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Isteri Fail Cerai&Tuntut Separuh Harta Achraf Hakimi, Bintang Bola Sepak Dibayar Gaji RM4.88 Juta Sebulan Pula Daftar 80% Harta Atas Nama Ibu

15-4-2023 03:49 PM| Diterbitkan: tatod| Dilihat: 5043| Komen: 92|Original author: Tatod

Pergolakan rumah tangga bintang bola sepak kebangsaan Morocco Achraf Hakimi dengan isterinya, Hiba Abouk menarik perhatian umum apabila berita tersebut tersebar dengan meluas.

Sebelum ini, aktres berpangkalan di Eropah itu mendakwa suaminya membawa wanita masuk ke kediaman mereka ketika dia dan dua anak sedang bercuti.

Atlet terkenal itu turut berdepan pertuduhan melakukan ‘gangguan menjijikkan’ terhadap wanita itu namun Achraf menafikan dakwaan terbabit dan ia masih dalam siasatan.

Dalam kemelut itu, suasana semakin hangat apabila Hiba pula nekad memfailkan perpisahan beserta tuntutan separuh harta suaminya bernilai 70 juta euro (RM338 juta). 

Sumber mengatakan Achraf adalah salah seorang pemain yang dibayar dengan gaji paling tinggi dalam senarai French League iaitu dengan purata 1 juta eura sebulan bersamaan RM4.88 juta.

Bagaimanapun, perancangan Hiba untuk menuntut wang daripada jutawan berkenaan tidak kesampaian. Selama ini, Achraf sudah mendepositkan 80% hartanya di bawah nama ibunya setiap bulan. 

Segala barang yang mahu dibeli akan melalui ibunya, jadi nama Achraf tidak direkodkan di bawah mana-mana aset berkenaan. Ini sekali gus mematahkah niat si menantu untuk memiliki harta berkenaan. - CARI









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Quote kakikuDibibirmu 15-4-2023 03:50 PM
@AbukRokok tersenyum sinis
Quote alesandra 15-4-2023 03:52 PM
Aku nak tergelak komen2 kt twitter.mamat ni pandai atau mak dia yg bijak
Quote sharlenetexas 15-4-2023 04:09 PM
Anak mak.

Quote Perawankota 15-4-2023 04:12 PM
Bijak2.. Mungkin sebab ni Ronaldo masih tak kawen2
Quote Buritan 15-4-2023 04:15 PM
Perawankota: Bijak2.. Mungkin sebab ni Rona ..[quote]kakikuDibibirmu: @AbukRokok tersenyum sinis

Aku geram dua dua eko ni..
Quote aechae 15-4-2023 04:24 PM
So bini jd cerai ke tidak?
Quote sharlenetexas 15-4-2023 04:25 PM
Mak tak marah ke anak menggatal dgn pompuan lain?

Quote sharlenetexas 15-4-2023 04:26 PM
Mak heols janda ke? Kalau janda, ada chance nak berlaki baru. Sekali dpt laki kaki kikis.

Quote epal_putih 15-4-2023 04:26 PM
Mak dia la yg bijal
Quote Decaffeinated 15-4-2023 05:50 PM
Agak selamat kalau dia the only child, if not kalau mak dia mati kena faraid dgn abang, kakak, adik.

Ikut jalan depan, belakang, tepi semua kena cuma kena pilih the least damage je lah.
Quote bakingsoda 15-4-2023 05:59 PM
hebat si achraf ni hakimi perangai bini, awal2 dah ada backup plan. maka terus hiba la si bini, laki ilang abouk pon tarak

Quote PULANGKAN 15-4-2023 06:15 PM
adan uke ie hikhikhik
Quote kechikchomel 15-4-2023 07:20 PM
Dapat adik beradik puaka, mak dia mati nanti dituntut harta tu
Quote plywood 15-4-2023 07:23 PM
kaya mcm ni mcm-mcm godaan perempuan datang. kena pulak bini dia spanish, dia dah buat persediaan lah tu...
Quote nazzse 15-4-2023 08:01 PM
Ex bini 12 tahun lagu tua daripada laki. Bijak buat plan awal
Quote Madel 15-4-2023 09:43 PM
Edited by Madel at 15-4-2023 01:47 PM

