wordlife Publish time 24-8-2011 02:21 AM

Hikkup sounds so much like a Britney song. Tak tau la sbb demo version ni singer dia suara mcm Britn ...
lilymaylily Post at 23-8-2011 21:34 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

Dj Max who? :o
baek bagi si Yoo Young Jin composer tetap SM tu.. {:1_152:}
dia reti gak buat lagu.. Sweetune ke *composer Infinite* :$

wordlife Publish time 24-8-2011 02:26 AM

punah harapan nak tgk WonSoKa beraksi September ni :'(

lilymaylily Publish time 24-8-2011 12:45 PM


DJ Max yg buat lagu First Kiss tu. Lagu ni serious boleh jadi lagu SNSD. Ramai juga sones yg butthurt sbb lagu ni bukan lagu SNSD lol

lilymaylily Publish time 24-8-2011 09:46 PM

110824 SNSD Yoona and Sooyoung @ Marc Jacobs 2011 F/W Fashion Show

Damn Yoona lawa gila!!!


bottle_boy Publish time 24-8-2011 10:56 PM

Post Last Edit by bottle_boy at 24-8-2011 22:58

Reply 164# lilymaylily

suke sgt tgk fesyen Sooyoung..she's match which every single thing yg die pakai..even airport fesyen pn mesti ak akan tgk die dlu..flawless..she's such a sophisticated woman..owhhh suke tgk {:3_85:}
btw bile tgk gmba2 cmni, selalu tercakap dlm diri,.,. "omg soshi dah dewase..sgt2 matang..sungguh menawan {:3_91:}"

bottle_boy Publish time 24-8-2011 11:09 PM


cdt; uploader

tiffany said: "touring for the most of the year" - make sure Mesia dlm list skali yee.. :$

wordlife Publish time 25-8-2011 12:22 AM

DJ Max yg buat lagu First Kiss tu. Lagu ni serious boleh jadi lagu SNSD. Ramai juga sones yg but ...
lilymaylily Post at 24-8-2011 12:45 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

tak pernah dgr pun lagu nehh :funk:
sones butthurt sebab tak dpt kt SNSD lagu ni? ;P
that is raw news for me :lol:

cepatlah keluar teaser!!! september palli~ palli~ {:1_152:}

lilymaylily Publish time 25-8-2011 06:01 AM

@word: hahaha kalau baca tweets n comments kat yt mmg diaorg butthurt tapi sikit ja. Kira mcm melepas la sbb lagu ni mmg style snsd sgt. Kalau dgr lagu tu pun mcm ada suara Fany, Sunny n Sica.

@bottle: to me Sooyoung plg pandai bergaya among the rest of the girls =D

lilymaylily Publish time 25-8-2011 06:02 AM

@word: hahaha kalau baca tweets n comments kat yt mmg diaorg butthurt tapi sikit ja. Kira mcm melepas la sbb lagu ni mmg style snsd sgt. Kalau dgr lagu tu pun mcm ada suara Fany, Sunny n Sica. Sones selalu guna lagu ni utk bgm buat FMV.

@bottle: to me Sooyoung plg pandai bergaya among the rest of the girls =D

wordlife Publish time 25-8-2011 09:34 PM

Reply 169# lilymaylily

dah tgk fmv nehh :lol:

cr : hereaftersone

dia ni mmg antara sone fmv uploader terbaik {:1_152:}
fmv dia semua epic2, gempak2 {:1_132:}
sedih sgt tgk kisah cinta yuri & yoona tak kesampaian :'(


cr : hereaftersone gak

kisah cinta taengsic yg tragis :mad:
sedih aku taengoo ignore jeh sica :'(
tiap kali tu fany mst ade :lol:

satu tahun kemudian, taengoo menyesal :laugh3:
pastu sica lari ke yuri ;P

SISzINTAN Publish time 26-8-2011 01:51 AM

Post Last Edit by SISzINTAN at 26-8-2011 01:54


comey giler...
sila cari perbezaan sica ngn puppy ni..haha..cam xde beza kn;Pcr-sica soompi

random pic

lilymaylily Publish time 26-8-2011 01:51 AM

Hahaha tak leh terima fmv mcm gini hahaha tak dpt menghayati.

