wordlife Publish time 10-8-2011 11:50 PM

maknanya ko dah xlama la tu...
baek ko g mintak ampun kat budak2 biru or itam yg penah ko wat ...
outLAw Post at 10-8-2011 23:45 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

motif suka sebut biru & hitam? :vmad3:
nak geng ngn dorang kah? :lol:

rumah dorang kt cari ni pun ada je.. pi la masuk :$

SISzINTAN Publish time 11-8-2011 12:06 AM

ni gbr ajaib yg wowod nk tepek...



wowod..hang xle copy paste dr allkpopnye pic..mmg xle view kat mane2 pon..kene upload baru..sekian

wordlife Publish time 11-8-2011 12:14 AM

ni gbr ajaib yg wowod nk tepek...

wowod..hang xle copy paste dr allkpopny ...
SISzINTAN Post at 11-8-2011 00:06 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif


oh yeke, baru ku tahu.
maceh ye cik intan :loveliness:

mana tau nak post pic tu? :funk:
hebak mung nehh~ :lol:

Bobola Publish time 11-8-2011 12:19 AM

Happy birthday tok Intan {:1_152:}

wordlife Publish time 11-8-2011 12:27 AM

birthday intan kan??? {:1_152:}
baling tepungggggggggggggggggggggg :lol:

SISzINTAN Publish time 11-8-2011 12:35 AM

Reply 83# wordlife

hahaha...sebab aku copy dr allkpop mende yg same kuar;P
OT--ehem...thanks kaka aj dan wowod chingoo...:$
bape hari lagi ari jadik kaka aj pulak..hihi:P

miraliyana Publish time 11-8-2011 07:35 AM

Post Last Edit by miraliyana at 11-8-2011 07:37

teaser baru BAD GIRL {:1_152:}{:1_152:}{:1_152:}

x blh nk expect apa2 la dari SM seperti biasa diorg hnya akan dance around jer... huhuhu :(
nasib baik diorg punya outfit and the girls sendiri yg wat teaser ni mmg totally worth untuk tgk...
Tiffany, Sooyoung, Sica!!!! walau Sica nmpk mcm start lmbt skit... well seperti moto dia, "Walau lambat jgn sekali - kali lari" hahaha :lol:

hari ni birthday Cik Intan ke? Selamat hari jadi!!! {:1_152:}

miraliyana Publish time 11-8-2011 08:18 AM



let's party!!!!

lilymaylily Publish time 11-8-2011 12:36 PM

Yeap. As expected ini hanya dance MV ya tapi masing masing sgt hot! Semua org akan tau diaorg dah tak cute lagi lol

bottle_boy Publish time 11-8-2011 08:10 PM

taken from FB~

Running Into The Sun
‎ "You better run run run run run..."
27 minutes ago

my goodness!! {:3_98:}

organizer sndirik dah maen teaser! {:3_101:}

bottle_boy Publish time 11-8-2011 08:11 PM


let's party!!!!
miraliyana Post at 11-8-2011 08:18 http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

macam ni lah baru best! very the bad girl.yeah i like {:3_85:}

SISzINTAN Publish time 11-8-2011 08:30 PM


bad girl nye dance ni sekali tengok pening betol...:P

wordlife Publish time 12-8-2011 03:32 AM

mv Bad Girl ada feeling2 RDR bila tengok {:1_152:}

kiku_zakura Publish time 12-8-2011 06:31 AM

Reply 93# wordlife

mmg pun...;P

Bad Girl vs Run Devil Run


cr: tumblr

wordlife Publish time 13-8-2011 01:10 AM


mmg pun...

Bad Girl vs Run Devil Run

cr: tumblr
kiku_zakura Post at 12-8-2011 06:31 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

by far this is their least fav choreo yet for me :L
the movement is all around, weird though~ :mad:

wordlife Publish time 13-8-2011 01:21 AM

SNSD has confirmed their Korean comeback with their third official album next month! {:1_152:}

While taking part in the Hallyu wave over in Japan, the girls have been secretly working on their third album recordings. They’ve been balancing out a proper release date, and finally decided on September.

A representative revealed, “SNSD mentioned that they would be making their comeback this fall, but they’ve recently confirmed September as their comeback month. They’re still in the middle of recording, so they could adjust the date by a week or two.”

Fans will also be excited to hear that it won’t be a mini-album or a digital single, but a full fledged official album, their first in nearly a year and eight months.

Other entertainment labels are currently delaying comebacks and debuts in order to avoid direct competition. One representative said, “All the attention will be on SNSD anyway, so it’s useless to go head-to-head. On top of that, it’s an official album, so it’s likely that they will just sweep the charts.” --->too good to be true ;P

Stay tuned to allkpop for more updates!

bring it on~ :lol:

SISzINTAN Publish time 13-8-2011 01:49 AM

Reply 95# wordlife

ken..?:o..intan ingat intan jek yg rase cam tu:Lpening sokmo...hoho...rindu dance cam time ITNW...:P

Bobola Publish time 13-8-2011 01:58 AM

aku suke jek bad girl nyer dance.. tatau nape ramai idak kekeke... bad ass je

wordlife Publish time 13-8-2011 02:24 AM


ken..?..intan ingat intan jek yg rase cam tupening sokmo...hoho...rindu danc ...
SISzINTAN Post at 13-8-2011 01:49 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

ni lisette ke yg choreo *RDR choreographer* ke orang lain? :funk:
aku suka choreo si lisette tu, energetic. tgk aja dkt RDR! sharp & smooth je {:1_152:}

yes, rindu ngn ITNW choreo dorang tp ITNW is sooo yesterday actually :'(
korean people tends to like repeatative songs with cute choreo or sexy only :L
i doubt SME gonna let they do ITNW v2 :mad:

hopefully End Of A Fairytale comeback akan ada badass choreo, Lisette please do the choreo please {:1_152:}
Rino pun not bad, cuma jgn mcm Bad Girl ni ;P

wordlife Publish time 13-8-2011 02:26 AM

aku suke jek bad girl nyer dance.. tatau nape ramai idak kekeke... bad ass je
Bobola Post at 13-8-2011 01:58 http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

xde movement yg memorable kecuali random nari ramai2 mase nk dkt hujung lagu tu :funk:
serius mcm pelik sikit bila tgk.. biasa kan dorang in sync @ menari dlm barisan :lol:

ni aku tgk mcm freestyle dance plak, dah hilang idea ke atau mrk mmg saje xnk menari sgt simpan tuk Korean Comeback :$
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