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62% Boss Penjawat Awam Adalah Perempuan

2-5-2014 11:08 AM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 31356| Komen: 523

PUTRAJAYA, 30 April - Kira-kira 62 peratus atau 205,557 orang penjawat awam di peringkat pengurusan dan profesional tahun lepas adalah wanita.

Timbalan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun berkata beliau yakin pencapaian itu akan merintis laluan untuk mereka mendaki tangga kerjaya ke jawatan lebih tinggi.

Bercakap pada penutupan Persidangan Kepimpinan Wanita Dalam Sektor Awam dan Swasta di sini hari ini, beliau berkata Malaysia mengakui kepentingan bakat dan keupayaan wanita dalam persekitaran di tempat kerja.

Sementara itu, berhubung dasar untuk mencapai sekurang-kurangnya 30 peratus wanita sebagai pembuat keputusan dalam sektor awam yang diumumkan kerajaan pada 2004, beliau berkata ia telahpun melepasi sasaran.

"Peratusan melibatkan pembuat keputusan dalam sektor awam yang hanya 18.8 peratus pada 2004 telah meningkat kepada 30.5 peratus pada 2009, 31.7 peratus pada 2012 dan 33.7 peratus tahun lepas," katanya.

Azizah berkata Malaysia turut mencatatkan perkembangan memberangsangkan untuk merapatkan jurang jantina dalam bidang profesional.

Sebagai contoh, pada 2013, wanita membentuk 64.3 peratus daripada semua doktor gigi di negara ini, 50.3 peratus akauntan, 50.5 peratus peguam, 47.8 peratus doktor perubatan, 43.2 peratus juruukur bahan, 41.5 peratus doktor veterinar dan 34.7 peratus arkitek, katanya.








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Quote ifanonline 30-4-2014 08:00 PM
Dan 60% adalah andartu
Quote mommymonster82 30-4-2014 08:01 PM
Bos perempuan emosi...
Pastu suka dibodek...
Pastu suka sibuk dgn keceriaan.. Suh hias begitu begini...
Quote tongkatwaran75 30-4-2014 08:03 PM
Bila dah panel, sume pompuan...
yg dipilih pun pompuan jugak...

takut nak pilih lelaki...
sebab takut kena kontrol atau tidak upaya nak kontrol...
Quote ifanonline 30-4-2014 08:05 PM
Ini satu malapetaka buat negara
Quote ifanonline 30-4-2014 08:07 PM
Kebanyakan boss pompuan adalah andartu...penuh emosi, dendam, gemok cam tong drum, suka bawa mulut, etc
Quote TuntungReturn 30-4-2014 08:14 PM
ifanonline posted on 30-4-2014 08:07 PM
Kebanyakan boss pompuan adalah andartu...penuh emosi, dendam, gemok cam tong drum, suka bawa mulut,  ...

gemok cam tong drum nak tegelak aku
Quote mak_wa95 30-4-2014 08:18 PM
Bos pompuan emosi..mulut mengalahkan jebon....hahahaha,
Quote TuntungReturn 30-4-2014 08:18 PM

aku dpt bos pompuan pling tensen...dh la aku ni jarang cuti..sekali nak cuti die bleh tny "apa u punya pencapaian bulan ni nk i lulus u punya cuti?"...mintak seari ja pun..kalo bos laki anytime bleh cuti..die pun paham kite,kite pun paham die..bos pompuan pikir ikot emosi cm tu la..
Quote Ppaw 30-4-2014 08:21 PM
tak suka bos perempuan....
Quote fredbok87 30-4-2014 08:22 PM
mak_wa95 posted on 30-4-2014 08:18 PM
Bos pompuan emosi..mulut mengalahkan jebon....hahahaha,

Quote cmf_rambutan 30-4-2014 08:24 PM
emosi dan suka dikipas.....

dan organisasi bawah mereka selalu tak ceria... musuh2.. masam muka... Last edited by cmf_rambutan on 30-4-2014 08:25 PM

Quote dragger 30-4-2014 08:27 PM
HOD aku pun pompuan.. cina.. tp perangai x semenggah.. ada je x kena.. tp mane staff yg x puas hati selamba je lawan balik HOD aku ni.. pastu esok dah ok balik... keh2.. perangai pelik2..
Quote ifanonline 30-4-2014 08:36 PM
sebenarnya dlm islam, wanita tak boleh jadi ketua
Quote mbhcsf 30-4-2014 08:37 PM
but then you know ....u do not want Italian man as your boss...kot...sekali marah  beberapa harkat boleh dengaq tonal language plak
Quote maizana 30-4-2014 08:42 PM
Profession I cuma 34.7 peratus jer.
Quote ifanonline 30-4-2014 08:44 PM
women just can not manage...period
Quote CiliPadiSedap 30-4-2014 08:45 PM
mlaysia pun di pimpin bos perempuan. nasib baik barrack obama tak di peluk akak rosmah.
Quote miss_rose 30-4-2014 08:45 PM
Walau aku gegurl..aku tetap setuju komen2 diatas.. sbp aku pun pnh dpt boss pmpn..tiap2 hari aku memaki dia dlm hati... xsportg lgsg..last2 aku benti.. xtahan..dia plak meroyan xbgi aku benti..mula la ayat puji memuji memujuk kluar..akan bgi lyan yg baik..xkan marah2 lgi...sbp dia xreti buat keje semua nk ditala kat aku... ahhhh..tidakku percaya lgi semua tu.. Gudbye ladybossss
Quote kakiselit 30-4-2014 08:47 PM
I'm a Feminist But I Hate Working for Female Bosses*

3/17/2014  7:41pm

I have a confession to make — something I've never told anyone and would put me in a whole lot of hot water if it ever came out. I hate working for female bosses.