SISzINTAN Publish time 26-8-2011 01:53 AM

SUJU’s Eunhyuk and SNSD’s Tiffany land debut musical roles for ‘FameIt’s been revealed that Super Junior’s Eunhyuk and SNSD’s Tiffany will be making their musical debuts through ‘Fame‘.For those of you who are unfamiliar with the musical, ‘Fame’ was viewed by nearly 4 million people from 1995 to 2006, and with an estimated revenue of 56,000,000 pounds, it’s the best-selling West Endtheater musical to date. The musical has gained international recognition, with over 300 productions shown in 16 different countries. This time, ‘Fame’ will be revamped for the Korean audience with an upgraded stage and outstanding cast line-up.Using a performing arts school as a backdrop, the musical will incorporate acting, ballet, and violin and wind instrument performances to create a dramatic and entertaining storyline.Son Ho Young, Super Junior’s Eunhyuk, SNSD’s Tiffany, CSJH’s Lina, and Trax’s Jungmo will portray the lives and hardships endured by the top students of ‘P.A Performing Arts School’, who strive to be the top 1% of their class by excelling in singing, dancing, and acting.The cast will have two actors for each character: Son Ho Young and actor Ko Eun Sung as ‘Nick Piazza,’ Eunhyuk and actor Kim Dae Hyun as ‘Tyron Jackson,’ Tiffany and actress Shin Yi Jung as ‘Carmen Diaz’, Lina and actress Choi Joo Ri as ‘Serena Katz,’ and Jungmo and gypsy violinist Lee Il Geun as ‘Schlomo Metzenbaum.’The first batch of tickets for ‘Fame’ will go on sale on September 6th, and the musical will play at the Olympic Park Woori Finance Art Hall from November 25th to January 29th of next year.Source + Photo: TV Report via Natecr-allkpop

taengsic dah..fany pulak dlm musical....ngn eunhyuk...go fany go fany{:1_152:}

wordlife Publish time 26-8-2011 02:35 AM

Post Last Edit by wordlife at 26-8-2011 02:37

Reply 171# SISzINTAN

comel nya sica ni :loveliness:
she used to be lead dancer of snsd kan? :lol:
ada tertengok klip kt star king dia buat popping dance, pastu wave dance lagi {:1_152:}

kenapa sekarang ni nak lari pun malas :'(
mcm tak percaya je dia antara front lead dancer utk snsd disamping hyoyeon dulu :mad:

what make her totally change? :(

SISzINTAN Publish time 26-8-2011 06:09 AM

Reply 174# wordlife

popping???wave penah la tengok...popping dance tu wowod tgk mane??ade link x..intan try search...ade yg hyo nye jek..sicanye xde plak...

net_level Publish time 26-8-2011 06:51 AM

aku baru pas donlot dvd konsert snsd ni.... 4gb+ :lol:
terbaekk wohhh...
dengar fanchanting namja2 dah macam kat perbarisan je :lol:

wordlife Publish time 26-8-2011 01:14 PM


popping???wave penah la tengok...popping dance tu wowod tgk mane??ade link x.. ...
SISzINTAN Post at 26-8-2011 06:09 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

tgk dkt video dr laptop kawan. {:1_152:}
rancangan star king. :loveliness:
kalo link payah sikit la, sbb SBS kan jenis cepat je block video2 yg bwh SBS :lol:

wordlife Publish time 26-8-2011 01:15 PM

aku baru pas donlot dvd konsert snsd ni.... 4gb+
terbaekk wohhh...
dengar fanchanting namja2 ...
net_level Post at 26-8-2011 06:51 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

gegeh download 4gb :'(

net_level Publish time 26-8-2011 04:52 PM

Reply 178# wordlife

    4 jam baru siap :lol:

lilymaylily Publish time 26-8-2011 05:20 PM

Sica buat popping? Woh tak pernah tgk pun. Cute gila Sica n puppy tu. Yep, I see no difference lol

Fany dpt buat musical, congrats! Siapa lg yg pernah mention yg dia nak buat musical? Was it maknae atau Sy? Hrp diaorg slowly dpt buat solo activities balik since Fany buat musical.

Dvd baru dpt mmg lmbt gila. So raya ni aktiviti tgk dvd! Yahoo!
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