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Suri Rumah Manjakan Anak- Hanya Mandikan Dengan Susu Dan Madu, Hisap Puting Emas

4-7-2022 02:17 PM| Diterbitkan: CARI-MRO| Dilihat: 3101| Komen: 26

LONDON – Seorang bayi lelaki di Britain dimanjakan dengan kemewahan apabila dikatakan hanya mandi dengan susu dan madu, menghisap puting diperbuat daripada emas yang berharga £1,000 (RM5,334) serta memiliki banyak pakaian berjenama, lapor portal berita MailOnline 

Ibu kanak-kanak berkenaan, Kasey Akram, 32, berkata, dia suka memanjakan anak lelakinya, Jareem yang berusia setahun.

Suri rumah sepenuh masa itu telah membelanjakan beribu-ribu pound untuk anaknya dan berkata bahawa dia tidak boleh berhenti melakukannya.

Foto: SWNS

Beberapa barangan milik Jareem yang paling mewah termasuk seutas rantai Versace berharga £750 (RM4,001), gelang bertatahkan berlian berharga £925 (RM4,934) serta puting susu emas.

“Sebaik sahaja mempunyai anak lelaki, obsesi saya berubah daripada menjaga penampilan kepada memberi tumpuan untuk anak.

“Dia kanak-kanak lelaki paling comel di dunia. Saya bertengkar dengan rakan-rakan kerana jumlah wang yang dibelanjakan untuk Jareem.

“Saya akan memakai pakaian terpakai manakala dia memakai baju-T berharga £50 (RM266),” kata Kasey.

Wanita itu yang sebelum ini bekerja sebagai penari dan model berkata, dia pernah memiliki hasrat untuk tidak mempunyai anak, namun semua berubah selepas dia mengandungkan Jareem pada 2020. -CARI

Sumber: Kosmo








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Quote putera_daruna 4-7-2022 02:54 PM
dah dia mampu... nak suap emas pun tak apalah...
Quote Tinot7 4-7-2022 02:56 PM
alaa.. comeynya si jareem nih..
Quote dua_chzy 4-7-2022 03:13 PM
Selamat membesarkan firaun. Firaun dulu2 pun mandi susu madu segala kan.
Quote aechae 4-7-2022 03:19 PM
dua_chzy replied at 4-7-2022 03:13 PM
Selamat membesarkan firaun. Firaun dulu2 pun mandi susu madu segala kan.

X melekit ke??? Ke metafora je susu madu sume tu?
Quote dua_chzy 4-7-2022 03:24 PM
aechae replied at 4-7-2022 07:19 AM
X melekit ke??? Ke metafora je susu madu sume tu?

Tatau la in sheols kes sebab viral2 ni bukan boleh percaya sangat. Aiol pun tatau gimana rasanya mandi madu susu. Bikin kulit jadik halus mulus gebu katanya. Amalan ummah padang pasir dulu2. Firaun yang femes guna kaedah ini huntok lawa adelah Queen Cleopatra.
Quote CariMalay 4-7-2022 03:27 PM
Nampak macam umur 50 dah
Quote SonicSiLandak 4-7-2022 06:11 PM
bangsa etis
Quote prizadane 4-7-2022 06:14 PM
Couple terpaling rasa tercabar tak bila baca news ni?
Quote FOTHER-MUCKER 4-7-2022 06:25 PM
aechae replied at 3-7-2022 11:19 PM
X melekit ke??? Ke metafora je susu madu sume tu?

Shower gel / cream yang ada milk dan honey tu mungkin. Yang mahal.
Quote Samerosie 4-7-2022 06:28 PM
Eloklah malam2 dtg tikus lilas kokak anak kau.
Quote bakingsoda 4-7-2022 06:55 PM
dua_chzy replied at 4-7-2022 03:24 PM
Tatau la in sheols kes sebab viral2 ni bukan boleh percaya sangat. Aiol pun tatau gimana rasanya m ...

piraun mandi susu tu guna susu ape?
Quote Mary_jane 4-7-2022 06:57 PM
Comelnya Jareem. Kau jangan show off melampau kak, kang kena kidnap budak ni.
Quote FOTHER-MUCKER 4-7-2022 07:17 PM
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 4-7-2022 03:23 AM
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 4-7-2022 02:25 AM
Shower gel / cream yang ada milk dan honey tu mungkin. Yang mahal.

SNOOZE YOU LOSE I kicked my spoilt baby’s dad out of the house because he worked nights and would wake my little angel up

  • 9:19, 2 Jul 2022
  • Updated: 13:10, 2 Jul 2022

A MUM explained that she booted her partner out of their home because he got home from work late and disturbed their baby's sleep.
Mum Kasey Akram, 32, confessed to spending£1k a month pampering her precious one-year-old son Jareem.

Kasey explained that she didn't want her partner waking up Jareem when he came home

She confessed to spending a fortune of baby designer gear for the tiny tot
She even went as far as to say the baby's dad needed to sleep elsewhere to stop him disturbing Jareem's routine.

Kasey, of Sheffield, said: “As soon as I had my little boy, my obsession changed from how I looked to focusing on my son. What Jareem wants, Jareem gets.

“My ex-partner works nights and I told him he couldn’t stay in the house because he was upsetting my prince’s routine.

“His dad always say that when he turns 18 he’ll get a girlfriend and move out but I say, ‘No, we’ll have bunk beds when he’s too old to share a bed with me’.

Kasey also explained that she spends £1k on her boy each month, splashing out on designer gear while spending as little as possible on herself.

Kasey said: “If I want to spend the money on my son, that’s my choice.
“I don’t care if I walk around in Primark shoes as long as my prince has the best. He’s the loveliest little boy in the world and I’ve fallen out with friends over how much I’ve spent on him.

“I’ll be wearing charity shop clothes while he’s wearing a £50 T-shirt and, if I had the choice, I would walk around naked so he could wear what he want.

“My ex-partner showed me my bank statements and said it was ridiculous that I’m spending £250 a week on him.
“Whatever Jareem likes, he gets and, if I can’t afford it, I ring his dad and get the money. I’m not working at the moment.

“I do all this on benefits and the help of my ex-partner but he says I’m just chucking his money at Jareem and that’s where his issue comes in.”
She's also very careful about his diet, he's fed all-organic food, and Kasey refuses to let him drink tap water over fears he will develop breasts because of oestrogen levels.

“Whatever Jareem likes, he gets and, if I can’t afford it, I ring his dad and get the money. I’m not working at the moment.

I do all this on benefits and the help of my ex-partner but he says I’m just chucking his money at Jareem and that’s where his issue comes in.”

She's also very careful about his diet, he's fed all-organic food, and Kasey refuses to let him drink tap water over fears he will develop breasts because of oestrogen levels.

Quote edayildiz 4-7-2022 07:42 PM
poor kid, he's going to grow up to be a spoilt brat
Quote faraway1 4-7-2022 07:49 PM
Kalau mampu apa salahnya...
Quote dua_chzy 4-7-2022 09:10 PM
bakingsoda replied at 4-7-2022 10:55 AM
piraun mandi susu tu guna susu ape?

Susu kaldai masam katanya. Campoq madu dan essential oil.
Quote sukacactus 4-7-2022 10:51 PM
Si bapak tu dlm bising2 mulut, duit tetap dihulur gak
Gasak korang la
Quote kaedahnya 4-7-2022 11:47 PM
inilah yang dinamakan beradon.
stok stok duk masukkan anak dalam pertandingan ratu cantik budak kecik macam kat US tu hah.
Quote Minahbwgputih 5-7-2022 09:19 PM
Eloklah tu nanti jadi sitanggang

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