgah jgk tu Last edited by sakura2503 on 2-5-2014 11:51 PM


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Post time 2-5-2014 11:01 PM | Show all posts
Decaffeinated posted on 2-5-2014 08:24 PM
Erk... Oxford Street merbahaya agak tidak tepat.

True, ia lokasi Mardi Gras parade and you may  ...

Based on NYE 2014 i pegi baru ni, there's 1 incident happen there, it's all over the news kat sana..just sharing what i knew
credit to ... rg6nf-1226792940750

King hit accused Shaun McNeil in court over New Year's Eve Kings Cross attack

A MAN accused of king hitting a teenager in an "horrific" attack that left him fighting for his life punched four other victims during the same assault, a Sydney court has heard.

Daniel Christie, 18, is in a critical condition in St Vincent's Hospital after he was punched in the face in Kings Cross during New Year's Eve celebrations.

The court heard Mr Christie was shielding other alleged victims when he was punched by his alleged attacker, Shaun McNeil.

Mr McNeil, 25, faced Parramatta Bail Court via videolink today where he cried as he was refused bail.

He has been charged with one count of causing grievous bodily harm to Mr Christie, one count of assaulting Mr Christie's brother, Peter Christie, and two counts of common assault.

Wearing a forensic suit, he said little during his court appearance.

The attack occurred on the same street where teenage king-hit victim Thomas Kelly was killed in 2012.

Acting Police Commissioner David Hudson said police were being updated on the 18-year-old's progress hourly adding that he remains in a critical condition.

"Our thoughts are obviously with the victim's family and with him in his recovery hopefully," he told reporters. He said the police's swift action led to the alleged attacker's arrest before any other incidents could occur.

"Police were very close by. They didn't actually witness the incident, but they were very close by and responded very quickly." It's the latest in a string of attacks in Sydney in recent times.

Last month, Michael McEwen fell into a coma after he was assaulted at Bondi in Sydney's east following an altercation in a kebab shop.

In another incident in December, a man was taken to intensive care after being king hit at a fast food restaurant in Oxford Street at Surry Hills.

Police said the man had been involved in a verbal argument with another man at the restaurant and as he was leaving, the other man punched him to the side of the head, causing him to fall to the ground.

CELEBRATION: Nation sees in 2014 with an eye to the future

Elsewhere in the city, more than 100 New Year's Eve revellers were rescued from sinking boats in two separate incidents on Sydney Harbour.

Three people were taken to hospital - one unconscious and in a serious condition - after their boat sank at 9.40pm (AEDT).

And 100 partygoers were rescued from a yacht near Garden Island about 8pm (AEDT) when the vessel began taking on water.

No one was injured in that incident.

Overall, more than 170 people were arrested across NSW during the New Year festivities, as more than 3000 police officers took to the streets.

They were charged with 222 offences including assault, robbery and drug offences.

Assistant Commissioner Mark Murdoch said Sydney arguably saw the biggest crowds ever this year, with 1.6 million people crowding into the CBD to watch the fireworks displays.

But only a small number of revellers misbehaved, he said.

"Intoxication has been the most common issue of the evening and it has been a factor in many of the incidents where charges were laid," he said.

Ten people were taken to sobering up centres, he added.

Paramedics said they responded to an "unexpectedly" high number of calls, many of them related to violence, extreme intoxication and drink-related injuries.

Last edited by kucingpia on 2-5-2014 11:03 PM


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Post time 3-5-2014 11:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kucingpia posted on 2-5-2014 11:01 PM
Based on NYE 2014 i pegi baru ni, there's 1 incident happen there, it's all over the news kat sana ...

Aduhai ngerinye...
Klau nk g area sini, kna g daytime la kot.
Rs selamat sikit kot.
Tgh pk2 either nk round sini or kluarkan dr itinerary iols

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