SISzINTAN Publish time 26-8-2011 10:32 PM

aku baru pas donlot dvd konsert snsd ni.... 4gb+
terbaekk wohhh...
dengar fanchanting namja2 ...
net_level Post at 26-8-2011 06:51 AM

anyyeong amek link sedut kat ne??intan carik gak seblom ni xde pulak..

SISzINTAN Publish time 26-8-2011 10:34 PM

Reply 180# lilymaylily

rase macam da xsempat dah nak wat aktiviti solo...fany jela kot..lagipun depa nk start promot album baru bulan depan kan...xsabarnye..{:1_152:}

pickpocket Publish time 26-8-2011 10:38 PM

waaaa dapat tgk diorng full perf mase diorng performed
kat Yoyogi solo concert giler best.. {:1_152:}

suke sangat dpt tgk perf Born to be a Lady, I'm in Love with The Hero,
Beautiful Stranger and banyak lg.. h0000t~ {:1_152:}

SISzINTAN Publish time 26-8-2011 11:41 PM

Reply 183# pickpocket

annyeong picpocket...yoyogo concert ni yg mane eh???arena tour tu ke???
banyak tol concert sampai keliru da...
sedut kt mane??:$

net_level Publish time 27-8-2011 01:44 AM

anyyeong amek link sedut kat ne??intan carik gak seblom ni xde pulak..
SISzINTAN Post at 26-8-2011 22:32

    anyyeong :lol:
bleh sedut kat <sini>
btw masa concert ni lagu RDR dengan Hoot tak release lagi eh? :o

SISzINTAN Publish time 27-8-2011 02:02 AM


dah jumpe da tadi mase jalan2 kat blog tuh..
anyway thanks eh...

tertanya2 la..bile la soshi nk wat variety show...rindu la...
teringin nk tgk cmne relationship dorg skang..rase cam de xkene jek la ni..
dorg mcm xrapat mcm prasan aku jek..:L

wordlife Publish time 27-8-2011 03:30 AM


dah jumpe da tadi mase jalan2 kat blog tuh..
anyway thanks eh...

tertanya2 la..bile la ...
SISzINTAN Post at 27-8-2011 02:02

biasa la tu. bila masing2 dah bz :funk:
tp rasanya soshi bond antara bonding yg terkuat so far tak pernah dilanda masalah mcm group2 lain.. {:1_152:}
so kita doakan dorang kekal sampai bila2 :lol:

dorang comeback lepas chuseok ek? *mcm mana eja dia* :L
itu mcm perayaan hari raya kt korea ke? :$

net_level Publish time 27-8-2011 07:39 PM

Reply 187# wordlife

    chuseok tuh macam thanksgiving... sempena harvest festival....

SISzINTAN Publish time 27-8-2011 08:13 PM


chuseok=korean thanksgiving...:)
tu la..harap soshi rapat cam dulu..xde gado2...
nk variety show...:(

lilymaylily Publish time 27-8-2011 10:14 PM

Bagi org diaorg ok ja. Takda nampak gaduh cuma bila penat biasa la kan, muka masing masam plus tak ckp byk. Lagi satu diaorg dah besar sikit so masing2 dah matang. Lagi pulak mesti diaorg ada rasa burden sikit sbb ye la, Asia's top girl group, nak kena menten semua.

Anyway korang selamat hari raya! Sorry kalau ada tersilap bahasa buat korang terasa spjg berforum ni.

pickpocket Publish time 28-8-2011 02:33 AM

Reply 184# SISzINTAN

da download? best dapat tgk diorng nye full perf. tmbah2 Japanese songs. :D

SISzINTAN Publish time 28-8-2011 03:45 AM


dalam proses mendownload..2 concert sekaligus...:shakehead3:bengkok tulang tunggu ni..

oh tadi jalan2 kat allkpop...jumpe ni..
xsangka hyoyeon ngn min kawan baik..;P
pssstt-hyo makin lawa en..ehem2...

af_1993 Publish time 28-8-2011 02:13 PM

org download yg arena syg diorang potong solo tk best sgt{:2_77:}

wordlife Publish time 29-8-2011 03:16 PM

org download yg arena syg diorang potong solo tk best sgt
af_1993 Post at 28-8-2011 14:13

arena tour? link download pelish :$
sejak 2 menjak ni internet kt rumah dah makin laju plak.. :loveliness:
tak sure la ayah dah upgrade kelajuan ke, tapi bila dah laju ni harus download mcm2 ;P
p/s dorang comeback September ke October? sebab dkt Allkpop tulis October plak dgn IU mcm keling lah!!! :mad:

wordlife Publish time 29-8-2011 03:26 PM

bila dapat tau yang dorang tak tersenarai utk Korean Music Wave Malaysia tu, aku mcm lega sikit sebab tak payah pergi :lol:

sebab pre-sale ticket sangat awal, masa merdeka :'(
orang tgh sibuk beraya time tu, sah2 tuk kroni2 tertentu je tiket tuh dijual :re:

artis2 dia pun tak bape aku berkenan kecual FT ISLAND. Big Bang ada, tp fav aku si Taeyang & Daesung takde dtg so lagi la senang buat keputusan tanak pergi ;P

korang ada yang pergi ke? :$

wordlife Publish time 29-8-2011 05:48 PM

Oh no Sooyoung~ ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

SNSD’s Sooyoung was involved in a car accident Sunday morning, injuring her backbone area, which will temporarily suspend all of her activities, local media reported today.

According to local media, Sooyoung was on her way to the city of Chun An around 9AM on August 28th when the car on the opposite lane crashed into her vehicle. Sooyoung was heading to a charity event for blind people, and the accident was caused by the opposite driver’s careless driving, it was reported.

Sooyoung’s doctor diagnosed her with a fractured backbone and told her to immediately suspend all activities for an extended break. Therefore, Sooyoung will not be able to attend the “SM TOWN LIVE” event in Tokyo on September 2nd and SNSD’s concert in Taiwan either, as she will focus on her recovery.

We’ll keep you updated as we get more news. Stay tuned!

cr :

nampak gaya nya mmg akan tunda la korean comeback dorang :(
harap dia dpt recover cepat.. {:1_152:}

pickpocket Publish time 29-8-2011 06:52 PM

The comeback will be delayed :'(

get well soon Sooyoung

af_1993 Publish time 29-8-2011 09:03 PM

Reply 194# wordlife
web plg best nk mendownload segala MVs/perfs

nk simpan duit pi 2pm concert{:2_76:}

SISzINTAN Publish time 29-8-2011 10:27 PM

Tae Yeon is confirmed to appear in High School Musical (Korean Version)! She will be acting as Gabriella Montez while Tae Yang from Big Bang will act as Troy Bolton! Jessica and Onew from SHINee will act as the brother-sister Ryan and Sharpay

cr-sica's soompi

alahai mesti cumel onsica...taetae jadik hero heroin..xsabarnye nak tengok...
harap2 betol la..n bukan setakat khabar angin jek..ehem:$

hope sooyoung cepat sembuh la ni banyak accident yg libatkan artis...
random pic


lilymaylily Publish time 29-8-2011 11:03 PM

Yg HSM to false rumor kan? Tak pasal pasal VIP bash Taeyeon kat twitter malam tadi ;__;

Get well soon Sooyoung. Gila terkejut bila baca tadi. Serious sangat tak suka benda-benda macam ni jadi T_T harap dia cedera tak teruk sangat. Takpa la delay comeback. Buat la early comeback next year, boleh angkut Daesang sekali next year mcm time Oh! last year lol
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