Ada anak2 ke tidak?
Kalau ada anak2, kesian kat anak2 juga bila Achraf ni mati tak ada apa tinggal utk anak2..
Dapat pulak mak pak sedara mcm Ali Putih., jenuh la mengemis.
Quote Suchi 16-4-2023 04:40 PM
Madel replied at 15-4-2023 09:43 PM
Ada anak2 ke tidak?
Kalau ada anak2, kesian kat anak2 juga bila Achraf ni mati tak ada apa tinggal u ...

Kan.. ada kot anak2.

Iols tak setuju pun cara achraf ni syukurlaa bukan laki iolss
Tah2 selama ni belanja umah bini yg tanggung
Quote Suchi 16-4-2023 04:41 PM
Jumpa kat fb yg tulis ni lelaki yaaach

My thoughts on #AchrafHakimi...

Achraf is trending for hiding his money under his mother's name to frustrate his wife's efforts to claim 50% of their estate.

Here are the facts:

1. Hiba Abouk, wife of Achraf Hakimi is a professional Spanish actress. She is not broke and definitely not a gold digger as many of you claim. She has her own money hence she never cared about Achraf sending all his money to his mother while she uses hers to run the home. In fact, in 2020, sportsmob called Hiba one of the RICHEST Spanish actresses.

2.  Hiba is one of the most intelligent actresses in Spain. She speaks Spanish, Arabic, French, English and Italian fluently. How many international languages do you speak?

3. Hiba Abouk is older than her husband Achraf by 12 years... Yes, 12 good years. She contributed in the background to his rise. Achraf was only 19 when they met.  Hiba is 36 years old now while Achraf is 24 years old. Achraf is a 24 year old mummy's boy - no real man should ever take lessons from such a young mummy's boy.

4. Achraf is not my hero. He is not the kind of man I would allow to marry my daughter. I see Reno has made him a hero, declaring him as wise as Solomon because he gave his money to his mother and not his wife.
Let me tell you something about Reno - his marriage with his first wife failed for a reason. He is currently married to an Ethiopian wife and believe me, he won't try what he did to his Nigerian wife with this Ethiopian wife.
Nigerian women are the most abused wives in the world. Trust me. That's why when our brothers take them overseas and their eyes open, they rebel. I'll talk about this some other time but let me warn you about motivational speakers like Reno - before you buy their ideology, ask questions about their marriage. If their so called wisdom was truly wise, why did it not save their home?
Any man who gives his mother all his money to hide it from his wife is not man enough and definitely not smart. Did you follow Bill Gates divorce? That's a smart divorce - they settled everything amicably and only went to court to sign the official paperwork.

5. There's a rape case against Achraf right now. Rape is a serious crime. You don't know what else his wife knows. We all recently condemned the #DalaiLama for asking a boy to suck his tongue. Why are you now making a hero out of a 24 year old mummy's boy whose rape case is now before a court?


Only a boy would give his money to his mother in order to hide it from his wife. And this also exposes the maturity of Reno. Stop taking relationship advice from boys. Achraf and the likes of Reno are men who give their mother money to hide from their wives.

For me, I raise men who are REAL MEN.... we don't give our mothers money to keep away from our partners. We give our spouses right to our wealth and if they ever ask for divorce, we give them a reasonable Portion of the wealth we built together, say goodbye and continue to be friends for the sake of the kids. That's how real men role.

My name is Charles Awuzie and Achraf is not my hero.
Quote Suchi 16-4-2023 04:44 PM
sharlenetexas replied at 15-4-2023 04:25 PM
Mak tak marah ke anak menggatal dgn pompuan lain?

Anak ada kes rogol lak tu gamaknya tu sbb bini nak minta cerai.

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