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Pemuda Hilang Kereta Dilarikan Penjenayah.

22-11-2013 04:52 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 11243| Komen: 59

Pemuda hilang kereta dilarikan penjenayah

Gambar hiasan

KUALA LUMPUR 22 Nov. -  Seorang pemuda  berusia 25 tahun hilang setelah kereta yang dinaiki  bersama ibu bapanya dilarikan penjenayah di  sebuah stesen minyak berhampiran susur keluar  Lebuh Raya Guthrie, Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam  dekat sini malam tadi.

Dalam kejadian pukul 7 malam itu, mangsa,  Iskandar Zulkarnain Borhan dikatakan sedang  tidur di bahagian belakang kereta jenis Subaru XV  itu apabila ibu bapanya, Abdul Malik Abdul Latiff  dan Roswati Rahmat keluar untuk pergi ke tandas  stesen minyak berkenaan.

Abang mangsa, Fairuz Borhan,33, ketika  dihubungi berkata, ibu dan bapanya bersama  adiknya itu dalam perjalanan dari Melaka untuk  pulang ke rumah mereka di Sungai Buloh.

Katanya, susulan kejadian itu, satu laporan polis  telah dibuat di Ibu pejabat Polis Shah Alam kira-kira  9 malam tadi.







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Quote arasham 22-11-2013 12:28 PM
ada kat wall FB semlm . baca 2/3 kali ingatkan kuk pemuda DS ke lembam ke.
risau jugakkan kalau oku ni. tapi tak de mentioned pung.
semoga selamatlah hendaknya
Quote NIXAR 22-11-2013 12:28 PM
Home > News > Nation
Published: Friday November 22, 2013 MYT 8:28:00 AM
Updated: Friday November 22, 2013 MYT 8:32:20 AM
Did robbers drive off with car with 25-year-old man sleeping in it?
by nicholas cheng

KUALA LUMPUR: A 25-year-old man is feared to have been abducted by robbers who drove off with his mother's car whilst he was sleeping in it, at the Petronas station after the Bukit Jelutong toll plaza.

Student recruitment worker Iskandar Zulkarnain was fast asleep in the back of the white Subaru XV at around 7pm on Thursday, on the way home to Sungai Buloh.

His mother Riswati Rahmat, 55 pulled over by the side of the highway near the station.

"She wanted to use the washroom but there were a lot of cars parked at the station so she left Iskandar and the car at the side of the road.

"When she came back around 10 minutes later, the car and my brother was gone," said Iskandar's elder brother Fairuz Borhan, 33.

He said calls to Iskandar's phone has been switched off and calls to his mother's phone which was also left in the car were unanswered.

"We tried looking at the CCTV footage in the station but the car was parked in a blindspot so we don't know what has happened.

"But I think the car was stolen with Iskandar in it," said Fairuz, adding that the family had lodged a police report at the Shah Alam police headquarters.

People with information on the white Subaru XV with the plate number WXQ 191 are encouraged to contact the police at 03-55202222.
Quote Maideen. 22-11-2013 12:29 PM
Harus penjenayah tak sedar mamat tu sedang berdengkor kat seat belakang tuh......

Quote NIXAR 22-11-2013 12:30 PM
The Star ckp lain pulak. Utusan lain. ade kemungkinan x mamat ni larikan kete mak dia
Quote mikasa 22-11-2013 12:31 PM
NIXAR posted on 22-11-2013 12:30 PM
The Star ckp lain pulak. Utusan lain. ade kemungkinan x mamat ni larikan kete mak dia

boleh jadi jugak
Quote arasham 22-11-2013 12:33 PM
NIXAR posted on 22-11-2013 12:30 PM
The Star ckp lain pulak. Utusan lain. ade kemungkinan x mamat ni larikan kete mak dia

Quote NIXAR 22-11-2013 12:36 PM
arasham posted on 22-11-2013 12:33 PM

kita pun x tau kan. mana tau ade masalah peribadi. xkan xde saksi kan banyak kete katanya park kt situ

Quote vv2005 22-11-2013 12:37 PM
Quote NIXAR 22-11-2013 12:37 PM
mikasa posted on 22-11-2013 12:31 PM
boleh jadi jugak

polis akan siasat banyak kemungkinan pasal yg hilang dh dewasa plus normal

Quote Centurion 22-11-2013 12:38 PM
Aku br dpt tau family mamat ni dh jumpa dia...cuma x tau kisahnya je lg...
Quote jengkoil 22-11-2013 12:40 PM
Centurion posted on 22-11-2013 12:38 PM
Aku br dpt tau family mamat ni dh jumpa dia...cuma x tau kisahnya je lg...

Adakah ini cite villa vanilla episod 2?
Quote arasham 22-11-2013 12:40 PM
Centurion posted on 22-11-2013 12:38 PM
Aku br dpt tau family mamat ni dh jumpa dia...cuma x tau kisahnya je lg...

jumpa dia aje ke dgn kereta sekali?

Quote Maideen. 22-11-2013 12:41 PM
Mungkin jugak stesyen minyak tu keras tempatnya.........
Quote NIXAR 22-11-2013 12:41 PM
Centurion posted on 22-11-2013 12:38 PM
Aku br dpt tau family mamat ni dh jumpa dia...cuma x tau kisahnya je lg...

dh ade citer apdet nanti

Quote Centurion 22-11-2013 12:41 PM
jengkoil posted on 22-11-2013 12:40 PM
Adakah ini cite villa vanilla episod 2?

Jengx3 kita sm2 tungguuuu.....
Quote Centurion 22-11-2013 12:44 PM
arasham posted on 22-11-2013 12:40 PM
jumpa dia aje ke dgn kereta sekali?

Just dpt tau yg dia dah selamat...status keta aku x tau...
Quote hart_attack 22-11-2013 12:45 PM
ape citer...?kes culik kah
Quote annehuda 22-11-2013 12:45 PM
jgn kes villa nabilla tu udahle.. kate dilarikan perompak tp rupenye lari sendiri
Quote Centurion 22-11-2013 12:45 PM
NIXAR posted on 22-11-2013 12:41 PM
dh ade citer apdet nanti

Ok bosss...

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