Although I am a staunch feminist, I cannot stand working for most of the women who have been my bosses. I'm no ingénue either. I have been in the workforce for 20 years, and I've worked in several jobs in the public and private sectors.

At this point in my career, I'd say my bosses have been roughly 70% female, 30% male. Nearly all of them had formal management training so any gross, inappropriate behavior is not for lack of knowledge. The experience I do have working for women is terrible, and in some ironic twist, the worst offenders are at women's organizations.

The upside to my negative experiences is that I've been able to nail down common characteristics of the Female Boss — a composite character of all the female bosses I have had.

During times of crisis, the Female Boss remains focused on personnel issues or inconsequential details.
My job requires me to work with the primary person of the office. When bad things happen, I literally don't have time to fxxk around. When I walk into the Female Boss's office, I come prepared to discuss the issue, strategize on a response, and move forward on specific actions.

What normally happens? The Female Boss thinks this is a prime opportunity to complain about the font size (Arial 10). Or bullet point formatting. Or margins. Or the fact that I squint when concentrate because that expression, "...looks like anger and that stresses [Female Boss] out!" Or the intern's two second delay in answering the phone ten months ago. Or the run in my pantyhose. Or the way I use a comma.

Instead of leaving her office with an action plan, I leave with an impromptu negative performance evaluation or edits to the logo that has been in place for at least a decade.

When things do not go as planned, the Female Boss begins and ends with the premise that a human (usually female) on her staff is to blame, especially in times of crisis.
I get it. People screw up, and those people should be blamed. But sometimes traffic is bad or a hurricane strikes or a vendor screws up. That's life. In my experience, the Female Boss assumes the mistake begins and ends with someone on her staff and conducts herself accordingly. Unfortunately rather than solving the problem, whatever it is, staff just end up playing some metaphorical game of pinball where everyone points fingers at everyone else.

If the mistake is clearly because of an external, unavoidable factor, the Female Boss will go to great lengths to ensure one of her staffers is blamed anyway. For example, during a natural disaster, one of the secretaries was blamed for not alerting the Female Boss fast enough to this new information. That delay was approximately one hour.

No one wants to be the target of the Female Boss' ire because...

When doling out criticism, the Female Boss starts out professional and ends up getting very personal.
We all went through 8th grade where we learned that "totally helpful friend" wasn't really helpful at all. You know that girl. She wants to let you know that all the girls think your outfit is stupid and the guys on the football team were laughing at your training bra unsnapping during gym class. Oh but that girl never did any of that. She is just helping you out by telling you all this nasty stuff that she'd never spread around.

Whatever happened to her? She is probably someone I worked for. I've had the Female Boss let me know that "others have complained" about my "snappy" behavior without bothering to give examples. The Female Boss also lets me know that my face defaults to a frown and my voice is too sharp without blinking an eye at the male colleague who continually slams his fist (in anger) down on the conference room table during meetings.

The Female Boss has repeatedly questioned and criticized my intelligence on the most basic issues. A standard scenario is for her to quiz me on a particular issue, but when I go to answer, she'll cut me off five seconds in to tell me I didn't give enough detail therefore proving that I lack "true insight and understanding" into the office's mission. She will do this regardless of who is around.

Overall demeanor is unpredictable on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.
In one week, a Female Boss threatened my job, insulted my IQ, asked about my personal life, and then invited me out for drinks for "girl talk." Every morning, I was never sure what feedback I was going to get, which kept me on my toes all the time. (I guess that was the point.) But I could never relax and be truly productive.

Raises, performance evaluations, and other Female Boss feedback are largely based on whether or not she likes the individual personally as opposed to workplace output.

In all my jobs, I've worked my ass off to do the best that I can. My resume and job progression reflect that. Sure some former boss's might differ on that evaluation, but I can guarantee I worked extremely hard. But did that matter come raise time? fxxk no.

I've had a couple of jobs where our salaries were public. When I asked for a $5,000 raise, I quite often heard all about budget cuts, sacrificing for the greater good, making tough decisions, and "maybe next year." But a few weeks later, budget cuts didn't seem to be an issue for my fellow male executive who landed himself a $15,000 raise that he didn't ask for! In the middle of a recession. Impressive!

What's really sad is that two of the women I worked for had zero problems with female staffers walking out the door to better offers. But when it came to male staffers even hinting they would leave? Out came the pleas and requests for how to make those men stay. "I can't function without you," were the exact words the Female Boss said to a guy who acted like answering phone calls and emails were optional work activities.

What is at the root of all this erratic behavior? My one and only guess is insecurity, and I can see where it comes from.

Even though women have broken barriers in education, degrees, medicine and law, and managerial positions, we still don't see other women at the highest levels of power in this country. A woman who looks around the room and doesn't see people who look like her? She probably thinks that the ability to achieve what she has achieved is finite for her gender. Therefore if another female contender achieves success on that same path, that success will take away from any current women's accomplishments and rob potential the potential for more achievement for other women since it is doled out so rarely.

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