outLAw Publish time 15-8-2011 08:30 PM

Antis take this!
my girls singing live hokay?? :o


wordlife Publish time 15-8-2011 09:57 PM

Antis take this!
my girls singing live hokay??
outLAw Post at 15-8-2011 20:30 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

aku dengar jeritan je kuat :lol:

outLAw Publish time 15-8-2011 10:02 PM

Reply 122# wordlife

pakaila earphone/headphone..
u can clearly hear it.. masa part fany

wordlife Publish time 15-8-2011 10:10 PM


cr : crazycarrotnew210

i can see the pink river here! {:1_152:}
k-sone jjang :loveliness:

wordlife Publish time 15-8-2011 10:15 PM

Reply 123# outLAw

pakai headphone la ni.. :$
maksud aku.. lepas music stop tu aku dgr jeritan je kuat :lol:
dorang nyanyi sekejap je kan pastu stop ;P

wordlife Publish time 15-8-2011 10:18 PM

oh tidak!!!!.. :'(
sica & taecyeon spotted together again :L
aku redha je lah kalau mereka mmg btol2 ada perasaan sesama sendiri walaupun aku tak berkenan :mad:

sica, get ready to be bashed again like what you got when the WGM rumors pop up long time ago :sleepy:

Bobola Publish time 15-8-2011 10:53 PM

oh tidak!!!!..
sica & taecyeon spotted together again
aku redha je lah kalau mereka mmg bto ...
wordlife Post at 15-8-2011 22:18 http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

    well korang pun tahukan betapa aku mmg tak suka TaecSica haha... aku mmg alergik 10000000000% lol..
tpi IF betul tu fate dorang biarkan je la.. asalkan Sica happy....

lilymaylily Publish time 16-8-2011 11:34 PM

Post Last Edit by lilymaylily at 17-8-2011 00:08

Org pun tak berkenan sgt Taec but if she's happy with him tak kisah la. Tapi hati kuat mengatakan yg diaorg kawan ja (mungkin sbb baru baca yg Jess gay lol alih alih kata dating dgn Taec pula)
Anyway remix ni best la


wordlife Publish time 17-8-2011 01:52 AM

Org pun tak berkenan sgt Taec but if she's happy with him tak kisah la. Tapi hati kuat mengatakan yg ...
lilymaylily Post at 16-8-2011 23:34 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

official remix ke ni? :loveliness:
setelah 2 tahun baru keluar remix official :lol:

wordlife Publish time 17-8-2011 03:22 AM


perhatikan Endo Im Yoona aka Black Guy tu :$
he owned them! :lol:
movement dia sgt sharp okeh! ;P

kiwibenz Publish time 17-8-2011 05:09 AM

woot! check in...:$
adakah mek terlambat untuk umah baru:funk:

lilymaylily Publish time 17-8-2011 06:36 AM

@word: official tak silap sbb e-tribe yg buat.

Lambat la kiwi. Org siap dah tukar avatar lol

wordlife Publish time 17-8-2011 04:27 PM

ada kemungkinan tak SNSD dtg Malaysia utk Korean Music Wave KL tu? :funk:
walaupun tak confirm lagi, aku mcm berharap sangat :'(
late September? duh, time promote comeback song tu.. :mad:

wordlife Publish time 17-8-2011 04:28 PM

ada kemungkinan tak SNSD dtg Malaysia utk Korean Music Wave KL tu? :funk:
walaupun tak confirm lagi, aku mcm berharap sangat :'(
late September? duh, time promote comeback song tu.. :mad:

Bobola Publish time 17-8-2011 09:32 PM

Reply 134# wordlife

    hum susah la.. depa susah nak dapat :(

kita harap2 je la yg terbaik...lgpun september ni dorang bz comeback.. unless organizer nk buat ala2 Mubank kt Malaysia tu leh ar dak2 yg buat comeback time tu perform..

aku rasa mesti dorang amek byk rookies je... :cf:

wordlife Publish time 18-8-2011 05:37 AM


    hum susah la.. depa susah nak dapat

kita harap2 je la yg terbaik...l ...
Bobola Post at 17-8-2011 21:32 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

opening act by Gula Gula, Max247, P.Rince, VIP :$


wordlife Publish time 18-8-2011 05:52 AM

'Hikkup', 'Time Machine' are names of SNSD's new songs. (via Yurui912)

rumour guests and venue for today Running Man filming...

Guests : SNSD's Taeyeon and Tiffany , Park Bo Young and Park Ha Sun
Venue : Jeju Island

source : http://gall.dcinside...459&page=1&bbs=

* KJK's Cafe also posted the same venue but no guests mentioned.*

cr : snsd & running man soompi thread :loveliness:

Bobola Publish time 18-8-2011 08:36 AM

hum... Running Man tu tak benar pun... huhu...
false rumor.. hum
mengidam lagi la tgk SNSD dlmRM

SISzINTAN Publish time 18-8-2011 04:20 PM

oh yeke??punye la excited nk tgk taeny dalam RM..
tapi ade fans sane tangkap gambar taeny kat shopping mall...mungkinkah???

Bobola Publish time 18-8-2011 05:28 PM

oh yeke??punye la excited nk tgk taeny dalam RM..
tapi ade fans sane tangkap gambar taeny kat shopp ...
SISzINTAN Post at 18-8-2011 16:20 http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

    no... they all already clarified as false rumor..
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